Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 329: New Changes of Abilities, Elemental Body

On the mysterious island surrounded by white mist, Lin Li breathed calmly, lying motionless on the grass.

Suddenly, Lin Li moved his fingers, and then slowly opened his eyes. A golden light flashed in his eyes, and then disappeared quickly.

This kind of situation is not common in the past. The reason for this is because his strength has increased a lot this time, and he has not been able to control his strength skillfully all at once.

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and checked the time. After eating the magic fruit this time, he fell into a coma for 25 minutes, which was several minutes longer than last time.

"It seems that after I eat the magical little fruit in the future, the time of drowsiness will become longer and longer..."

A carp straightened up, and Lin Li, who was lying on the grass, stood up straight away.

He sensed the increased strength of the little red miraculous fruit he ate this time, and his face showed an expression of uncontrollable joy.

"Second-order peak, the magical little fruit did not disappoint me, and this time it broke through smoothly as expected."

The psychic energy in the dantian was surging, and Lin Li mobilized a bit of psychic energy, and the palm of his right hand bloomed with a golden aura, he clenched his fingers into a fist, and punched forward fiercely.


The fist wrapped in the pale golden aura punched the air, and there was a strong wind of the fist, which made the green grass on the grass in front of him bend down.

Although I don't know the specific strength of the punch, but I estimate that the power should be able to easily explode the head of the second-stage alien beast's punch.

After checking all aspects of his body, he found that his physical qualities had been greatly improved. Lin Li was not surprised by this, it was all within his expectations.

Next, he wants to see what new changes have been added to the red magical fruit that he ate this time, and the awakened flame ability.

After eating the first red magical fruit, Lin Li awakened his fire power, which allowed him to create fireballs.

After eating the second red magic fruit, he can manipulate the fireball to change its shape and make the flames cover his hands.

And this time, the third red magical fruit he ate, the new change of the flame ability is...

With the thought in Lin Li's mind, the awakened flame ability was activated immediately.


Hot orange flames ignited from under Lin Li's feet, engulfing him in the blink of an eye.

It's not just a simple flame covering the whole body. At this moment, Lin Li's body is gone. He is no longer a carbon-based creature in the scientific sense.

Lin Li looked at his burning hands, and then looked down at his body. A thought flashed through him. He disappeared in place and appeared on the edge of the island, looking at the clear water in front of him.

The calm water is like a mirror, reflecting the current appearance of Lin Li standing on the shore.

"This is?!

! ”

Lin Li was shocked when he saw the body made of raging flames reflected in the clear water.

"After eating the little red magical fruit harvested this time, the flame power I awakened has the ability to elementalize my body!

! ”

There are many types of fire abilities, and many practitioners have awakened fire abilities. This kind of ability can turn the body into a fire element, which is undoubtedly a very rare type among the many fire abilities.

Although the body is turned into a fire element and turned into a flame man, the attack is not the strongest when fighting.

But there is one thing that everyone agrees with. It is very difficult for a practitioner who turns his body into an elemental body and turns into a flame man to be killed if he has no means of restraint.

As long as the spiritual energy in the dantian is not exhausted, the body in the state of fire elementalization will quickly recover to its original state even if it is blown up.

The little red magical fruit brought this new change to Lin Li's flame ability, which can be said to be an unexpected and amazing harvest.

"Hahaha... In the future, even if I encounter enemies with stronger cultivation bases than me, I can still fight them..."

There were many flame men standing on the shore, and they laughed loudly. Afterwards, he sensed the consumption of spiritual power in his body, and immediately released the elementalization of his body, returning to its original appearance.

"Tsk... Elementalizing the body and turning it into a flame man is practical, but it consumes too much spiritual energy.

It only takes a while, and the spiritual energy consumed is enough for me to shoot several powerful fireballs..."

After trying the new changes of the ability, Lin Li looked back at the mysterious island whose area had expanded many times, and a piece of information appeared in his mind: the current area is 10000 square meters.

With every breakthrough in cultivation, the area of ​​the mysterious island will also expand accordingly.

The mysterious small island with an area of ​​2000 square meters before was expanded five times directly after Lin Li broke through to the second-order peak.

The expansion of the area of ​​the mysterious island can be said to be the largest so far.

Looking at the extent of the expansion of the mysterious island, it can also be known that Lin Li's strength has increased from the second-level high-level breakthrough to the second-level peak, and it must be much stronger than before.

"Next, it's time for me to go back to the city, and I have to go to Su Yue's house as soon as possible after taking a shower.

Uh... But after I go out, if the giant wild boar that attacked me before is still there, I can try it out before going home. "

Lin Li muttered, and then disappeared from the edge of the island in an instant with the thought of leaving in his heart.


It was almost noon, and the sun rose from the horizon at the beginning. At this time, it had climbed to the highest position in the sky.

It's almost the hottest time of the day.


In the hot weather, a gust of wind blows, and the billowing heat waves blow the branches and leaves of the sun-drenched flowers and trees around them.

"Above the Sky"

Under the current weather, only the cicadas on the trees were still chirping vigorously, and other creatures began to look for places to hide from the sun.

Because it failed to kill Lin Li, the giant wild boar raged angrily on the spot, and then it rested in the shade of a large leafy tree around it.

There were many wounds on his body, all of which were made by hateful humans. While silently recovering the consumed physical and spiritual energy, the giant wild boar beast thought in his heart, looking back for opportunities to take revenge on those hateful humans.


! ”

The giant wild boar resting with its eyes closed under the shade of a tree suddenly sensed a wave of spiritual energy not far from it.

