Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 342: Solve the current distress and cry of despair

The sun is shining today and the weather is very good.

In Dongwu City in the territory of Chu State in the spirit world, in a beautiful and elegant villa, in the kitchen of the owner's house, there are two figures standing in front of the stove.

"Sister Zhang, the meat has been stewed for so long, should it be ready?" Qin Muqing asked the eldest sister who taught him how to cook.

"Miss Qin, the meat is ready to be cooked, but before serving, you need to sprinkle a handful of chopped green onions on it." Sister Zhang, who sells lunch boxes, nodded with a smile and reminded.

Open the lid of the pot that makes the sound of gurgling, and the stewed meat in the pot immediately emits a tempting aroma.

Qin Muqing reached out to turn off the flame on the stove, picked up a small bowl, and sprinkled the emerald green fresh green onions into the pot, then she picked up a big spoon, and put the stewed meat in the pot into the big bowl.

Sister Zhang, who was selling boxed lunches, looked enviously at the newly-launched magic stove from her employer. This convenient magic stove is not cheap, and the price is [-] copper coins.

Ordinary families would be reluctant to spend so much money on such an expensive and convenient spiritual tool, like the spiritual tool stove in her home, which only cost [-] copper coins. Compared with the two, the price difference is far away.

In the restaurant, there are five dishes and one soup on the exquisitely crafted solid wood dining table, all of which look pretty good. These dishes are the result of what Qin Muqing learned from Sister Zhang, who sells boxed lunches today.

"Miss Qin, you are the fastest person I have ever seen to learn how to cook. According to your current learning progress, I will have nothing to teach you in a short time." Sister Zhang, who sells lunch boxes, praised Qin Muqing.

Qin Muqing, who is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, naturally has good learning ability.

Before, because no one taught her, she messed around by herself, and the food she cooked was simply dark cooking. Now that she has a good master, her progress is naturally visible to the naked eye.

Qin Muqing said with a smile when she heard Miss Zhang, who sold box lunches, praise herself.

"It's all taught by you, Sister Zhang. Without a good teacher like you, Sister Zhang, I wouldn't be able to cook such a table of delicious meals."

Everyone likes to hear other people say good things about themselves, and when Sister Zhang, who sells lunch boxes, heard what Qin Muqing said, her face burst into a smile.

"Sister Zhang, let's have lunch together at noon. You sit down first, and I'll go to the kitchen to serve the meal." Qin Muqing smiled and said to Sister Zhang who sold boxed lunches, then turned around and went to the kitchen to serve the meal.

But at this time, Sister Zhang, who sells lunch boxes, shook her head and called to Qin Muqing, who was about to go to the kitchen to serve herself a meal.

"Miss Qin, you don't need to serve me a meal, because I'm going out to sell lunch boxes, so I have lunch early and have already eaten at home."

"Then it's been a while since you came out of the house, and you should have almost digested the food you ate at home.

I can't finish these five dishes and one soup by myself, so you can eat as much as you want!Don't be polite to me..." Qin Muqing said.

"Eh..." Miss Zhang, who sells boxed lunches, wanted to refuse again, but Qin Muqing said again, "Could it be that Miss Zhang thinks my cooking is not tasty? That's why you keep declining."

"Oh, okay, okay, Miss Qin, stop talking, can I eat it?" Sister Zhang, who sells boxed lunches, said helplessly.

"Hehehe..." Qin Muqing saw that Sister Zhang, who sold box lunches, was persuaded by herself, and then let out a series of clear and sweet laughter, and then went to the kitchen to serve the rice.

At the dining table, the very chatty elder sister who sold boxed lunches told Qin Muqing a lot of interesting things she knew, and the guests and hostess enjoyed the meal.

"Then that's it for today. These ingredients are needed tomorrow..." After lunch, before leaving, Ms. Zhang, who sells box lunches, took out a folded paper from her small bag and handed it to Qin Muqing.

Qin Muqing took the paper handed over by the other party, took a look at it after unfolding it, then nodded, and said to Sister Zhang who sells lunch boxes.

"Okay, I'll go to the vegetable market in the afternoon and prepare the ingredients for tomorrow in advance."

When he first moved into the villa, the ingredients Lin Li prepared could have been eaten for three or four days.

But at the beginning, Qin Muqing, who didn't know how to cook, ate a lot and consumed most of the ingredients for nothing.

