Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 341: The abnormality begins to appear

The sun was scorching hot, and at noon, there were fewer pedestrians on the street.

After all, no one wants to hang out on the street under the sun in such hot weather.

Lin Li and Zhang Yuxi walked out of the cool restaurant after having lunch together.

The oncoming heat wave made the two of them a little uncomfortable, and they frowned slightly.

"It's really hot in the afternoon!" Lin Li said.

"Yes! It may take more than half a month for the weather like this to gradually cool down." Zhang Yuxi said, recalling the weather forecast for the next ten days that he saw this morning.

Lin Li, who didn't have enough lunch, wanted to find a cafeteria to fill his stomach quickly, so he said, "Then that's it for today, I still have some things to do, let's go first..."

"En." Zhang Yuxi nodded, and then the two separated and walked to their respective parking places.

"Although the restaurant I ate at noon tastes good, the portion of the food is really disappointing." Lin Li thought to himself as he walked towards his van parked by the side of the road.

Suddenly, he remembered that he had forgotten something to do, so he stopped quickly, then turned around, looked at Zhang Yuxi who was walking away, stepped forward, and quickly chased after him.

Zhang Yuxi was in a very good mood at the moment, and the meal she had with Lin Li at noon was a major factor in her good mood.

When she was about to enter the parking lot, Lin Li called her from behind, "Zhang Yuxi, wait a minute."

Zhang Yuxi, who was about to enter the parking lot and drive home, heard Lin Li calling her, so she turned around and looked at him.

Before Zhang Yuxi could ask Lin Li what's the matter, she saw Lin Li walking towards her, with two large bags of fruits and vegetables suddenly appearing in his hands, and she said to herself with a smile.

"I planted a whole field and planted some fruits and vegetables. I didn't expect that the yield was quite high. I couldn't finish it all by myself. Take these two bags of fruits and vegetables back and eat them!"

"..." Zhang Yuxi was stunned for a moment when she heard Lin Li's words, then she quickly came back to her senses and said with a smile, "Thank you, the fruits and vegetables you planted are in good condition. Good talent!"

Zhang Yuxi didn't doubt Lin Li's words, because it was very popular for residents living in urban areas to rent a farmland in the suburbs to grow their own vegetables.

She took it for granted that when Lin Li said of consolidating a field, he meant renting a farmland in the suburbs.

"Fortunately, my talent for farming is mediocre." Lin Li said with a smile.

What he said was indeed true, because after all, he was not a farmer who worked in the fields all year round and had little experience in farming. The reason why he could grow such good-looking vegetables and fruits was all due to the addition of the mysterious island.

Zhang Yuxi just thought Lin Li was modest, nodded with a smile, and then reached out to pick up the two big bags of fruits and vegetables that Lin Li gave him.

"It's quite heavy, let me put it in the car for you!" Lin Li didn't pass the two big bags of fruits and vegetables to Zhang Yuxi.

The other party thought for a while, thanked him again, and then led Lin Li to his parking spot.


Lin Li put two large bags of fruits and vegetables into Zhang Yuxi's trunk, and then closed the trunk.

After finishing this matter that he almost forgot, Lin Li heard Zhang Yuxi say to himself, "Lin Li, do you still have any pearls on hand?"

" sold out the batch of pearls I sold you last time?" Lin Li asked in surprise when Zhang Yuxi asked if he had any pearls.

Because the batch of pearls sold last time was not small, it has only been a few days since the transaction. It would be an exaggeration to say that the batch of pearls has been sold out.

Although the business of Zhang Yuxi's jewelry store is very good, it is impossible to think about selling out all the tens of thousands of pearls in such a short period of time.

Unless she sold those pearls to other people, otherwise, it would be impossible to sell out the batch of pearls so quickly based on retail sales alone.

"No! How could it be so fast?" Zhang Yuxi said with a smile, "The store should no longer need pearls in a short time."

"Then you...?" Lin Li was a little puzzled. Since Zhang Yuxi said that the batch of pearls he bought before had not been sold out, why did he ask himself if he had any pearls on hand?

