Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 352: The Green Fish Head Monster

"Zhou Tongtong, what are you doing?"

Zhou Tongtong heard a familiar voice behind her, turned her head and found that the person calling her was Wang Duoduo, an old classmate.

At this moment, Wang Duoduo, a cute little girl with short hair, looked at Zhou Tongtong suspiciously, and when she saw Zhou Tongtong turn around, revealing two little wild cats squatting on the ground in front of her, Wang Duoduo uttered a cry of surprise. call.

"Yeah! Kitty."

Said, Wang Duoduo immediately walked forward, the little black cat and the little white cat looked at Wang Duoduo who came in front of them, their eyes were full of vigilance.

"Zhou Tongtong, if you don't invite me to play with the kitty, we are still not friends!"

Wang Duoduo saw the little black cat and the little white cat looking at her vigilantly, she didn't reach out to touch them, then turned her head to look at Zhou Tongtong and said.

"I was too anxious just now, I forgot, I will call you next time..." Zhou Tongtong said.

Satisfied with his good friend's answer, Wang Duoduo nodded with a smile, and then said to Zhou Tongtong.

"Why aren't these two little guys afraid of you? On the contrary, they are afraid of me?"

"Xiao Hei, Xiao Bai, this is my good friend, don't be afraid of her." Zhou Tongtong said to the little black cat and the little white cat, then stretched out her tender little hand and patted their heads.

"Meow...we are not afraid of her." The little white cat said.

"Meow... yes! We are not afraid of her at all." The little black cat echoed.

Wang Duoduo heard Zhou Tongtong talking to the two little wild cats, and touched the heads of the two little wild cats very intimately. The two little guys didn't resist, and let her touch them, full of envy.

Zhou Tongtong also noticed that her good friend seemed to want to touch the two little wild cats very much, so she discussed with the two little guys.

"Xiao Hei, Xiao Bai, can you let my good friend touch it?"

Wang Duoduo's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and then she looked at the two little wild cats expectantly.

The little black cat and the little white cat glanced at Wang Duoduo who looked expectant, and they looked at each other. After thinking about it, since Zhou Tongtong asked them to ask, they should reluctantly let this human cub touch it. !

"Meow..." The little black cat and the little white cat nodded, Zhou Tongtong turned to look at his good friend, and said with a smile, "Wang Duoduo, little black and little white agreed, you can come over and touch them ... Be gentle! Don't use too much force."

"Yeah." Wang Duoduo nodded with permission, then squatted down, and stretched out her hands to the little black cat and the little white cat.

"Their bodies are so soft!"

Wang Duoduo touched the backs of the little black cat and the little white cat with her small hands, with bright smiles on her face.

Just like that, the two little girls squatted in front of the grove, obsessed with petting the cat and couldn't extricate themselves. They didn't come back to their senses until the bell for class rang.

"Drip ring..."

"Ah! The class bell is ringing." Wang Duoduo exclaimed.

"Xiao Hei, Xiao Bai, we are going back to the classroom for class, you should go home too!" Zhou Tongtong said, and then followed Wang Duoduo to the distant classroom.

"Meow..." The two little wild cats, who had been pushed to the point of falling asleep, got up from the grass and watched the two smaller figures running non-stop towards the classroom. They glanced at each other.

"Meow... the weather is getting hotter and hotter, let's go home!" said the little white cat, looking up at the sun in the sky.

"Meow... I'm a little hungry, let's find something to eat nearby before going back!" said the little black cat.

"Meow... we just had breakfast not long ago, why are you hungry again so quickly?" the little white cat asked suspiciously.

In the morning, the two of them ate a big mouse together, and then each got a small fish from the owner of the restaurant. Now the little white cat is still full!

"Meow... I don't know either! Anyway, I just feel hungry again." The little black cat raised its little paw and touched its stomach, and said.

"Meow... okay! Let's find something to eat nearby before going back." The little white cat said.

Then, the two little guys climbed up a big tree behind them, and left the school through the branches protruding from the school wall.


Spirit world.

Lin Li walked around the gourd-shaped hill, and soon saw a lake that couldn't be seen at a glance.

Bibo Lake is a freshwater lake with a large area of ​​more than 3 square kilometers. If it is placed on Blue Star, it can enter the world rankings, but in this spiritual world, a lake with such an area can only be said to be a Not a big lake.

The golden sun shines on the endless Bibo Lake, and the undulating lake surface reflects the dazzling light.

