Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 350: Don't come one by one, if you want to go, go together

"If I'm not mistaken, you should also go to Bibo Lake for treasure hunting, right?" the bald man asked Lin Li.

Facing the question from the bald man, Lin Li didn't speak, but stared at him with a smile on his face.


Seeing Lin Li's attitude, the bald man narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice.

"Going out, it's better to be friends with others than to be enemies... The road is so wide, everyone goes their own way, if you follow us again, you will bear the consequences."

After finishing speaking, the spiritual fluctuations of the early stage of the second stage emanated from the bald man, looking very powerful.

The bald man's move to mobilize the spiritual energy in his body is already very obvious, that is to intimidate Lin Li.

If it was an ordinary person who faced the threat of the bald man, he would definitely withdraw from his heart.

It's a pity that Lin Li is not an ordinary person. This kind of verbal threats and mobilization of psychic power to overwhelm others with power will have no effect on him at all.

The bald man looked at Lin Li whose expression hadn't changed, pondered for a while, and then said to his two companions, "Let's go."

"Brother." The man with long hair yelled, obviously, he was not willing to just let this guy who irritated him go.


The bald man flicked the rein in his hand, drove the mount under his crotch, turned around and left.

"Let's go!" The man with short hair shouted to his companion who was reluctant to leave like this, and then left.

"Boy, you're lucky today." The long-haired man saw that his two companions had left, and he was so angry that he said harsh words to Lin Li, and then left too.

Tsk, look at that bald man with a vicious look, he doesn't look like a good person, but he didn't expect his attitude to be gentle... Lin Li looked at the three-person team leaving, his eyes fell on the bald man, and he said to himself .

In the situation just now, he felt in his heart that these three people should do something to him, but he didn't expect it to be resolved peacefully in the end.

"Da da da……"

Just when Lin Li was about to follow the team of three to Bibo Lake, there was a rush of hooves behind him.

Turning his head and looking behind him, he saw a team of five practitioners, and he didn't need to think about it, it was another treasure hunting team.

The bald man's final decision just now made Lin Li have a good impression of him, and now he has other choices.

Lin Li thought about it, and decided to treat this team as his own navigation team, and stop following the bald man who left.

"Brother, that kid is so arrogant, why did we let him go like this?" The short-haired man drove his mount under his crotch, and after catching up with his companion, he asked suspiciously.

"The kid just now was completely indifferent to my threats. This kind of person is either a strong man with extraordinary strength, or an ordinary person with a problematic brain.

If it is the former, if we fight him, even if we can defeat him, we will pay some price in the end, which is not worth the candle.

If it is the latter, since the other party is an ordinary person with a brain problem, why should we waste our energy and get angry with this ordinary person with a problem brain?

If he wants to continue to follow us, let him follow, it is best to let him follow us to Bibo Lake.

There are many treasure hunters in that place now, and there are not a few people with bad tempers.

With his attitude towards us just now, it is easy to anger those who have a bad temper.

When the time comes, those people will make him pay, and we don't need to get our hands dirty. "The bald man said with a smile.

"As expected of a big brother, foresight and foresight." The man with long hair praised, and the man with short hair, who was originally full of anger because of Lin Li's attitude, felt angry when he heard what the bald man said. Dissipated immediately.

Instead, he very much hoped that Lin Li would continue to follow them until they arrived at the Bibo Lake where many practitioners were hunting for treasure.

At that time, Lin Li angered the other practitioners, was beaten up, and even lost his life because of it, so he could watch the show with a smile on the sidelines.

Thinking of the wonderful scene that is likely to happen, the man with short hair smiled all over his face. He turned his head and looked behind him, only to see Lin Li, who was getting farther and farther away from them, standing in place and did not follow up.

"Brother, that guy didn't keep up..." the man with short hair said with some disappointment.

"It seems that guy is not completely brainless! He was frightened by what brother said just now." The man with long hair also glanced back, and then said it as a matter of course.

"Since he didn't keep up, then this matter is over.

Don't talk about him anymore, this time we come out, treasure hunting is what we have to do. " said the bald man.

The two younger brothers nodded, and then stopped paying attention to the young man they had marked as having a problem in his mind.


Loud shouts sounded one after the other, and the three bald men waved their whips and lashed at the mount under their crotch.

The horse in pain immediately increased its running speed and quickly ran towards the location of Bibo Lake.


The sun was shining brightly and there were no clouds in the sky. A young man in gorgeous clothes led four guards and quickly headed towards Bibo Lake.

"Master, let's go two or three kilometers ahead, and we will reach Bibo Lake." Said the captain of the guard with a cultivation base of the first stage of the second stage.

"Finally we're getting to our destination. My ass is about to get smashed after riding a horse all the way," said the young man in gorgeous clothes.

The name of this young man in gorgeous clothes is Wang Fugui. His family is in business, and he can be regarded as a well-to-do family. However, his father has restrictions on his spending money, and he is not allowed to spend money recklessly.

Now he went out of the city with his guards and went to Bibo Lake to hunt for treasures. It was because this month, he and his friends went to the Hualou to drink so frequently that the pocket money given to him by his family ran out early.

I ran out of pocket money at the beginning of the month, so I naturally had to find a way to make money.

Ask a friend to borrow it, those friends of his are not much better off than him.

Since he couldn't borrow money, and went home to ask his father for pocket money, not only could he not get it, but he would also be reprimanded, so now there is just a chance to get a large windfall, and he definitely won't let go.

"Master, there is a person behind us who has been following us..." a thin guard suddenly said.

Hearing this, Wang Fugui turned his head and looked behind him, and the other guards followed suit.

