Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 337: The reason for tit for tat and confidence

The spiritual world, Dongwu City.

It was late at night, and at this time, the pedestrians who were shopping on the street had already gone home to rest.

On both sides of the street paved with bluestone bricks, those spiritual artifact street lamps that use the free spiritual energy in the air as their energy source stand quietly, emitting dim light.

Like the street lamps on Lan Xing, in the spiritual world, there are also some small bugs flying around these street lamps emitting dim light. From time to time, a few bugs that were burned to death because they were too close to the street lamps fell on the ground. land.

Suddenly there was a loud noise from the direction of the pier in the distance. At this time, there are still so many people who have not gone home to sleep, and are making noise at the pier, which is really strange.

The silver-white moonlight fell from the sky, shining on the slowly flowing river, shining with hazy brilliance.

Not far from the pier by the river, there is a large area where members of the Red Blood Gang live.

At this moment, a group of people surrounded the residence of the members of the Red Blood Gang.

"You guys from the Flying Dragon Gang don't bully people too much..."

When the members of the Red Blood Gang learned that they were surrounded by people from other gangs, they immediately came out of their homes, gathered together, and confronted the enemies who surrounded them.

"Today we just want to bully people too much, what's the matter?" A mocking voice came from behind the crowd.

And when this mocking voice sounded, the members of the Feilong Gang immediately moved out of the way.

"Ta Tata..."

Steady footsteps sounded, and then, a middle-aged man with a height of 1.9 meters, an expressionless face, a burly figure, and a body full of knotted muscles appeared in the eyes of the members of the Red Blood Gang.

The small leaders of the Scarlet Blood Gang who brought their younger brothers to confront the members of the Feilong Gang, after seeing this middle-aged man, their faces changed drastically, and they all subconsciously took a small step back, feeling the fear in their hearts. Show everything.

Obviously, they all knew this muscular middle-aged man.

A small leader of the Flying Dragon Gang saw the members of the Red Blood Gang, and after seeing his own leader, all of them kept silent in fear, and immediately issued an ultimatum to the members of the Red Blood Gang in a very arrogant manner.

"If you guys are sensible, pack up your things and get out before dawn, know the consequences..."

"..." The younger brothers of the Scarlet Blood Gang looked at each other, and all their eyes fell on their own little leader.

The little bosses also noticed that the younger brothers behind them were all looking at themselves, and for a while, they felt a lot of pressure in their hearts.

You said to let them open their mouths to resist the ultimatum issued by the little leader of the Dragon Gang, they don't have the guts.

After all, the leader of the clan is here now, and there is no combat force on his side that can compete with him. Once the two sides start a war, his side will definitely be crushed by the opponent unilaterally.

And if you admit it now, do as the little leader of the Feilong Gang said, pack up your things, and get out of here, then the Red Blood Gang will collapse, and the younger brothers under him will definitely go their separate ways. Find another home.

The current situation is neither soft nor hard. It can be described as a dilemma.

The members of the Feilong Gang looked at the deflated look of their old opponent in front of them, and they felt refreshed, as if they had eaten a big mouthful of iced watermelon in the hot summer.

"We have given you a chance now. Don't be ignorant. The river in the distance is very spacious. If someone accidentally falls into the river at night, it will be a disaster..."

Suddenly, a younger brother of the Flying Dragon Gang threatened and mocked the members of the Red Blood Gang, which immediately triggered a series of obscenities.

The members of the Red Blood Gang have never been so humiliated before, each of them clenched their teeth and clenched their fists, wishing to rush forward and fight each other to the death.

However, as soon as the idea of ​​fighting to the death with the opponent arose in his heart, he immediately received the gaze of the leader of the Feilong Gang.

Thinking of this person's terrifying strength, the anger that had just risen in his heart was extinguished immediately as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him, and he didn't dare to have any more thoughts of fighting with him.

Just when the members of the Feilong Gang were using obscenities freely and freely to output to the members of the Red Blood Gang, in the shadows in the distance, many people stood watching the situation from a distance.

These people standing in the shadows and watching are the leaders of other gangs, and they arranged to come here to monitor the spies of the Scarlet Blood Gang.

Now that these spies saw that the members of the Feilong Gang were the first to attack the Red Blood Gang as expected, they wanted to rush back to their own gang immediately and report the situation to their leader.

