Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 327: You coward, don't run away!

"Lin Li."

Just as Lin Li turned to leave, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind.

He stopped and turned around to look. Liu Jialin, who was tall and wavy and long, was looking at him in surprise.

"Hello! Liu Jialin." Lin Li greeted this friend with a smile, and then his eyes fell on the figure beside him.

"I knew you would come to the war, but I didn't expect to meet you. What a coincidence!" Liu Jialin said with a smile. She noticed that Lin Li's eyes fell on the colleagues beside her, and added.

"Let me introduce to you, this is my colleague Wang Jing. You should have seen that she was alone just now, and she fought for a long time with that giant wild boar beast with a peak second-order cultivation."

"Yeah." Lin Li nodded.

After a fierce battle, Wang Jing, who consumed a lot of spiritual energy and physical strength, looked tired at the moment. Under Liu Jialin's introduction, the two sides got to know each other for a while, and then she and Liu Jialin left together and went to the temporary Rest at the stronghold.

"This Miss Investigator named Wang Jing looks familiar!" Lin Li muttered as he watched Liu Jialin and Wang Jing leave.

After carefully recalling it, a picture appeared in Lin Li's mind.

It was a picture of a girl in civilian clothes holding a burning car above her head with her bare hands.

"So it's her! No wonder I think she looks familiar..."

Lin Li recalled the popular short videos he had watched before, and figured out why Wang Jing felt familiar to him, then he turned and left.




A gust of wind blew by, and the dense grass made a sound. Lin Li left the battlefield, looked around, and saw that there was no one around, so he got into the thick grass in front of him.

"I restrained so many corpses of alien beasts just now, and my progress has definitely increased a lot."

There was a faint sound in the thick grass, and then there was no sound.

Not far away on a big tree with luxuriant branches, an ordinary bird stood on the branch, its eyes widened and it patrolled the grass, wondering how the human being who entered the grass could disappear out of thin air.

On a mysterious island surrounded by white mist, a figure appeared out of thin air.

Entering the forest of the mysterious island, standing in front of the magical little tree, looking at the egg-sized, bright red fruit hanging on the branch, his face is full of surprises.

A piece of information emerged in his mind... the current progress is 90.00% [-]

"Huh? What's going on, the progress has increased so much?" Lin Li's expression of surprise turned into doubt.

Although he quietly restrained the corpses of alien beasts that no one noticed on the battlefield just now, and did not count the number seriously, he also had a rough idea in his heart that the number of corpses of alien beasts restrained would not exceed fifty at most.

According to his previous calculations, the progress of a second-level alien beast will increase by 70.00%, and fifty alien beasts will be fully counted, and the progress will be [-]% five at most.

But now the progress is more than [-]% more, just a little bit to reach [-]%, which is really strange.

Lin Li, who was very puzzled, raised his hand and touched his chin, thinking in his mind that this surprised him very much.

Soon, he came up with a guess.

"Um... Could it be the reason for these strange beasts that they can provide more progress than other strange beasts?"

"Forget it, let's leave it at that! I don't need to spend so many brain cells thinking about this kind of thing? As long as the final result is good."

"It's only [-]% short, and I can harvest a ripe little magical fruit again."

"Counting the previous ones, this is the third magical little red fruit I have harvested."

"After eating the first red magical fruit, I awakened the ability to use the fireball's flame ability.

Then I ate the second little red magic fruit, which gave my fire power an extra form that covered my hands.

This time I ate the third little red magical fruit, what new changes will happen to my fire ability? "

Lin Li looked at the small red magical fruit that was about to ripen hanging on the branch of the magical little tree with a smile on his face, and his heart was full of anticipation.

"It's only after nine o'clock. I don't need to rush back to take a shower. As long as I leave before eleven o'clock, I will have time to go to Su Yue's house."

Lin Li stared at the little red magical fruit that was almost ripe in front of him with piercing eyes. With an unbearable itchiness, he thought quickly and made a decision.

Next, he must seize the time to hunt a second-tier alien beast. If he can't find a second-tier alien beast, he will hunt seven first-tier alien beasts to complete the last [-] progress.

After making a decision, Lin Li didn't waste any more time. He immediately left the mysterious island, and disappeared in front of the magical little tree with the thought in his heart.

The small red fruit the size of a pigeon's egg hanging on the branch flashes a faint golden aura, full of infinite allure.


The battle of sniping the alien herd was over, and the logistics staff who came to the battlefield began to clean the battlefield.