The trees on the shore of the lake are shady, and from time to time, groups of ordinary birds fly out of the trees and fly to the depths of Bibo Lake in the distance.

"Finally arrived at the destination." Lin Li came to the shore of the lake, looked at the beautiful scenery in front of him, and thought to himself, this place would be a good place for a picnic if there were no dangerous beasts infesting it.

Coming out of Dongwu City, there were very few human beings on the way. After arriving at the shore of the Bibo Lake, Lin Li stopped to look at the surrounding scenery. After a while, he saw the figures of several teams nearby. haunt.

There are as few as three or four people in these teams, and as many as a dozen people. You don't need to think about it, you know, they are all here to hunt for treasure.

According to some eyewitnesses in the caravan that passed by Bibo Lake before, they saw with their own eyes white-scaled gophers appearing here.

However, the area around Bibo Lake is not small, and it is not easy to find the nest of white-scaled gophers based on the information of a single lake.

But treasure hunting!If it is easy to find the treasure, there will be a huge crowd of people who come to hunt for the treasure.

The teams that came here to hunt for treasure basically had the attitude of trying their luck, and it didn't mean that they had to find it.

Before coming here, in addition to inquiring about the location of Bibo Lake, Lin Li also asked some information about the white-scaled gopher.

The white-scaled gopher, a strange animal, likes to build its own nest in lush grass or woods.

Therefore, if you want to find its nest, you must go to the woods on the shore of the lake or look for it in the lush grass.

After admiring the scenery of the surrounding lakes and mountains, Lin Li thought for a while, that he should also start looking for the white-scaled gopher's nest.

The huge sun in the sky, which is much bigger than the sun on the blue star, hangs in mid-air. As time goes by, it slowly climbs to the highest position.

This kind of search for the nest of white-scaled gophers in the mountains and plains is actually quite boring.

But when I think that as long as I can find its nest, I can harvest a pile of spirit stone mines, the boring search process becomes a bit exciting.

The treasure hunting team around the Bibo Lake is searching patiently.

After all, this place belongs to the wild, and it is normal for strange beasts to appear. Soon, when some treasure hunting teams entered the woods or grass, they were attacked by strange beasts hiding in the dark.


"Be careful."

"This guy is hiding so well that he almost killed me."

"Don't fight it in the grass, lure it out first."

Lin Li, who was hunting for treasure alone, heard the roar of strange beasts and panicked shouts from a distance, and looked curiously towards the location where the sound came from.

He didn't go to the place where the battle took place, because those who screamed in panic didn't call for help, presumably they had enough strength to deal with the attack of the alien beast.

"Hey, there are a lot of red fruits growing in the woods over there, and they look delicious."

Lin Li ignored the ongoing battle in the distance and continued to search.

Soon, he found a place more than 20 meters away from him, and there was a forest with many fruits.

"Red apples?" Lin Li walked quickly to the forest where many red fruits grew, looked at the fruits hanging on the branches, which looked exactly like the apples on the blue star, and reached out to pick one off.

In the wild, if you encounter an unfamiliar fruit, it is best not to eat it, let alone in this different world, if you encounter an unfamiliar fruit, you should not try it.

Fortunately, the fruit trees that Lin Li saw, these red fruits that looked exactly like the apples on the Blue Star, had been sold by vendors at the fruit stand when he was shopping in Dongwu City.

So he knew that these red fruits were edible.

If you are still worried, you can check to see if there are any animals around that are eating these red fruits.

Looking around, Lin Li saw some ordinary birds happily pecking at the red fruits on the branches of a fruit tree not far away.

"They are all eating, so they must not be poisonous." Lin Li looked at the sweetness of the common birds eating the red fruit, he said to himself, then wiped the red fruit in his hand with his clothes, and opened his mouth to take a bite.

"It's so sweet. It tastes the same as the apples on Blue Star. The only difference is that the color is much brighter..."

Lin Li quickly ate the red apple in his hand. He did not leave after eating the red apple, but took out a large bamboo basket from the mysterious island, and then began to pick the red apples from the tree.

Bibo Lake is much bigger than Lin Li imagined. Finding the white-scaled gopher's nest on the shore of such a wide lake really depends on luck.

Thinking that the trip would not be in vain, Lin Li decided to pick some red apples and take them away.

And when Lin Li was picking red apples, a treasure hunting team came from afar and saw his move.

"Look at that man, what is he doing?"

"He's picking fruit."

