Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 328: Became the object of venting anger

The leopard beast had just escaped the attack of the blue wind blade, and before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he found that the blue wind blade suddenly changed direction and attacked again.

This sudden change made it impossible to avoid it at all.


The sharp cyan wind blade hit the back of the leopard beast, directly cutting a deep bone wound on its back.

Blood gushed out of the wound in an instant, dyeing the beautiful spotted hair of the leopard beast all red.


The leopard beast, whose back was badly injured, fell to the ground. Because of the huge inertia of running, it slid several meters before stopping.

"Roar..." A painful roar came from its mouth, and the leopard beast wanted to get up from the ground. As soon as its limbs exerted force, several piercing sounds came from its ears.


Turning his head and looking, what caught his eyes were three threatening blue wind blades. Seeing this scene, Tong Kong, a leopard and strange beast, suddenly shrank, and his heart was filled with panic.

It wanted to dodge, but unfortunately its current physical condition was unable to dodge at all, so it could only watch helplessly as the blue wind blade hit its body.

The neck, shoulders, and abdomen were each hit by a blue wind blade, and the leopard beast crashed to the ground.

In addition, there was a deep bone wound on its back, and bleeding could not be stopped from the four injured parts. With such a serious injury, it completely lost the possibility of resisting Lin Li.

"Wow... woo..."

The leopard beast screamed in its mouth and its eyes were full of horror. Looking at the enemy who was walking towards him step by step and stopped in front of him, he begged for mercy in fear, hoping that the other party would show mercy and spare his life .

"..." Lin Li looked calmly at the leopard animal that fell to the ground, was seriously injured, and kept begging himself to spare its life. After a few seconds of silence, he raised his right hand and held the The spirit weapon long sword stabs out.


The spiritual weapon long sword that was blooming with pale golden aura easily pierced through the head of the seriously injured leopard beast, killing it instantly.

"In the beginning, you wanted to hunt me down, but I ended up killing me. That's fair." Lin Li pulled out the spiritual weapon long sword that pierced the head of the leopard beast, and said to himself.

When he squatted down and was about to reach out to collect the prey into the mysterious island, the earth shook, and a huge monster appeared in the distance and rushed towards him quickly.


The deafening roar of the beast exploded, and Lin Li subconsciously looked from the direction of the roar. After seeing the opponent's appearance clearly, his expression changed accordingly.

The behemoth that rushed towards Lin Li turned out to be the giant wild boar with a peak second-order cultivation.

After the beast broke out from the investigators and hunters who besieged it, it ran desperately into the depths of the wilderness.

After getting out of danger, the seriously injured giant wild boar slowed down its escape, found a place nearby to lie down and rest, and recovered the physical and spiritual energy consumed by the previous battle.

And when it was resting, it suddenly heard a tragic beast roar from a distance.

This movement immediately attracted the attention of the giant wild boar, and then it got up to check.

From far away, the giant wild boar beast sensed two fluctuations of spiritual energy. When it saw one of the figures exuding fluctuations of spiritual energy, which was a hateful human being, the scenes of its being besieged and slaughtered immediately appeared in front of its eyes. This made it boil with anger.

Without much consideration, the giant wild boar, which was the size of an adult elephant, decided to kill this human being who was weaker than him, in order to dispel the anger in his heart.

Although it suffered serious injuries, the giant wild boar was after all a beast with a peak second-order cultivation.

Even in its current injured state, its comprehensive combat power is still stronger than that of Lin Li, who only has a second-level high-level cultivation.

In a one-on-one fight alone, it is difficult for Lin Li to defeat the giant wild boar.


The giant wild boar exhaled an extremely cold air, and the surrounding temperature dropped rapidly. Dozens of sharp ice cones instantly condensed in front of it, reflecting the dazzling light under the sunlight.

Just use the ability to make ice cones. Although Lin Li can also use the ability to make ice cones, he can't make a lot of them as easily as the giant wild boar.


The dense icicle attacks shot at Lin Li. In the eyes of the giant wild boar, Lin Li seemed to have been frightened. He stood there in a daze, watching the icicles he shot towards him without moving. go.


The attack of the ice cone covering tens of square meters did not turn the frightened enemy into a hedgehog as the giant wild boar and beast thought.

