Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 353: Ability, 'Spiritual Shock'

A huge scorching sun hung high in the sky, and the brilliant golden sunlight fell through the gaps between the dense leaves, forming golden spots on the ground.

In the distance is an endless lake, surrounded by rolling mountains that are connected together.

Such lakes and mountains are really a beautiful picture.

And this matter, in a corner of this beautiful picture scroll, a thrilling fight is being staged.

A group of people in the treasure hunting team fell into a trap set by the fish head monster and were surrounded by groups.

Looking around, there are more than a hundred fish-headed monsters surrounding the treasure hunting team. If it is one-on-one, the fish-headed monsters are not the opponents of the members of the treasure hunting team.

But now that so many fish-headed monsters gathered together, they worked together to surround the five members of the treasure hunting team. The power gap between the two sides was obvious.

"Guji, Guji, Guji..."

The fish-head monster with a green body, four legs on the abdomen, and a big fish head on its head, screamed while attacking the surrounded treasure hunting team.

Facing the onslaught of the fish-headed monsters one after another, the treasure hunting team desperately resisted.

As time went by, the members of the treasure hunting team began to be wounded, their physical strength and spiritual energy were consumed more and more, and the strength of resistance began to gradually weaken.

"What should we do now?" A member of the treasure hunting team who was bitten by the fish head monster shouted to his companion while covering the injured part with his hand.

Due to the injury, the man bled a lot and his face became very pale.

Compared with other members, as time goes by, he may be the first person to be thrown to the ground by the fish head monster, so he is very flustered at the moment.

"What else can I do now? I can't break through the siege, so I can only resist desperately." The bald man who was surrounded by the fish head monster at the beginning responded.

He was the second-worst injured member of the treasure hunting team, having been bitten by a fish-head monster on his left arm.

The blood flowed out from the wound unstoppably, staining his sleeves red, and dripping down on the grass along his fingers.

The captain of the treasure hunting team, who has the cultivation base of the first stage of the second stage, is the most powerful, so he is taken care of by the fish head monster.

Just as he raised his sword, he beheaded one of the fish-headed monsters that jumped up and flew up. Then, another fish-headed monster rushed forward.


The captain of the treasure hunting team kicked the fish-headed monster away, and the fish-headed monster that flew upside down hit several fish-headed monsters that were about to fly up.

Taking advantage of the time when the fish head monster didn't attack, the leader of the treasure hunting team, who was sweating a lot after exhausting a lot of energy, shouted to his companions.

"All of you lean towards me, we concentrate our efforts to break through."

As soon as the words fell, the fish-headed monster that was besieging the members of the treasure hunting team suddenly stopped attacking, and then retreated two or three meters.


The members of the treasure hunting team, who were out of breath, looked at the strange behavior of these fish-headed monsters suspiciously.

They didn't understand why these strange beasts suddenly stopped attacking. They had already gained the upper hand. As long as they continued to maintain their current attacking momentum, they would definitely be able to kill a group of them.

"Why did these fish head monsters suddenly stop attacking?" The member of the treasure hunting team with a shoulder injury asked his companion.

"I don't know, I'm not a fish head monster..." said the member of the treasure hunting team who was questioned.

"Why don't they care? If they don't attack us now, it's just a chance to take a rest and recover a little bit of energy."

"These fish-head monsters suddenly stopped attacking, I have a bad feeling."

The doubts in the hearts of the members of the treasure hunting team did not last long, and after about ten seconds, they got the answer.

"Guji, Guji, Guji..."

The fish-headed monsters uttered one after another, and not long after their yells, there was a sound of water waves in the Bibo Lake.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..."

After hearing the movement in the Bibo Lake, the group of the treasure hunting team immediately turned their heads to look at the place where the sound came from.

What caught their eyes was a fish-headed monster twice the size of a normal fish-headed monster.

"Damn it, it's a giant fish-headed monster." A group of people in the treasure hunting team shouted in panic when they saw the fish-headed monster swimming towards the shore in the water, their expressions changed in vain.

The common common fish head monsters are mostly of the first-order high-level, and a few have the cultivation base of the first-order peak.