As soon as it opened its eyes and looked towards the location where the spiritual energy fluctuations appeared, it saw a hateful human being.

Immediately afterwards, the huge one-meter-diameter fireball condensed in the opponent's hand quickly flew towards his position.

It was a sneak attack, and this hateful human being, the one who had disappeared without a trace before, had returned for some reason, and dared to attack himself.


The giant wild boar beast really didn't expect that this hateful human being who was weaker than him would have the guts to come back.

With a roar, it immediately got up from the ground, and then, it opened its mouth, exhaling a large cloud of cold air from its mouth.

This time he used the ability to create ice picks, instead of making a lot of them like before, he only made one.

However, this ice cone made with supernatural powers is much larger than the previous ice cones, with a length of three meters and a width of about 1.5 meters.



The huge fireball shot by Lin Li and the icicle shot by the giant wild boar collided with each other in mid-air. The fireball shattered the icicle, and the two supernatural attacks canceled each other out.


The giant wild boar was quite surprised when it saw that its carefully condensed ice cone was canceled out by the opponent's fireball.

Because this hateful human being in front of him has a lower cultivation level than himself, logically speaking, the fireball created by the opponent using supernatural powers cannot offset the ice cone he condensed. Now this situation occurs, why is this?

The greatly increased strength of Lin Li did not make the doubts in the giant wild boar's heart last long.

When he was on the mysterious island before, he thought about it, after he came out of the mysterious island, if the giant wild boar that attacked him before was still outside.

Then before he goes home, he must practice with the opponent to see how strong he is after this breakthrough.

Therefore, after he created a fireball to wake up the opponent, he immediately mobilized the spiritual energy in his dantian to show his full strength, and wanted to fight the opponent openly and thoroughly to test his current strength.


! "The giant wild boar was very puzzled at first, why this hateful human being in front of him could offset himself with the ice cone.

Suddenly, its perception detected that the psychic energy fluctuations of this hateful human being in front of him were rapidly increasing, and in a blink of an eye, it had the same level of psychic energy fluctuations as its own.

Lin Li looked at the giant wild boar with shocking eyes, and said something with a smile.

"You attacked me earlier and forced me to hide. Next, I'm going to ask you for an explanation."

As soon as the words fell, he took a step forward and rushed towards the giant wild boar with shocking eyes.

"Roar..." Although the giant wild boar beast was full of unacceptable emotions, its perception would not deceive it, and it was convinced that the hateful human in front of it did have the same intensity of spiritual energy fluctuations as itself.

Now that this hateful human being is attacking him, he must concentrate and deal with it with all his strength.

If you take it lightly, it is very likely that you will die in the hands of the other party, after all, the two parties now have the same cultivation base.


The ability was activated, and the cold air came out of the mouth, and the sharp ice cones were formed in an instant, and there were dozens of them.

"Why is this trick again, doesn't this guy have other attack tricks?"

Lin Li, who had greatly increased his strength, was now full of confidence. Looking at the sharp ice picks condensed by the giant wild boar and strange beast, he said to himself calmly.

The speed of rushing towards the opponent remains unchanged, and the sharp ice cones it creates are completely regarded as non-existent.

"Roar..." The giant wild boar looked at Lin Li who was still rushing towards him at the same speed, and felt that the hateful human in front of him was so stupid.

After seeing that he used his ability to create sharp ice picks, under normal circumstances, he should stop and prepare to dodge.

Now he is still rushing towards him at the same speed, isn't this courting death?




When Lin Li approached the giant wild boar at a distance of more than ten meters, a condensed and sharp ice cone shot out. Such a short distance and such a large-scale intensive attack, even with the same level of cultivation, it is impossible to avoid it of.

"Roar..." The giant wild boar beast felt that its attack would turn the stupid enemy in front of it into a hedgehog and kill it on the spot, so when it launched the attack, it let out a triumphant cry.

However, the scene of the enemy being tied up into a hedgehog that it imagined did not appear, and the triumphant cry disappeared instantly, and it looked at the scene in front of it in shock.

The moment Lin Li saw the ice cones made by the giant wild boar monster shoot out, he immediately activated his ability.

I saw flames emanating from his body, and in the blink of an eye, he elementalized his body and turned into a flame man made of raging flames.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

The sharp ice pick hit the body of Lin Li who had turned into a flaming man, and in an instant, his flaming body was riddled with holes.

After the wave of ice picks from the giant wild boar beast attacked, there were many blaze men with holes in their bodies, but they did not fall down.

"Elementalized body, being attacked in the state of flame man, it turns out that you can't feel pain!" Lin Li looked at the holes all over his body and said to himself.

Then, the punctured part of his body began to heal quickly, and within three seconds, he recovered as before.

"Roar..." The giant wild boar roared in a low voice, and slowly took a step back.

This step was an action it made subconsciously. It can be seen how shaken it was when it saw that its enemy had the ability to elementalize the body.

Enemies with elemental physical abilities are hard to kill, not only humans think so, but even beasts think so.

I am aware of my physical condition. In the previous battle, my body was seriously injured, and the physical strength and spiritual energy consumed have not yet fully recovered.

Now to fight this enemy who has the same level of cultivation as himself, and also has an elemental physical ability, the final outcome is obvious, and there is a high probability that it will be the side that is in very good condition and difficult to be killed.

Undoing the elementalization, Lin Li changed from the flame man state to the original one, and then immediately attacked the giant wild boar.

The distance of more than ten meters was crossed in an instant. Lin Li raised his right hand, and the blazing flames wrapped around his fist, punching the head of the giant wild boar.




There was the sound of bones breaking, accompanied by extremely shrill screams.


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