Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 348: Others are afraid of the big man behind you, but I am not afraid

The next morning, the sky was bright and bright.

Early in the morning, a black car drove up from a distance and parked on the side of the road near Ping'an Garden Community.

The car door opened, and Zhu Daqi, who was wearing a white T-shirt, got out of the car, and then walked quickly towards the Ping An Garden community not far away.

In the security room at the gate of the community, the guard was eating breakfast, Zhu Daqi walked through the gate of the security room as if nothing had happened, and entered the Ping An Garden community.

After all, it is not a high-end community, everyone comes in and out, and there is no need to register.

After entering the community, Zhu Daqi walked and watched, looking for his target.

Suddenly, two petite figures emerged from the bushes of the roadside green belt, and then quickly ran past him, which startled him.

Zhu Daqi looked at the two petite figures running away, and cursed inwardly, "Screw, it turned out to be two cats! I'm so scared."

The little black cat and the little white cat who were chasing and fighting stopped and looked back at the human with a bad attitude.

"Meow... this person is a stranger, it doesn't feel like he lives here!" said the little white cat.

"Meow...don't worry about him! I'm so hungry, let's go find something to eat." The little black cat said.

Afterwards, the two little wild cats came to the big tree next to the fence, quickly climbed up the tree, jumped onto the fence, and left the community.

Zhu Daqi wandered around the Ping'an Garden community, and finally found his target.

A silver-white van was parked in the parking space. Although there was only one van in the community, Zhu Daqi checked the license plate number to make sure he had found the wrong car before walking forward.

Early in the morning, there were few people on the road in the community, and the students were having breakfast at home and getting ready to go to school.

Office workers just woke up, or just got out of bed to wash up in the bathroom, and there is still some time before they go to work.

Zhu Daqi avoided those old people who were doing morning exercises in the community. Taking advantage of no one paying attention to him, he immediately took out a small tracker from his pocket, bent down, and stuck the tracker to the bottom of the van.

After finishing the work, he turned around, walked away slowly, and walked out of the gate of the community. He took out his mobile phone and opened a software on the mobile phone.

Zhu Daqi looked at the red dot displayed on the mobile phone software, his face was full of complacency, and he said to himself, "With this tracker, I can relax in this tracking task."

Back in the car, Zhu Daqi drove away and went to a nearby breakfast shop for breakfast.

He woke up early today, busy looking for someone to buy a tracker, and then rushed over to install the target's car. He was so busy that he didn't even eat breakfast.

Now that the tracker is successfully installed, it's time to relax and have breakfast.

In Building No. [-] of Ping'an Garden Community, the elevator door opened, and two figures, one big and one small, came out.

Zhou Tongtong, who was wearing a school uniform, ran out of the corridor first. She came to the green belt and inspected it, but she didn't find the two little wild cats.

"Why aren't Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai here! Where did they go?" Zhou Tongtong was thinking, saying hello to the two little wild cats before going to school.

"Tongtong, come here quickly." Wearing a dress, Xia Qing rolled out the electric car from the shed and shouted to her daughter who was looking for the little wild cat.


Zhou Tongtong immediately ran over when she heard her mother calling her. Afterwards, the electric car driven by Xia Qing took her daughter and left the community.

There is a restaurant not far from Ping'an Garden Community.

This restaurant mainly does home cooking, because it is still early and the restaurant is not open yet.

Two little wild cats came to the back door of the restaurant, hid behind the telephone pole, and watched the sneaky prey in the distance.

A big, fat mouse stuck to the wall and quickly ran towards the trash can at the back door of the restaurant.

When it was about to reach its destination, the little black cat immediately ran out from its hiding place and stopped it.

The big black mouse was startled by the sudden appearance of a natural enemy, and turned around to run away. But when it just turned around, it found another natural enemy appeared behind it at an unknown time.

The little white cat and the little black cat blocked the escape route of the prey one after the other. Looking at the panic-stricken prey, the faces of the two hunters were full of happy smiles.


The big mouse that had nowhere to escape screamed a few times in despair, then resolutely ran towards the little white cat, trying to break out from it.

