Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 331: Facing such a temptation, it's normal to have such a reaction

Outside Dongwu City, about four or five kilometers away from Dongwu City, two groups of people fought fiercely.

"You traitors who eat inside and out, in this crisis, you dare to loot the gang's money bank, and die to me..." A strong man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, led his younger brother, surrounded several people, and launched a siege kill.

After a fierce fight, only one of the surrounded group was left alive, and the others were all hacked to death.

"Old Liu...for the sake of our friendship for many years, let me go!" The only remaining betrayer looked at the group of former companions who surrounded him with fierce eyes, and turned to the leader with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks. The strong man begged.

"Old Li, since you have betrayed the gang, you should expect the result today.

Lao Chen and Lao Wang are already on the road first, you should follow them on the road together! "

Before he finished speaking, the fingertips of the strong man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks called Lao Liu suddenly lit up with a little purple light.

The betrayer, Lao Li, wanted to say something else, but when he saw the purple light on the opponent's hand, he immediately closed his mouth, and quickly raised his arms across his chest to protect his vital parts.

The next moment, a purple light flashed and hit the arm of the betrayer, Lao Li.

In an instant, the betrayer Lao Li felt as if he was being hit head-on by a speeding and overloaded carriage.

There was a piercing pain in the arm, and the body flew upside down uncontrollably.


! ”

The traitor, Lao Li, had no power to fight back and slammed into a thick and thick tree. The whole thick and leafy tree was shaken violently by him, and the leaves fell off with a clatter.


The throat was sweet, and I couldn't help spitting out a big mouthful of blood. I was dizzy for a while, and there was no pain anywhere in my body, and the internal organs seemed to be displaced.

If he hadn't tempered his body with psychic energy all the year round, which increased his body's strength, and his tolerance and tolerance of pain far surpassed ordinary people, he might have passed out on the spot after being hit by this blow.

"Liu Qizhi, you fucking bastard, I saved your life back then!

Now that I am begging you to let me go, you are not willing at all. If I had known this, I would not have saved you back then..."

The betrayer Lao Li was severely injured by a former friend with a supernatural blow, and he had no chance of surviving, so he cursed immediately.

Liu Qizhi, who looked like a monkey with a sharp mouth, looked at the miserable appearance of the betrayer Lao Li, walked towards him expressionlessly, and then said in a cold voice.

"You don't tell me these things. You saved my life back then. After so many years, I have already paid back the favor that should be paid."

After speaking, ignoring the other party's insults, he quickened his pace and rushed forward, using the machete in his hand to remove the head of the betrayer, Lao Li.

Blood spewed out from the wound, and flowed all over the place. The terrified expression of the betrayer Lao Li before his death froze on his face, staring at Liu Qizhi who had taken his own life.

"Clean up the heads of Lao Li, Lao Chen, and Lao Wang, and bury the others on the spot."

Liu Qizhi held the machete that was dripping with blood in his hand, and gave orders to his little brother.

"yes, Sir."

While the younger brothers were digging a pit to bury the corpse, Liu Qizhi came to the carriage to pay.

He lifted the curtain of the car and looked at the boxes in the carriage, his eyes sparkled.

"Forget it, let's take the money back! Since Mr. Fang said that as long as the money can be recovered, the Red Blood Gang can survive this crisis, then it must be possible..."

Liu Qizhi, who still wanted the Red Blood Gang to continue, put away his thoughts of swallowing the money, then put down the curtain of the car, turned around and looked at his little brothers who were digging pits to bury their bodies.

After the group buried all the corpses, they returned to Dongwu City with a carriage filled with money.

Of course, besides the boxes containing the money, there were also the heads of the three traitors on the carriage.


Blue Star, deep in the wilderness on the outskirts of Rongcheng.


The giant wild boar, whose body was covered with burns and wounds caused by sharp blades, uttered desperate roars full of pain.

After a fierce battle with the enemy, the giant wild boar, which was already in poor condition, soon fell into a disadvantage after the battle, and was unilaterally beaten by the hateful enemy.


The dexterous figure easily dodged the attack of the giant wild boar.

The spiritual weapon long sword that was blooming with pale golden aura, pierced out quickly with lightning speed, and directly pierced a deep gash in the neck of the giant wild boar.

"Roar..." The giant wild boar with a severely wounded neck let out a scream, shook its head, and wanted to attack the enemy.

The dexterous figure withdrew first and stepped back, looking at the giant wild boar with blood continuously gushing from the wound on its neck, muttering to itself.