Therefore, the ingredients at home are only enough to cook a meal at noon, and Qin Muqing has to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables in the afternoon.

Speaking of the vegetable market, because the residential area has not been completed, the planned vegetable market cannot be opened.

If Qin Muqing went out to buy vegetables now, the nearest vegetable market would be a long way from home.

After explaining the ingredients that will be used tomorrow, Ms. Zhang, who sells boxed lunches, pushed her boxed lunch cart and left.

Qin Muqing sent people to the door of the villa, and watched Elder Sister Zhang who was selling boxed lunches. She didn't look back until the other party walked a long distance away, and then closed the door of the villa.

"Counting what I learned yesterday, there are a total of ten dishes that I can handle so far.

If Mr. Lin is eating at home now, I can deal with it calmly, and I don't have to worry about revealing myself as before..."

Qin Muqing, who first lived in the villa, was worried that her poor cooking skills would lead to revealing her secrets.

Now, most of the problems that troubled her have been solved, which made her feel very light.


blue star.

The afternoon sun is extremely hot. Even though the temperature in the outskirts of the Eastern District is a few degrees cooler than that in the city, people in the suburbs still feel a little uncomfortable due to the heat.



Under the sun, the forest tops on both sides of the river fluctuate with the wind, and the collision between the branches and leaves makes a burst of sound.

A man with a height of 1.7 meters [-], wearing gold earrings on his ears, wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans, kicked small stones on the ground with his hands in his trouser pockets.


The kicked pebbles fell into the distant river, splashing a small splash.

The man with the golden studs on his ears looked away from the distant river, turned to look at his companion and asked.

"According to the agreed time, shouldn't that guy arrive? He hasn't arrived yet, so something happened to him?"

The person who was questioned was a tall man with a height of 1.9 meters. He was wearing sunglasses and dark green casual clothes.

reading net

"Don't worry, wait patiently. If something happens to him, we will get the news in advance." The man wearing sunglasses raised his hand and yawned, then said something in a relaxed tone.

"It's a hot day, it's really hard to have a joint in this wilderness! Can't we change to a cooler place for joints?" said the man with gold earrings on his ears.

"Today is different from the past, and now the Ability Management Bureau is very strict, if we meet in the city, we are very likely to be caught by investigators.

For the sake of safety, although it is a bit painful to connect here, it is better than being caught by investigators. said the man wearing sunglasses.

"Hey... these days are getting more and more difficult now." The man with gold studs on his ears couldn't help but let out a sigh of emotion when he thought of the arrest of a friend he knew a month ago.

While the two were chatting, there was a group of people hiding in the woods in the distance, watching their every move.

The hottest time of the day is between two and three in the afternoon.

At 02:30 in the afternoon, the temperature in the urban area has reached 42 degrees, while that in the suburbs is [-] degrees.

Standing on the bank of the river, two men under the shade of a big leafy tree, just when they were waiting impatiently and wanted to call to ask if something happened, the distance was calm Suddenly there was a change in the water surface.

The slowly flowing river in the river channel suddenly set off a huge wave.


The water surged, and a figure in a diving suit emerged from the water.

"It's finally here." The two men waiting on the shore saw the figure in the diving suit with happy expressions on their faces.

The man in the diving suit quickly swam to the shore. After landing, the man with the gold studs on his ears and the man with sunglasses who had been waiting for a long time walked over immediately.

"We've been waiting for so long, but we haven't seen you yet. We thought something happened to you. Why did you arrive so late today?" asked the man with the gold studs on his ears.

The man in the diving suit, while removing the waterproof bags tied to his body, explained to the man with the gold studs on his ears why he was late.

"It's really unlucky, just now I drove to the place where the water was launched, but I met a bastard who didn't obey the traffic rules on the way.

He scratched my car, so it's fine if he doesn't apologize, but the villain complained first, stopped the car and yelled at me.

I couldn't hold back for a while, and scolded him for a while, so I couldn't get here in time. "

Hearing the words, the man with gold studs on his ears echoed and scolded, "I also encountered your situation a month ago. I really don't understand why there are such unqualified people now. It's not the best thing to obey the traffic rules. Is it basic?"

"Yeah! I don't know how these bastards passed the driver's license test..." said the man in the diving suit.

"Maybe these bastards bought their driver's licenses with money. I really hope that such bastards who don't obey the traffic rules will have a big accident." The man with gold studs on his ears said maliciously.

