Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 333: As expected of a professional, one point of work is unambiguous

"There is still a piece of chicken wing." Su Yue picked up the last bit of the casserole, put it in the bowls lined up, and then picked up the casserole.

Seeing this, Lin Li, who was gnawing on the chicken's neck, immediately pushed his bowl forward.

Su Yue poured all the remaining chicken soup into Lin Li's bowls, and then she began to clean up the clean dishes on the table.

"Let me wash it!" Lin Li said to Su Yue who was quick to clean up the bowl after gnawing on the chicken's neck.

He ate the chicken wings in the bowl, drank the whole bowl of chicken soup in one gulp, and then got up to help Su Yue clean up the dishes on the table.

After a while, the two of them cleaned up and sat on the sofa in the living room to watch the news.

At this moment, the beautiful news host is reporting what happened in the morning, the group of alien beasts from the wilderness came to the city.

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen this morning?" Su Yue looked at the news being broadcast and said with a look of surprise.

The side effects of eating the miraculous fruit made Lin Li eat a lot. Although he ate a lot for lunch just now, and most of the food on the table went into his stomach, he was actually half full.

At this moment, Lin Li was thinking in his heart that after he left Su Yue's house, he needed to find another place to eat.

At this time, hearing Su Yue talking about the herd of alien beasts, Lin Li turned his head to look at the other party and said.

"Don't you know that there is a herd of alien beasts moving towards the city in the morning?"

"Yeah." Su Yue nodded, "I didn't read the news this morning... This matter was resolved so quickly, it seems that the group of alien beasts moving to the city is not doing well!"

As a witness, Lin Li saw that the group of alien beasts were quickly wiped out under the strangulation of investigators and alien beast hunters, and said with great approval, "It's really not that good."

"School will start tomorrow. I just checked the weather forecast on my phone. The hot weather will last for a long time." Su Yue changed the subject.

"Maybe it won't be until the end of September that the hot weather will completely disappear!" Lin Li said based on his experience in previous years.

"There haven't been many typhoons this year. Maybe a sudden typhoon will end the continuous high temperature."

Su Yue flicked the hair hanging from her ears, then flicked the slightly slipped shoulder straps back to their original positions, and said with a smile.

"En." Lin Li looked away from Su Yue, and responded in a low voice.


The afternoon sun is particularly hot, and the temperature of the road surface is very high. Walking on the street, a billowing heat wave hits your face.

After Lin Li came out of Su Yue's house and left the community, he didn't go home immediately, but went to the noodle shop by the roadside and ate several bowls of noodles.


"Finally full."

Lin Li took out a tissue from the napkin box, wiped his mouth, then got up and went to the cashier to pay.

After he left, the waiter of the noodle restaurant came to the table where Lin Li was eating noodles just now, looked at the five big bowls on the table, and was secretly surprised, "That customer just now can really eat!"

After coming out of the noodle shop, Lin Li bought an ice cream at a convenience store by the side of the road, and ate it while walking towards home.

At this moment, a man with a cropped cut came out from the intersection in front of him. He frowned and looked around, as if he was looking for something.

When Lin Li, who was eating ice cream, passed by the inch-cut man, he was stopped by the man, "Hello, sir, my mobile phone is out of battery, and I can't use the map navigation. Excuse me, do you know where Fumin Road is?"

"Are you going to Fumin Road? It's quite far from here... You turn right at the front intersection, go straight ahead, turn left again, and when you get to the end, you will see a pet shop, walk along the pet shop Go straight down the street and you'll be there..."

Lin Li raised his finger and pointed behind him, pointing the way to the stranger who asked for directions.

"Thank you." The inch-cut man seriously wrote down the route suggested by Lin Li, and then thanked him gratefully.

"You're welcome." Lin Li nodded, and then continued to walk in the direction of his home.

After the inch-cut man asked the way, he followed Lin Li's instructions and walked forward. After walking more than 20 meters, he suddenly stopped and turned to look at the young man who was helping him.

