Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 338: The essence of human beings is to die

At [-]:[-] in the morning, two figures, one large and one small, came out of the corridor.

Xia Qing, with long hair and a white dress, held the little hand of her ponytailed daughter and said, "Tongtong, walk well, don't jump around..."

"Okay, Mom." Zhou Tongtong, who was wearing a beautiful school uniform and carrying a cartoon schoolbag, immediately calmed down when she heard her mother's reminder, and stopped bouncing around.

Looking at the happy smile on her round face, it can be known that the little girl is full of expectations for her going to school soon and starting her new primary school life.

Xia Qing pushed out the electric car she had just bought from the carport, picked her daughter up, and put her on the back seat of the electric car.

Then, she drove the electric car and started driving to the school where her daughter went to school.

In the green belt in the distance, two little guys poked their heads out from the bushes, and they looked at Zhou Tongtong who was drifting away on the electric car.

"Meow... Zhou Tongtong went out with her mother early in the morning, where is she going?" the little black cat asked suspiciously.

"Meow... idiot, why did you forget so quickly? Didn't Zhou Tongtong tell us yesterday? Starting today, she will start going to elementary school." The little white cat said.

"Meow... oh, she went out with her mother early in the morning to go to school... Hey, how come my memory has become so bad recently." The little black cat said belatedly.

"Meow... your memory has always been poor. In human terms, you have a simple mind and well-developed limbs." The little white cat said with disgust.

" have a simple mind and well-developed limbs!" The little black cat retorted, unwilling to admit this fact.

"Meow... let's not talk about anything else, let's go find something to eat! I'm a little hungry." The little white cat said.

Then, two little wild cats got out of the bushes and quickly climbed up a big tree that was very close to the fence.

They jumped onto the fence along the branches of the big tree, left the Ping'an Garden District, and went to a place where it was said that there were many mice to look for food.



A strong sense of hunger hit Lin Li, who had just received Zhang Yuxi's call and was about to sleep in for a while. After only staying in bed for more than half an hour, he had to get up to find something to eat.

After washing in the bathroom for a while, the hunger became more and more intense.

After eating the miraculous fruit, the side effect of increased food intake will last for a few days, Lin Li knows this, so he has long been prepared.

He came to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, took out the marinated cattle and beast meat last night before going to bed, and then found the grill that hadn't been used for a long time.

Today's weather is very good, with no clouds in the sky, and the weather is still cool in the early morning. The bright sunshine shines into the balcony, reflecting on Lin Li who is roasting beef kebabs.

After eating the miraculous little fruit, Lin Li's cultivation base has been greatly improved, and he is more and more comfortable using the fire power.


Lin Li was rumbling with hunger. In order to eat barbecue as soon as possible, he did not use smokeless charcoal for barbecue.

"Crack." He raised his hand and snapped his fingers, sparks shot out from his fingertips.

Then, in the blink of an eye, these bursting sparks turned into small orange fireballs the size of eggs.

Under Lin Li's control, these small fireballs floating in front of him flew into the grill one by one, grilling strings of marinated cattle and exotic beef.


The marinated meat skewers are grilled by the small fireball, and soon waft out the aroma that makes the index finger move.


A gust of wind suddenly rose from the balcony, blowing the tempting aroma of barbecue to the surroundings.

The neighbor upstairs was drying clothes on the balcony, and suddenly smelled the aroma of barbecue, and said without doubt.

" come there is a smell of barbecue? Could it be that someone eats barbecue early in the morning?"

The small fireballs under the grill were quite powerful, but after a while, Lin Li, who was flipping the beef skewers, felt that the heat was almost ready to eat.

"Although it doesn't have the unique aroma of charcoal grilling, the taste is not bad." Lin Li took a bite of the beef skewers, commented in his heart, and then ate the meat with big mouthfuls.

Now his stomach is growling with hunger, and he just wants to get rid of the uncomfortable hunger as soon as possible, and he doesn't have that high requirement for the taste of food.


The sun was slowly rising in the sky, and the temperature, which was still cool in the morning, began to rise gradually.

Lin Li feasted on the balcony, and quickly wiped out a large portion of marinated beef and other animal meat.

