Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 330: Misfortunes never come singly, hearts are scattered, and the team is hard to lead

The giant wild boar, which failed to escape the attack, was punched by Lin Li in the front, and there was a sound of bones breaking, and a scream was screamed from its mouth.

Although it suffered a heavy blow from the enemy, the giant wild boar has lived in the wilderness for many years after all, and has rich combat experience. It knows that it must not fall now, otherwise it will give the enemy a chance to pursue the victory.

Enduring the pain of the bone being cracked and the pain of being burned by the flames wrapped around the fist, the giant wild boar turned its head and arched towards Lin Li with its sharp fangs.

Leaning his body to the right, with both feet on the ground, Lin Li immediately dodged to the side, and easily avoided the fang attack of the giant wild boar.


After dodging the attack, a fireball condensed into Lin Li's hand and hit the giant wild boar.


The blazing hot fireball hit the giant wild boar, and the hot flames from the explosion of the fireball spread in an instant, scorching a large area of ​​the giant wild boar's vigorous hair.

The giant wild boar that participated in the previous battle against the human city had many wounds on its body.

When he was resting just now, the wounds on his body had scabbed over. Now that he was blown up by the fireball, the scabbed wounds immediately opened and began to bleed out again.

"Roar..." A painful roar came from the mouth of the giant wild boar. Its scarlet eyes shone red, and a pale golden aura appeared on its body.

"This guy is going to fight me hard..."

In addition to punching the giant wild boar and adding a fireball, Lin Li sensed signs of violent surges in the spiritual fluctuations emanating from the giant wild boar.

And vaguely, it felt that the strength of its psychic energy fluctuations seemed to be a little stronger than before, which was a posture of desperately trying.

The situation was just as Lin Li had imagined. The giant wild boars that were hit one after another mobilized all the psionic energy in their bodies, ready to explode with all their strength to fight the enemy to the death.

Nor was it rash to make such a decision.

The physical strength and spiritual energy consumed in the previous battle have only recovered more than half after the period of rest just now, and with injuries on his body, if he escapes in this state, if the enemy insists on chasing and killing it, it will be difficult to escape of.

Rather than expending physical strength and spiritual energy to escape, he could not escape in the end and was killed.

Then it's better to explode the psionic energy in one's body directly, and use all the strength to fight the enemy desperately.

Even if the outcome of death still cannot be changed in the end, it is good to cause some damage to the enemy through a desperate fight.

"Roar..." The giant wild boar that exploded with all its strength let out a deafening roar, and then it appeared on the surface of its golden aura, and began to emit a cold air.

"Kaz, Kazi..."

The temperature of the surrounding air dropped rapidly, and the surface of the giant wild boar's body began to emit a cold air, and frost gradually condensed.

In a few seconds, these frosts quickly covered the surface of its body, forming a hard ice armor.

"Tsk... You put on an armor for yourself, are you thinking of using it to defend against my flame attack?"

Lin Li looked at the giant wild boar with a bit of surprise and said with a smile.

"Unfortunately, besides using flames to attack you, I have other means."

After finishing speaking, a pale golden aura appeared on Lin Li's hand, and the surrounding air surged and quickly converged on his hand, and then, a sharp blue wind blade instantly condensed into shape.


! ”

The giant wild boar beast originally thought that it would put an ice armor on its body, so that in the next desperate fight, the opponent's flame ability would not be able to cause serious damage to itself.

But unexpectedly, the enemy in front of him not only has the attack method of flames, but also can create wind blades to attack him.

This is the first time I have encountered such an enemy with two kinds of abilities awakened by a giant wild boar.

In its current state, it was no longer Lin Li's opponent. Knowing that Lin Li was a practitioner who had awakened two supernatural powers, the determination to fight to the death that had just arisen in his heart suddenly shook violently, and the ferocious aura exuded from his body weakened by more than half.

When the cyan wind blade in his hand was condensed and formed, Lin Li immediately saw that there was a big problem with this giant wild boar in front of him, which was originally burning with determination to fight.

"I can't waste any more time. I have to go back and take a shower, and then go to Su Yue's house. If it's too late, she will ask me again..."

Lin Li looked at the giant wild boar with a big problem with his determination to fight, so he had the leisure to divert his thoughts in other directions.