"This target named Lin Li is really young as shown in the information! Is it really possible for him to have a second-level high-level cultivation?"

The inch-cut man asking for directions was Li Ying, an elite member of the Canglan Society's intelligence department.

Yesterday, he stepped outside the community at night, and now he personally pretended to be a stranger and contacted Lin Li. This operation can only be called a professional.

After Li Ying, who had been in close contact with the target just now, felt more and more in his heart that such a young man in his 20s who had just graduated from university should indeed be impossible to have a second-level high-level cultivation.

However, the process that should be followed still needs to be followed, otherwise, there is no way to explain it to my superiors. Next, it is time to start the plan that was conceived before.

Li Ying withdrew his gaze from looking at Lin Li, turned around and walked to the place where he took a taxi on the street.

Lin Li, who was eating ice cream, suddenly felt someone staring at him with malicious eyes. He stopped, then turned around...Looking around, he found no suspicious person.

"That's weird..." Lin Li, who didn't find any suspicious person, murmured, and then continued walking towards home.


In the East District, in an old urban village near the outskirts, there is a hidden underground casino.

All along, the business of this shady underground casino has been pretty good, but in recent months, their business has plummeted due to special actions by relevant departments.

In the northeast corner of the village in the city, there is a one-story house with a large character written in paint on the wall, and the room is filled with air-conditioning.

A strong man with dyed golden hair and earrings on his ears is sitting on the sofa in front of him, shirtless, embracing a gorgeous woman in cool clothes and heavy makeup on his face, looks Said the vicious man.

"Brother, in the past few months, there have not been many guests coming to the casino. If this continues, we will not be able to expose the blame."

The man with a height of 1.8 meters and a ferocious appearance took a glass of red wine poured by the gorgeous woman in cool clothes beside him. After taking a sip, he let out a long sigh.

"Zhu Daqi, the elder brother you mentioned knows it all, but the current situation is like this, and the relevant departments are paying close attention to it. Even if there are a large number of guests who dare to come, we dare not welcome them all!

After all, the more people there are, the easier it is to leak information. Our shady business, under such circumstances, can only be operated as it is now. "The gorgeous woman in cool clothes explained.

Zhu Daqi, who had dyed his hair golden and wore studs on his ears, said.

"Sister Li, my brothers' income has been greatly reduced in the past few months, and they can't survive. As far as I know, many people have borrowed money from others.

"Fairy Wood"

Now as long as the special action of the relevant departments is not over, the casino will not be able to operate normally. For the sake of the brothers, I think we have to think about other ways to make money. "

When Zhu Daqi came back to talk to his elder brother, it was actually not only his own thoughts, but other brothers also had the same thoughts. He was just a representative, expressing the feelings of the brothers.

The bastards who do shady jobs in this underground casino are used to spending money lavishly on weekdays.

When the business of underground casinos is good, their wages are quite high, and they spend money lavishly, so it's okay to be a moonlight family.

But now we are in an extraordinary period. Due to the special actions of relevant departments, the income of underground casinos has been reduced by at least 90.00%, which has caused everyone's income to drop drastically.

"Old Liu..." The gorgeous woman in cool clothes turned her head to look at the boss of the underground casino who was holding a wine glass, and called softly.

The vicious-looking Liu Menglong drank the red wine in the glass, and said, "I know the situation, you go down first! Wait for my notice."

"Okay, big brother." Seeing his big brother saying that, Zhu Daqi knew that there would be some new changes in the future, so he nodded, turned and left the bungalow.

The gorgeous woman in cool clothes picked up the wine bottle and refilled the wine glass, then asked, "Old Liu, what are you going to do next?"

"I haven't figured it out yet, but there is no limit to the road. Isn't it easy for me to make money?" Liu Menglong said with a smile, then picked up the wine glass in his hand and drank it in one gulp.

Liu Menglong, who drank several glasses of red wine in succession, was slightly drunk. He stood up and was going to go back to his room to take a nap.

And at this moment, he suddenly turned his head to look at the door, and shouted, "Who?"

