Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 323: Today's young people are all immortal cultivators

When the little black cat heard the reminder from its companion, it immediately looked back, and then it followed the little white cat and jumped off the wall several meters high.

After landing, he tiptoed towards the place where the big mouse was.

It is said that the food in this community is abundant, so the big rats came to this community from far away to prepare to make their home here.

The big mouse that came out of the sewer was very timid, and looked around with its head poking around. Even though it was so cautious, it still didn't realize that it had been targeted by natural enemies.


The terrible sound rang in the ears of the big mouse, which made it tremble in fright, and then ran desperately to the entrance of the sewer.

" idiot, what are you calling so early?" The little white cat angrily scolded the little black cat, and chased after the big mouse that was desperately running away.

"Meow... I want to scare it! Don't worry, it can't escape." The little black cat said confidently.

The fact is just as it said, the big mouse that came out of the sewer, under the pursuit of two natural enemies, has no hope of escaping to heaven at all.

"Squeak..." After a desperate squeak, the big mouse that was firmly pressed down to the ground had its neck bitten off, making no sound.

"Meow...Look! I said it can't escape." After the little black cat bit off the big mouse's neck, it removed its paws from the big mouse, turned to look at the little white cat, proud Said lazily.

"..." The little white cat cast a glance at its companion, then stepped forward, fiddled with the dead prey with its paws, and began to enjoy its supper.

" save some for me! Don't eat it all by yourself." Seeing the little white cat moving, the little black cat immediately went to eat it too.

In the darkness, the two little wild cats were eating the delicious prey with relish, and the sound of Kacha Kacha's bones being bitten came from their mouths from time to time.

Outside the community, Li Ying, who came to check the spot, extinguished the unfinished cigarette with a small amount of cigarette left. Then he threw the extinguished cigarette on the ground in a very uncivilized way, turned and left.


The full moon was in the sky, and there was silence in the depths of the southern wilderness.

Suddenly, there was a deafening beast roar in the originally quiet wilderness.

After the beast roar at the beginning, there seemed to be a chain reaction, and successive beast roars came from various places.


In the dense grass one person tall, there were many figures moving quickly, and the branches and leaves made a burst of noise when they were collided.

Many strange beasts with red eyes and a fierce aura ran out of the grass.

Looking at the appearance of these strange beasts, they were obviously affected by the bloody full moon that appeared in the previous space crack.

These strange beasts that had been affected by the bloody full moon heard the first beast roar in the distance, and after identifying the direction, they all rushed towards the place where the beast roar came from.

Under a small hill in the depths of the wilderness, under the silvery white moonlight, if you look down from the sky to the ground, you can see that the strange beasts coming from all directions are quickly gathering towards the position of the small hill.

On a huge rock by the bank of the creek, there was a tall, pitch-black figure standing on two feet, looking at the bright moon hanging in the sky, and let out a long howl from time to time.


The effect of the roar of the beasts calling for companions was outstanding. After a while, one by one was affected by the blood moon and became strange. The huge strange beasts came to the one standing on the huge rock, looking up to the sky and making a long howling sound in front of the figure.

On the wilderness shrouded in darkness, in this dangerous area, a huge herd of alien beasts gathered and formed just like this.

Each of the strange beasts is not weak, and each of them exudes a fierce aura, which looks much more dangerous than the ordinary group of strange beasts.

These strange beasts who came to the destination unexpectedly maintained a friendly attitude towards each other, unlike in the past, as long as they met, they would fight with each other as if they were enemies.

They stayed in place quietly, waiting for the tall figure who summoned them to speak.


"Everyone is almost here, let's start now...!

! ”

The strange beasts affected by the blood moon made all kinds of calls with excitement, responding to the tall, pitch-black figure.

Afterwards, these strange beasts summoned from all directions, led by the tall, pitch-black figure, marched in one direction in an orderly manner.

Those ordinary alien beasts that lived in the wilderness and came out to look for food at night accidentally encountered this group of alien beasts that were marching, and they were all frightened and ran away into the distance.

Among them were a few alien beasts, which belonged to some formed alien beast forces in the wilderness, and they quickly reported this matter to their boss.


In the early morning of the next day, the rising sun slowly rose from the horizon.

At first, the sky was still dark, but after a touch of fish-belly white appeared, soon, the golden sunrise immediately ruled the whole world, driving away all the darkness that did not want to leave.


There was a huge roar in the sky, and in the dark bedroom, Lin Li, who was still sleeping soundly on the bed, was awakened by the sudden loud roar.

Picking up the phone on the bedside table, unlocking the screen and checking the time, it was only 07:30.

Although it's not too early now, Lin Li, who wanted to sleep in until 07 o'clock and wake up again, was a little mad when he saw that the time was only 30:[-], and he let out a gurgle.

"It's so early in the morning, what are you doing?"

Covering the quilt to the top of his head, he continued to sleep. It was not until nine o'clock, and he was not going to get up.

After a while.