A strange beast that had mutated due to the influence of the bloody full moon, and was killed today, was transported by the logistics staff to an open space and piled up together.

"Strange, according to the data, isn't this exterminated group of alien beasts composed of nearly 220 alien beasts? Why are there only [-] corpses of alien beasts? It's a lot less?"

After counting the number of dead beasts, a logistics worker couldn't help but let out a voice of doubt.

At this time, his colleague happened to pass by, heard him talking to himself, and said with a smile, "Maybe some strange beasts have escaped! Or because of the impact of the battle, they were beaten to pieces and scattered all over the place, unable to put together .

"It's possible." The logistics staff who counted the number of corpses of the beasts were convinced by the statement of their colleagues.

He nodded, then turned and left, preparing to report the registered data.

The logistics staff felt that the number of corpses of alien beasts was not right. The instigator was far away from the battlefield at the moment, and went deep into the wilderness from another direction, eagerly looking for prey.


Lin Li ran quickly in the thick grass, and the weeds that were close together were forcibly separated by him.

While galloping fast, he spread out his senses to explore the surroundings, looking for creatures emitting psionic energy fluctuations.

There is a saying that says, the more eager you are to do something and want to finish it as soon as possible, the less it will be completed satisfactorily as you wish.

After coming out of the mysterious island, Lin Li started searching with all his strength, looking for prey that could be hunted.

But he ran for more than 20 minutes, let alone a strange beast, along the way, he didn't even meet an ordinary small animal.

"What's going on? I've been searching for almost half an hour, and I haven't even encountered a living ordinary creature?!

! ”

When this happens, just turn your head and think about it, and you can almost get the answer.

The news that the group of alien beasts formed by the mutated alien beasts marched towards the human city due to the influence of the bloody full moon has spread throughout the wilderness.

The leaders of some alien beast forces in the depths of the wilderness, after receiving this news, knew that human beings would never sit idly by, and would take action to destroy the alien beast group, and a war was inevitable.

When the war breaks out, a large area near the safe zone of the human city will become a dangerous battlefield.

In order to prevent his lack of IQ, his stupid subordinates broke into the area where the battle broke out, and sacrificed in vain.

The leaders of the alien beast forces in the depths of the wilderness issued an order to his subordinates not to wander around the edge of the human city, but to retreat to the depths of the wilderness to avoid the limelight.

It was the retreat orders issued by the leaders of the alien beast forces from the depths of the wilderness that made Lin Li run all over the wilderness for half an hour without finding a single prey that could be attacked.

As for the ordinary small animals, I didn't see them either, it was entirely because of the series of bombings by the armed helicopter attack formation that the huge noises frightened those ordinary small animals.

It prompted them to flee one after another, hiding in the dark and shivering, not daring to come out for activities at all, and it would take a while to recover.

"Don't worry, haste makes waste, there is still more than an hour! We will definitely find the prey."

After searching for more than half an hour, Lin Li still couldn't find anything to hunt, and realized that he was a little too eager.

So he immediately adjusted himself to ease some of the overly eager emotions a little bit.

More than ten minutes later, Lin Li, who was running straight into the depths of the wilderness, was now more than 30 kilometers away from the safe zone.

Such a distance can be said to be very far away from the battlefield where the previous battle broke out.

Lin Li ran past a big tree with luxuriant branches, and some ordinary birds flew out of the tree.

Looking at the ordinary birds flying away, he thought to himself, "Okay, I can already meet ordinary small animals. Next, I should be able to meet strange beasts soon."

The next development was exactly as Lin Li had expected. A few minutes after he met those ordinary birds, he was followed by a leopard animal ambushing and hunting in the thick grass.


When Lin Li, who was looking for prey, passed by a dense grass, he realized that something was staring at him in the grass. He immediately became alert, and at the same time couldn't help showing joy in his heart.

"I Have a Scroll of Ghosts and Gods"


After lying in ambush for a long time, the leopard beast finally waited for its prey. After the prey entered its attack range, it immediately mobilized the spiritual energy in its body to enhance its attack power, and then jumped out of the grass and rushed towards the distance Not far from prey.

The prey in front of him walked upright with two feet, with thin skin and tender meat. It was not the small animals that I often ate, but a delicious human that lived in the city outside the wilderness and was very difficult to catch.

The Leopard Alien Beast has never tasted human beings so far. It just heard from other companions who have tasted human beings that human beings with thin skin and tender meat are very delicious.

