Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 334: If you want to do it, then do it absolutely

Li Ying didn't speak, and looked at Liu Menglong quietly, waiting for Liu Menglong to give a clear answer, whether to accept this business.

"This person is a beast hunter registered in the Wild Beast Hunters Guild. If he just breaks his hands and feet, and he reports to the relevant department afterwards, I will be in big trouble..." Liu Menglong said in a deep voice.

"Mr. Liu, what do you mean?" Li Ying asked with a smile.

"In my opinion, in order to avoid future troubles, it's better not to do anything and just kill him..." Liu Menglong narrowed his eyes and said.

Although he didn't finish the second half of the sentence, Li Ying already knew what he meant.

"Hehe...Mr. Liu is indeed as decisive as the rumors say, if you can kill him, it's fine." Li Ying said.

At this time, a beautiful woman in cool clothes handed over a glass of red wine, Liu Menglong reached out to take it, drank less than half of the glass, and said to Li Ying.

"It's not easy to kill a beast hunter registered in the beast hunter guild... As for the price, if you give it too low, I won't be able to accept this business."

Seeing the other party's request, Li Ying nodded slightly, with an expression that I understood.

Then, he opened the black plastic bag, took out twenty crystal clear spirit stones, and placed them on the coffee table.

"Here are twenty spirit stones, counted as an advance payment, and there will be another forty spirit stones after the matter is completed."

The current market price of a spirit stone is 5 yuan. If this business is completed, a total of 300 spirit stones can be obtained, which is [-] million yuan.

Such a price is not low!For Liu Menglong, who was short of money, it was a big deal.

Seeing the surprised expression on Liu Menglong's face, Li Ying knew that the deal was considered a success.

"Mr. Huang, can I ask, why did you deal with that target?" Liu Menglong turned his eyes away from the spirit stone on the table, looked at Li Ying, and asked.

Li Ying smiled and didn't speak, the meaning was very obvious, it was nothing more than I paid you to do things, and you don't need to know about the rest.

Liu Menglong is also a sensible person, he just asked casually just now, and he probably guessed before asking, that the man who asked him to do something would not tell himself the reason.

"Mr. Huang, do you have a date for this matter?" Liu Menglong asked.

Li Ying thought that his superior did not urge him, so he was not particularly anxious, so he gave a relatively loose time, "As for the date, I will give you a month, can it be done?"

Liu Menglong didn't expect the man in front of him to give him a lot of time, he smiled and nodded his promise.

"No problem, isn't he just a newbie beast hunter at the peak of the first order? I will help you get rid of this guy as soon as possible."

After the matter was settled, Li Ying had no intention of staying any longer. The two exchanged some pleasantries, Li Ying got up to say goodbye, and Liu Menglong hurriedly sent the big client to the door.

"I always say that there is no unparalleled road, look! I am short of money, so I came to such a big business..." Liu Menglong looked at Li Ying who was walking away, and looked at the cool and gorgeous girl beside him. the woman said.

"Old Liu, how are you going to deal with that target?" asked the gorgeous woman in cool clothes.

"How else can we deal with it? There are so many cameras on the street now, no matter how careful you are, there is a certain possibility that you will be caught by the cameras, so it is impossible to do something in the city." Liu Menglong said.

After hearing these words, the gorgeous woman in cool clothes thought for a while, "You mean, you plan to attack that target in the wilderness?"

"Yes, isn't that target a beast hunter? Even so, he always wants to go to the wilderness to hunt the beasts. When the time comes, I'll just kill him in the wilderness.

Now there are many newcomers who become beast hunters every year, and some of them will be eliminated in the wilderness. It is reasonable and reasonable for the target to die in the wilderness and will not be suspected. "Liu Menglong said.

The coolly dressed gorgeous woman seemed to have thought of something, frowned and said, "Although he is a newcomer, he has been a beast hunter for a month or two, and now he must team up with other beast hunters.

When he went to the wilderness to hunt alien beasts, there must be other teammates around him, which was a little troublesome. He couldn't kill all the alien beast hunters including him! "

"Hahaha..." Liu Menglong laughed out loud when he heard the worry of the coolly dressed beautiful woman, and then a golden aura appeared in his eyes, and the spiritual energy fluctuations of the middle stage of the second level radiated from his body.

