Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 349: Similar Habits with Minor Differences

In a certain room on the second floor of the beautiful and generous villa, the handsome Qin Muqing was wearing a bellyband embroidered with lotus patterns, leaning sideways, with his arms raised and lowered on his chest.

A head of black and beautiful hair was scattered on the bed, eyes were closed, rosy lips were exhaling evenly, sleeping very peacefully.


The crisp sound of birdsong came into the room from the window, Qin Muqing, who was sleeping soundly, trembled her eyelashes, and then slowly opened her eyes.


Yawning, she stretched out her slender and fair arms from the thin quilt.

Raising her hand and rubbing her eye sockets, the sleepy Qin Muqing sat up.

The thin quilt covering her body slipped off her curvy body, and in an instant, it was bright and beautiful.

After waking up, Qin Muqing got up and got out of bed, took off the clothes hanging on the hanger and put them on, covering up the alluring spring that was revealed.

After getting dressed, she came to the dressing table and sat down, looked at her pretty face in the mirror, and raised her hand to touch her rosy face.

Then, she opened the drawer of the dresser and took out an ordinary small cloth bag from it.

Qin Muqing poured out a round jade bead the size of a pigeon egg from the small cloth bag. While activating the spiritual weapon in her hand, she whispered to herself at a volume that only she could hear.

"Mr. Lin has been away for two days, and he hasn't come back yet. Will something happen to him?"

After a while, Qin Muqing's beautiful face disappeared, and she walked out of the room with an ordinary appearance, and walked to the first floor of the villa.

Breakfast is very simple, white rice porridge with pickles, plus a steamed bun and eggs.

After breakfast, Qin Muqing came to the courtyard of the villa, holding a water pot in his hand, to water some flowers in the courtyard.

The owner who built this villa before was quite tasteful. He asked people to plant a lot of good flowers in the courtyard of the villa.

It's a pity that he hired someone to carefully design and build this villa. Before he moved in and enjoyed it, he sold it to the next family. The various flowers planted in the courtyard were cheap for others.

Although the flowers planted in the courtyard are far less rare than those planted in Qin Muqing's garden at home, she is a flower lover herself, and she will not look down on the flowers planted in the courtyard just because they are not rare enough .


On a big tree with luxuriant foliage not far away, several birds stood on the branch, looking at Qin Muqing who was watering the flowers in the courtyard, they jumped up and down on the branch, making bursts of laughter. There were screams.

Qin Muqing, who was watering the flowers, turned her head to look at the place where the sound of birdsong was coming from, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, she smiled and said to the chirping birds, "You were the ones who woke me up just now!"

As for the few birds living on the big trees in the courtyard, although they were chirping and disturbing, Qin Muqing didn't think about driving them away.

Now she lives alone in the house, and it feels a bit deserted. With so many noisy birds, it can make the house look more lively.

"Miss Qin."

Qin Muqing was looking at the chirping birds, when she suddenly heard a familiar voice calling her, she immediately turned her head to look.

Looking through the iron fence of the villa wall, I saw that Sister Zhang, who sells lunch boxes, was standing outside the wall and greeted herself.

"Sister Zhang, didn't you come out at noon? Why did you leave the stall so early today?" Qin Muqing asked suspiciously while walking towards the gate of the villa.

Because the construction workers who built houses nearby had to go home to eat at night, so Sister Zhang, who sells boxed lunches, only sells one meal at noon.

And now it's early in the morning, it's obviously not the time for Sister Zhang, who sells boxed lunches, to go out to sell boxed lunches. As for teaching Qin Muqing how to cook, it's not the time they agreed to teach.

Opening the gate of the villa, Sister Zhang, who sells boxed lunches, appeared in front of Qin Muqing with her cart. At this moment, she explained to Qin Muqing.

"Today I got up early to sell breakfast. It just sold out. I stopped by to see you...By the way, Miss Qin, have you had breakfast? If you haven't eaten, I'll give you half of the breakfast I left for myself." Sister Zhang, who sells lunch boxes, said with a smile.

"Thank you, no need, I've already had breakfast..." Qin Muqing shook her head and said.

