Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 326: The Confused Magical Little Tree

The investigator, who was not tall and had a cultivation base of the first stage of the third stage, gave an order that once he found a strange beast with awakened healing abilities, he would immediately concentrate his efforts to kill it.

On the battlefield, a group of investigators looked at the cyan forest wolf beast that was helping the giant wild boar beast with piercing eyes.

This cyan forest wolf beast with awakened healing ability has a mid-level second-level cultivation, so it's not difficult to deal with. The key is that the wild boar beast next to it, which has a peak second-level cultivation, is very difficult to deal with.

If no one restrained the giant wild boar beast, it would be extremely difficult to kill the blue forest wolf beast, and it would take a lot of casualties.

At this time, a heroic young lady investigator with short neck-length hair, a handsome face, fair skin, and a strong figure stood up and said to the companions around her.

"I'm here to contain that wild boar beast, and you guys should get rid of that blue forest wolf beast that has awakened healing power as soon as possible."

As soon as the words fell, the investigator, who had just broken through to the peak of the second-order a few days ago, stepped on the ground with both feet, and shot out of her figure, and quickly rushed towards the giant wild boar beast exuding a ferocious aura. past.

"While Wang Jing is restraining that wild boar beast, let's do it quickly." Liu Jialin looked at Wang Jing who was rushing towards the giant wild boar beast, and beckoned her companions to follow.

Wang Jing is indeed the most potential investigator of the Ability Administration Bureau. She is less than 30 years old, and her cultivation base has broken through to the peak of the second level. Such a cultivation talent can be said to be very rare.

The giant wild boar looked at the enemy that was rushing towards it, and sensed that the opponent was exuding the same level of psionic energy as its own. It put away its contempt, and immediately breathed out a cold breath at the rushing enemy.


After the cold air spewed out from the giant wild boar's mouth, sharp ice cones several meters long quickly condensed in the air.

Under the command of the giant wild boar beast, these ice cones were like arrows shot out quickly, covering Wang Jing who was rushing like a gust of wind.

Wang Jing, who was extremely fast, didn't show any panic on her face when she saw the strange beast attacking herself with its supernatural power.

I saw her speed increased sharply again, pulling out afterimages, and easily dodged the sharp ice picks that were shot at her.


Seeing that its ability failed to hit the enemy, the giant wild boar let out a roar.

The pale golden aura was attached to the fangs protruding from the lips, and then it took a step forward and slammed into the enemy rushing towards it. It wanted to pierce the opponent with its fangs!

"Hmph." Wang Jing still had no fear on her face, she hummed softly in her heart, activated the awakening ability, and her power quickly increased several times.

A man and a beast collided together, and a shocking scene appeared in front of everyone.

I saw Wang Jing, who is strong and heroic, stretched out her slender arms, grabbed the fangs that were coming towards her violently, and with incomparable strength, slammed the giant wild boar and strange beast into the hard body. block.

The giant wild boar did not expect that this small enemy in front of him would not dodge or evade, but chose to confront him head-on, and successfully blocked his own impact. The operation was shocked.


With a loud roar, the giant wild boar stomped on the ground with all its limbs, increasing its strength, trying to fly the enemy in front of it.

"Drink..." Wang Jing let out a low cry, and once again used her awakened ability to increase her strength. With her fierce strength, the suppressed giant wild boar could not lift its head.


The ground under the feet of both sides cracked, and the cracks spread rapidly like spider webs.

These two opponents with the same cultivation level competed in strength like this.

"This Miss Investigator is so strong..." Lin Li looked into the distance, looking at the man and beast who were competing for strength, and said to himself.

"Friend, thank you for your rescue just now." Investigator Xiao Wu hugged his unconscious teammate and came to Lin Li, thanking him.

At this time, three other investigators from the combat team also came to him.

"You're welcome." Lin Li returned his gaze to the distance and responded, then he looked at the unconscious team leader in the arms of investigator Xiao Wu and reminded him.

"Your companion is seriously injured. Hurry up and send him to the treatment point in the rear for treatment! If it is delayed for a long time, the best treatment time will be delayed."

Investigator Xiao Wu nodded, then he turned to his three teammates and said, "Go and help the others, I will send Lao Wang to the rear for treatment."

