Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 340: In your eyes, my life is only worth two meals?

"???" The little black cat was a little puzzled when he saw the big orange cat running away in a hurry.

Afterwards, it saw its little friend getting up from the ground and staring at him in a daze.

"Meow...why are you looking at me like this?" the little black cat asked. At this moment, it still doesn't know the mutation that happened to itself.

"Meow... You, look at your current appearance." The little white cat came back to his senses and said to his little friend.

"Meow...what's the matter with my current appearance?" The little black cat turned its head to look at its own body while talking.

Then it widened its eyes, looking at its own huge body in disbelief, as well as the long tail that swung around and was out of its control.

"Meow... how did you make yourself so big all of a sudden?" The little white cat came to his little friend and asked curiously. It's not like the big orange cat. Frightened by this sudden change.

"Meow... I don't know! But I saw you being bullied on the ground by that big orange cat just now, and I thought to myself, if my body was as big as it, I could teach it a lesson and beat you rescued from its grasp.

Then, my body seemed to suddenly have a feeling of swelling, maybe it was because of that feeling of swelling that I became what I am now! "The little black cat recalled the strange feeling just now, and said to his little friend.

"Meow... Feeling bloated? Do you still feel that way now?" the little white cat asked.

"Meow...not anymore." The little black cat felt it carefully and said.

"Meow...then can you change back to your original form?" the little white cat asked again.

The little black cat was stunned by the little white cat's question. At this moment, it reacted belatedly, "Meow... It's over, I won't change back, will I?"

As soon as the voice fell, the worry on the little black cat's face disappeared immediately, and turned into an indifferent attitude, "If you can't change it, you can't change it! I like the way it is now.

From now on, that big orange cat, stop trying to bully us with its size advantage. "

"..." The little white cat looked at his little friend who was several times older than him with an indifferent attitude, and silently raised his little paw and scratched his cheek.

Just when it was about to say something more, the little black cat whose body had grown several times larger, the pale golden aura that appeared in its eyes disappeared.

"Meow... oh, my head is so dizzy." The moment the golden aura in the little black cat's eyes disappeared, it felt its eyes go black, then its body wobbled, it couldn't stand steadily, and it fell directly to the ground.

Under the gaze of the little white cat, after the little black cat, whose body had grown several times larger, fell to the ground, its body began to shrink rapidly, and within a few seconds, it returned to its original size.

"Meow... so uncomfortable!" The little black cat, which had changed back to its original form, shook its drowsy head lightly, and let out an uncomfortable cry.

No anti-theft

The little white cat hurried forward, stretched out its little paws, pushed the little black cat's head with the pink pad, and asked with concern, "Meow...why are you uncomfortable?"

" head hurts." said the little black cat.

"Meow... what can I do?" the little white cat said anxiously.

" don't have to worry, I'll rest for a while, and it should be fine." The little black cat said seeing that his little friend was very worried about him.

The sun in the sky climbed slowly, and the reflections of the buildings moved as the sun climbed.

"Twittering..." Some ordinary birds that got up early and looked for food flew into the community and landed on the branches of the big trees with luxuriant foliage. cry.

"Meow... are you better now?" The little white cat stayed by his little friend, and after half an hour, it asked.

"'s much better, my head doesn't hurt anymore." After the little black cat finished speaking, he got up from the ground.

"Meow... Now that you have transformed back, let's get out of here before the big orange cat sees it!" The little white cat said seeing that his little friend seemed to be fine.

The little black cat nodded. Although its head is not uncomfortable now, its overall condition is not very good.

If the big orange cat that was scared away saw it change back to its original form, maybe it would rush to retaliate.

Subsequently, the two little wild cats quickly left the community.


Time flies by like a blink of an eye, and it feels like a morning has passed in a blink of an eye.

The sun at noon is like a huge fireball, which is burning blazingly, pouring excessive light and heat to the earth without stopping.

It has entered September, and the weather is still so hot. The asphalt road scorched by the scorching sun seems to be burning.

Suddenly there was a gust of wind, blowing head-on with a heat wave, which made Lin Li, who had just parked the car and got out of the car, frown.

"It's so hot! After eating, I have to go home quickly."

The place where Zhang Yuxi invited Lin Li to have lunch was a western restaurant. According to the information Zhang Yuxi sent, Lin Li found the location of the western restaurant.

"Welcome, sirs." The waitress in the restaurant saw Lin Li walking into the store, and immediately greeted him, asking kindly.

"My friend has reserved a seat." Lin Li said to the waitress.

Then, he saw someone waving at him near the window in the distance, so he told the waitress and walked over.

Zhang Yuxi came to the restaurant for dinner more than half an hour earlier, quietly waiting for Lin Li's arrival, Lin Li was the first one who allowed her to wait at the dining place so early in advance.