"The vitality of the second-order peak alien beast is really tenacious. I created such a wound on its vital part, and it can still stand still."

Just as Lin Li finished speaking, the scarred giant wild boar began to shake. It staggered and fell to the right.


The giant wild boar, which was the size of an adult elephant, fell to the ground with a dull sound, and grass clippings and dust all over the ground were raised.


The weakened giant wild boar was no longer its majestic appearance before, and a weak roar came from its mouth.

The injuries Lin Li inflicted on this giant wild boar with only a second-order peak cultivation base were enough to kill it if left untreated.

In Lin Li's perception, the psionic fluctuations in the giant wild boar in front of him declined rapidly, and in a short while, it fell from the peak of the second stage to the early stage of the first stage.

Although the cultivation of the giant wild boar beast had fallen to the early stage of the first stage, it seemed that it was powerless to fight back, but Lin Li did not let down his vigilance because of this.

The aura bloomed in his hand, and the surrounding air quickly gathered in Lin Li's palm, and the sharp blue wind blade condensed into shape.

"Roar..." The giant wild boar beast that fell on the ground had exhausted its physical and spiritual energy and no longer had the ability to fight back.

It was already thinking that it would be taken away by this hateful human with a sword.

In the end, I didn't expect that the enemy was so cautious. After he fell, he didn't step forward to kill himself with a weapon, but wasted his spiritual energy to use his awakened ability.


A half-curved cyan wind blade with a diameter of one meter cut through the air, roared away, and bombarded the head of the giant wild boar that was powerless to resist.

The lethality of the wind blade is strong enough, but the head of the giant wild boar is quite strong.

Although the head hit by the cyan wind blade split a huge hole, the giant wild boar did not die because of it.

"Roar..." The giant wild boar, which suffered another heavy blow, roared in pain.

Seeing that the hateful enemy didn't kill him with one blow, he then made a blue wind blade to attack him.

At this moment, if the giant wild boar beast could speak human language, it would definitely ask the hateful enemy to give it a good time, and stop torturing itself with supernatural powers like this.

The cautious Lin Li didn't know what the giant wild boar was thinking, so he still followed his own ideas to make up the knife.



Two razor-sharp cyan wind blades were shot out one after another, landing on the same position, and the head of the giant wild boar was finally blown off.

Red and white things sprayed out from the exploded head and splashed around, the scene was really unbearable to look at.

Lin Li has done this kind of headshot attack on alien beasts many times.

He thought that he should have gotten used to such scenes, but at this moment, seeing the bursting heads of the superstar wild boars and strange beasts, he still couldn't help but feel a little nauseous.


Retching, Lin Li quickly took out a bottle of mineral water from the mysterious island.

After unscrewing the cap, I raised my head and drank half of the bottle, which relieved the feeling of nausea.

Afterwards, he took the giant wild boar into the mysterious island, and began to turn around and return to the city.


Xingfu Garden Community, Room [-], Building [-].

The curvaceous Su Yue was wearing a loose silk suspender nightdress that could hardly conceal her figure.

Her black and beautiful hair was pulled up high, and she was humming music while drying clothes on the balcony.

The sun shone on her body, making her ruddy and fair skin crystal clear.

After drying the clothes, Su Yue watered some potted plants she kept on the balcony. The water droplets hanging on the branches and leaves reflected colorful light.

In the living room, Su Yue sat down on the soft leather sofa, she looked at the clock hanging on the wall behind the TV, and muttered.

"It's already 11:30, why hasn't Lin Li come yet?"

After finishing speaking, Su Yue raised her white arm, brushed the hair hanging by her ears, thought for a while, picked up the mobile phone on the sofa, and called Lin Li.


Calls made were answered promptly.

"I'm out now, and I'll be there soon..." Before Su Yue could ask, Lin Li on the other side of the phone guessed why Su Yue called him, and quickly responded.

"Oh." Su Yue heard Lin Li say that he had already left the house, so she responded, and then said, "I don't have dark soy sauce at home. Potato stewed beef needs dark soy sauce. On the way you came, you can buy it at the grocery store by the side of the road." Bring a bottle."


After hanging up the phone, Su Yue got up and left the living room, and went to the kitchen. Lin Li would be here soon, and she wanted to wash some fruit.


After returning home, Lin Li immediately took a shower in the bathroom to wash off all the dust and bloody smell on his body.