And for some of them, once their cultivation reaches the second level, their size will increase rapidly.

A fish-headed monster that has broken through to the second level is called a giant fish-headed monster because it is at least twice the size of an ordinary fish-headed monster.


The giant fish-headed monster was swimming very fast, and soon landed on the shore. Once on the shore, he immediately let out a loud roar.

"Guji, Guji, Guji..."

The shouts from the ordinary fish-headed monster became more enthusiastic, as if it was responding to the giant fish-headed monster.

With the appearance of the giant fish-headed monster, it can be seen that the morale of these ordinary fish-headed monsters has risen visible to the naked eye.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The giant fish head monster with a body length of more than four meters walked towards the position of the treasure hunting team without any hurry. With its huge body, as it moved step by step, its huge feet stepped on the ground, making a dull sound. sound.

A pale golden aura flashed across the eyes of the giant fish head monster, and the treasure hunting team leader sensed an incomparably powerful wave of spiritual energy emerging from it.

"Second, the middle of the second stage!!!"

"This giant fish-head monster has a mid-level second-level cultivation!

! ”

The always calm and calm captain of the treasure hunting team shouted in panic after knowing the level of cultivation of the giant fish head monster.

No wonder he yelled in such a panic, if the giant fish-headed monster only had the cultivation base of the first stage of the second stage, he wouldn't be so depressed.

Originally, a group of people were surrounded by ordinary fish-headed monsters, and they could hardly hold on. Now that a giant fish-headed monster with a mid-level second-level cultivation came, they had no chance of surviving.

"Captain, what are you talking about, this giant fish-headed monster has a mid-level second level of cultivation, did you make a mistake?!

! asked the member of the treasure hunting team with a shoulder injury, his face full of disbelief.

"I'm not mistaken. The strength of the psychic fluctuations emanating from this giant fish head monster is truly at the middle of the second level." The treasure hunting team leader said bitterly.


"It's all over now."

The members of the treasure hunting team who received an affirmative answer all collapsed in an instant, and whispered to themselves in despair.

"Guji, Guji, Guji..."

The ordinary fish-head monster saw its boss approaching, and immediately moved out of the way.

The members of the treasure hunting team looked desperate, watching the giant fish-head monster exuding a terrifying aura coming towards them, the fear in their hearts grew rapidly, especially the member of the treasure hunting team who was injured in the abdomen, shouted in horror.

"Help, help!"

"Come on, help us!

! ”

The other members of the treasure hunting team saw the companion who was injured in the abdomen shouting out of composure. They opened their mouths, subconsciously wanting to follow suit.

But thinking about the lack of people around here, even if they shouted their throats, it is impossible for anyone to hear their cries for help, and then shut their mouths again.

"Stop shouting, it's useless, there's no one around here."

"Even if someone heard our shouts and saw that there are giant fish-headed monsters and so many ordinary fish-headed monsters here, no one would be willing to risk their lives to save us..."

The bald man with a desperate face said to his shouting companion.

"Help, someone help us!

! ”

"Please, if you hear my cries for help, please come and save us!

! ”

The member of the treasure hunting team who was injured in the abdomen didn't pay attention to his companion's words. His strong desire to survive made him make a heart-piercing cry for help, which was so loud that it could be heard far away.

But the reality is just like what his companion, the bald man, said, their treasure hunting team searched all the way according to the route planned in advance, away from other treasure hunting teams.

In this inaccessible place, even if your throat is broken, it is difficult for anyone to hear your cry for help.


The giant green fish-headed monster let out a roar with a smile, and looked at the surrounded humans with very anthropomorphic contempt.

The current situation is like a cat blocking all the escape routes of the mouse, and the mouse will only end up dead.

"Guji, Guji, Guji..."

Ordinary fish-headed monsters became more and more excited when they saw the despair of the treasure hunting team.

They looked at their boss and yelled, as if asking for an order to attack.

The giant fish-headed monster exuding mid-level second-order psionic energy fluctuations no longer admired the desperate expressions of these humans before they died.

It glanced at the little brothers who couldn't bear it, nodded, and gave the command to attack.


