Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 332: An Irreversible Mutation, The Unconscious Cultivation of Two Little Guys

"Prosperity, democracy, civilization..." Lin Li concentrated his attention and controlled his restless gaze while silently reciting the mantra in his heart.

At this moment, he felt that facing Su Yue, a woman, was even more stressful than fighting that giant second-order peak wild boar in the wilderness before.

Lin Li wanted to ask Su Yue to go back to her bedroom and change, but this is her own home, and it is a personal freedom to dress however she wants at home.


"What does it taste like?"

Under Su Yue's call, Lin Li walked into the room, and suddenly, he smelled a very pleasant fragrance.

Su Yue explained with a smile, "My parents sent me some wild ginseng, and I made a pot of ginseng hen soup..."

When I came to the kitchen, it was noon, so Chef Su immediately started teaching.

While instructing Lin Li to put on the apron, she took out the two bags of ingredients she brought.

After living for some time to process the ingredients, Su Yue began to teach Lin Li how to do it step by step.

"Concentrate, don't be distracted...the pot is hot, pour oil quickly."

It's not because of you that I was distracted... Lin Li muttered in his heart, and then he poured the blanched beef cubes into the oil pan and stir-fried.

"Zi la, zi la..."

The sound of cooking came from the kitchen, occasionally accompanied by the sound of two people bickering.


The spiritual world, Dongwu City.

In the meeting hall of the Red Blood Gang, Fang Jingtang walked back and forth, his face full of sorrow.

Earlier, he asked all the little bosses to lead people to chase down the three traitors who ransacked the money bank.

Up to now, it has been a morning, but there is no good news, which makes him more and more worried.

"If the looted money is not recovered, then there is no way for me to go back to heaven, and then everyone will go their separate ways!" Fang Jingtang came to the chair and sat down, leaning on the back of the chair, looking up at the ceiling, and said to himself language.

"Ta Tata..."

At this time, there was a rush of footsteps outside the meeting hall, and soon, a large group of people entered the meeting hall.

"Mr. Fang, we have recovered the money." The one who spoke was Liu Qizhi, who looked like a monkey with a sharp mouth. As soon as he entered the meeting hall, he shouted to Fang Jingtang who was sitting in a daze on the chair.

"The money has been recovered?" Fang Jingtang immediately came to his senses when he heard the words, and then said overjoyed, "Great, where are those hateful traitors?"

"It's all settled, look..." Liu Qizhi said, putting the big package in his hand on the ground, and after unpacking it, the heads of the three traitors appeared in front of everyone.

All the people present were not kind. Looking at the three bloody heads on the ground, they didn't feel uncomfortable in their hearts. Instead, they looked at the heads of the three traitors with a look of contempt, with a happy expression on their faces.

"Good job, I don't want to see these three guys anymore, clean them up and throw them into the toilet later." Fang Jingtang said.

Then a younger brother came forward, tidied up the heads of the three traitors, left the meeting hall, and walked towards the toilet.

Afterwards, the little bosses returned to their seats and sat down again. Except for the three traitors, everyone was present this time.

Everyone looked at Fang Jingtang, waiting for him to say how the Red Blood Gang should solve the current predicament.

"This time our Scarlet Blood Gang encountered a sudden change, and the gang leader was assassinated by an unknown assassin. By now, the news should have been known to other gangs.

Those gangs that were hostile to us in the past must be planning how to deal with us. Now that our Scarlet Blood Gang lacks the combat power of a gang leader, it is difficult to deal with the targets of those hostile gangs.

In order for our Red Blood Gang to continue to survive, I decided to take all the money in the class and go to that adult's house to beg to see that adult.

As long as that lord is willing to protect us, other gangs will not dare to attack us. "Fang Jingtang said.

When the little bosses heard Fang Jingtang's solution, they immediately started talking about it. At this time, Liu Qizhi took the initiative to stand up and put forward his own ideas.

"Mr. Fang, that lord has always favored the leader of the gang. Now that the leader is dead, our Scarlet Blood Gang has become worthless in the eyes of that lord. He probably won't protect us."

"I have a way to persuade that lord to provide us with asylum. You don't have to worry about that." Fang Jingtang said confidently. As for how to persuade the big man who can bring asylum to the Red Blood Gang, he did not explain.