Seeing the prey rushing towards him, the little white cat rushed over like lightning, and easily pushed the big mouse that wanted to break out to the ground.


The struggle of the prey made the little white cat couldn't help but want to let go of it and tease it, but the hungry growl made it dispel this idea instantly.

"Meow... Hurry up and kill it!" The little black cat looked at the prey that was pushed to the ground by his little friend, his eyes were full of disdain, and he urged.

The little white cat nodded, lowered its head, and went to the neck of the struggling big mouse. After a while, the prey died and stopped struggling.

Afterwards, the two little wild cats ate the prey one by one.

When they finished eating their prey, the back door of the restaurant opened suddenly, and the owner of the restaurant came out with a bag of garbage in his hand.

"Huh?" Throwing the rubbish in his hands into the trash can, the shop owner, who was about to go back, saw two little wild cats not far away.

There were some bloodstains and some wreckage on the ground. It could be guessed that these two little wild cats should have eaten a big mouse not long ago.

"Hey, two little guys, don't go away, I'll give you small fish to eat." The shop owner said, then turned and ran into his restaurant.

When the little black cat and the little white cat saw the human being, they wanted to leave, but when they heard the human being said that they would bring them small fish, they thought about it and stood there to see the situation.

The owner of the shop who said he was going to get the little fish didn't wait as long as the two little wild cats, and soon came out of his restaurant again. As he said, he really went to get the little fish.

The little black cat and the little white cat saw the chubby human approaching them with two small fish in their hands, and immediately backed away.

Seeing that the two little wild cats were so vigilant, the shop owner no longer wanted to approach them. He threw the two small fish in his hand towards the two little wild cats.

The little black cat and the little white cat lowered their heads and sniffed the two small fish in front of them, and found that the small fish were quite fresh, so they immediately picked up a small fish in their mouths, then turned around and left without any nostalgia.

"Come here at this time tomorrow, and I'll give you little fish to eat." The shop owner called out to the two little wild cats running away.

Although he felt that the two little wild cats couldn't understand what he said, he couldn't help but want to yell at them like this.


The spiritual world, Dongwu City.

Early in the morning, the pier of the Red Blood Gang began to be busy. The workers who got up early to work quickly unloaded the goods from the ships docked on the river bank and moved them to the warehouse on the pier.

Members of the Red Blood Gang, who are supervisors, patrolled the workers at work with blazing eyes.

As soon as they find that someone is slacking off, they will reprimand them, and some who have a bad temper will step forward and kick the other party, or whip the whip with the whip in their hands.

Although these hard-working workers were physically punished by members of the Red Blood Gang, none of them dared to resist.

Because there are not a few people who want to earn this hard money. If they dare to resist, they will be fired and replaced by others.

Thinking of the whole family relying on their own hard work on the pier to make ends meet, these poor workers were beaten and scolded, and had no choice but to swallow their anger and endure the bullying silently.

There is a forest not far from the pier, Lin Li stands under a big tree with luxuriant branches, watching the most important business of the Red Blood Gang in the distance is still booming.

"The leader of the Red Blood Gang was killed by me, as well as dozens of younger brothers. How come there is no chaos at all?" Lin Li was very puzzled, so he decided to find someone to inquire.

Not far from the pier of the Red Blood Gang, there is a bustling commercial street.

There is such a bustling commercial street in this somewhat remote place, mostly because it is very close to the pier.

Some ships transporting goods docked on the shore, and some of the goods will be transported here for sale. Over time, today's bustling commercial street has been formed here.

Lin Li hadn't had breakfast yet, so he left the pier, found a teahouse for breakfast in this commercial street, and asked the shop assistant for a separate private room.

In the private room on the third floor of the tea house, there are many tables beside the window to sit down and look into the distance, and you can vaguely see the pier of the Red Blood Gang.

The waiter put Lin Li's breakfast on the table, steamed buns, spring rolls, tea eggs... One plate after another, there were more than a dozen plates in total.

If it weren't for the fact that the table could only hold a dozen plates, Lin Li would have ordered a few more breakfasts.

"Guest officer, take your time. If you need anything else, call me." The shop waiter, who was at most fifteen or sixteen years old, served Lin Li with breakfast, said respectfully, and then left.