"Ton, ton, ton..." After drinking the fat house happy water with ice cubes in one gulp, Lin Li burped and patted his stomach very comfortably.

Accompanied by a large portion of cattle and exotic animal meat, the uncomfortable hunger disappeared.

"Huh..." Lin Li, who was full of food and drink, glanced at the small fireballs still burning under the grill, opened his mouth and blew lightly on them, and then these small fireballs made by supernatural powers were quickly extinguished.

"All Worlds"

"After eating the magical little fruit last time, my food intake increased greatly. I remember that this situation seemed to last for about four or five days. I don't know how long it will last this time... The probability is that it will only be more or less!"

Lin Li leaned back in his chair, looked at the golden sun in the distance, enjoyed the occasional breeze blowing into the balcony, and thought to himself.

"Ding Dong."

Suddenly, the doorbell rang at home.

Lin Li got up and walked indoors, came to the entrance and opened the door, it turned out to be the courier brother.

"Sir, this is your courier."

"Thank you."

After signing for the courier, Lin Li came to the living room with a small package. He took out the scissors from the cabinet. After opening the package, several packages of strawberry seeds appeared in front of him.

"The strawberry seeds I ordered online have finally arrived. I will go to the mysterious island later and arrange these strawberry seeds."

Lin Li put the strawberry seeds he got into the mysterious island, and then went to the balcony to clean up the grill.

After carefully cleaning the grill in the kitchen and putting it away, Lin Li, who was busy with hygiene, came to the living room to sit down and watch the morning news for a while.

Although the group of alien beasts moving to the city yesterday was eliminated by investigators and alien beast hunters, and the danger was lifted, the relevant departments still blocked the relevant roads leading to the outskirts of the southern district, and ordinary people were not allowed to approach.

There is no exact information on when the lockdown will be lifted.

Of course, although the road is blocked, the beast hunters with relevant documents can still pass.

The main purpose of blocking relevant road sections is to prevent ordinary people from going to areas where fighting broke out.

After yesterday's battle, there were no traces of strange beasts for several kilometers around, but this did not mean that the surrounding area was absolutely safe and anyone could enter at will.

Some past incidents have shown that human beings have always been masters of death, especially some ordinary people who like to hold pens.

If we let it go now and allow ordinary people to freely enter the area where fighting broke out, maybe some people will wander around and go deep into the depths of the wilderness.

For safety reasons, last night, various relevant departments held a meeting and unanimously decided to block the road leading to the combat area for a period of time.

After reading the news about road closures in the news reports, Lin Li was about to enter the mysterious island and plant those strawberry seeds that he had just obtained. At this moment, his cell phone rang, and it was Liu Jialin who called.

"Lin Li, the case of Tieqiu Heng's escape from prison is over.

The guys who helped him escape from the prison have already been locked in the cell, you can come to us now to receive the bonus. "Liu Jialin told Lin Li the good news while returning to her work station with her water glass.

"Okay, I'll go to receive the award right now." Lin Li was very happy when he heard that there was a bonus to receive. Although he has earned a lot of money now, who would think that there is too much money?

After hanging up the phone, Lin Li immediately went back to the bedroom and changed his clothes, then went out to the Ability Management Bureau to collect the bonus.

Based on what he learned from Liu Jialin, this time he can receive a bonus of 20 yuan.


Rongxi Elementary School.

Today is the first day of school, Su Yue has light makeup painted on her face, she is wearing a well-fitting white shirt, and a black tight-fitting one-step skirt on her lower body.

The slender and well-proportioned long legs glowed under the sunlight, and a pair of black high-heeled shoes were under her feet. This kind of clothing was a standard office OL uniform.

Su Yue rode her white little sheep electric scooter to the school. After parking the electric scooter, she walked out of the parking shed and immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

"Mr. Su, good morning." Except for some freshmen who have just entered school, almost no teachers and students in this school do not know Su Yue. The students greeted this beautiful music teacher politely.

"Good morning." Su Yue responded to the students' greetings with a smile, and then walked towards the teacher's office.

Although it is still early before the class starts, the teachers have come to the office ahead of time, waiting for the class to start.