"Why not? In the wilderness, it is not unheard of for a whole team of beast hunters to die.

Of course, I try not to kill the entire Alien Beast Hunter team. With my strength, it is still very easy to sneak attack a newcomer at the peak of the first level, and then walk away. "

The gorgeous woman in cool clothes nodded, then sighed, and said, "This time we are taking this kind of work in private, so we can't let the organization know about it, or it will be troublesome."

"Made, I'm angry when I talk about this. The casino made so much money, most of it was taken away by the organization, so just leave me a little...

With this small amount of activity funds, I am required to lurk in this city without revealing my identity, and I am required to maintain the casino business and not let the people under my hand disperse.

Now because of the special actions of the relevant departments, the income of the casino is almost cut off, and the organization does not allocate funds to me. If I don't earn some extra money, how can I keep the people under my command from dispersing? "

"..." The gorgeous woman in cool clothes heard Liu Menglong's complaint, and remained silent.

After saying a few words of dissatisfaction with the organization, Liu Menglong walked to the bedroom in a restless mood.

"If I knew this job was so difficult, I shouldn't have taken it in the first place. I'm really uncomfortable."


The sun was scorching, and under the shade of the trees by the side of the road, Li Ying walked slowly under the shade of the trees with a smile on his face, muttering to himself.

"Liu Menglong, a member of the Black Lin Society, has a mid-level second level of cultivation, and is currently lurking in this city, running an underground casino.

Recently, due to the special actions of the relevant departments, the business of the underground casino has been bleak, and the income has almost been cut off.

Li Ying actually found out Liu Menglong's true identity and the difficulties he encountered recently. The intelligence department of the Canglan Club is really powerful.

"Next, I just need to look at Liu Menglong, who has a middle-level second-level cultivation, and deal with that man named Lin Li, and then I will know whether he has a high-level second-level cultivation.

Heilin Society, don't blame me for using your members as gunmen, you can only blame you for being too arrogant and offending us several times.

Otherwise, I wouldn't choose your members as pawns in my plan. "

The well-conceived plan was carried out as required, and Li Ying was in a very good mood.

He thought in his heart that after the results of the plan came out, he would report the results to his superiors, and this task could be over.

After that, I will leave here and go to other cities to rest for a while.


The spiritual world, Dongwu City.

A new architectural style introduced from the imperial capital has prompted many wealthy people following the trend to construct a large-scale construction project in a certain residential area in the east of the city.

On a piece of construction land, the construction team built single-family villas with different styles.

On the balcony on the third floor of a single-family villa that has been built and decorated, an ordinary-looking woman is looking into the distance.

"It turns out that there are so many construction teams building houses around! After a few months, there should be many people moving in. By then, the night will not be so deserted." Qin Muqing looked at the busy construction site in the distance, I thought about it.


A few common birds flew over the balcony, leaving behind a string of crisp and sweet chirping.


Suddenly there was a gust of wind, blowing Qin Muqing's beautiful hair off her forehead. She raised her hand, straightened her messy hair, and thought about the man who kindly took her in.

"Mr. Lin hasn't come back since he left yesterday. I wonder if he will come back today?"

"Um... before he comes back, I have to find a way to improve my cooking skills! Otherwise, when he eats at home, I cook a bunch of unpalatable meals, wouldn't it be a shame? "

After Lin Li left yesterday, until noon today, Qin Muqing, who stayed alone in the villa, cooked a total of three meals for herself.

Qin Muqing, who had never cooked before, could imagine her skills. The three meals did not taste very good, so she bit the bullet and ate the dark dishes she cooked.

At the beginning, she boasted to Lin Li, saying that she was good at cooking and that she was a good cook. If this was revealed, what would she do if the other party wanted to drive her away?

Running out of the house, luck has been bad, and I have suffered a lot along the way, and finally found a stable foothold, but I must grasp it carefully, and never let him drive me out of the house.