"That's fine, then I'll go home and prepare lunch for lunch, and I'll teach you how to cook later." Sister Zhang, who sells lunch boxes, said.

Qin Muqing gave a "hmm" and watched Sister Zhang, who sold box lunches, push her trolley away.

"Sister Zhang is really hard work! This is the life of ordinary people... If I hadn't met Mr. Lin, my situation would be even more difficult than that of Sister Zhang."

Qin Muqing looked at Sister Zhang who was drifting away, and couldn't help expressing a sigh of emotion. She didn't look back until Sister Zhang pushed her cart and disappeared around the corner at the end of the road.

Next, taking advantage of the bright sunshine today, she was going to wash the clothes she changed in the shower yesterday.

In the past, I didn't touch the spring water with my ten fingers at home, but now I have to run out of the house, not only to wash the clothes by myself, but also to cook by myself. Although I am a little tired, this is my choice.


Lin Li ate a lot of breakfast in the teahouse, and after filling his stomach, he planned to leave.

The waiter who received Lin Li's tip of fifty copper coins was very enthusiastic and sent him all the way to the door of the teahouse.

Leaving the teahouse, he was about to go to a restaurant selling oysters to buy another batch of pearls. At this time, Lin Li suddenly saw many strong men riding horses with weapons on their backs on the street.

"Get out of the way, don't get in the way."


Passers-by walking on the street saw people on horseback running fast, afraid of being hit, they immediately dodged to both sides of the street.

The strong men on horses who ran past Lin Li were in teams of two or three, or four or five, or even more than a dozen people.

These teams carrying weapons, riding horses, and running quickly towards the gate of the city, the members are obviously not ordinary people.

"There are so many people going treasure hunting again today!" The waiter looked at the leaving team and said in surprise.

Lin Li heard what the waiter next to him said, then turned his head to look at him, and asked suspiciously, "What treasure hunt?"

"Guest officer, don't you know about treasure hunting?"

"do not know."

"The thing is like this, a few days ago, when a caravan passed by Bibo Lake outside the city, they saw the strange beast White-scaled Gopher on the shore of Bibo Lake.

After the news spread, many practitioners immediately formed a treasure hunting team to search for the nests of white-scaled gophers around Bibo Lake. "

Xiao Er's explanation didn't make Lin Li understand. He found out that the white-scaled gopher had something to do with treasure hunting, so he asked again, and then Xiaoer explained about the white-scaled gopher.

After some understanding, Lin Li finally understood what treasure hunting was all about.

The white-scaled gopher is a kind of herbivorous beast. Compared with other beasts, its aggressiveness is weaker, and its strength is generally not strong, so it poses a relatively low threat to humans.

The meat of this strange beast is a bit sour and not tasty, so no one would think of hunting it for food.

Logically speaking, no one would want to deal with this unpalatable and less threatening beast.

However, many years ago, a practitioner who was not strong and only had a first-level cultivation was hunting strange beasts in the wild, and accidentally discovered a nest of white-scaled gophers.

He found a lot of spirit stone mines of different sizes in this nest.

Later, this cultivator swept away the spirit stone mine in the white-scaled gopher's nest, brought it back to the city and sold it, and the harvest was converted into spirit stones, which was about [-] pieces. This practitioner made a fortune directly.

After some people's research, everyone knows that the white-scaled gopher, a strange beast, may encounter a buried spiritual stone mine when it burrows into the ground.

And when they encounter these spirit stone mines, they will take them back to their nests and store them in case they are needed in the future.

Because of its habit, as long as someone finds traces of white-scaled gopher activities somewhere and spreads the word, it will develop into a lively scene of a large group of practitioners hunting for treasure.

After Lin Li learned about this matter, he couldn't help thinking.

"The squirrels on Blue Star like to store food in their nests for emergencies.

And this white-scaled gopher in the spirit world likes to put spirit stone mines in his nest.

Although the species is different, the behavior is really similar... It's interesting. "


Bibo Lake is located in the east of Dongwucheng City, about 20 kilometers away.

Teams of practitioners on horseback rushed out from the gate of Dongwu City and rushed towards their destination without stopping.

As far as the eye can see, except for a person wearing a black training uniform who is walking to the destination, everyone else is acting in a team.

