Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 351: Playing dead is both funny and embarrassing

Wang Fugui watched his guard fall to the ground, howling in pain.

Even the most powerful guard captain with the first stage of second-stage cultivation would be treated the same way. His face turned pale, and he looked at his terrifying enemy with a smile on his face in horror.

"You, don't come here..."

"Master, run away." The captain of the guard who was lying on the ground clenched his teeth, endured the severe pain in his body, and shouted to Wang Fugui.

"Yes... run away, I have to run away quickly." Wang Fugui reacted belatedly, and then he turned and ran towards his mount.

As a result, he just ran to his mount, stepped on the stirrup with one foot, and when he was about to climb on the horse's back, a playful laugh appeared in his ears.

"Don't go! Why are you leaving in such a hurry? Let's continue playing..."

As soon as the words fell, Wang Fugui, who was about to get on his horse, felt his body was pulled back by a huge force, and then he flew up.


Wang Fugui, who was thrown back by Lin Li's clothes and fell heavily to the ground, was completely dizzy and staring at him, unable to get up from the ground for a while.

"I fell to death, it hurts so much!" Dang Wang Fugui, who was thrown twice in succession, felt that his ass was about to explode.

After he regained his strength, he saw Lin Li crossing his arms around his chest, looking at him with a smile, so he was startled, and the cold sweat poured out from his forehead.

Then, he quickly closed his eyes, laying motionless on the ground, while thinking in his heart, "It's over, it's over, I'm going to die in this person's hands now, father, mother, the child is not filial, and I can't take care of you until the end of the day. "

If there is regret medicine in the world, give Wang Fugui another chance to choose, and he will never provoke Lin Li again.

This guy is also a talent. At this time, he actually chose to close his eyes and pretend to be dead... Lin Li looked at Wang Fugui who was lying motionless on the ground and pretended to be dead, and was a little amused by his deception.

After that, he stopped wasting time with these people, turned around and walked towards the location of a hill in the distance.

One of the information he obtained about the location of Bibo Lake in the city before was that after walking out of the city for tens of kilometers, he saw a gourd-shaped hill, and walking towards the location of the hill, he could reach Bibo Lake.

The obvious gourd-shaped hill indicated the location of the destination, and Lin Li no longer needed to follow others.

The footsteps gradually faded away, and Wang Fugui, who closed his eyes tightly, did not know that Lin Li had already left.

At this moment, he was thinking of his parents at home, and regretted that he had left the city recklessly this time.

Those guards who were injured by Lin Li originally had thoughts similar to Wang Fugui's, thinking that Lin Li would kill them.

The result surprised them very much. After Lin Li beat them all, he neither killed them nor robbed them of their few belongings. He didn't even move their mounts, so he just turned around and left.

The injured guards stared dumbfounded at Lin Li who was drifting away. For a while, they couldn't decide to pay attention, so they didn't dare to act rashly.

It wasn't until Lin Li's figure disappeared that they were sure that the young man with high cultivation had indeed let them go.


After the danger was resolved, the injured guards got up from the ground, supported each other and came to Wang Fugui, who was lying on the ground, pretending to be dead with his eyes closed.


Wang Fugui, who had his eyes closed tightly, heard his guards calling him, but he still didn't dare to open his eyes.

Seeing Wang Fugui like this, the guards immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Master, that person has left, we are safe..." the captain of the guard said.

"..." Wang Fugui hesitated for a moment, but still didn't dare to open his eyes.

"Master, open your eyes and see, that person has really left." Said the thin and thin guard who was kicked away by Lin Li at first and broke a rib.

Then, under the persuasion of the guards, Wang Fugui, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, quietly opened his eyes and glanced at the surrounding situation.

"That scary guy really left." Wang Fugui said in surprise when he saw that there were only four guards around him, and no trace of Lin Li was found, and he immediately got up from the ground.

His physical condition was much better than that of the four guards. Apart from being greatly frightened and his butt hurt a little from being thrown, he was not injured elsewhere.

"That person is really strange, why did he just leave like this?" Wang Fugui patted the dust off his body and muttered.

He probably couldn't think of it, the reason why Lin Li showed mercy to them and didn't hit him hard.

It was all because of the phrase "don't hurt his life" he said earlier, and with this leeway, no one died in their group.