"Please wait a moment." Lin Li put down the teacup in his hand, and shouted to the waiter who was about to leave.

"Guest officer, what are your orders?" the waiter asked.

"I want to ask you something." Lin Li said, and took out a fifty copper bill from his pocket and put it on the table. Needless to say, the other party knew what it meant.

The waiter's eyes widened, he stared straight at the banknotes on the table, all the desire in his heart was displayed on his face, and he could see it all at a glance.

After all, after he dropped out of school at a young age, he worked in this teahouse, and his wages after a hard day's work were only fifty copper coins.

"Guest officer, you can ask whatever you want, as long as I know it..." said the waiter who was staring at the banknotes on the table.

"I heard that the leader of the Scarlet Blood Gang was killed not long ago. Is there such a thing?" Lin Li asked casually, with a look that I'm not sure about, making it look like it was real.

"There is such a thing. This matter has been widely circulated recently. Everyone is guessing, who is the leader of the Red Blood Gang offended? He was killed by someone." Xiaoer Dian said.

I'm not a big shot, but everyone suspected that the leader of the Red Blood Gang was killed because he offended a big shot. This is a good thing for me... Lin Li muttered in his heart, and then he asked the waiter again.

"It's true! The leader of the Red Blood Gang is also a character. Now that he has been killed, it's really surprising that the Red Blood Gang didn't make any trouble."

Seeing that Lin Li didn't know why the Red Blood Gang didn't make trouble, the waiter in the shop immediately showed an expression that I knew clearly, and said enthusiastically.

"Guest officer, I know this. I've heard from others that the reason why the Red Blood Gang didn't cause trouble is because the newly elected leader of the Red Blood Gang persuaded a certain big man to be their backer.

This prevented the Scarlet Blood Gang from being attacked by other gangs when their vitality was seriously injured.

Moreover, after hearing that the leader of the Red Blood Gang was killed by an unidentified assassin, the next day, their rival, the leader of the Feilong Gang, led his men to surround the members of the Red Blood Gang that night and asked them to clean up Get out of bed.

If it wasn’t for the members of the Red Blood Gang who took out the gold medal of the big man, the pier has already been robbed by the members of the Feilong Gang…”

"So that's the case! Then do you know who the big shots are backing the Red Blood Gang?" Lin Li asked.

"I don't know about that." The waiter shook his head.

It is also normal for Xiao Er to not know who the backer of the Red Blood Gang is.

After all, he is just an ordinary person. If he can clearly know who the big man behind the Red Blood Gang is, then Lin Li will doubt whether there is something wrong with the identity of the waiter in this shop.

Under the temptation of money, Dian Xiaoer told all the things he knew about the Red Blood Gang. After this questioning, Lin Li obtained a lot of latest information about the Red Blood Gang from Dian Xiaoer.

"Guest officer, do you have anything else to ask?" Seeing that Lin Li stopped asking questions, the shop clerk asked.

"There is nothing else to ask, thank you." Lin Li said with a smile.

"Then I..." The shop clerk's eyes moved down and landed on the fifty-copper note in front of Lin Li.

"You deserve this money, take it!" Lin Li picked up the banknotes in front of him and put them in front of the waiter.

"Thank you, guest officer, for your reward." The waiter put the money back into his pocket, thanked him with joy, and left the private room.

"Hehe...don't think that you will be safe and sound just because you have found a big shot as a backer.

Others are afraid of the big man behind you, but I am not. "

After the waiter left, Lin Li sneered, and while peeling the tea eggs, he looked at the faintly visible pier in the distance, and murmured to himself.

In the distance, on the pier of the Red Blood Gang, Fang Jingtang, who has become the new leader of the Red Blood Gang, is patrolling the pier with a few small leaders of the Red Blood Gang.

They looked at the thriving scene on the pier, and they couldn't help showing gratified expressions on their faces.

After all, not long ago, the Scarlet Blood Gang was facing the dilemma of falling apart.

Now that the difficulties have been overcome, everyone feels that the future of the Scarlet Blood Gang will get better and better.


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