After Lin Lizai knew that he could harvest a lot of spirit stone mines by finding that white-scaled gopher's nest, he thought about it and decided to join in the fun.

After asking about the approximate location of Bibo Lake, he immediately left the city and walked on foot.

Although Lin Li asked about the approximate location of Bibo Lake, after leaving Dongwu City, there was a vast wilderness in front of him.

There is not even a guidepost on the road, so it is easy to get lost, it is better to find a team to follow.

Therefore, Lin Li chose a three-person team as his navigator, and followed the team far away.

"Brother, there is a guy behind us who has been following us since we left the city. He doesn't mean he wants to play tricks on us?" A man with long hair glanced back at the figure behind him and said to his companion.

"He is alone. If he really wants to play tricks on us, then don't blame us for being rude to him..." The leading bald man glanced back, and then said indifferently.

"Brother, it's true to say so, but it's really annoying to be followed by this guy." Another man with short hair said.

"..." The bald man in the lead thought for a while, and it was true. After all, in this wilderness, being followed like this, anyone would feel guilty and feel dissatisfied.


Pulling the rein in his hand, the leading bald man stopped the horse under his crotch.

Seeing this, his two companions immediately pulled the reins in their hands to stop the horse under their crotch.

Lin Li took the three-person team in front of him as his own navigator, kept a certain distance, and followed them from afar.

At this time, seeing the other party stop suddenly, Lin Li immediately slowed down his following steps, then stopped, watching from a distance, waiting for the navigation team to continue to set off.

"Trough..." The man with long hair saw Lin Li stop and stood in the distance to watch, he immediately cursed, "Brother, that guy also stopped, it seems that he intends to follow us gone."

"It's okay that this guy doesn't ride a horse, and he doesn't even bring a weapon. Is he looking for death by following us like this?" said the man with short hair.

The leading bald man stared at Lin Li who was standing there in the distance. He saw that Lin Li was young and unarmed, so he was not worried that such a person would pose any threat to them.

However, being followed like this all the time makes me panic. If this is not resolved, how can I happily go hunting for treasure?

"Follow me to meet this guy," said the leading bald man.

Then, he flicked the rein in his hand, drove the mount under his crotch, and ran towards Lin Li who was standing and watching in the distance.

Seeing this, his two younger brothers immediately drove the mounts under their crotches to keep up with their elder brother.

"Huh?" Seeing the navigation team running towards him, Lin Li didn't choose to turn around and leave, but stood still, wanting to see what the navigation team was going to do?


The leading bald man came six or seven meters in front of Lin Li, pulled the rein in his hand, and stopped the mount under his crotch, while the younger brother behind him separated left and right, keeping a certain distance and stopped.

Judging from the postures of these three men, it can be known that they have combat experience.

"Hey, you guy, why have you been following us?" Before the bald man in the lead could speak, the man with long hair, who was already very dissatisfied with being followed, asked Lin Li first, with a very bad tone.

Lin Li saw that the other party's attitude was so unfriendly, so naturally he would not give the other party a friendly attitude.

"I just happen to be going in this direction, and you are in front of me, how can this make me follow you?"

After hearing Lin Li's explanation, the man with long hair said angrily, "You're just quibbling."

Lin Li shrugged, showing an indifferent attitude, "If you think so, then I can't help it."

"You..." For a moment, the man with long hair didn't know how to deal with Lin Li's indifferent attitude.

At first, he thought that the guy following behind him would make some rebuttals when faced with his questioning, but he never thought that the other party just explained a sentence lightly, and then stopped refuting, which made him feel angry Nowhere to sprinkle.

"Okay, you said you didn't follow us, so you go now." Seeing his companion blushing with anger, the man with short hair immediately said to Lin Li.

"I'm a little tired after running all this way. I need to take a rest now and go later." Lin Li raised his hand as he spoke, wiping the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead.

"..." Seeing Lin Li's false performance, the man with short hair was speechless, and the anger in his heart was drawn out immediately.

The bald man who had been silent for a long time saw his two companions being exhausted by Lin Li.

He knew that he had to say something, otherwise, his two companions couldn't help but attack the young man in front of him.


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