Zhang Yuxi explained, "I have a friend who runs a jewelry store in Beijing. If you still have pearls, I can recommend them to her."

It turns out that Yuxi wanted to introduce buyers to herself!I saved her life yesterday and owed me such a big favor. I didn't expect it to be reciprocated so soon... After hearing Zhang Yuxi's explanation, Lin Li thought happily in his heart.

"Yes, I still have a large number of pearls..."

"Okay, then I'll contact her when I get back. With the quality of those pearls you have, she will definitely want them..."

"sorry to bother you."

"Why are you being polite? We are friends!" Zhang Yuxi blinked and said with a smile.

Lin Li nodded. At this moment, he heard Zhang Yuxi ask himself again, "I forgot to ask you, how many pearls do you have on hand now?"

"How many pearls did I buy in the spirit world a few days ago?" Lin Li thought about it in his heart, and then said to Zhang Yuxi, "One hundred thousand."

"..." Zhang Yuxi opened her mouth in surprise when she heard the number that Lin Li said.

She didn't expect that Lin Li still had so many pearls after purchasing [-] pearls.

You know, there are very few sources of natural pearls of this quality in the market.

Unlike Lin Li's current situation, every time he ships tens of thousands of pieces, it seems that as long as he is asked for the goods, he can get them no matter the quantity, which is really amazing.

"If that friend of yours needs more pearls, tell me the number, and give me a little time, and I will get the number together..." Lin Li said.

"Okay." Zhang Yuxi put away her surprised expression, then watched Lin Li leave the parking lot.

Although she was very curious about where Lin Li got so many high-quality pearls, she didn't ask.

After all, I have been in business for several years, and the default rules in the business world still have to be followed. Even if you are a good friend, it is not easy to ask where the other party's high-quality goods come from.

After seeing Lin Li's figure disappear into the distance, Zhang Yuxi opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat.

She didn't start the car immediately, but leaned on the steering wheel with both hands, glanced at the rearview mirror, and said to herself.

"Lin Li is really different from other men!"

Zhang Yuxi has also been given gifts by many opposite sexes since she was a child, but this is the first time she has encountered gifts from the opposite sex, which are two big bags of vegetables and fruits.


The car started, and Zhang Yuxi left the parking lot. She didn't go to the jewelry store because she wanted to take home the two big bags of fruits and vegetables that Lin Li had given her.


After Lin Li gave Zhang Yuxi the two big bags of fruits and vegetables he had prepared in the morning, he drove a van to find a cafeteria nearby.

This cafeteria with a per capita consumption of 120 has a lot of dishes.

When paying with his mobile phone, he saw the message Su Yue sent to himself, so he replied, paid the money, and then went to the pick-up place to get something to eat.

The school was in the middle of lunch break. In the teacher's office, Su Yue, who had a graceful figure, was wearing earphones, leaning against the back of the chair, watching the TV series being played on the tablet computer on the desk.

At this time, the mobile phone on the table rang, and she took it over to take a look, and found that it was Lin Li who sent her a reply.

"Not yet, I'm getting ready for lunch."

After reading the message from Lin Li, Su Yue raised her hand to brush the hair hanging from her ears, revealing her delicate ears.

Then, her slender fingers like green onions jumped quickly on the screen of the phone, "It's almost one o'clock in the afternoon, are you only having lunch?"

In the cafeteria, Lin Li brought several large plates of food and sat down at an empty table.

Just as he was getting a little hungry and was about to start, the phone in his pocket rang.

I took it out and took a look, only to find that it was another message from Su Yue.

"I was too full from the barbecue in the morning, and my stomach was slow to get hungry, so I ate lunch late." Lin Li made up a random reason, and after clicking send, he picked up the fat house happy water with ice cubes in front of him, and felt the pain Take a sip.

"That's it! That's fine, I won't bother you for lunch." After sending this message, Su Yue put the lock screen of her phone back on the desktop, and then continued to watch the TV series that was playing on her tablet.

In the cafeteria, Lin Li put his mobile phone back into his pocket, and then devoured a large pile of food on his table.