The roar that woke Lin Li up again sounded again. Lin Li, who had just started to feel sleepy and was about to fall asleep, was woken up again this time, and the roar completely wiped out his drowsiness.

Throwing off the quilt, she got up and got out of bed.

Lin Li left the bedroom, went to the balcony, and looked towards the location where the roaring sound came from.


After coming to the balcony, the roar from the sky can be heard more clearly than in the room.

"It's really a helicopter? And it's still an armed helicopter.

In the early morning, why did so many armed helicopters dispatch, what happened? "

In the sky, five armed helicopters making loud roars flew over the Ping An Garden community at a distance of hundreds of meters. Judging from the direction of their flight, they should be flying to the south.

On the balcony, Lin Li stared at the gunships that were fading away until they turned into small black spots. He withdrew his gaze and returned to the room.

Back in the living room, Lin Li turned on the cooling device, then picked up the remote control, turned on the TV, and tuned to the news channel.

"According to the latest news our station received from the Ability Management Bureau, at 35:[-] this morning, in the depths of the wilderness, there was a group of no less than [-] alien beasts moving towards the southern area. You will reach the safe area in the southern district.

The Ability Management Bureau has organized investigators to go to the site of the incident, preparing to meet the group of alien beasts moving to the southern area.

At the same time, Zhang Juetao, the president of the Alien Beast Hunters Association, also issued a related announcement. The Alien Beast Hunters Association has been contacting and organizing. The Alien Beast Hunters in Rongcheng rushed to the Southern District to assist the investigators in sniping the group who moved to the city. of alien beasts.

Citizens living in the suburban area near the southern district, please follow the instructions of the staff of the local sub-district office and go to the nearest underground shelter for temporary shelter, and return home after the herd of alien beasts is eliminated

Please don’t worry the general public, the herd of alien beasts that are moving towards the southern district cannot pose a serious threat to our city, and the Ability Management Bureau has absolute confidence that no one of the alien beasts will be allowed to rush into the urban area..."

Not long after waking up, Lin Li, who was still a little sleepy, watched the beautiful TV news anchor seriously broadcast the press release in his hand, his eyes widened in surprise, and a shocked expression appeared on his face.

"Isn't it?!

! ”

"There are strange beasts actively moving to the blue zone in groups?!

! ”

"The armed helicopters that flew over the community just now are flying to the south, so they are rushing to support them!"

"The investigators have already rushed to the scene, and we will send armed helicopters to support them, and the Alien Beast Hunters Guild has also contacted and organized the Alien Beast Hunters to assist."

"This battle is much bigger than before when the Alien Beast Hunters Guild organized everyone to go to the wilderness to hunt and kill the group of alien beasts that migrated to the surrounding cities."

"It seems that the group of alien beasts that moved to the city this time is very strong..."

Lin Li watched the news on TV and muttered to himself, then he quickly got up and ran back to the bedroom to get back his mobile phone.

He is now anyway, a beast hunter registered in the beast hunter guild.

According to the news just now, the president of the Alien Beast Hunters Association has begun to contact and organize the Alien Beast Hunters in Rongcheng to go to the Southern District to assist the Ability Administration.

As a registered Alien Beast Hunter, you should receive relevant contact information.

Turned on the phone, clicked on the SMS inbox, but did not see the relevant contact information sent to him by the Alien Beast Hunters Guild.


"What does it mean?"

"My Alien Beast Hunter qualification certificate was obtained legally and compliantly. As a Alien Beast Hunter, a staff member of the Alien Beast Hunter Guild, why didn't you send me a message?"

Filled with doubts, Lin Li opened the Alien Beast Hunter software, clicked on the communication section, and wanted to see if there were any colleagues who encountered the same situation as himself.

There were many Alien Beast Hunters on the forum who posted about this unexpected incident. In the top post of the forum administrator, Lin Li figured out why the Alien Beast Hunters Guild didn't send him contact information.

"So that's what happened. They thought I was weak, so they didn't send me any contact information." Lin Li muttered speechlessly after reading the post on the top of the forum administrator.

Because the alien beasts that moved to the southern area this time are generally not weak, the Alien Beast Hunters Guild has requirements for the strength of the participants this time.

All beast hunters whose strength did not reach the second level were excluded.

In fact, it is understandable for the Alien Beast Hunters Guild to do so. After all, Alien Beast Hunters who are not strong enough to participate in this operation will most likely lose their lives.

The current situation has not yet reached the critical moment. There is no need to let the beast hunters who are not strong enough go to the front line to assist in the battle. If they insist on going, they will just sacrifice in vain.

"Should I go to the Alien Beast Hunter Guild later and update my information?" After Lin Li understood the situation, he quit the Alien Beast Hunter software, raised his hand and touched his chin, thinking.

Soon, he vetoed the idea of ​​going to the Alien Beast Hunters Guild to update his information that came into his mind.

He became a beast hunter at the beginning of July this year, and the cultivation information registered in the information was the peak of the first order.