And just when the spies who monitored the Red Blood Gang were about to leave to return to their own gang, there was a new change in the noisy scene in the distance, which made these spies who monitored the Red Blood Gang suspend the idea of ​​returning to their own gang.

The members of the Flying Dragon Gang taunted the members of the weak Red Blood Gang, and after venting freely, they were ready to use force to drive these deadly enemies away and occupy the pier.

Just when they were about to start, two figures suddenly appeared behind them, and one of them spoke to their leader.

"Master Wu, what do you want to do when you don't rest at home at night and bring your subordinates to our place?"

The members of the Feilong Gang were stunned for a moment when they heard this voice, while the members of the Scarlet Blood Gang changed their pessimistic mood after hearing this familiar voice, and their faces showed joy.

Everyone present looked in the direction of the voice.

Two figures approached from a distance, and everyone was "old acquaintances". After seeing the appearance of these two figures, the members of the Feilong Gang immediately recognized their identities.

"Fang Jingtang, Liu Qizhi." Many members of the Flying Dragon Gang who had suffered at the hands of these two people gritted their teeth and called out their names.

Although Fang Jingtang and Liu Qizhi were glared at by the members of the Feilong Gang, they did not show any expression of fear, and walked through the crowd very calmly to come to the leader of the Feilong Gang.

Now the leader of the Red Blood Gang was assassinated by an unidentified assassin, and the strongest combat power was gone.

Logically speaking, members of the Scarlet Blood Gang should not have the guts and confidence to dare to stand in front of the leader of the Feilong Gang and face him.

But now, Fang Jingtang and Liu Qizhi showed no expressions of fear at all, and looked calmly at the leader of the Feilong Gang.

The leader of the Feilong Gang is not the kind of person with a simple mind and well-developed limbs.

Seeing Fang Jingtang and Liu Qizhi's abnormal behavior, he squinted his eyes, and the thoughts in his mind were running quickly, thinking about what made these two people face him so confidently.

After the leader of the Red Blood Gang died, and when the dragons had no leader, Fang Jingtang, as a think tank, can now be said to be the backbone of all the members of the Red Blood Gang.

He didn't waste time playing tricks with the leader of the Feilong Gang, and directly showed why they are so confident now.

Fang Jingtang took out a golden token from his pocket. When the leader of the Feilong Gang saw this golden token, Tong Kong suddenly shrank.

In an instant, he understood where Fang Jingtang and Liu Qizhi dared to fight against him.

"After Hong Jiu's death, logically speaking, that lord will no longer protect you.

Unexpectedly!You actually managed to convince that lord to continue to provide you with asylum. "The leader of the Feilong Gang said coldly.

As soon as the words fell, a powerful wave of spiritual energy erupted from the leader of the Feilong Gang. Liu Qizhi, who was standing beside Fang Jingtang, suddenly became very nervous, and the calm expression on his face disappeared.

It was normal for him to have this kind of reaction. After all, his strength was far inferior to that of the leader of the Flying Dragon Gang. If the opponent made a move, he would definitely be beaten to death on the spot.

On the other hand, Fang Jingtang, when he faced the leader of the Feilong Gang exuding powerful spiritual energy fluctuations, his calm expression remained unchanged, without any change.

"Hahaha...Okay, Fang Jingtang, you are very good. I am very much looking forward to what the Red Blood Gang will develop into in your hands in the future?"

Seeing that Fang Jingtang was not afraid of him, the leader of the Feilong Gang restrained the explosive psychic energy.

The powerful psychic energy fluctuations disappeared, and his eyes were full of fierceness. After laughing loudly, he waved to his subordinates and led everyone away.

After all the members of the Feilong Gang left, the members of the Red Blood Gang, who were ridiculed just now and felt extremely aggrieved, immediately let out a warm cheer.

Originally, these members of the Red Blood Gang believed in Fang Jingtang very much, but now they saw that he turned the tide and changed his face in the face of the leader of the Feilong Gang.

All the members of the Scarlet Blood Gang were impressed by how calmly they dealt with the terrifying and powerful enemy.

Just as the leader of the Feilong Gang said, from today onwards, the position of the leader of the Scarlet Blood Gang is no longer in dispute.

