Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 339: Monster! ! !mutation under rage

Because he had the experience of receiving an award once, Lin Li came to the Ability Management Bureau to receive his award this time, and the whole process was very smooth.

When he came out of the place where the Ability Management Bureau received the bonus, he ran into the investigator lady Wang Jing who had fought with giant wild boars and beasts on the battlefield.

She and a few colleagues hurried towards the parking lot. After a while, the two cars left the parking lot and drove out quickly outside the Ability Management Bureau.

"It's not easy to be so busy in the morning!" Lin Li thought to himself as he looked at the line of investigators leaving.

Then, he also left the Ability Management Bureau, came to the van parked on the side of the road, opened the door and got in the car.


The car started, and Lin Li turned around to go home. Just across the street, after seeing Lin Li's van start, a black car immediately followed suit.

Ten minutes later, the black car that was following Lin Li stopped, because he saw the van driven by Lin Li returning to the community.

The window of the car fell slowly, and sitting in the driver's seat was a strong man with dyed golden hair and earrings on his ears.

Zhu Daqi looked at the Ping An Garden community in the distance, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and found out his eldest brother's phone number.

"All, all, all..."

The call was not answered immediately after the call was made. After waiting for about ten seconds, there was no response from the other side.

Liu Menglong, who was in the bathroom just now, came out of the bathroom and heard his cell phone ringing in the living room, so he walked into the living room quickly.

"Hello." Picking up the ringing mobile phone on the sofa, seeing that it was Zhu Daqi who was calling, he quickly answered it.

"Brother, the person you asked me to follow just left for the Ability Management Bureau.

He stayed inside for ten minutes, and after he came out, he went back to the community where he lived. "Zhu Daqi reported to Liu Menglong about his follow-up of Lin Li.

"Go to the Ability Management Bureau early in the morning?" Liu Menglong frowned slightly after listening to the younger brother's report, and then he ordered, "Okay, I understand, is there anything else?"

"No more." Zhu Daqi said.

"That's it for now. Keep watching him. If he leaves for the wilderness in the suburbs, call me immediately." Liu Menglong said.

"Okay, big brother." Zhu Daqi nodded, and then he asked again, "That... big brother, may I know, are you planning to do something to him by making me stare at this person?"

"..." Liu Menglong heard Zhu Daqi inquire about the reason why he let him stare at Lin Li. Considering that this matter is not easy to be known by too many people, he reprimanded him.

"Just do what I ask you to do. I'll tell you what I can tell you, and stop asking if you can't."

"Yes." Zhu Daqi, who was reprimanded, quickly admitted his mistake. After hanging up the phone, he reached out to touch his pocket and found that he had forgotten his cigarettes. Went to the convenience store on the street to buy cigarettes.

Li Ying, an elite member of the intelligence department of the Canglan Society, with a cropped head, stood under the big tree growing vigorously by the roadside at the moment, looking at Zhu Daqi who was going to buy cigarettes at the convenience store on the street, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Tsk... That's right, Liu Menglong from the Black Lin Society is quite efficient in handling things. He started to arrange people to do the things that were entrusted to him yesterday."

On the other side, Liu Menglong frowned after listening to his younger brother's report.

At this time, the gorgeous woman in cool clothes whom Zhu Daqi called Yanjie came back after going out to buy vegetables.

Putting the vegetables she bought at the vegetable market into the kitchen, and walking into the living room, she saw Liu Menglong sitting on the sofa with a mobile phone in his hand, frowning, and asked in doubt.

"Why are you frowning? Has something happened?"

Liu Menglong looked up at his companions from the same organization, and told him what Zhu Daqi reported to him just now.

"The target went to the Ability Management Bureau early in the morning. There will be no pitfalls in this job we took this time, right?" After listening to Liu Menglong's narration, the gorgeous woman in cool clothes couldn't help feeling worried.

The organization they belong to, the Black Lin Society, is listed on the strike list by the Ability Administration. If the investigators of the Ability Administration are cats, then they are shady mice.

After learning that Lin Li had gone to the Ability Management Bureau, these shady mice would naturally have some thoughts, and these thoughts would always be very bad.

"Fairy Wood"

Frowning, Liu Menglong saw the worried expression on the face of the gorgeous woman in cool clothes, he immediately eased the frown, smiled, and comforted his companion.

"Don't be afraid of pitfalls, haven't we hit the target yet?

That person gave us a month, we don't rush to do it, we continue to observe for a few days, if there are really pitfalls in this job, we just quit. "

"If we don't do it, what will happen when that person named Huang Liu comes to the door?" asked the gorgeous woman in cool clothes.

"What should we do? If there is really a pitfall in this job, he didn't explain it to us in advance, and it would be reasonable for us not to do it.

As for the advance payment he paid us, it is impossible for us to return it..." Liu Menglong said.

"Yeah." The gorgeous woman in cool clothes nodded when she heard the words, "Then we have to take a closer look at the target, if he is really related to the Ability Management Bureau, we can't do this job. "

"This is natural, the organization requires us to lurk in this city and try not to attract the attention of the Ability Management Bureau.

If I know that the target is related to the Ability Management Bureau, and I attack him again, wouldn't that be lighting a lantern in the toilet? "Liu Menglong said.


On the mysterious island surrounded by white mist, there is a figure holding a small hoe, working in a small reclaimed field.

After spending some time, Lin Li planted some of the strawberry seeds he received in the morning in the field.

"Wait a week and I'll be strawberry free."

After arranging the strawberry seeds, Lin Li picked the ready-to-harvest fruits and vegetables in his vegetable field.

Cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, eggplants, cabbage, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, watermelons... Lin Li spent more than half an hour picking and filled several large bamboo baskets with fruits and vegetables.