The ordinary fish head monster who received the instructions let out a loud and clear low growl, and then scrambled to be the first to surround the surrounded treasure hunting team.

"Made, fight with these guys."

Except for the member of the treasure hunting team who had a mental breakdown and was still yelling for help with abdominal injuries, the others saw the fish head monster rushing up.

Although he knew that he must die, he was unwilling to be killed by the strange beast without any resistance, and then made a desperate gesture.


The captain of the most powerful treasure hunting team gave a loud shout and took the lead in sounding the horn of resistance.

He walked two or three meters forward, swung the weapon infused with psionic energy in his hand, and the sharp edge of the sword bursting out with pale golden aura split like lightning, splitting an ordinary fish-headed monster in two.

The members of the treasure hunting team, full of despair, made the last struggle, wounding or killing the fish head monsters that rushed forward one after another.

But they are single and weak after all, facing the siege of a large number of fish head monsters, their physical strength and spiritual energy are quickly consumed.

And the giant fish-headed monster with a mid-level second-level cultivation base that terrified them the most hadn't made a move yet.

In the current situation, as long as the giant fish-headed monster with only a middle-level second-level cultivation base joins the battle, their crumbling team may be blown up in an instant.

The giant fish-headed monsters of the treasure hunting team, who have been watching like a battle between trapped beasts, found that these humans are really difficult to deal with.

This is the situation now, and he was unwilling to give up resistance and killed many of his younger brothers.

After thinking about it, the giant fish-headed monster no longer stood aside to watch the show, and he wanted to defeat these stubborn humans in person.


The giant fish head monster opened its mouth and let out a deafening roar.

The treasure hunting team, who were desperately resisting the attack of the ordinary fish head monster, was shocked by the sound, and suddenly felt their heads went blank, and all the movements of their hands stopped.

The captain of the treasure hunting team woke up first. Looking at the giant fish-headed monster that opened its mouth and let out a deafening roar, his already pale face became even more ugly, and he shouted in horror.

"The Exotic Land Reclamation of Vegetable Skeletons"

"It's a power, this is only the awakened power of a giant fish head monster with a mid-level second-level cultivation, and it's also a mental shock type of power!

! ”

Originally, the giant fish-head monster with a mid-level second-level cultivation was not something that the treasure hunting team could handle.

Now it is discovered that it is a strange beast with awakened abilities, which makes people feel even more desperate.

When the members of the treasure hunting team who were only at the peak of the first order and whose cultivation base were weaker woke up, the ordinary fish-headed monsters who attacked them had already arrived in front of them.


The members of the treasure hunting team who were unable to dodge in time were thrown down by the fish-headed monster. They were either called by the fish-headed monster to grab their arms, or bit their shoulders, and screamed.

The captain of the treasure hunting team saw that his companion was thrown to the ground and his life was in danger. He wanted to go forward to help his companion out of trouble, but he was entangled by ordinary fish head monsters and couldn't move forward.

The desperate and sad captain of the treasure hunting team yelled, "Bastard, get the hell out of here."

Wielding the spiritual weapon long sword with pale golden aura in his hand, he was about to stab the ordinary fish head monster blocking him, when a strong sense of crisis came from behind.

The captain of the treasure hunting team felt an alarm in his heart, then turned around and raised his spirit weapon long sword to block in front of his chest.

A huge shadow enveloped the leader of the treasure hunting team, his extremely sharp claws tore through the air, and with a howling sound, hit the blade of the spiritual weapon sword.

The huge force was simply not something the treasure hunting team leader could resist. The giant fish-headed monster's claws, together with the spiritual weapon long sword, slapped the treasure hunting team leader's chest.


As if being hit by a heavy hammer on his chest, the captain of the treasure hunting team broke his sternum, and the bone breaking sound could be heard clearly.

His whole body was slapped by the claw of the giant fish head monster, his feet were lifted off the ground, and he flew upside down.


It fell heavily on the ground, and vomited blood while rolling.


After finally stopping, the extremely nerve-stimulating pain quickly spread from the injured place to the whole body, and a heart-piercing scream of pain came from the mouth of the leader of the treasure hunting team.


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