Grasping the guardrail on the balcony with both hands, and staring at the construction site in the distance, Qin Muqing used his brains, thinking about how to improve his cooking skills?

"Huh...that's it?"

In order not to be kicked out of the house, Qin Muqing was thinking hard about how to improve her cooking skills. Suddenly, she saw the busy construction workers on the construction site in the distance stopped their work.

Then, they walked quickly to the small cart under a big tree outside the construction site.

"I've seen that small cart on the road, it seems to be selling boxed lunch..."

Qin Muqing looked at the small trolley under the big tree in the distance. The elder sister who sold the boxed lunches picked up the boxed lunches she made from the small trolley and sold them to the workers on the construction site.

Watching this lively scene, an idea suddenly appeared in Qin Muqing's mind. She had a way to improve her cooking skills.


"Sister, bring me a lunch box." A construction worker said to the eldest sister who sold the boxed lunch, and handed over money from his pocket.

"That's good." The elder sister who sells boxed lunches is in her 40s, with dark and rough skin. She looks like the kind of hard-working person who has experienced a lot of wind and sun.

After selling the last boxed lunch, the lady who sold the boxed lunch packed up her trolley before going home.

When she was pushing a small trolley past the door of a single-family villa that had been renovated and occupied, an ordinary-looking woman standing at the door looking forward to it came over immediately and stopped her. .


The eldest sister who sells box lunch looked at the woman who stopped her with a puzzled expression. Fortunately, it was a woman who stopped her.

If it were a man, the box lunch seller might suspect that the other party was going to rob, and then shouted for help on the spot.

"Girl, what's the matter with you?" asked the eldest sister who sold boxed lunches.

"Hello, uh..." Qin Muqing greeted the eldest sister who sold boxed lunches, and was about to say what she wanted to say, but swallowed it back.

After all, it was the first time she mentioned this kind of thing to others since she was a child, and she was a little embarrassed to speak up.

The eldest sister who sold boxed lunches saw countless people, and when she saw Qin Muqing's faltering and embarrassing look, she understood, and immediately said with a smile.

"Girl, do you need my help? Don't feel embarrassed, just say, if I can help, I will help. "

"Well... I see that the lunch boxes you sell are very popular with those construction workers. I want you to teach me how to cook... Of course, I won't let you teach me for nothing. I will pay you."

Under the gentle eyes of the elder sister who sells lunch boxes, Qin Muqing said something that made her feel a little embarrassed.

The eldest sister who sells boxed lunches did not expect that the woman who stopped her wanted to talk about such a thing, which surprised her very much.

She looked at the woman who ran out of the luxurious villa just now, and she couldn't figure it out.

People who live in this kind of luxury villa, find someone to learn how to cook, no matter what, they have to hire that kind of professional chef!It's strange that he would find himself, a person who sells lunch boxes for construction workers, to learn how to cook.

"Eldest sister, can you?" Qin Muqing asked when the elder sister who sold the boxed lunches was silent.

If the other party is unwilling, she can only find someone else. Anyway, she must find someone who is willing to teach him how to cook within today.

"Okay, you said pay, how much will you pay?" Although the elder sister who sells boxed meals is an enthusiastic person, since the other party proposes that she will be paid for teaching cooking, then she naturally has no reason to say that she does not charge money.

"Is 100 copper coins enough each time?" Qin Muqing said a salary that she thought was more reasonable.

The eldest sister who sells boxed lunches didn't expect Qin Muqing's salary to be so high. You know, she earns three to four copper coins for every boxed lunch she sells.

He pushed a small cart out to sell boxed meals to workers on the construction site, earning seventy or eighty copper coins every time he set up a stall.

"Okay, girl, don't worry, as long as I can cook, I will teach you everything..."

Qin Muqing had a happy smile on her face when the eldest sister who sold the boxed lunch agreed.

"When shall we start?" asked the eldest sister who sells boxed meals.

"Start now, you come with me..." In order not to reveal her secrets, Qin Muqing now has to race against time to learn how to cook a table of acceptable dishes.

Afterwards, the eldest sister who sold lunch boxes followed Qin Muqing into the villa with a small cart.


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