Because in its eyes, when the ice cone was about to hit the stunned enemy, the enemy suddenly disappeared instantly.


The question mark on the head of the giant wild boar, it stood in place, looking at the place where Lin Li disappeared.

There was still a puddle of blood on the ground, which was all formed by the flow of leopards and strange beasts.

Spread out the perception, explore the surroundings, but did not find any spiritual energy fluctuations, the hateful human beings really disappeared under its nose.

"Roar..." He failed to kill the hateful human, which made the giant wild boar roar angrily and stamped on the ground.

"Bang bang bang..."

The ground trembled violently due to the trampling of giant wild boars and beasts, and the surrounding lush trees suffered and were all knocked down.


On the mysterious island surrounded by white mist, Lin Li and the corpses of leopards and strange beasts appeared in front of the magical little tree.

"Even if a giant wild boar with a peak second-order cultivation level is seriously injured, the sense of oppression brought about by the fluctuations of psionic energy from its body is still heartbreaking!" Lin Li recalled what happened a second ago, Mouth to himself.

Just as he was thinking that he was unlucky enough to meet the defeated giant wild boar for a while, the body of the leopard that he brought into the mysterious island turned into streaks of white mist. The magical little tree in front of him absorbed it.

The miraculous little fruit that was almost ripe at the beginning has now fully matured.

The brightly colored small red fruit hung on the branch, and the faint aura flashed on the surface, which became a bit dazzling after the small fruit matured, but this phenomenon was just a flash and did not last long.

Without hesitation, Lin Li stretched out his hand to pick the ripe little miraculous fruit.

After Lin Li plucked the small red fruit the size of an egg from the magical tree, it immediately exuded an incomparably attractive fragrance.

Lin Li, who has eaten the magical little fruit several times, is considered to be very experienced.

Looking at the small red fruit exuding an incomparably attractive fragrance in his hand, he still couldn't help but let out a sigh of emotion.

"No matter how many times I have eaten it, every time I harvest a new magical fruit, the excitement in my heart is still uncontrollable!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Li stuffed a small red fruit the size of an egg into his mouth.

"Katsa, Katsa."

The fragrant red fruit was chewed to pieces after three or two bites, and after swallowing it, the experienced Lin Li lay down very carefully.

"The next step is the main event, come on!"

After the miraculous little fruit entered his stomach, he reacted quickly, and a massive amount of spiritual energy burst out, quickly replenishing the spiritual energy consumed by Lin Li's previous battle.

After recovering all the consumed psychic energy, Lin Li, who was able to control the operation of psychic energy in his body, guided the psychic energy that was not gushing out to his dantian.

He wanted to use his dantian to refine a steady stream of spiritual energy, so as to avoid being fainted by a huge amount of spiritual energy like the previous few times.

Although the difficulty of harvesting the magical little fruit increases gradually, its effect is also enhanced.

Compared with the white miraculous fruit harvested last time, the spiritual energy contained in the red miraculous fruit harvested this time is several times higher.

The spiritual energy emanating from the magical little fruit is like a stormy sea, continuously hitting the beach, one wave after another, without stopping.

Although Lin Li, whose face was flushed, tried his best to refine the spiritual energy in his dantian, trying not to faint, but it was still unavoidable. He was once again fainted by the massive spiritual energy burst from the magical little fruit.

After fainting, a faint golden aura began to bloom on Lin Li's body, which became more and more dazzling, and finally formed a dense golden light cocoon, wrapping him all around.

The miraculous effect produced by the miraculous little fruit continuously strengthened Lin Li's physique and improved his cultivation talent. The psionic energy fluctuations that were originally at the high level of the second level began to rise, launching an impact towards the peak of the second level.


Near the safe area on the outskirts of the southern district, transport vehicles arrived at the scene one after another.

The relevant staff loaded the corpses of the collected beasts into the transport vehicle one by one, and then sent them to the Institute of Psychic Energy.

After all, these strange beasts are all weird and strange beasts that can grow red mushrooms on their bodies. Only by handing them over to the researchers of the Psionic Research Institute can they have the greatest effect.

The intensity of the battle to snipe the alien beast herd this time is actually not that difficult.

All in all, this entire herd of alien beasts, that is, the black gorilla alien beasts with only the third stage of cultivation, can pose a very great threat to the human side.