After hearing Fang Jingtang's statement, all the small bosses in the meeting hall looked at each other in blank dismay.

However, Fang Jingtang has never disappointed everyone, so they unanimously decided to implement the method proposed by Fang Jingtang.

Afterwards, the meeting on the future fate of the Scarlet Blood Gang came to an end, and the small leaders who participated in the meeting left the meeting hall one after another, leaving only Fang Jingtang and Liu Qizhi on the scene.

It is now known that other rival gangs are discussing how to deal with the Red Blood Gang, so the current time is tight and we must race against time.

Next, these two people will take the recovered money and go to the house of the big man to ask to see the mysterious big man.

After a while, more than a dozen younger brothers of the Red Blood Gang left the headquarters of the Red Blood Gang in two carriages, and quickly went to the place where the dignitaries of Dongwu City lived.

Outside the headquarters of the Red Blood Gang, there are quite a few younger brothers from various gangs. These people are here to monitor the movements of the Red Blood Gang.

The younger brothers sent by each gang, after seeing this situation, immediately returned to their respective gangs and reported to their own gang leaders.


Open the lid of the pot, the soft and rotten beef stewed in the iron pot emits a tempting aroma.

Lin Li picked up a piece of beef with a quickie and tasted it, Su Yue who was beside him asked with a smile.

"Is it delicious?"

Lin Li gave a thumbs up, "It's delicious, it's perfect, this is the best dish I've ever made."

"With my sister, I will teach you how to cook, so the taste of the dishes will naturally not be bad." Su Yue said with a smile, her face was full of confidence.

"Yes, yes, Chef Su is mighty and domineering." Lin Li, who had learned his skills, praised Su Yue without hesitation.

"..." Su Yue heard Lin Li praise herself with such inappropriate words as mighty and domineering, she couldn't help but give him a supercilious look, but she knew that Xiao Ming praised herself sincerely, so she was still very happy in her heart.

"I'm so hungry, let's have dinner!" Lin Li said, picking up a basin next to him, and filled the pot with potato and beef stew, while Su Yue went to get a bowl for the rice.

After a while, a pot of delicious potato stewed beef, a plate of preserved egg tofu, a plate of cold yellow, cold and spicy kelp shreds, and a casserole of ginseng hen were placed on the table.


When the two sat down, Lin Li, whose stomach was rumbling, turned into a rice cooker in an instant, and quickly put the rice into his mouth.

"Pa-ta." Su Yue opened a can of cold beer and took a sip without haste. The cool feeling made her feel good.

Then, she looked at Lin Li, who had already eaten half a bowl of rice after a while, and asked without doubt, "What's the matter with you?"

Lin Li raised his head, looked at Su Yue who was looking at him with a puzzled face, swallowed the beef and rice in his mouth, and said, "What's going on?"

"The Guard is Here"

"I said you look like you haven't eaten for a few days?" Su Yue said.

"..." Lin Li was silent for a while, he knew very well that his current state was entirely due to the side effects that would inevitably occur after eating the magical little fruit.

But he couldn't explain his current situation to Su Yue.

"Is it because you didn't have breakfast in the morning?" Su Yue guessed.

Lin Li was thinking about how to answer Su Yue's doubts, and nodded immediately when he heard what she said.

"Yeah! I didn't have breakfast this morning, and I'm super hungry now. In addition, the potato stew you taught me just now is so delicious. It's impossible not to eat a few more bowls of rice."

"You have to eat breakfast! If you don't eat it, it will be bad for your health." Su Yue said.

"En." Lin Li nodded, thinking in his heart that although he rushed to the wilderness on the outskirts of the southern district to participate in the battle against the sniping beasts this morning, he didn't miss breakfast and ate a lot.

"Don't focus on eating, try this hen soup with wild ginseng that I stewed." Su Yue picked up the spoon and filled a large bowl of chicken soup for Lin Li while talking.

Lin Li took a large bowl of chicken soup that Su Yue served for him, and the smell of ginseng came to his nostrils.

After taking a sip of ginseng chicken soup, it tasted very fresh, and then he picked up the big chicken leg and gnawed on it.

Seeing Lin Li eating happily, the corners of her mouth involuntarily curled up slightly, showing a charming smile, and then she also picked up the fast food and started eating.


Ping An Garden District.

At noon, the intense sunlight raised the surface temperature by several degrees.

