Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 347: What to do, the road to the Zhang family is gone?

Above the wilderness, the sky is full of stars, like brilliant diamonds, inlaid on the pitch-black black curtain.

At this moment, the dangerous wilderness is quiet, so peaceful.


Suddenly there was a gust of wind, which made the leafy trees shake from side to side and the leaves rustled.

The wind at night is not as hot and dry as in the daytime. It passes through the gaps between the leaves and blows on the body, which is very comfortable.

A huge monster with a body length of more than 20 meters came to the blue star through the space crack.

The moonlight sprinkled by the bright moon hanging high in the sky reflected on the body of the red-horned purple-scaled lizard.

The silver-white moonlight is like flowing water, and it looks like it is flowing on its body.

The fine purple scales reflected the silvery-white moonlight, making this strange beast from another world opposite the space rift look a little more holy and a little less vicious.

However, the red-horned purple-scaled lizard is an extremely ferocious beast after all, it let out a roar, and immediately revealed its true colors.


The loud roar spread to the surroundings, and the sound was full of awe-inspiring meaning.

A few kilometers away from the space crack, there is a large water pool.

After nightfall, the hazy water mist floats up like a veil, covering the entire lake surface.

Suddenly, a loud beast roar came from a distance, passing through the misty water pool, when the sound dissipated, ripples appeared in the calm water pool.


Suddenly, the pool began to surge with splashes of water, and not long after, a huge creature with a body length of seventeen or eight meters surfaced.

It has a long mouth with sharp teeth protruding from the lips, and bulging eyes on both sides of the head.

The back is covered with green scales, the belly is white, and the tail is thick and long.

This huge creature was indeed a crocodile beast. After it emerged from the pool, it quickly climbed ashore, squinting its eyes and looking in the direction of the loud roar of the beast.

"Roar..." A louder roar came from the mouth of the giant crocodile beast, and at the same time, spiritual fluctuations appeared on its body.

At the peak of the second order, this giant crocodile turned out to be a strange beast with the peak of the second order.

After the roar of the giant crocodile beast, there was another response from a distance.

In this way, the two alien beasts were separated by several kilometers, and began to howl one after another. They seemed to be communicating, and as time went by, the mood of the giant crocodile alien beast became worse and worse. .

Around the water pool, there are many unknown snakes, insects, rats and ants hiding in the grass.

They are foraging in the grass under the night, and the sound they make is very subtle.

The giant crocodile beast that suddenly climbed ashore from the pool let out a roar.

The terrifying aura spread around, making these snakes, rats, rats and ants hiding in the grass all trembling with fright, not daring to make any more movements, for fear of accidentally offending this terrifying beast. Bury his own life.

The stronger the alien beast, the stronger its sense of territory. Knowing that an uninvited guy came to its territory, the giant crocodile alien felt offended.

It first calmly told the other party to get out of its territory, but it didn't work.

The guy who invaded the territory ignored its warning, and stayed in its territory as its own way.

Moreover, the other party's response was full of provocation, which made the giant crocodile beast's anger surge up uncontrollably.


Seeing that the other party ignored its warning, the giant crocodile beast let out a low growl in anger, then stepped forward and quickly ran towards the position of the guy who invaded its territory.

It wants to tear the opponent apart, making it use its own life as the price for invading its own territory.


In the hazy night, the red-horned purple-scaled lizard beast from an unknown world, after a fight with a strange enemy who told him to get out of the territory, it looked around and looked at this strange world curiously .

It can clearly feel that the concentration of psionic energy in this world is far inferior to that of its hometown.

However, being able to come to an unknown world through a space crack is also a very novel experience.

The red-horned purple-scaled lizard beast had only been heard from the elders of its own clan before, and there was a space crack in the world that could travel to an unknown world.

It was only heard as a legend, but I didn't expect that I actually encountered it.

If you go back and talk about this matter with your fellow clan members, it must be very embarrassing.

Afterwards, the red-horned purple-scaled lizard wandered around the cracks in the space, and just as it was about to return to its own world, it sensed a powerful wave of spiritual energy coming from behind it.

He turned around and looked towards the location where the spiritual energy fluctuations were coming from. After a while, a dull sound came from a distance.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

As time passed, the sound became louder and louder, and it could be judged that the creature making the noise was approaching rapidly.


The dense grass made a noisy sound, and a few seconds later, a huge figure walked out of the grass and appeared in front of the red-horned purple scale lizard.

The giant crocodile was originally full of anger, but when it arrived at its destination, it saw the enemy invading its territory. It was a weird-looking guy that it had never seen before.

Not only was the psychic energy fluctuations emitted by the other party not weaker than his own, but his body was also larger than his own, which made him calm down instantly.

Of course, this does not mean that the giant crocodile beast is afraid of the enemy that invaded its territory, but that it faces enemies of the same level and knows that it cannot act recklessly and needs to deal with it carefully.