He took out a large piece of yellow beef meat from the refrigerator, and then he left the house with a bag of large potatoes he harvested on the mysterious island in one hand and the yellow beef meat in the other.

As soon as he went out, the mobile phone in his pocket rang. Seeing that it was Su Yue's call, he immediately connected and chatted with the other party.

Hang up the phone, walk into the elevator, go downstairs, just walked out of the elevator, and ran into my next-door neighbor head-on.

"Brother Lin Li." The lovely Zhou Tongtong greeted Lin Li.

"Hello! Hey, did you get a haircut?"

"Well, school will start tomorrow, and my mother took me to the barbershop to have my hair cut just now."

Xia Qing looked at the two bags Lin Li was carrying, and said with a smile, "Why are you going out with two bags of ingredients?"

"This is for my friend." Lin Li explained simply, without saying that he was carrying these two bags of ingredients to learn how to cook from others...

After exchanging a few simple greetings, they separated.

After Lin Li came out of the corridor with two bags of ingredients, when he passed by a green belt, he suddenly sensed two extremely weak spiritual energy fluctuations in the bushes inside the green belt.

He stopped, looked at the bushes and grass in the distance, and felt it carefully, and found that the two extremely weak spiritual energy fluctuations disappeared without a trace, and there was no longer any sign of existence.

"Is it my illusion?" Lin Li looked at the bushes where he had sensed the fluctuation of spiritual energy just now, and muttered to himself.

The reason why he thought it was an illusion was because the two waves of spiritual energy fluctuations he perceived were too weak.

Even for a person who has just awakened spiritually, the spiritual energy fluctuations emanating from his body are much stronger than the two spiritual energy fluctuations he perceives.

Moreover, those two extremely weak spiritual energy fluctuations existed for a very short time.

If he hadn't just broken through to the peak of the second order and his perception ability was further enhanced, with his previous ability, he would not be able to detect the two flashing spiritual energy fluctuations.

I stopped at the spot for two or three minutes, unfolded my perception, and searched carefully, but found nothing.

"Xiao Lin, what are you going to do with two bags of ingredients?"

Lin Li heard a familiar voice behind him, turned around and found that it was Aunt Wang, the chairman of the household committee.

He then explained it to Aunt Wang with the same rhetoric he had just explained to Xia Qing.

Because of Aunt Wang's interruption, Lin Li no longer thought about the two extremely weak psychic energy fluctuations that he had sensed just now. He regarded it as his own illusion, and then left the community.

After Lin Li left, two petite figures emerged from the bushes.

Two little wild cats, one black and one white, looked at Lin Li's leaving direction and discussed in a low voice.

"Meow...why was that human just staring at where we were? He couldn't have taken a fancy to us and wanted to take us home?" said the little black cat.

"'s possible. We have to be more careful in the future. Although he gave us the delicious beef before, we can't take him lightly because of this." The little white cat said.

The two little wild cats have seen many of their kind being coaxed by humans and then taken away, so they are so wary of humans... However, they seem to be obedient to a certain little girl now, and they dare not refuse.

"'s so hot today! Let's hide under the shade of the tree!" said the little black cat.

Afterwards, the two little wild cats came to the shade of a big leafy tree to enjoy the shade. They lay on the grass, stretched comfortably, and then closed their eyes for a rest.

At this time, extremely weak fluctuations of spiritual energy emanated from the two little wild cats, and then disappeared immediately. The whole process was very short.


"Ding Dong."

He pressed the doorbell, and before the ringtone disappeared, the door opened in front of him.

With her black and beautiful hair pulled up high, Su Yue appeared in front of her in a silk suspender nightdress.

Lin Li, who was carrying two bags of ingredients in his hand, looked at the silk suspender nightdress Su Yue was wearing, and his eyes widened.

His gaze moved down from Su Yue's pretty face involuntarily, and then his heart beat slightly faster.

"Come in!"


Hearing Su Yue's voice beckoning him to enter the door, Lin Li murmured in response, and then quickly shifted his gaze away from the deep /ditch/gully/.

Su Yue looked at Lin Li's eyes that had no place to rest, and the corner of his mouth that was smiling and angry, outlined a faint arc that made people upside down.

"Did you buy the old raffle?"

"Bought it."

Lin Li lifted the plastic bag containing potatoes that he was carrying, and there was a bottle of soy sauce inside.

Facing Su Yue who was wearing a silk suspender nightdress, in order not to make a fool of himself, he had to concentrate and control his restless eyes, which made him feel a lot of pressure.


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