Passers-by who come and go in the community choose to walk under the shade of big trees, avoiding direct sunlight as much as possible.

A small figure bounced out of the corridor, then quickly ran into the shade of the trees, and walked straight to the green belt in the distance.

Zhou Tongtong was holding a small iron basin in her hand, which was filled with diced beef her mother had cut. Standing in the shade of a big tree by the side of the road, she looked at a big banyan tree with luxuriant branches and leaves in the green belt. Two little guys in the shade.

"Xiao Hei, Xiao Bai, come over for lunch..."

Under the shade of the big banyan tree, two little wild cats were lying on the grass, wagging their tails, and dozing. Suddenly, they opened their eyes immediately when they heard a familiar cry.

Seeing Zhou Tongtong standing outside the green belt under the shade of a tree, two little wild cats immediately ran towards her.

"Meow..." The two little wild cats came in front of Zhou Tongtong, and immediately smelled the alluring aroma of the yellow cattle and exotic animal meat in the small iron basin held by the little girl.

Zhou Tongtong saw that the little black cat and the little white cat couldn't wait, and immediately squatted down and put the small iron basin in his hand on the ground.

The two little wild cats immediately leaned forward and began to eat with gusto.

"Meow... have you eaten your lunch?" the little white cat asked Zhou Tongtong after eating a few mouthfuls of beef.

"I've already eaten." Zhou Tongtong stretched out her small hand, touched the little white cat's head, and said.

"Meow... I want it too." Seeing Zhou Tongtong stroking the little white cat's head, the little black cat immediately shouted that he wanted it too, and put his head in front of Zhou Tongtong.

Zhou Tongtong stretched out his other hand to stroke the little black cat's head, and then said something that made the two little wild cats feel like a bolt from the blue.

"From tomorrow, I will be a primary school student. From Monday to Friday, I will go to school. During this period, I will get up early to go to school in the morning and stay at school at noon. Only in the evening will I have time to feed you."


! After hearing what Zhou Tongtong said, the two little wild cats were shocked, and then nodded obediently, saying that they understood.

"Hurry up and eat! It's hot outside, eat well, I'm going home to turn on the air conditioner." Zhou Tongtong said to the two little wild cats.

"Meow..." The little black cat and the little white cat quickly ate the beef and other animal meat in the small iron basin. After a while, the two little guys ate until their stomachs were bulging.

Zhou Tongtong looked at the licked iron basin, stretched out her small hand and patted the heads of the two little wild cats, then picked up the small iron basin and left.

The two little wild cats squatted under the shade of a tree, watching Zhou Tongtong who was getting further and further away, and then walked into the corridor and disappeared. They discussed in a low voice.

"Meow... From tomorrow onwards, we have to figure out a solution for breakfast and lunch," said the little white cat.

"'s just looking for something to eat. It's very simple. A friend I know mentioned it to me. It said that there are many mice in its community. Let's go to its community to catch mice and eat them." Xiao Hei The cat said very easily.

The two little wild cats had a discussion about their future meals, and finally came up with a rough plan.

Suddenly, they all felt a warm feeling in their stomachs.

This lazy feeling would appear every time they finished eating the food Zhou Tongtong gave them.

From the surprise at the beginning, they have become accustomed to it now.

"Ha~" After eating and drinking, they would feel sleepy. Two little wild cats with warm stomachs yawned, then turned around and ran into the green belt, and continued to take a nap under the big banyan tree with luxuriant branches and leaves.

Unknowingly, drowsiness surged up, and the two little wild cats who were taking a nap fell asleep like this.

The cattle and animal meat that entered the stomachs of the two little wild cats continued to release spiritual energy at this moment.

Weak spiritual energy fluctuations began to emerge from the two sleeping little guys. As time went by, the spiritual energy fluctuations emitted by the two little guys who had absorbed the spiritual energy released by the cattle and beast meat steadily increased.

Moreover, the free spiritual energy in the air seemed to be absorbed by the two little wild cats. Although the amount of spiritual energy was negligible, it was indeed absorbed into the body by these two little guys.

If there are practitioners above the second-level cultivation base passing the green belt at this time, they will find the abnormal situation on these two little guys.

If you expand your perception carefully, you will find that their behavior of absorbing the free psionic energy in the air is almost exactly the same as those strange beasts in the wilderness when they were cultivating.


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