The man wearing sunglasses stood quietly and didn't speak, but his heart was not as calm as he appeared on the surface. At this moment, he was complaining to the two people chatting enthusiastically in front of him.

"You two attack those bastards who don't obey the traffic rules with righteous words, but what you are doing now is much worse than them."

After working for a few minutes, the man in the diving suit took off all the waterproof bags tied to his body, put them together, and handed them to the man with the gold studs on his ears.

"The last part of this batch is here. In the next month, there will be no more goods. As for when we will meet again, we will wait for the notice."

The man with gold studs on his ears took the waterproof bag handed over by the other party, and instead of opening it for inspection immediately, he asked with some doubts.

"Why are there no more goods in the next month? Now the business is good. If the supply is interrupted for a month, I will lose a lot of money!"

"Why else?" The man in the diving suit said with a sad face, "The summer special strike operation launched by the Ability Management Bureau has seriously threatened all delivery channels.

If we continue to transport goods here, it is tantamount to fighting against the wind, and the risk is too great. "

The man with the golden studs on his ears nodded in understanding when he heard the words, and then he began to inspect the goods.

After opening a waterproof bag, a package of plastic bags containing medicines was revealed. The man with the gold studs on his ears nodded in satisfaction.

Then, he handed over the goods in his hand to the man wearing sunglasses beside him. The latter took a look, and then put all the waterproof bags full of goods into a snakeskin bag that he had prepared earlier .

"The goods have been handed over to you, I should go, you guys leave this place as soon as possible, be careful on the way back, don't attract the attention of the investigators."

The man in the diving suit saw that the other party had checked the goods and put them away, so he decided to leave, and before he left, he gave another order.

It's not that he cares much about the safety of these two people, the main reason is that he is afraid that if the two of them are caught, they may drag him out.

"Don't worry! We have a lot of experience! We won't be caught by the investigators." The man with the gold studs on his ears who successfully got the goods said with a smile.

And just as he finished speaking, a voice suddenly sounded and hit him in the face on the spot.

"You three, stand still and don't move."

The three lawbreakers standing on the shore heard the voice behind them, and immediately turned around to look. When they saw the appearance of the approacher, their faces turned pale for a while.

"Slot, it's the investigator." The man in the diving suit screamed in horror.

Then, he turned around and ran towards the bank of the river, jumped and plunged into the water.

The man with gold studs on his ears and the man wearing sunglasses are not good at water. They couldn't jump into the water and escape like the man in the diving suit. Seeing the investigators chasing them, they hurriedly fled to the distance.

In a crisis, escaping with a pile of goods is obviously hindering the movement, so just discard the goods that have just been obtained.

"Why did you lose the goods?" The man with the gold studs on his ears shouted hurriedly when he saw his companion discarding goods worth more than 400 million yuan.

"Ma De, we are in danger, are you still thinking about goods at this time?" The man wearing sunglasses who was not very talkative cursed.


The man in the wetsuit plunged headlong into the water, making a huge splash.

He quickly swam to the distance, and then dived into the water. Just when he felt that he could escape and ascend to heaven, he suddenly felt the water around him turbulent.

The sight shifted to the shore, and the investigators who caught up were divided into two groups. One investigator came to the shore alone and stood at the position where the man in the diving suit jumped just now.

Other investigators went after two other criminals who were desperately trying to escape.

The investigator standing on the shore did not jump into the water to chase the fleeing criminal. He raised his right hand, and a pale golden aura bloomed on his hand. Grasp.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The originally calm water surface suddenly appeared turbulent, forming a vortex in an instant.

The man in the diving suit who had just dived into the water felt the world spinning for a while, and then his body was uncontrollably drawn into the vortex.

" think you can run away! Come back to me!" The investigator standing on the bank and exercising the ability shouted, and then pulled back vigorously with his right hand, which was blooming with pale golden aura.


There was a loud roar, and the man in the diving suit who was caught in the vortex was thrown out of the water with great force and flew straight to the shore.

When the investigator who performed the power saw the target flying over, he immediately jumped up and caught the man in the diving suit who was thrown ashore.

After landing, before the dizzy criminal came back to his senses, the investigator took out the handcuffs around his waist, twisted the opponent's hands behind his back, and put on the handcuffs.


After the dizzy man in the diving suit came to his senses, he knew that he was doomed, and immediately let out an unwilling wail, and then he lay motionless on the ground like a dead fish that had lost its vitality.


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