Usually, others would wait for Zhang Yuxi at the dining place a long time in advance.

Today, Zhang Yuxi's hair was tied up, she was wearing a light-colored and elegant dress, and her face was covered with makeup, obviously well-groomed.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Lin Li came to Zhang Yuxi, pulled out a chair and sat down.

"I just arrived not too long ago." Zhang Yuxi, who was more than half an hour early, said with a smile.

When the guests arrived, Zhang Yuxi immediately called the waitress in the store to serve.

While the waiter was preparing the dishes, Lin Li and Zhang Yuxi chatted.

"After a night's rest, your complexion has indeed improved a lot." Lin Li looked at Zhang Yuxi's ruddy complexion and said with a smile.

"I fell asleep on the bed after washing yesterday. It's been a long time since I fell asleep so quickly." Zhang Yuxi took out a copy from her bag and prepared it in advance. put it in front of Lin Li.

"This is?" Lin Li looked at the bank card that the other party put in front of him, and asked a question.

"If you hadn't rescued me yesterday, I would never have survived to see the sun today... There is 100 million in this card, it's my little thought, I hope you can accept it." Zhang Yuxi explained.

She thought she wanted to give more, but Liu Lan reminded her that if she gave too much, Lin Li might not accept it.

The two of them had a serious discussion and decided to give 100 million, no more and no less. Lin Li would most likely not refuse this amount of money.

Although Zhang Yuxi and Liu Lan had a serious discussion and came to the conclusion that Lin Li would not refuse the amount of 100 million, but the actual situation was not as they thought.

After Zhang Yuxi finished explaining, Lin Li immediately shook his head and refused.

"You take the money back, and it didn't take much effort for me to save you yesterday.

In my opinion, I would feel very sorry to accept your 100 million thank you gift for such a small effort..."

Zhang Yuxi didn't expect that Lin Li was unwilling to accept even 100 million. She was about to say something more to persuade Lin Li to accept her thank you gift, but just as she opened her mouth, Lin Li interrupted her.

"Okay, don't talk anymore, I won't accept the money, if you think we are friends, don't mention the 100 million thing anymore." Lin Li said resolutely.

When he resolutely declined Zhang Yuxi's 100 million thank you gift, he also thought about it in his heart.

This Yuxi is a big client who bought several batches of my pearls!It is very necessary to establish a good relationship.

Now that I saved her life and owe me such a big favor, I can feel more at ease if I continue to cooperate with her or expand other businesses in the future.

"..." Zhang Yuxi looked at Lin Li with bright eyes, and remained silent.

After hearing what Lin Li said just now, she understood that Lin Li regarded herself as a good friend, and it would be too hurtful to thank friends for this kind of help with money.

Seeing that Zhang Yuxi no longer mentioned the money, Lin Li knew that the other party was persuaded by him. At this moment, Zhang Yuxi spoke.

"I won't mention the money anymore, but you saved my life after all! If I don't say anything, just say thank you verbally, I will feel sorry."

Lin Li raised his hand and stretched out his fingers, tapped the table in front of him, and said, "You didn't just say thank you verbally, no, didn't you invite me to dinner at noon?"

" it enough just to treat you to a meal?" Zhang Yuxi shook her head.

"Then treat me to two meals! If you have time later, if you invite me to another meal, this matter will be over, so don't worry about it anymore." Lin Li said with a smile.

"I didn't expect that! In your eyes, my life is only worth two meals." Zhang Yuxi joked.

Lin Li knew that Zhang Yuxi was joking, so he just smiled and didn't answer her words. At this time, the waitress pushed the dining car to the two people's table and began to serve them food.

The grade of this western restaurant is quite high, and the per capita consumption is not low.

Such high-consumption western restaurants all have one thing in common, that is, the dishes are very delicate, the plates are very large, and the servings are very small.

Hey, it seems that after this meal, I can't go home right away. I have to go to other restaurants to eat something to fill my stomach... Lin Li looked at the dishes on the table that were exquisitely crafted but not in large quantities. I muttered in my heart.

The waitress left after serving the dishes. The two chatted and laughed, chatting while eating, and unknowingly, the relationship became much closer.


"Drip ring..."

The bell for the end of get out of class rang, and the quiet campus immediately became a little noisy.

The elementary school students who had been in class all morning were already grumbling with hunger. When they heard the bell ringing for the end of get out of class, they all showed happy smiles on their faces.

The teacher in class announced that the get out of class could be dismissed, and the hungry pupils lined up under the organization of the monitor.

Then, under the leadership of the head teachers of each class, everyone went to the school cafeteria to have lunch in an orderly manner.

The elementary school canteen has three floors, the first and second floors are student dining halls, and the third floor is teacher dining halls.