"Okay." The three investigators nodded, and then quickly ran away to the place where the companions who were fighting fiercely with other alien beasts were located.

Lin Li stared at the departing investigator Xiao Wu. After seeing that the other party had left the battlefield safely, he looked away and looked around.

At this moment, the situation on the battlefield was very good. The group of alien beasts retreated steadily under the pincer attack of investigators and alien beast hunters. They began to subconsciously move backwards slowly, gradually moving away from the human city.

There were many slain beasts lying on the grass around Lin Li. The blood flowed out from these dead beasts, dyeing the large area of ​​emerald green grass red, and some places even formed small pools of blood.

"These slain beasts all have Tier [-] cultivation! If I collect them all into the mysterious island, the magical little tree will soon be able to grow new magical little fruits."

Lin Li looked at the dead beasts, his mind was racing fast.

"Everyone is fighting fiercely now, and no one will care about the dead beast. As long as I'm careful, I won't be discovered..."

After a quick thought, Lin Li made a decision under the temptation of obtaining the magical little fruit.

Afterwards, Lin Li came to the dead beast closest to him, that is, the porcupine beast whose head had been pierced through with his sword.

Before making a move, Lin Li looked around cautiously to make sure that no one was looking at him. He immediately stretched out his hand and pressed it on the body of the dead porcupine.

With the thought in his mind, the huge porcupine beast disappeared instantly.

On the mysterious island surrounded by white mist, the magical little tree in the center of the island is not tall, only about two meters tall. When a fresh corpse of a strange beast appeared on the island, it immediately responded .

The magical little tree's reaction this time is much faster than before, it seems that it has learned the previous lesson.

The huge porcupine corpse instantly turned into streaks of white mist, which was absorbed by the crown of the magical little tree with pale golden aura in two or three strokes.

Just when the magical little tree was about to return to calm, the corpse of a strange beast appeared out of thin air on the mysterious island.

Seeing that food was delivered to the door again, the magical little tree immediately started to move again.

And just as it was about to attack the second corpse, a third corpse appeared on the mysterious island. Then, the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh...

In less than 3 minutes, more than a dozen fresh corpses of alien animals appeared on the mysterious island one after another, and as time went by, the number continued to increase.


The magical little tree was confused by the sudden happiness, but it quickly reacted and began to enjoy the gluttonous feast to its fullest.

The crown of the tree with pale golden light quickly absorbed the white mist transformed from the flesh and blood of alien beasts.

If Lin Li were on the mysterious island at this time, he would find that the progress of the original magical fruit was only [-]% ripe.

As the magical little tree quickly absorbed the white mist transformed from the flesh and blood of different beasts, the current progress also increased rapidly.

[-] percent, [-] percent, [-] percent...

Every time the magical little tree absorbs the flesh and blood of a second-order alien beast, its current progress will increase by [-]%.

The progress of this increase is a bit wrong. It's not that Lin Li didn't kill the second-tier alien beast before. At that time, the magical little tree absorbed the flesh and blood of the second-tier alien beast, and the progress was only increased by [-]%.

Now it has increased by [-]%, why is there an extra [-]%?

It's a pity that Lin Li is not on the mysterious island now, and he doesn't know that the corpses of the alien beasts he harvested this time have such an effect, otherwise, he might not be able to resist getting a few more.

When the maturity of the magical little fruit exceeded [-]%, a small fruit the size of a grain of rice appeared on the branch of the magical little tree.

The color of this small fruit is red. As the progress continues to grow, it is only a small red fruit the size of a grain of rice at first, and it grows visible to the naked eye.

"90.00% eight point seven."

Half an hour later, the ripening progress of the miraculous little fruit was only a little bit away from reaching [-]%.

At this time, a small red fruit the size of an egg was hanging on the branch of the magical little tree.

Indistinctly, a faint golden aura flashed across the surface of this small crimson, flame-like red fruit.

When there were no more corpses of alien beasts on the mysterious island, the magical little tree that had had a good meal began to regain its calm, and the pale golden aura blooming on the crown of the tree completely dissipated.

If it weren't for the fact that on the branch of the magical little tree, there was a small red fruit that flashed faintly from time to time and was almost ripe, it would have been as if the gluttonous feast just now had never happened.