"Damn, isn't it? The fruit is only worth a few dollars, and he came all the way here to pick the fruit, what does this person think?"

Members of the treasure hunting team pointed at Lin Li who was happily picking red apples. They didn't understand Lin Li's behavior very much.

In their view, a basket of fruit is not worth a lot of money. This place is tens of kilometers away from Dongwu City, and there are strange beasts infesting it at any time. It is thankless to come here to pick a large basket of fruit and bring it back.

"Okay, leave him alone, let's go!" The captain of the treasure hunting team said to his companions, and then they turned and left.

Lin Li, who was picking red apples, actually noticed that a treasure hunting team came behind him, pointing and talking about something.

He doesn't care about this, and everyone doesn't know each other, so he can do whatever he wants, and he doesn't need to care about their eyes.

"If you can't eat too much, it will rot. Just pick a few." Lin Li put the red apples in his hand into the basket, and then, with a thought in his mind, he put half of the basket of red apples into the mysterious island.

"Help, help!"

"Anyone? Come help us!!


Just as he put half a basket of red apples into Lin Li on the mysterious island, he heard a loud cry for help coming from the direction to his left.

When someone called for help, it was not easy to sit idly by. Lin Li took out his long sword from the mysterious island, and then quickly ran towards the direction of the cry for help.




A gust of wind blew from the surface of the lake, and the moist wind rushed ashore, shaking the woods by the lake violently and making a loud noise.

In the blue wave lake, the calm water rippled one after another, and the water splashed, and then one by one green creatures emerged from the water.

These green creatures that surfaced from the water looked around, quickly crawled up to the shore, and got into the grass and woods on the shore.

The treasure-hunting team, who pointed out Lin Li's behavior of picking red apples before, followed the route planned at the beginning in an orderly manner, looking for the nests of white-scaled gophers in the grass and woods.

A young man, in his early 30s at most, but bald early, stretched out his hand to push aside the thick grass that was as tall as a person in front of him, and when he was about to go in and check it out, a picture made people feel a little disgusted face, appeared in his eyes.


"There are fish head monsters here."

The bald man's reaction was very quick. He jumped back immediately, and then he retreated while greeting his companion.

"We found a fish head monster over there, let's go there quickly." The captain of the treasure hunting team heard the bald man's shout, and immediately greeted his companions loudly.

The fish head monster is a very common strange beast that inhabits the Bibo Lake.

Their body length is about two meters, they are covered in green, with a huge fish head on their heads, and they like to climb from the water to the shore to bask in the sun in sunny weather.

In fact, the individual strength of the fish head monster is not strong. If it is one-on-one, a practitioner with a first-level cultivation base can easily kill it.

However, the fish-head monsters live in groups, and when one is found, there must be a large number of fish-head monsters around it.

Even if the fish head monsters are not strong, when they reach a certain number, the threat to humans is not small.

Therefore, when the members of this treasure hunting team heard loud shouts from their companions, saying that they had discovered the fish head monster, they immediately rushed over to provide support.

After all, if the time dragged on for a long time, the companions who were alone would lose their lives if they were surrounded by fish head monsters.

"Made... why are there so many?"

"It's the first time I've seen so many fish-headed monsters appear together."

"The number of fish head monsters seems to be too much!"

When the leader of the treasure hunting team came to support with his companions, he found that the bald man was surrounded by a lot of green fish-headed monsters. At a glance, there were no less than 35 fish-headed monsters.

Usually, practitioners encounter fish head monsters that appear together around Bibo Lake, and the number of them is about a dozen.

In the current situation, the number of fish-headed monsters has more than doubled. It is no wonder that the members of this treasure hunting team have become extremely dignified.

"Come and save me! I can't hold on any longer." The bald man kicked a fish-headed monster flying up and shouted to his companion.

"Let's go." The captain of the treasure hunting team greeted his companions, then injected spiritual energy into the spiritual weapon in his hand, and rushed forward to rescue the besieged companions.

Seeing this, members of the other treasure hunting team followed immediately, and the battle was imminent.

With the help of his teammates, the pressure on the bald man dropped sharply.

Just when the members of this treasure hunting team joined the besieged bald man and were about to break out of the encirclement of the fish head monster together, a sudden change occurred.


The surrounding grass swayed for a while, and then a large wave of fish-headed monsters emerged from the grass, completely surrounding them all.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the members of the treasure hunting team present turned pale for a while, and a thought popped up in their hearts at the same time.

"Oops, I fell for it."


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