In the teacher's restaurant on the third floor, after Su Yue and her colleagues finished cooking, they found an empty table and sat down.

"Su Yue, among the first-grade freshmen I brought this year, several little girls are super cute." Wang Jiao, a female Chinese teacher at the next table with Su Yue, chatted about her Chinese class this morning while eating lunch. things.

"Really? Then when I give them music lessons in the afternoon, I have to take a good look. Is it really what you said?" Su Yue said with a smile.

After lunch with her colleagues, Su Yue went to the bathroom. When she came out, she took out her mobile phone from her pocket on the way to the teacher's office and sent Lin Li a message.

"I just finished lunch, have you eaten yet?"

The message he sent didn't get a reply, probably because Lin Li didn't notice that someone sent him a message.

Su Yue put away her mobile phone and was about to continue walking to the teacher's office when she suddenly saw a little girl squatting in front of a pond with goldfish in the distance.

Zhou Tongtong, who was already a primary school student, wandered around the campus alone after lunch.

Today is her first day in elementary school, and she is full of curiosity about everything on campus.

Looking around, before she knew it, she came to the pool near the teacher's office, where the goldfish were kept.

"Ah! So many little goldfish." Zhou Tongtong looked at the little goldfish swimming in the pool, his round face was full of surprise.

Suddenly, a faint golden aura flashed in her round eyes.

Then, the little goldfish that had been swimming carelessly in the pond began to gather in front of Zhou Tongtong.

"You must be hungry, right?" Zhou Tongtong squatted down, looking at the little goldfishes gathered in front of her, the smile on her round face became brighter and brighter.

Then, she reached into her pocket and took out a pack of small biscuits. After opening it, she took out a piece of biscuit, crushed it, and threw it into the pool.

The little goldfish in the pool rushed to snatch the biscuits when they fell into the water. For a while, the calm pool set off waves of waves.

"Don't snatch it, don't snatch it, I still have a lot of biscuits!" Zhou Tongtong looked at the little goldfish snatching food, and while talking, took out another biscuit, crushed it and threw it into the pool.

Just as she was happily feeding the little goldfish in the pond, suddenly, there was a pleasant voice behind her.

"what are you doing?"

He took out another piece of biscuit, and was about to crush Zhou Tongtong who continued to throw it into the pool, when he heard the voice behind him, he subconsciously turned his head and looked behind him.

What Zhou Tongtong saw was a fair-skinned, beautiful, tall, curvaceous older sister who was prettier than her own mother.

Thinking of what she was doing, she looked a little flustered, and greeted the big sister stammeringly, "Old... Hello, teacher."

Su Yue looked at this cute little girl with a ponytail, her gaze fell on the biscuit in her hand, and she asked. "What's your name? Years and classes?"

Zhou Tongtong stood up, hesitated for a while, and then explained truthfully, "My name is Zhou Tongtong, and I work in the class once a year."

"Student Zhou Tongtong, the school has a rule that you can't bring snacks to school, you should know!" Su Yue said.

"Teacher, I didn't eat any biscuits." Zhou Tongtong explained.

"You can't bring them to school if you don't eat them. Besides, you can feed the little goldfish in the pond. The school has special fish food. It's wrong for you to feed them biscuits like this..." Su Yue said.

"Teacher, I'm sorry, I won't do this again in the future." Zhou Tongtong quickly bowed his head to admit his mistake.

Su Yue saw that Zhou Tongtong admitted his mistake with a correct attitude, and said with a smile, "I think you are a first-time offender, so I won't be an example. I won't tell your class teacher this time. Come, give me the biscuit in your hand..."

When Zhou Tongtong heard that Su Yue said she would not tell her class teacher, she brought snacks to school and fed the little goldfish, she immediately felt that this beautiful teacher is really a good person.

Su Yue took the biscuit that Zhou Tongtong handed over, saw that she was still standing there looking up at her, and reminded with a smile, "Okay, lunch break is coming soon, you should go back to your class quickly!"

"Goodbye, teacher." Zhou Tongtong nodded, then turned and left.

"This child is really cute!" Su Yue looked at Zhou Tongtong's leaving back, and ate the little girl's remaining two biscuits.

"Hey, the taste of these biscuits is really good, it's this brand! Go back and buy some online to keep at home, and eat when you're hungry."

Su Yue threw the plastic bag of biscuits into the trash can on the side of the road, and then continued to walk to the classroom and office.


The breeze blew, and the water surface in the fish pond rippled with ripples.

After the little goldfish ate the biscuits that Zhou Tongtong fed, they were still looking forward to the little girl's continued feeding.

But they waited for a long time, but no biscuit crumbs fell into the water again, and then they scattered separately.


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