Fang Jingtang put away the gold medal in his hand, and then said to the cheering members of the Red Blood Gang.

"I know you have a lot to ask now, but it's getting late now, everyone go back and rest! I'll tell you tomorrow."

The members of the Scarlet Blood Gang nodded, and then dispersed to go back to their own homes to rest.

When Fang Jingtang returned to his other courtyard, went to the study room, and closed the door, all the calm expression on his face disappeared.

He walked quickly to the desk, stretched out his trembling hands, and picked up the water glass to drink.

After drinking several sips of water in a row, he finally regained his strength, pulled out the chair and sat down, leaning back against the back of the chair, looking up at the roof, muttering to himself.

"The most difficult difficulties have been passed, and next, I should think about how to keep the income of the gang steady while maintaining steady growth.

Today I made a promise to that lord that even if the leader of the gang is gone, the income that the gang will turn in every year will only be a lot more.

If my promise is not fulfilled, the gold medal will be taken back... Without the protection of that lord, the Feilong Gang will never let us go. "

Tonight, the leaders of the various gangs in Dongwu City are destined to be very disappointed after receiving the news from their spies about the results of the confrontation between the Feilong Gang and the Red Blood Gang, and many of them will suffer from insomnia again.


On the morning of September [-]st, the sun was shining brightly outside the window, and there were no clouds in the sky. Occasionally, there were some birds that got up early and looked for food in the sky, passing over the roof of the building, chirping and flying into the distance.

Zhang Yuxi, who got up early, stood in front of the window, watching the sanitation workers who came out early in the morning to clean the road in the distance.

At this time, the sanitation workers had almost finished their work, and a few people started to go to the street selling breakfast carts.

Zhang Yuxi slept very peacefully last night, and woke up this morning very refreshed. She turned her eyes away from the sanitation workers who were going to buy breakfast in the distance, and returned to her desk to sit down.

I was kidnapped by those gangsters before, and I don't know where the mobile phone was taken by them.

Fortunately, there is always a spare mobile phone in the drawer in the office, so now, Zhang Yuxi doesn't have to go to the mobile phone store to buy a new mobile phone in the morning.

Open the address book, find out Lin Li's phone number, and dial it.

In the dimly lit room, Lin Li spread his hands and feet, lying on the bed in a big shape and sleeping soundly.

Suddenly, the mobile phone on the bedside table rang, and the loud ringing immediately woke up Lin Li who was soundly asleep.

"Who? A disturbing dream early in the morning."

Lin Li, who opened his eyes, muttered aloud, and took the ringing mobile phone from the bedside table.

Looking at the caller ID, it was an unfamiliar phone number. Lin Li thought to himself, don't call it from a salesman selling insurance, otherwise he would get angry.


"Lin Li, good morning!" Zhang Yuxi greeted immediately after the call was connected, and then found that Lin Li's voice was a little sticky, and asked, "Sorry, didn't I disturb your sleep, did I?"

Lin Li listened to the voice on the phone. Because he just woke up, his mind was still a little dazed, and he didn't immediately realize who the woman on the other end of the phone was.

"..." After hesitating for four or five seconds, he recognized the other party's identity.

"It's okay, it's time for me to get up at this time..." Lin Li, who hadn't slept enough, replied, and then he asked, "You called me, what's the matter?"

"Um... are you free at noon? I want to treat you to dinner." Zhang Yuxi explained the reason for her call. After sending out the invitation, she felt a little nervous because she had rejected Lin Li's dinner invitation before.

Lin Li knew that Zhang Yuxi invited him to dinner because he wanted to thank him for saving her yesterday.

She thought for a while and said, "It's not long since you experienced what happened yesterday, so let's cultivate for a few days first, and let's eat after we recover!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yuxi said quickly, "I'm fine now. I slept last night and my spirit has recovered."

Lin Li heard what Zhang Yuxi said, so he stopped trying to persuade her, "Okay, then you can send me the place for lunch later."

Seeing that Lin Li agreed to his invitation to eat, Zhang Yuxi gave a very happy "hmm".

After finishing the call, Lin Li locked the phone screen and put it on the bedside table beside him, preparing to continue sleeping for a while.

At this time, the phone rang again. Lin Li took the phone and took a look. It was the location of the restaurant for lunch that Zhang Yuxi had sent.


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