Once it is restricted, it is only a matter of time before the remaining beasts that have mutated due to the influence of the bloody full moon are wiped out.

After the war, according to the report of the logistics staff, the investigators and beast hunters who participated in the sniping of the beast herd this time did not show up on the spot.sacrificed personnel.

Some of the wounded who were seriously injured and dying were not in danger of dying after emergency rescue.

Although the seriously injured person is still in a coma, as long as the person is still alive, relying on the advanced medical level of human beings, sending the wounded back to the hospital in the city for treatment will only take more time to recover.

Of course, the cost of treating such seriously injured and dying wounded is definitely not low.

But don't worry, the participants in this battle don't need to consider medical expenses at all. The government will reimburse all medical expenses for the injured, and there will be corresponding rewards afterwards.

The Alien Beast Hunters from the Alien Beast Hunter Guild who assisted in the battle, saw that the fighting had subsided, and they also left the battlefield.

In the eyes of these beast hunters, this was already a thrilling battle. Now that the war has subsided, they just want to meet a few friends and find a place to have a meal quickly.

Brag at the dinner table, show off your contribution to the defense of the city on the battlefield, and then go home and get a good night's sleep.

On the battlefield, there are only a few investigators left standing still.

The reason why they didn't leave right away was because the investigator who was not tall, who fought against the black gorilla beast, and had an initial stage three cultivation base had not returned yet.

Resting in the rear, drinking some water, Wang Jing and Liu Jialin, who had recovered some physical and spiritual energy, returned to the messy battlefield, and the two chatted while patrolling.

"It's been a long time since he came back, isn't something wrong with him?" Liu Jialin said worriedly.

"Probably not. In terms of strength, he should be stronger than that black gorilla beast." Wang Jing said.

The two chatted for a while, and suddenly, a small black spot appeared in the sky.

Someone spotted the small black dot in the sky, immediately observed it with the binoculars beside him, and then shouted in surprise, "Everyone, look there, it's Commander Liu Min, he's back."

Wang Jing and Liu Jialin, who were chatting, heard the shouts of their colleagues, and immediately looked in the direction the other was pointing.

The small black spot on the horizon gradually enlarged, and a figure covered in blood descended from the sky.

The investigators who stayed on the battlefield immediately surrounded Liu Min who had landed.

"Commander Liu, why did you suffer such a serious injury?" A lady investigator asked with concern.

Liu Min, who was not tall, breathed a sigh of relief, and then spat out a mouthful of blood on the ground in front of everyone. After that, he was a little sluggish because of the serious injury, and he recovered a little bit.

"The black gorilla beast is not my opponent. After it was injured by me, it wanted to escape. I chased it all the way to the depths of the wilderness.

When I shot it down from the sky and was about to take its life, two strange beasts at the beginning stage of the third stage appeared to stop me and attacked me, intending to leave me behind. In the end, I was able to pay the price of serious injuries. get away. "

After listening to Liu Min's explanation, the investigators could imagine how dangerous and abnormal the situation was when Liu Min faced the siege of two early stage three alien beasts alone.

This time, Liu Min was able to successfully escape from danger at the cost of serious injuries under the siege of the alien beasts at the early stage of the third stage with both physical strength and spiritual power in their prime. It can be said to be relatively lucky.

If it was anything else, a practitioner with the same cultivation level would probably end up with hatred under the siege of two alien beasts at the beginning of the third stage.

"Damn beast..." an investigator cursed bitterly.

"Okay, let's not talk about the strange beast. This incident has been successfully resolved. Let's clean up and go back to the game! I also want to receive treatment as soon as possible."

Seeing his subordinates filled with righteous indignation, Liu Min immediately raised his hand to signal everyone to calm down, and then gave the order to evacuate.

As the supreme commander of this time to stop the group of alien beasts, after Liu Min's order was issued, all investigators could only obey the order.

Then, the investigators who stayed on the battlefield followed Liu Min and left the battlefield that had become a mess due to the fighting.

The investigators entered the safe zone, boarded the special cars of the Ability Management Bureau that stopped by the road, and began to return to the headquarters.

Wang Jing, who was in the same car as Liu Min, turned her head to look at the scenery that kept flashing by outside the window, thinking about the fight with the giant wild boar before her.

"It's a pity that I couldn't keep that strange beast. If I were stronger, I could keep it..."


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