In the chaotic battlefield, Lin Li was running around cautiously, but efficiently, and quickly restrained the corpses of strange beasts that had died within an hour.

Occasionally, when encountering an investigator team or a beast hunter team who are at a disadvantage, he will help them out.

After receiving the other party's thanks and watching them leave, he took advantage of no one's attention and took the body of the alien beast that had just been killed and died within a few minutes into the mysterious island.

Watching all directions, listening to all directions, and repeating the same operation process, Lin Li quietly harvested dozens of Tier [-] alien beasts, and he also counted the exact number. Anyway, it was a rare bumper harvest.

"Last time, I searched around in the wilderness under the scorching sun in the sky, and I couldn't find a few Tier [-] beasts all day long.

This time, in less than half an hour, I harvested dozens of Tier [-] alien beasts, which was worth a month of hard work. "

Lin Li grunted in his heart, and then took a look at the corpse of a strange beast.

Then, he looked at the group of alien beasts that were being killed in the distance, retreating steadily, with almost no chance of turning back, and his mind wandered.

"If such a dangerous and controllable emergency occurs every once in a while, then it will be..."


Under the siege and interception of Liu Jialin and a group of investigators, the cyan forest wolf beast that had awakened its healing ability had nowhere to escape.

After it let out a roar full of unwillingness and resentment, Liu Jialin, who was bullied in front of her, punched her head with a punch.

"Wow..." After the head exploded, sticky red and white matter splashed around, splashing all over Liu Jialin's body.

Withdrawing the shocking fist and canceling the ability, Liu Jialin raised her white palm and wiped the red and white matter on her face with the back of her hand.

The stench made Liu Jialin frowned slightly, but she didn't pay much attention to it, and immediately turned her attention to the distance, looking at Wang Jing and the giant wild boar who were fighting.

At this time, according to the situation on the battlefield, it is self-evident that the human side will win the final victory.

As long as Wang Jing defeats the giant wild boar, the battle on the ground will be completely over.

As for the battle situation in the sky, the black gorilla beast and the short investigator fought selflessly, fighting, and flew to nowhere, completely disappearing from everyone's sight.

The happy time always makes people feel that it passes quickly. Looking at the corpses of the restrained beasts on the battlefield, they stopped moving.

Because Wang Jing, with the help of her companions, severely damaged the wild boar beast with a peak second-order cultivation, the battle on the ground came to an end.

Next, he quietly touched the body of the strange beast, it was easy to be discovered, so he had to stop.

That extremely ferocious giant wild boar beast with a second-order peak cultivation base, its vitality is really tenacious.

Although there were several huge blood holes on its body that kept bleeding out, it was still able to forcibly break through the encirclement of investigators and beast hunters, and escaped smoothly into the deep wilderness.

It is also a strange beast that has been mutated by the influence of the bloody full moon. It seems that the stronger the strength, the more rational it can return to when it is life and death.

This can be verified from the giant wild boar with a second-order peak cultivation level who was seriously injured and finally chose to break through the siege to escape.

Like other beasts whose strength is lower than the peak of the second order, when they are injured and dying, most of them have no intention of running away, but choose to launch a frenzied desperate fight.

Beidi Pavilion


A bloodied and almost exhausted beast hunter watched as the last stubborn beast was killed on the battlefield. He let out a long breath, then sat down on the grass and shouted happily.

"we won."

When the other beast hunters on the battlefield heard this happy shout, they couldn't help but respond.


"Victory is ours."

"Haha, we won..."

The laughter of the beast hunters also infected the investigators, and for a moment, the tense atmosphere on the battlefield changed.

"I made an appointment with Su Yue yesterday, and I have to go to her house with the ingredients at noon to learn how to make beef stew with potatoes! Now that the battle is over, I should go home.

Uh... Su Yue has a good nose, I have to take a good bath after returning home, if I go to her house with a smell of blood, she will definitely ask after smelling it. "

Lin Li waved his right hand, and shook the spiritual weapon sword in his hand. After shaking off some red and white things stuck to the blade, he turned around and was about to leave the battlefield.

And at this time, someone saw him and called out to him...


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