However, after thinking about it in his heart, it actually prompted his next battle, and the offensive he launched would become very ferocious.

After all, if you want to go home in a hurry, you must do your best to win this battle as soon as possible.

"Roar..." The giant wild boar beast covered in ice armor let out a roar, and took the initiative to charge.

It's just that its current aura of launching a charge is far inferior to before. Without the ferocious aura of going forward bravely, it gives people a sense of being broken and broken.

"I feel that this strange beast is no longer good enough!" Lin Li looked at the giant wild boar beast charging towards him, and then waved out the condensed blue wind blade in his hand.

Then, he grabbed it to the side, and the spiritual weapon long sword appeared in his hand.

Humans and alien beasts with the peak cultivation of the second order began to fight fiercely.



Explosions and beast roars sounded one after another, intertwined with each other, and spread far away.

Some strange beasts hiding in the shade and resting, heard the sound of the battle in the distance, and looked curiously into the distance.

Although I was very curious about who the two sides in the battle broke out, but considering such a big battle movement, the strength of both sides must be very strong.

If you rush to the battle scene, you may be affected by disaster, so all the strange beasts who heard the news of the battle chose not to join in the fun.


The spiritual world, Dongwu City.

In the meeting hall of the Scarlet Blood Gang, Fang Jingtang, who was always calm when encountering any major event and would come up with various solutions, no longer had the calm look of the past.

Having not slept all night, his face was tired, his brows were wrinkled, and he looked very anxious.

A small leader of the Scarlet Blood Gang looked at Fang Jingtang in fear and asked.

"Mr. Fang, the gang leader is being assassinated by an assassin now. Those gangs that didn't deal with us in the past are now gearing up and preparing to attack us. What should we do next?"

The other small bosses in the meeting hall also looked at Fang Jingtang in unison, hoping that he could come up with a solution to the current predicament as before.

"I'll talk about what we should do next after all the people are here?" Fang Jingtang said to the little leader who asked the question.

Then he scanned the situation in the conference hall and found that many seats were empty.

Now that such a big thing happened to the Red Blood Gang, Fang Jingtang called everyone to discuss the future of the Red Blood Gang.

It has been so long since the meeting invitation was issued, and the people have not yet arrived, which made him very unhappy, so he said with an unhappy face.

"It's been so long, why haven't Lao Li, Lao Chen, and Lao Wang arrived yet?"

Fang Jingtang named the names of a few small leaders who had some status in the Red Blood Gang, and the others looked at each other when they heard the words, expressing that they didn't know.

While the people in the meeting hall were waiting for the arrival of other little bosses who hadn't arrived, suddenly, a younger brother ran into the meeting hall.

"It's not good..." The younger brother who ran into the conference hall looked very flustered.

"What happened?" Before Fang Jingtang could ask the flustered younger brother, the other little bosses asked first.

"Qian, something happened to the money bank." The simple words spoken by the flustered younger brother made the faces of all the little bosses in the meeting hall change drastically.

The so-called money bank is the warehouse where the Red Blood Gang stores money. It can be said that it is the most important storehouse of the Red Blood Gang. After all, all the members of the Red Blood Gang, plus the wages of the workers they hired on the dock, are all in the money bank leave it alone.

If all the money in the bank is gone, it will be impossible to pay wages to all the members of the Red Blood Gang, plus those workers hired on the dock. The matter will be serious, and it is no less serious than the assassination of the leader of the Red Blood Gang by an assassin. .

"What happened to the money bank?" Fang Jingtang quickly stood up from his seat, and asked the flustered younger brother who came to report the matter.

"It's gone, it's all gone, all the money in the treasury is gone." The younger brother with a flustered expression told the sad news that everyone in the meeting hall didn't want to hear.

"What the hell are you talking about?!

! A grumpy little leader strode forward, stretched out his hand, grabbed the collar of the flustered younger brother, and lifted him up.

"It's none of my business! I went to the money bank to find my friend just now, thinking about asking him to go out for lunch at noon, but when I got there, I found that all the people guarding the money bank had been killed.

And the door of the money bank was wide open, and all the boxes containing the money were gone. "The little brother who was caught by the collar and picked up was afraid that the furious little boss would punch him to death, so he hurriedly called for grievances and told the details of what he saw.