Now that I am lucky to meet it, I will take it down and have a good taste.

"Early stage of the second stage!

! "Lin Li looked at the leopard beast that came out of the grass and rushed towards him aggressively. He sensed the spiritual energy fluctuations emanating from it, and there was no panic on his face. Instead, he showed a surprised expression, "Well done... "

Although the leopard beast with pale golden aura emerged from its teeth and claws, although its attacks were very swift, the human beings it regarded as its prey reacted even faster than it.


Lin Li moved his feet, turned to one side, and easily avoided the ferocious pounce of the leopard and strange beast.

And at the moment when the leopard beast passed in front of him, he directly raised his leg, hit the soft abdomen of the leopard beast, and kicked it away.

The leopard beast with a soft belly that had never been attacked by the enemy before was kicked by Lin Li and fell to the ground. The severe pain made it scream.

Lin Li looked at the leopard beast that was in so much pain that it seemed to be shedding tears because of his own blow, he couldn't help but let out a goo, "Is this beast so irresistible?"


The leopard beast, which screamed a few times, regained its strength. It roared at Lin Li, then turned around and fled without saying a word.

Lin Li was still thinking in his heart that after the strange beast in front of him got up from the ground, it would launch a fierce attack on him.

As a result, he never thought that after the other party got up from the ground, he directly chose to turn around and run away. This made him a little angry, and he subconsciously yelled at the fleeing leopard beast.

" coward, don't run away!"

"Roar..." The leopard beast also let out a howl when it heard the shouts of the humans behind it, as if it was responding to the shouts of the humans behind it.

This leopard beast that attacked Lin Li had just broken through to the early stage of the second stage. It thought that after its strength increased greatly, it would become a famous figure in a small area, thinking that it would be easier to catch prey in the future.

It's a pity that the reality is very different from its imagination. A few days after breaking through to the second level, it suffered such a major blow. In this hunting, it changed from a hunter to a prey, facing a life-and-death crisis.

"You coward, you can't escape, just stop and fight with me honestly, maybe you still have hope of surviving."

After finally finding the prey, Lin Li, as long as he kills him now, the magical little fruit on the mysterious island will ripen. No matter what he says, he can't let the prey in front of him escape.


Lin Li raised his left hand, a pale golden aura bloomed, and with a wave of his hand, he threw out a razor-sharp blue wind blade, shooting straight at the wild leopard beast that was desperately fleeing in front of him.

As soon as the sound of breaking through the air sounded behind him, the strong sense of crisis made the Leopard, which was desperately running away, subconsciously make evasive movements.

The body leaned to the right, kicked the ground with all four feet, and immediately changed the direction of escape.


The sharp cyan wind blade swept across the tip of the leopard's tail, cutting off some colorful and soft hair.

Afterwards, the emptied cyan wind blade flew straight forward, bombarding the trunk of a big tree with luxuriant branches in the distance, making a deep cut on the thick trunk of the big tree, and at the same time Shake off a lot of leaves.

Seeing that the cyan wind blade he shot missed the target, Lin Li immediately activated his ability again and waved his hand several times.




Several razor-sharp cyan wind blades tore through the air, making piercing whistling sounds. The fleeing leopard beasts were frightened out of their wits and their heartbeats accelerated when they heard these approaching sounds.

Desperately increasing the speed, while changing the direction of escape.

At this time of life and death, the leopard beast seemed to be possessed by the goddess of luck, and it managed to avoid the terrifying attacks that were aimed at itself time and time again.

"..." It was nothing more than dodging the wind blade attack once, but he managed to dodge it four or five times in a row, which made Lin Li a little unbelievable. It was the first time he encountered such a lucky beast.

"It seems that I can only take down this lucky beast by expending some more spiritual energy." Lin Li muttered, and then he raised his left hand again, and shot out a razor-sharp blue wind blade.


The bursting blue wind blade pierced the air, making a hissing sound, once again sensing the dangerous leopard beast coming from behind, and immediately made an evasive movement.

Like the previous few times, this strange beast was lucky enough to escape Lin Li's attack again.

"That's the end of your luck." Lin Li saw that the leopard beast dodged his wind blade attack again. He immediately raised his left hand that was blooming with pale golden aura, put his index finger and middle finger together, and made a gesture. Gesture to change direction.


The cyan wind blade that fell into the air was going to fly straight forward, but suddenly, it was affected by an invisible force, and it immediately turned a corner, changed its flight direction, and attacked the leopard beast that escaped the attack again.


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