The captain of the guard, who has a cultivation base of the first stage of the second stage, thought of how confidently he led his companions to besiege Lin Li at the beginning just now.

Then, the middle stage of the second level of psionic fluctuations suddenly broke out on the opponent, and then they were defeated without any power to fight back.

"I didn't expect that person to be young, and he has already cultivated to the middle of the second level. Such a talent for cultivation is really rare!"

It's quite normal for the captain of the guard to feel this way. You must know that he is 43 years old now, and he has only cultivated to the early stage of the second stage.

And Lin Li's age is obviously only in his early 20s, there is a twenty year difference between the two, but Lin Li has already cultivated to a higher level than him.

"That's right! That person has cultivated to the middle of the second level at such a young age, and his cultivation talent is even stronger than that of the young master of the Zhou family, Zhou Tianci." The other guards immediately agreed after hearing the words.

These guards who were easily defeated by Lin Li thought that they would die in this wilderness.

In the end, Lin Li let them go. The guards who survived the catastrophe couldn't help but feel grateful to their opponents for letting them go. At the same time, they had some admiration for such a strong man.

Everyone is a cultivator, and it is inevitable that they will be attracted to Qiang, especially for this kind of cultivation genius.

"..." Wang Fugui is a scumbag of cultivation. On the premise that his family provided him with a lot of cultivation resources, he is now 27 years old and has only cultivated to the middle of the first stage. Compared with Lin Li, the difference is not 01:30 point.

He watched his guard talking to each other about Lin Li, and made no secret of his admiration for Lin Li's achievements in cultivating to the middle of the second stage at such a young age.

Thinking of the scene where he provoked Lin Li at the beginning, Wang Fugui felt very complicated, and couldn't help but feel his face getting hot.

Fortunately, what happened this time has not been known to outsiders, otherwise, if it spreads out, I will lose face.


"Master, why are you blushing? Did you hurt yourself when you fell just now?" The thin guard asked with concern after seeing Wang Fugui blushing because of embarrassment.

The other guards immediately looked at Wang Fugui, their faces full of concern.

Naturally, Wang Fugui would not tell his guards that he blushed because he felt embarrassed when he thought of his previous arrogance and yelling at Lin Li recklessly.

"It's okay, my blush is because of the sun..."

The guards looked up at the sun in the sky, thinking, there is still some time before noon, the sun is not so strong, how can it make people's faces red!

But since Wang Fugui said that, they couldn't continue to ask, because after thinking about it for a while, they seemed to understand why their young master was blushing.

"Master, shall we go to the Bibo Lake to hunt for treasure next?" the thin guard asked.

"..." Wang Fugui turned his head silently and looked at the gourd-shaped hill in the distance.

Bibo Lake is just behind that hill, and now it takes only ten minutes to ride there on horseback.

If the fight with Lin Li hadn't happened, Wang Fugui said firmly that he would go to Bibo Lake to hunt for treasure when the thin body guard asked.

"No, let's go home." What happened a few minutes ago is still vivid in my mind!Wang Fugui closed his eyes tightly just now, and the voice of sorry parents was still lingering in his heart.

Now he just wants to go home and meet his parents.

The guards breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that Wang Fugui no longer insisted on going to Bibo Lake.

From the beginning, they opposed going out of the city and went to Bibo Lake to hunt for treasure.

After all, there are only five people, too few people, and now there are many practitioners hunting for treasures at Bibo Lake.

If something unexpected happened, with their strength, they might all fall there, but they couldn't hold back Wang Fugui's insistence, so they could only follow Wang Fugui out of the city to Bibo Lake.

Thinking about it now, before arriving at Bibo Lake, it might not have been a good thing to be beaten up by Lin Li, at least it woke up his young master and dispelled his idea of ​​continuing to go to Bibo Lake for treasure hunting.

Reach out and grab the saddle, step on Madden with your left foot, and get on the horse.


Sitting on his mount, Wang Fugui flicked the rein in his hand and yelled.

Just now, the horse who was quietly grazing at the side, watching its master being beaten up, chewed the grass in its mouth, and ran towards Dongwu City.

The guards, who had suffered some minor injuries, also mounted their mounts, and quickly chased Wang Fugui who had set off first.


blue star.