"Crack." After listening to the details of the flustered younger brother, the little boss who was holding his collar let go of him immediately and threw him on the ground, and then the little boss quickly walked out of the conference hall.

Seeing this, the other little bosses in the conference hall knew what he was going to do, and immediately stood up from their chairs, left the conference hall in unison, and hurried to the location of the money bank.

A moment later, in the money bank of the Red Blood Gang, there used to be boxes containing money in the money bank, but now it is empty, there is not a single box containing money.

"..." The little bosses looked at the empty money bank with distorted expressions, gritted their teeth, and the anger in their hearts kept rising.

"Cough cough cough..." At this time, there was a slight coughing sound from the corner, and the little bosses all looked towards the place where the sound came from.

Fang Jingtang took the lead and came to the figure who was coughing slightly.

The one who coughed was a younger brother with a sunken chest and blood on the corner of his mouth. This younger brother was not killed by the enemy who attacked the warehouse, and survived by luck.

"Who attacked our warehouse and stole the money in the warehouse, tell us quickly?"

The seriously injured younger brother guarding the money bank said in a weak tone, "Lao Li, Lao Chen, and Lao Wang, the three of them led people to do it."

"Impossible, Lao Li, Lao Chen, and Lao Wang. How could the three of them do such a thing? It is absolutely impossible." A little boss was good friends with those three people, and he heard the younger brother guarding the money bank say that the enemy was that The three of them shook their heads in unacceptable denial.

"It was the three of them who did it. They didn't intend to do anything to us at first, but persuaded us to do it with them.

It is said that now the leader of the gang has been assassinated by an assassin, and the Red Blood Gang is finished, so they must escape from Dongwu City as soon as possible and start over in other cities.

A few of our brothers were unwilling to work with them, so they killed us..." The seriously injured younger brother recounted what happened at that time.

"..." The small leaders of the Scarlet Blood Gang who were present all fell silent. They didn't really believe that those three people would do such a thing, but they felt very reasonable when they heard the seriously injured younger brother say so.

Immediately, the small leaders of the Red Blood Gang present all showed furious expressions, spouting all kinds of swear words, and scolded the eighteen generations of the ancestors of the three traitors who ransacked the money bank.

Some people really hated the three traitors who betrayed the Scarlet Blood Gang and stole the money from the treasury, while some secretly regretted, wondering why they were so stupid and didn't do this vote in advance like the three of them did.

Originally, the gang leader of the Red Blood Gang was assassinated by an assassin, which already put the whole gang in danger of falling apart.

Now the most critical money bank has also been taken over by traitors, and now everyone is not thinking about what the Red Blood Gang should do in the future.

Fang Jingtang, who is the most intelligent among the members of the Red Blood Gang, sighed inwardly when he saw that the little bosses present were thinking about each other, "It's hard to lead the team when people lose their hearts."

Although people's hearts are scattered now, Fang Jingtang doesn't want to give up.

"Now everyone split up to chase those three traitors, they probably haven't left Dongwu City with so much money.

As long as we get the money back, our Scarlet Blood Gang's plight can be solved this time, and it won't be swallowed up by other gangs. Everyone can develop better in the future and share more money. "

The little bosses, who had their own thoughts, heard what Fang Jingtang said, and their thoughts of packing up and going their separate ways suddenly stopped.

As long as the Red Blood Gang can get through this predicament safely, in fact, these little bosses are still quite willing to stay in the Red Blood Gang for development.

After all, you are going to seek refuge with other gangs now, and someone will take you in, but you will definitely lose your status in the Red Blood Gang.

"Everyone, don't be dazed, hurry up and chase those three traitors..." Fang Jingtang hurriedly urged seeing the little bosses looking at him without any movement.


"Mr. Fang, as long as we get the money back, can you really help us get through this difficulty and develop better in the future?" A little boss asked suspiciously, expressing everyone's aspirations.

"You don't have to doubt it. After I joined the Red Blood Gang, did I say empty words once?" Fang Jingtang asked confidently.

After receiving the affirmative answer, the little bosses nodded one after another, and then left the money bank as if they had been beaten to death, and summoned their younger brothers to go after the three traitors.


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