"Roar... Get out of my territory." The giant crocodile beast was silent for a few seconds before opening its mouth.

"Hey... It's just in time. Before I went back, I wanted to fight the "indigenous people" of this world. I didn't expect this to come." The warlike red-horned purple-scaled lizard ignored the giant crocodile. Persuading him to leave, he said full of fighting spirit.

"Roar... bastard, you are really deceiving people. Since you want to fight, then come! I will bite your head off." The giant crocodile beast roared angrily, and then rushed towards the enemy who invaded its territory.

Seeing the "natives" of this world attacking him, the militant red-horned purple-scaled lizard roared excitedly, and then quickly went up to meet it.

Then, under the moonlit night, two huge and tonnage behemoths started a fierce battle in this dangerous wilderness.

The huge battle sound spread to the surroundings, and with the wind, it floated to a very far place.

Due to the appearance of space cracks, this area has greatly increased the concentration of psionic energy, attracting many strange beasts.

And when a fierce battle broke out between the giant crocodile beast and the red-horned purple scale lizard beast in this area, the beasts that were attracted to this area began to flee quickly.

After all, compared with saving one's own life, cultivating in this area where the concentration of psionic energy has increased a lot is not so important.

"Fairy Wood"

A few kilometers away from the two beasts where the fierce battle broke out, there are rolling mountains.

There is a cave on the hillside of one of the hills, and the bonfire in the cave is flickering. When the sound of two strange beasts that broke out in a fierce battle came here, several figures walked out of the cave, and there was a huge movement. look in the direction.

The silver-white moonlight splashed by the bright moon in the sky brought a little light to the earth, but at such a long distance, no matter how far away one looked, the naked eye could not clearly see what happened.

However, although the naked eye cannot clearly see what happened in the distance, it can be judged from the occasional bursts of fire and such a huge movement that there are very powerful alien beasts in the distance, and fierce battles are taking place.

The Alien Beast Hunters Guild has repeatedly emphasized that after dark, do not stay in the wilderness, because the wilderness at night is more dangerous than the wilderness during the day.

Although every Alien Beast Hunter knew this truth, some experienced Alien Beast Hunters couldn't help being bold.

The beast hunters who did not return to the safe area during these four nights but chose to find a cave in the wilderness for the night belonged to the kind of experienced and powerful beast hunters.

The leader of the team has a high-level second-level cultivation, and the other three have middle-level second-level cultivation.

"Captain, should we go over and take a look?" A woman with long hair and a ponytail asked.

As soon as her words fell, other people objected, "Looking at the movement, the strength of the alien beasts that are fighting cannot be underestimated. I think we should not go to the front to join in the fun."

"That's right! Fighting at night is not good for us humans. If we go up to watch the fun and get involved accidentally, it will be dangerous."

A middle-aged man with a second-level high-level cultivation has been a beast hunter for more than 20 years, and he has a lot of experience in spending the night in the dangerous wilderness.

And the fact that he has been able to survive for so many years without any irreversible danger is not mainly because of his own strength, but because he is very cautious.

"We have gained a lot in the wilderness these days, there is no need to take the risk to see what happened..."

As the captain of the team, since the middle-aged man had spoken, the tone settled down. Afterwards, the team of alien beast hunters who had spent the night in the wilderness returned to the cave.

Not long after, the blazing bonfire in the cave was extinguished.

The reason why the bonfire was extinguished was because of the team leader's safety considerations.

He felt that the cave where his group stayed overnight was not too far from the place where the battle broke out in the distance. Just in case, they turned off the fire tonight.

The fierce battle lasted for nearly half an hour. The fight between the giant crocodile beast and the red-horned purple scale lizard directly destroyed all the vegetation in a large area around it.

The ground was potholed, and the trees destroyed by the fire fell to the ground, making crackling noises. Where the flames were extinguished, only rising black smoke remained.

"Hey... Wait for me, you hateful bastard, today's matter will not end there."

The giant crocodile beast with wounds all over its body and broken teeth knew that it was no match for the enemy. After saying a harsh word, it swung its tail, then turned and ran away.

The red-horned purple-scaled lizard, whose scales were beaten off a lot, looked at the fleeing enemy and did not choose to pursue it.

Because from the very beginning, it just wanted to compete with the "indigenous people" of this world, and didn't want to separate life and death.

Now after some fights, the red-horned purple-scaled lizard was still quite surprised, "Hey... I never thought that there would be such a powerful guy in this world where the concentration of free psionic energy in the air is so low."

This journey to this unknown world out of curiosity should come to an end.

Watching the figure of the giant crocodile beast disappear into the distant night, the red-horned purple-scaled lizard beast with some minor injuries retracted its gaze, turned around and ran towards the space crack.

A few minutes later, not too far from the battle scene, a loud beast roar broke through the wilderness that had just returned to tranquility.

"Hey... what's going on? This is the position!