The weather in Rongcheng today is the same as yesterday, sunny, cloudless, and the temperature is still very high.

However, because it was not yet noon, the temperature in the morning was not so hot that it was unbearable.

Rongxi Primary School, one class a year.

There are six rows in a classroom, and there are five single desks in each row, with a total of thirty students.

In the first class in the morning, Zhou Tongtong, who was sitting in the third row by the window, put her hands on the table, straightened her back, and listened carefully to what the teacher was teaching on the podium.

At the end of the first class, Zhou Tongtong, who was listening carefully, felt something, turned his head and looked out the window, and his eyes fell on the small forest in front of the wall in the distance.


"Dilingling..." The bell rang for the end of get out of class, Wang Jiao, a slightly fat and round-faced Chinese teacher who was speaking on the podium, said to the students.

"Students, this is the end of today's class. I will assign some homework next."

Zhou Tongtong's eyes were falling on the woods outside the window. When she heard the teacher say homework assignment, she immediately looked away, and then began to write down the homework assigned by the teacher.

Wang Jiao assigned some simple homework, then put away her textbooks, left the classroom, and walked to the office.

At the next table to Zhou Tongtong is a female classmate named Wang Duoduo, a cute little girl with short hair, who is as tall as Zhou Tongtong.

This little girl graduated from the same kindergarten as Zhou Tongtong, and they were in the same class when they were in kindergarten.

Now that they are in elementary school, the two are assigned to the same class and become classmates again. Compared with other new classmates, Zhou Tongtong has a closer relationship with this old classmate.

When the teacher left the classroom, the originally quiet classroom immediately became noisy.

The children chatted with their classmates, mainly talking about the cartoons they watched at home last night.

As for the students, they are all like this. After all, there are only a small number of people who talk about studying after class, which is normal.

Zhou Tongtong got up and left her seat, walked out of the classroom, and ran to the grove in front of the wall in the distance.

Wang Duoduo had just memorized the homework assigned by the teacher, and was about to ask her old classmate if she wanted to go to the bathroom together, but as soon as she looked up, she saw her old classmate running out of the classroom.


! ”

"Why didn't Zhou Tongtong call me, she ran away by herself!"

Wang Duoduo put the pen back into the pencil case printed with cartoon patterns, then got up, and went to chase after Zhou Tongtong who had left.

She walked out of the classroom and saw Zhou Tongtong not going to the bathroom, but running to the grove in front of the wall in the distance, which made her very puzzled.

Relying on his own feelings, Zhou Tongtong came to the corner of the woods, locked his eyes on a big tree with luxuriant branches, and said with a smile.

"Come out! Don't hide anymore, I know you are here."

A gust of wind blew by, the trees were shaken slightly, and the branches and leaves collided, making bursts of noise.


When the noise of the leaves sounded, there were two subtle sounds mixed in the noise.


A black and a white petite figure poked its head out from behind the leafy tree.

They looked at the smiling Zhou Tongtong, then swung their short legs quickly, and ran towards Zhou Tongtong.

Zhou Tongtong looked at the little black cat and the little white cat running in front of her. She knelt down, stretched out her white and tender hands, stroked the chins of the two little wild cats, and said with a smile.

"Xiao Hei, Xiao Bai, why did you come to my school?"

"Meow... Xiaohei said he would come to see you at school, and then we came." The little white cat said.

"Although the school is not far from home, it's amazing that you can find this place!" Zhou Tongtong praised.

"Meow... that's right, we are amazing." The little black cat raised its head and said proudly.

"But do you remember the way home?" Zhou Tongtong asked.

Although two little wild cats came to see her at school, Zhou Tongtong was very happy.

But if these two little wild cats couldn't find their way home after visiting her, she wouldn't be happy.

"Meow... Zhou Tongtong, don't worry! We are familiar with this area, it is impossible to find our way home." The little white cat said confidently.

It is so confident because it and the little black cat often wandered around without a fixed place before they lived in Ping'an Garden Community.

Therefore, I am very familiar with the neighborhoods nearby, and it is impossible to get lost.

Zhou Tongtong immediately felt at ease when she heard the little white cat say that, but at this moment, a familiar voice came from behind her.


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