At noon today, he was going to an appointment to have lunch with Zhang Yuxi. Lin Li decided that when he went to the appointment at noon, he would give Zhang Yuxi a few bags of these vegetables and fruits he had grown.

After Lin Li picked the fruits and vegetables, he took the shower and watered the crops in the field.

After that, I brought several buckets of water with buckets, and watered the fruit trees planted on the north side of the mysterious island, which would take a while to grow fruit.

Of course, the two spiritual plants planted on the south side of the mysterious island, which have not changed much in size, have also been watered.

After working on the mysterious island, Lin Li wiped his face with a wet towel hanging around his neck.

Then, while eating the freshly picked crisp cucumbers, he looked at the various crops on the mysterious island with a satisfied smile on his face.


Under the bright sunshine, in the neighborhood next to Ping An Garden, a huge orange cat was taking a nap under the shade of a big tree at the corner of the neighborhood.

Suddenly, the big orange cat heard something, its ears quivered a few times, and then slowly opened its eyes.

It saw two small wild cats, only a quarter of his size, walking towards him in the distance.

The two sides were old acquaintances, and the big orange cat barked at the two little wild cats with a look of disdain.

"Meow...Didn't I tell you guys? This community is my territory, no more coming here, did you take my words as a deaf ear?"

"Meow... We can come and leave whenever we want, and it's not your turn to take care of me?" The impatient little black cat responded.

"Meow... I'm too kind. The previous few lessons were too light, which caused you to have a short memory."

The huge orange cat stood up from the ground, several times the size of the two little wild cats, giving the two little wild cats a great sense of oppression.

"Meow... don't delay my sleep time, you two hurry up and go to bed together! Today I will make you remember well." The huge orange cat squinted its eyes and said threateningly.

"Meow... You restrain it from the front, and I will go around and attack it from behind." Just as the little white cat spoke halfway, the impatient little black cat rushed over and attacked the big orange cat.

" idiot, I asked you to restrain it, not to go straight up!" The little white cat looked at the little black cat who had already fought with the big orange cat speechlessly, and then said nothing. Tactically rushed forward to assist his partner.

"Meow meow meow……"

A loud cat meowing sounded in a remote corner of this community. If any residents in the community passed by, they would see a large, two small and three wild cats fighting.

Uh... It seems that this chaos is a unilateral crush.

The two little wild cats, the black one and the white one, were far smaller than the big orange cat in size, so after a while after the battle, they were crushed and beaten by the big orange cat.

" big fat man, let me go quickly." The little black cat shouted anxiously when he saw his companion, the little white cat, thrown under him by the big orange cat.

The big orange cat pressed on the little white cat, making the little white cat a little out of breath. Hearing the little black cat's angry shout, he turned his head to look at it, and said lazily.

"Meow... aren't you very capable? Come and save it yourself!"

In fact, compared with the little white cat, the big orange cat wants to put the little black cat under him, because the little black cat has made it angry a lot.

"Meow...don't worry about me, you go first." The little white cat knew that they were defeated again today, and asked the little black cat to escape first.

" calm down a bit." The big orange cat raised its paw, and patted the head of the little white cat under him with its meat pad.

"Meow... come together, let's go together, I won't leave alone." The little black cat said to his companion.

"Meow... idiot." The little white cat, who was crushed under the big orange cat and couldn't move, shouted.

" two guys really have a good relationship!" The big orange cat raised its paw and scratched its head, sighing, then looked at the little black cat, and made a request.

"Let's do this! Black cat, I'll give you another chance. As long as you bow your head and admit your mistake to me now, and promise not to wander around my territory in the future, I can let your companion go."


Hearing the words, the little black cat wanted to reject the enemy's proposal, but when it saw the little white cat being pressed down by the opponent, it looked uncomfortable, swallowed the words again, and fell into silence.

"Meow... don't surrender to it." When the little black cat was silent, the little white cat shouted again.

"Meow... shut up, I will give you chances again and again, don't take my kindness as weakness." The big orange cat said, raised its paw, and was pressed under it with the pad On the head of the little white cat, came several times.

"Meow..." Although the little white cat was not injured after being hit several times, it became dizzy from the slap on the head.

" big fat man, let me go quickly." The little black cat saw his partner being hit hard by the big orange cat again, it seemed to be stimulated, and the anger in his heart rose sharply Big cut.

After the big orange cat patted the little white cat so dizzy, as the overlord of cats ruling the community, he couldn't help showing a smug smile on his face when he heard the little black cat's angry and anxious voice.

Raising his head to look at the little black cat, the triumphant smile on the big orange cat's face suddenly froze, and the child's hole suddenly shrank, as if seeing something terrible.

Not far away, the little black cat who saw his little friend being bullied was greatly stimulated.

Suddenly, a light golden aura flashed in the eyes of the little black cat with its hair all over its body. Immediately afterwards, its petite body began to grow in size rapidly.

In a few seconds, the little black cat, which was only a quarter of the size of the big orange cat, became as big as the big orange cat.

"Meow... let me go." The little black cat, which had grown several times in size, also made a louder sound.

"Meow... monster!

! "The big orange cat who was originally complacent, at this moment, the complacent expression on his face disappeared completely.

It looked horrified at the little black cat whose body was as big as itself with a pale golden aura in its eyes. After a scream, it immediately got up from the little white cat, ran away in a puff of smoke, and disappeared in the In the bushes in the green belt.

The little white cat, who was so dizzy from being slapped, felt the pressure on his body disappear, and immediately felt relaxed.


! "When the little white cat regained his strength, got up from the ground, and looked at his partner, the little black cat, he was stunned... What's going on? Why did this guy become so big, and his eyes were still pale gold the light?

The little white cat stared blankly at the appearance of its little friend at this time, and finally understood. When it was dizzy just now, it heard the big orange cat say what was the monster?


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