Indeed, as the skinny guard said, there was a person running in an orderly manner four or fifty meters behind them.

"Are you sure this person has been following us?" Wang Fugui asked.

"Master, yes, this person has been following us for more than ten minutes." The thin guard said seriously.

Wang Fugui often heard from his business father that after leaving the city, if he encounters strangers following him all the time in the wild, he must be careful, because such people are often not good people.

If you are not careful, you may lose your life because of the other party.

"Made, this guy is following us like this, he doesn't have evil intentions, he is going to attack us!"

The guards frowned one after another, and they also had the same thoughts as Wang Fugui in their hearts.


Wang Fugui pulled the rein in his hand to stop the sitting horse. At this moment, he saw that the guy who was 50 meters away from them also stopped and looked at them from a distance.

Seeing the navigation team stop, Lin Li wondered if these five people were going to come over and speak harshly to him like the three three-person teams did before.

"We used to meet this guy..." Wang Fugui said to his guards, and took the lead, driving the mount under his crotch towards Lin Li.

After a while, Wang Fugui and his party came to Lin Li.


Pulling the rein in his hand to stop the mount under his crotch, Wang Fugui looked at the young man in front of him who was several years younger than himself, and said in a bad tone, "Hey, what do you mean?"

This similar scene happened again, Lin Li's response was still the same as before, he replied calmly, "It's not interesting."

"What is meaningless, you must have malicious intentions for following us all the way.

I think you are looking for an opportunity to sneak attack us and steal our belongings. "Wang Fugui's opening was to give Lin Li a natural charge.

This guy has such a temper, he would condemn me as soon as he opened his mouth... Seeing that Wang Fugui's attitude was much worse than that of the man with long hair before, Lin Li's attitude in response naturally became tougher.

"You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. Be careful, I will go to the Yamen to sue you for defamation."

Seeing that Lin Li was younger than himself, Wang Fugui felt that even if the other party was a practitioner, his strength was not much stronger.

In addition, the other party was alone, taking advantage of the large number of people on his side, he immediately laughed unscrupulously, "Hahaha... I just talked nonsense, what's wrong? Go to the Yamen and sue me!"

"I think you look like a human being, but I didn't expect that a dog can't spit out ivory." Lin Li looked at Wang Fugui who laughed and mocked him, and said expressionlessly.

"You..." Wang Fugui felt humiliated by Lin Li's retaliation in front of his guards. The smile on his face suddenly froze, and he raised his right hand in embarrassment, swung the whip in his hand, and hit There are many.

When Lin Li saw the other party making a move, he immediately dodged sideways. After the other party's whip hit the ground, he immediately raised his right hand, stretched out like lightning, and grabbed the whip in his hand.

"I escaped." The guards were surprised to see Lin Li dodging his young master's sudden attack so easily.

"Let me go." Wang Fugui withdrew his hand vigorously, trying to pull the whip back.

But how could Lin Li's strength be comparable to him, even if he exerted all his strength and his face was flushed, he couldn't take back his whip.

"Idiot." Lin Li scolded Wang Fugui, and then pulled hard with his right hand.

Wang Fugui, who was competing, was caught off guard, and was immediately pulled off his horse by Lin Li, and fell into the mud.

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"Master." When the guards saw Wang Fugui being dragged to the ground, covered in dust, they immediately let out a scream.

Then, they immediately got off the horse and helped Wang Fugui who had fallen to the ground.

"Boy, you're doomed..." After Wang Fugui was helped up by the guards, he shouted angrily at Lin Li who had made him so ugly, and then he turned around and gave orders to his guards.

"Hurry up and take this guy down for me..."

"Okay, master." The captain of the guard nodded immediately.

But before he could make a move, the thin guard was eager to make a contribution, and immediately shouted, "Master, just watch! Watch me take down this rude guy."

Before the words fell, the thin body guards rushed out in the first place.

The captain of the guard looked at this guy who acted without authorization, feeling a little dissatisfied in his heart, and frowned.

He thought it over, after he went back this time, he had to beat this guy well to let him know that some credits were not allowed, and he would have to pay a price to grab it by himself.

"Monkey, teach him a lesson and catch him. Don't hurt his life." Wang Fugui, who was angry in his heart, saw the thin guard rushing forward aggressively, and even drew the weapon on his back.

He felt that although the other party was rude to him, and made him fall so badly and lose such a big face, there was no need to kill the other party because of this, so he opened his mouth to remind him.

Lin Li saw that Wang Fugui asked his guards to deal with him, and the guards who rushed forward were still holding weapons, as if they were going to kill him.

He immediately squinted his eyes, ready to give the opponent a head-on blow, but at this moment, he heard Wang Fugui's words that left room, and he couldn't help but look at Wang Fugui in surprise.


A figure soared into the air, flew out like a cannonball, and fell heavily to the ground, wailing from its mouth.


Originally, Wang Fugui and his party wanted to watch the thin bodyguard teach Lin Li a lesson and beat him to his knees begging for mercy.

Unexpectedly, the thin bodyguard was directly blown away by the opponent, which was completely beyond their expectations.

"Don't come one by one, if you want to go up, go up together." After Lin Li kicked the thin guard away, he looked at the stunned Wang Fugui and his party expressionlessly, and taunted them.

"Master, this guy is not a good stubble, you hide behind... Brothers, come with me." The captain of the guard said to the dull Wang Fugui, then he called his companions and rushed towards Lin Li together.

Under the bright sunshine, a group of tall and strong men besieged a young man.





With more bullying the less, the guards of the dominant side were all beaten to the ground after a short fight, and each of them clutched the hit part and let out a miserable scream.


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