"He hasn't come yet?" Some young male teachers in the teacher's office, who are not married or have a girlfriend, muttered in a low voice, with expectant expressions on their faces.

Seeing them like this, the female teachers knew without thinking about who they were looking forward to.

Soon, a beautiful and charming figure walked into the teacher's office.

"Teacher Su." The young male teachers saw the long-awaited beauty coming, their eyes lit up, their faces were full of smiles, and they rushed to greet her enthusiastically.

"Good morning everyone!" Su Yue responded to her enthusiastic colleagues with a smile, and put a big bag in her hand on her desk.

Then, take out the gifts in the bag and distribute them to your colleagues.

"Thank you." A female Chinese teacher at the table next to Su Yue, about the same age as Su Yue, received the gift from Su Yue, thanked her, and said in surprise.

"Su Yue, the price of this souvenir you brought us from Qiongcheng is not cheap! It cost you too much."

"The price is okay! As long as everyone likes it..." Su Yue said with a smile.

According to the plots of some TV dramas, a beautiful female teacher like Su Yue is sought after by a group of young male teachers, and the other female teachers in the same office must be jealous and push her out.

But the reality is not like this. Although Su Yue is sought after by a group of young male teachers, the other female teachers in the same office are not dissatisfied, but are very close to Su Yue.

This is mainly due to Su Yue's generous personality and her irresistible personal charm that can accommodate both men and women.

Moreover, over the past few years when Su Yue has been a teacher in this school, she has become the target of many young female teachers to imitate and learn from.

After all, there is no girl who would not wish for herself to become a beautiful and outstanding woman like Su Yue.

"Su Yue, the grade director just said in the group that today is the first day of school, and after get off work, we should go out for dinner together..." Said the female Chinese teacher who led the table with Su Yue.

Su Yue nodded with a smile, and then asked her colleague, "Wang Jiao, didn't you say before the summer vacation that you should lose weight properly? Why do I feel that your face is rounder again?"

The female Chinese teacher who led the table was far less beautiful than Su Yue, but she was cute and slightly fat.

When Su Yue mentioned that she had planned to lose weight during the summer vacation, she scratched her cheek in embarrassment.

"I insist on exercising every day, but the plan can't keep up with the changes.

During the summer vacation, my mother didn't know which nerve was wrong, and learned to cook various dishes by following the videos of some food bloggers every day.

It's fine if she doesn't taste good, but you know, my resistance to food is almost zero. I eat and eat every day, but my weight is several catties heavier than before the summer vacation. "

"You still have to keep your mouth shut to lose weight! Then keep exercising every day. Like me now, the number of times I drink milk tea and eat desserts has decreased, and I will spare some time every day to do aerobics and practice yoga..." Su Yue said.

Wang Jiao glanced at Su Yue's incomparably foul figure, and said enviously.

"Since we realized it a few years ago, your figure can be said to be getting better and better, which is really enviable."

"It's okay! I feel that nothing has changed from before." Su Yue said modestly.

Talking and laughing time flies very quickly, the first class of the new semester is about to start.

Some teachers in the office took the teaching materials and left the office one after another.

After the class bell rang, there were not many people left in the office.

Su Yue tidied up her desk, picked up her phone and sent a message to Lin Li.

"I'm already at work at school, have you gotten up yet?"

"Get up." Lin Li, who just came out of the house and was about to go to the Ability Management Bureau to receive the award, saw the message from Su Yue, and replied briefly.

"It's really strange that you didn't sleep in late today..." Su Yue typed again when she saw Lin Li's reply.

"I wanted to sleep late, but I woke up hungry and had to get up."

"What did you have for breakfast this morning?"

"Grilled beef kebabs."

"..." Su Yue looked at the message from Lin Li and was speechless for a while.

"In the early morning, you actually eat roast beef kebabs for breakfast?!

! ”

"Isn't this hungry? Eating other things doesn't make you hungry, so I'll eat roast beef kebabs!"

The two were chatting, and when Lin Li came to the place where he parked, it happened that Su Yue was busy with something, so the chat ended.

Putting the phone back in his pocket, he opened the door of the van, and after sitting in the driver's seat, Lin Li started the car and walked slowly to the Ability Management Bureau.


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