If Su Yue was the one who invited her for lunch, Lin Li would not be polite to her, maybe he would eat up all of her monthly salary.

But now, he can only find another restaurant to fill his stomach.


In Ping'an Garden Community, a silver-white van parked in a parking space in the community.

After parking the car, Lin Li opened the door and got out of the car. When he closed the door, he suddenly burped.

He had a big meal in the cafeteria just now, and he was a bit full.

He probably won't go to that cafeteria to eat again next time, because he ate too much in that cafeteria just now, and many clerks came to his table and looked at him secretly.

Thinking back to the behavior of those clerks just now, it is actually quite normal. They work in the cafeteria and have seen many customers with huge appetites, but this is the first time they have met customers who can eat as much as Lin Li.

Seeing him eating without stopping, within half an hour, he ate an amount equivalent to four or five adult men, enough to fill his stomach, it was really amazing.

Lin Li walked in the direction of his home, and at the same time thought in his heart, "In the next few days when my food intake will increase sharply, I have to find a way to solve the meal at home by myself."

He had this kind of thought entirely because he was eating in a restaurant outside, and it was a bit embarrassing to be surrounded by people because he ate too much.

It's okay to be watched occasionally a few times, but if there are too many times, it's really unbearable.

Especially when eating in a cafeteria, if such a guest with an amazing appetite appears, even if he only goes to each cafeteria once, it is still very conspicuous, and it will inevitably spread.

At that time, someone secretly took a video and uploaded it on the Internet, so it’s fine for strangers to see it. If someone you know saw it, they would inevitably send a message to ask about it, which would be extremely embarrassing.

Lin Li was thinking about how he would solve the meal in the next few days, when he was passing by the green belt.

In the shade of a big leafy tree in the green belt, two little wild cats raised their heads and stared at him intently.

"In the next few days, I will just order takeaway and eat at home.

However, it's not good to eat takeaway often, or I will eat in Dongwu City in the next few days.

Anyway, not many people know me in that other world, no matter how big my appetite is, it doesn't matter if I get publicized. "

When Lin Li was thinking about whether he should go directly to Dongwu City to solve his own food problems under the state of eating abnormally these days.

He suddenly noticed that there were two naked eyes on his side, staring straight at him, so he stopped and turned his head to look at the position of those two eyes.


! ”

"It turns out that these two little wild cats are staring at me!"

"I don't have anything to eat on me, why are they staring at me like this?"

Seeing Lin Li stop and look at him, the little black cat said to his little friend, "Meow... is that human looking at us?"

Seeing the smile on Lin Li's face, the little white cat became more vigilant.

Because it had seen a smiling human before, using a ham sausage to lure a wild cat to its front, and then took it away.

Since then, it has never seen the wild cat again, and has no way of knowing the fate of the wild cat captured by humans.

"Meow... It's not good to stay here anymore, let's go to another place." For some reason, the little white cat always felt that there was a particularly terrifying aura emanating from this human being.

It had this feeling before, but it didn't pay much attention to it at the time, but now, the terrifying aura it felt seemed to become more obvious, which made it very afraid of the human being in front of it.

"Meow... Do you want to change places? Where are you going?" The little black cat asked his little friend.

It didn't feel the terrifying aura emanating from the human looking at them like the little white cat.

But since his little friend said that this human being is particularly dangerous and must be careful, it naturally chose to believe his little friend, and was also full of vigilance against that human being.

"Meow... come with me." The little white cat withdrew its gaze from Lin Li and said to its little friend.

"Why are these two little guys gone?" Lin Li saw the two little wild cats staring at him, thinking of himself smiling and showing kindness.

Unexpectedly, as soon as his smiling face appeared, the two little wild cats lying on the grass in the shade immediately stood up, turned around and ran away, disappearing into the bushes in the distance.

"First Clan"

Lin Li didn't know that the smile he showed was the main reason for the two little wild cats to leave. He only thought that the two little guys left to find something to eat because they might be hungry.

"If you guys come here and let me masturbate a few times, I can give you some food." Lin Li muttered, and then he continued walking towards home.


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