The gorgeous woman in cool clothes was about to clear some appetizers on the coffee table, when she heard Liu Menglong yell at the door, she stopped what she was doing and looked towards the door.

A man with a cropped cut came into the room with a black plastic bag in his hand.

This person was smiling, looking calmly at Liu Menglong with fierce eyes, and the coolly dressed gorgeous woman with a wary expression.

"Hello." Li Ying greeted Liu Menglong with a smile.

"Who are you?" Liu Menglong felt a little angry that this strange man came to his home without his permission.

But seeing the other party's calm expression, he was going to take a look at the situation before taking action to teach this rude guy a lesson.

"My surname is Huang, my name is Liu, Mr. Liu Menglong, I came to you today to discuss a business with you..." Li Ying gave a false name and explained her purpose of coming.

Liu Menglong didn't expect this guy named Huang Liu to know his name. Hearing that he came to talk to him about business, the anger in his heart dissipated a lot, and he raised his hand to invite Li Ying to sit down.

Li Ying came to sit down on the sofa opposite Liu Menglong, and glanced at the coolly dressed gorgeous woman next to Liu Menglong.

The latter knew what Li Ying meant, and said, "She is not an outsider, so just say it!"

"I want you to teach me a lesson..." Li Ying said straight to the point.

Liu Menglong heard the words, thought for a while, and said, "The lesson you mentioned shouldn't be the simple lesson of beating up?"

"Yes, I need you to break that person's hands and feet..." Li Ying said cruel words lightly.


Liu Menglong and the coolly dressed gorgeous woman fell silent when they heard Li Ying's request. The two of them didn't say they were frightened by Li Ying's request, but felt that this guy who came to talk about business was also A ruthless character.

"Since you know my name, you should know what kind of business I am in. If you ask me to teach you a lesson, you are probably looking for the wrong person!" Liu Menglong pondered for a moment, then said.

"That's it! Mr. Liu's words mean that you can't accept this business?

If that's what you mean, then fine, I won't bother you..." Li Ying said, getting up and leaving.

Seeing Li Ying get up and leave so resolutely, Liu Menglong quickly asked him to stay, "Mr. Huang, please stay, that's not what I meant."

Not long ago, my younger brother Zhu Daqi just came to see me and told me about the current difficult situation of my brothers.

Now is the time to do some other business to earn some money. It just so happened that there was such a customer who came to discuss business with him. Liu Menglong would not just let him go.

Li Ying stopped and looked at Liu Menglong, who laughed and said, "I'm going to open up some other businesses recently, and Mr. Huang's needs happen to be within my scope of business.

Come, come, sit down, and tell me in detail about the person you want to teach... Pour a glass of wine for Mr. Huang. "

The gorgeous woman in cool clothes nodded, took a clean wine glass, filled it with red wine, and came to Li Ying.

"Thank you." Li Ying thanked the gorgeous woman in cool clothes. After taking the glass, he didn't drink it, but put it on the coffee table in front of him.

Liu Menglong and the gorgeous woman in cool clothes were not surprised that Li Ying didn't drink this glass of wine, after all, no one would casually drink wine poured by a stranger.

"This is the document of the person I want you to teach..." Li Ying opened the black plastic bag, took out a paper document, and handed it to Liu Menglong.

After Liu Menglong took it, he browsed immediately, and then his brows furrowed tightly.

The target is a young man who has just graduated from university this year. He has a peak level of cultivation. Not long ago, he has obtained the qualification certificate of the alien beast hunter. He is an official alien beast hunter registered in the alien beast hunter guild.

"How is it? Can you take this business?" Li Ying asked after noticing Liu Menglong's frown.

"I thought the target you asked me to deal with was an ordinary person, but I didn't expect it to be a beast hunter.

At such a young age, his cultivation has broken through to the peak of the first order. This cultivation talent is not bad! After Liu Menglong read the target's information, he handed it over to the gorgeous woman in cool clothes beside him.

The latter looked at the target details on the information, but his expression didn't change much.


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