It has only been two months since he went to update the information, even if he only registered the cultivation base of the early stage of the second stage, he broke through from the peak of the first stage to the early stage of the second stage in two months, and broke through to the early stage of the second stage in such a short time , is very rare.

"I'd better keep a low profile! But if I don't update the information, I won't be able to get relevant news in the first place when similar things happen in the future, which will be a headache.

Another month or two!It takes three to four months to break through from the peak of the first stage to the early stage of the second stage.

Although there are not many such people in the database of the Alien Beast Hunters Association, they are not particularly rare, so I will not be so conspicuous. "

Lin Li thought about it, then stood up and went to the bathroom to wash up.

He washed up frequently, and after a simple breakfast, he went out.


The elevator door opened, and Lin Li walked out from the corridor. He subconsciously looked into the green belt in the distance.

Soon, he found a petite figure in a cute little skirt, sitting on the grass in the green belt, with two small hands on the left and right, stroking two figures, one black and one white.

"Brother Lin Li, good morning!" Zhou Tongtong, who had braids and cute skirts, saw Lin Li in the distance, and greeted him crisply.

"Morning!" Lin Li hurried out, instead of chatting with this cute little girl, he responded to her with a smile, and then walked quickly towards the place where he parked.

"Brother Lin Li left in such a hurry!" Zhou Tongtong muttered when he saw Lin Li leaving quickly.

"Meow...Zhou Tongtong, let me tell you something! Last night..." The little black cat called out, drawing Zhou Tongtong's attention back, and told about a strange thing he saw last night.

"You said that when you were catching mice last night, you saw a person outside the community who didn't go home to sleep in the middle of the night, standing under a big tree and smoking?" Zhou Tongtong said.

"Meow...and that person was smoking a cigarette while looking into the community, I think that person has bad intentions.

You should pay attention when you usually go out, don’t you humans steal children?Don't be stolen by that person. " said the little black cat.

"Stealing a child?!

! "Zhou Tongtong was shocked when she heard the words, and thought, should I tell my mother about it.

"Meow... Zhou Tongtong, don't listen to this idiot's nonsense.

At night, I saw a person smoking a cigarette standing under a tree on the road. Although this kind of thing is rare, it is not uncommon. It has nothing to do with stealing children. "The little white cat gave his little friend a blank look, and said to Zhou Tongtong who believed it was true.

"Yes! Many grown-ups smoke, but just because he smokes at night, you can't say that he is a bad person who steals children..."

Convinced by Xiaobai's words, Zhou Tongtong relaxed her frowning eyebrows, then she stretched out her hand and scratched the little black cat's chin that had startled her.

"Meow..." The little black cat whose chin was being scratched made a comfortable sound, and told Zhou Tongtong not to stop, but to continue scratching.

"Meow..." Seeing this, the little white cat on the side immediately called out to himself, and moved his little head forward.

Zhou Tongtong naturally wouldn't be biased, stretched out his other little hand, and scratched the little white cat's chin as well.

Weak fluctuations of spiritual energy emanated from Zhou Tongtong's body. When her two little hands were scratching the chins of the little white cat and the little black cat, faintly invisible spiritual energy penetrated through her little hands. In the bodies of two little wild cats.

"Hehehe..." Zhou Tongtong's cheerful laughter like silver bells spread far away.

The two little guys felt comfortable all over, but they didn't know that such a comfortable feeling was the result of those invisible spiritual energy penetrating into their bodies.

On a residential building closer to the green belt, a well-built little boy looked in shock at the little girl who was playing with two little wild cats inside the green belt.

"Why is that?"

"I fed so many ham sausages to two little wild cats, but they ate my ham sausages, but they didn't let me touch them. When they got too close, they got angry with me."

"How did this girl do it? Why did she let those two little wild cats get close to her like this?"


In the early morning, the golden sunlight shines on the street trees on both sides of the street, and through the gaps between the branches and leaves, many spots of light are reflected in the shadows of the dancing trees.

Because it is not yet the rush hour for work, there are not many vehicles coming and going on the street.

A silver-white van was driving under the shade of trees on the side of the street, quickly heading towards the wilderness on the outskirts of the Southern District.

"If I go out half an hour later and go to this road in the southern district, there is a high probability that there will be a traffic jam..."

Driving the van to Linli in the South District, he found that the closer he got to the South District, the more and more vehicles were driving on the road.

The van stopped at an intersection, Lin Li looked to the left and right, and found that the passengers in the car parked beside him were all young men and women.

Moreover, these people were holding all kinds of expensive camera equipment in their hands, and they looked quite professional, which made him want to divert his thoughts and make some guesses.

"In the early morning, logically speaking, there shouldn't be so many cars on the road, and the passengers in these cars are all young people.

You know, the young people nowadays are all masters of cultivating immortals, but they don't sleep in the early morning.

It's only eight o'clock now, and instead of sleeping in at home, they ran out. After knowing what happened in the southern district, these people would want to go to the scene to watch the excitement, right? "


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