There is a big tree here, and the space crack circle is more than ten meters away from the right side of the big tree. Why is the space crack gone now? "

The red-horned purple-scaled lizard, who was originally in high spirits and quite proud of passing through the space crack this time and coming to this unknown world, lost all the joy in his heart at this moment, and turned into intense anxiety.

It spent a lot of time searching around a large tree with luxuriant branches, but finally found no trace of space cracks.

"Hey... I want to go home, don't hide, come out quickly." The desperate red-horned purple scaled lizard roared loudly.

Now that the space crack has disappeared, it is impossible to return to the original world, which is unacceptable to the red-horned purple-scaled lizard.


Desperate, the red-horned purple scaled lizard flicked its tail, and cut off the leafy tree in front of it, which it regarded as a mark.

"Roar..." The loud roar of the beast echoed in the quiet wilderness. The strange beast from an unknown world was just left on the blue star.


After eleven o'clock at night, a silver-white van drove into the happiness garden community.

After Lin Li parked the car, he turned his head to look at Su Yue who was sitting in the passenger seat with her eyes closed and sleeping peacefully.

"Su Yue, you're home."


Seeing that Su Yue was still motionless, Lin Li reached out and patted Su Yue on the shoulder, "I'm home, wake up."

"Hey~" Su Yue groaned softly, and then muttered, "Don't make noise, let me sleep for a while..."

Lin Li looked at Su Yue speechlessly, then he grabbed the other person's shoulder, and shook him a little harder until he woke up.

"Are you home?" Su Yue asked blankly with a dazed expression.

"Yes! We're home, get out of the car and go home!" Lin Li said.

"Oh." Su Yue unbuckled her seat belt, opened the car door and got out of the car. Because she drank a lot of wine during the barbecue just now, she is a little unsteady when walking, and she wobbled towards the building she lived in. go.

Lin Li originally thought that after Su Yue got out of the car, he would start the car and go home.

As a result, he saw Su Yue's unsteady walking appearance, he thought for a while, then opened the door and got out of the car, and walked quickly towards Su Yue.

"Hey, why did you keep up? Aren't you going home?" Su Yue felt someone approaching her, turned her head to look, and found that it was Lin Li, and asked with some doubts.

"I don't worry about your current state, I'd better send you to the door of your house!" Lin Li said angrily.

"Hehehe..." Hearing Lin Li's concerned words, Su Yue couldn't help but let out a clear and melodious laugh.

"Stop smirking, let's go!" Lin Li urged.

The smile on Su Yue's face remained unchanged, she nodded, and then walked forward slowly.

"It's better to go faster, so dawdling, when we get home, it will be dawn." Lin Li looked back at Su Yue, who was several steps behind him, and said exaggeratedly.

"I'm so dizzy!" Su Yue shook her head and said.

"I told you to drink less. You didn't listen just now. Are you okay now?" Lin Li came to Su Yue and squatted down.

"Why?" Su Yue asked knowingly.

"Come up quickly, I'll carry you back." Lin Li said in order to go home early.

"Hee hee." Su Yue smiled, then took a step forward and threw herself on Lin Li's back.

Today is different from the past, Lin Li, who has greatly increased his strength, has long been prepared, and will not be thrown forward by Su Yue.

However, even if Lin Li's strength has greatly increased and he is already a second-order peak practitioner, he still can only hold on, resisting the huge pressure Su Yue put on him.

The soft feeling on his back and the orchid-like musk fragrance lingering at the tip of his nose continuously impacted Lin Li's spiritual defense, which made him regret carrying Su Yue home.

Su Yue wrapped her slender arms around Lin Li's neck. Seeing that Lin Li was still squatting, she couldn't help being a little puzzled. She put her rosy lips close to Lin Li's ear and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with you? Didn't you mean to carry me back?" home?"

Lin Li was reciting the Qingxin mantra silently in his heart to get rid of distracting thoughts, when he suddenly felt his ears itch from the moist breath.

He quickly turned his head to the side, then stretched out his hands, grabbed Su Yue's slender thighs and stood up, saying with disgust.

"You are too heavy. I was trying to get up just now."

"..." Su Yue heard Lin Li say that she was heavy, and tightened her hands around Lin Li's neck with some dissatisfaction.

"Hey, loosen your hand! Are you trying to exhaust me to death? I'm almost out of breath!

! "In fact, Lin Li felt okay, and shouted loudly.

"Who told you that I'm heavy? I weighed myself after taking a shower yesterday, and it's not heavy at all." Su Yue said while loosening her hands that were tightly hugging Lin Li's neck.

"Really? Then how much do you weigh now?" Lin Li asked casually in order to distract attention.

"Guess." Su Yue said.

"Two hundred catties?" Lin Li asked.

"You think I'm a pig?" Su Yue said dissatisfied when she heard Lin Li's exaggerated guess.

Under the dim light, two overlapping figures cast a long shadow on the ground, and the sound of bickering with each other resounded from time to time.


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