Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 324: The rocket with limited lethality washes the ground

Stop at the red light, go at the green light, the traffic is irregular, and the relatives cry.

Lin Li noticed that as soon as the green light came on, those young men and women who were probably going to the South District to see the excitement immediately stepped on the gas pedal and rushed out quickly. From this, it can be seen that they were in a hurry .


Lin Li started the car unhurriedly and kept moving forward at a steady speed.

"This time the battle is so big, and the outskirts of the southern district are close to the wilderness, there must be staff from relevant departments setting up a cordon, and these ordinary people will not be allowed to go to the front to watch the excitement.

If these people really want to go to the front to watch the excitement as I thought, then they are destined to be disappointed. "

Lin Li drove the van to the southern district in an orderly manner.

It took more than 20 minutes, and when we were about to reach our destination, we stepped on the brakes.

The van stopped slowly. In the early morning, there was a traffic jam on the spacious road. Looking around, the road was full of cars, and it was impossible to see the end at a glance.

The situation was just as Lin Li had imagined. The traffic security guards, following the orders of their superiors, set up a cordon at a distant location, prohibiting ordinary people from going to the scene where the battle was about to break out.

"Tsk... It seems that I have to go on foot for the next part of the road."

Originally, Lin Li was thinking that when he arrived at his destination, he would find a place where no one was around, and take the van into the mysterious island.

As a result, there are all people around now, and there is no way to hide people's eyes and ears in the public.

So, he drove the car to the parking place on the side of the road, changed into a camouflage uniform in the car, then got off the driver's seat, and walked to the destination ahead with empty hands.


Under the bright sunshine, a group of people were making noise on the road near the outskirts of the Southern District.

"Hey, let's go!"

"That's right! We just want to go to the scene to take a few photos, and we won't cross the security line and go into the wilderness..."

"Accommodating! When we get to the place, we won't mess around..."

In front of the brightly colored cordon, several traffic security officers stood.

Their faces were serious, their attitudes were firm, and they refused in a business-like manner. Those who were stopped by them were young men and women who wanted to go to the scene of the incident to watch the excitement.

"Sir, ordinary people are not allowed to enter the road ahead." A traffic security officer saw a young man in a camouflage uniform who was about to cross the cordon and continue to move forward. He immediately walked over, stopped the other party, and Open your mouth and say.

After Lin Li, who was wearing a camouflage uniform, was stopped by the traffic security guard, he took out his Alien Beast Hunter qualification certificate from his pocket and handed it to the other party.

"So you are a beast hunter!" The traffic security officer checked the qualification certificate of the beast hunter that Lin Li handed over, and after confirming that it was correct, he let Lin Li go.

When Lin Li was about to continue walking, the traffic security officer looked at the young and naked beast hunter and shouted.

"Sir, isn't it good for you to go to the front line with bare hands like this?"

Lin Li knew that the other party said this because he was worried that it would be dangerous for him to go to the front line to participate in the battle like this. He didn't explain anything, but just raised his right hand.

A pale golden aura flashed across his fingertips, and then a small fireball appeared out of thin air on his hand.

"It turns out that this beast hunter has awakened his abilities. With this long-range attack method, it is understandable why his hands are empty." The traffic security officer looked at the fireball floating in Lin Li's hand, and stopped talking.

Lin Li cast a glance at those young men and women who were stopped by the traffic security guards and couldn't go any further, holding various equipment in their hands, with a slight smile on their faces, and under the eyes of the other party full of envy, they walked quickly to the road ahead. Dare to go to the scene where the battle is going to break out.


In the blue sky, several armed helicopters flew towards the city.

Lin Li, who was on his way, looked up at the sky and watched the armed helicopters flying forward quickly. They joined the armed helicopters hovering in the air and waited. After forming a helicopter attack formation, they quickly flew to the target location together.

"Hugh, Hugh, Hugh..."

Suddenly, there was a whistling sound in the sky.

Lin Li saw the armed helicopters attacking the formation in the sky and launched an attack.

In the area that he couldn't see, the armed helicopters flying in the sky fired rockets one after another.

Dozens of armed helicopters fired rockets at the same time, and the scene was quite spectacular. The rockets with tail flames were like dense raindrops, covering a large target area in an instant.

"Boom, boom, boom..."


A series of explosions came from the distant wilderness, followed by an earth-shattering roar of beasts.

Before Lin Li arrived at the scene, this blocking battle kicked off like this.

Dozens of armed helicopters in the sky attacked the formation, and after launching a round of attacks on the target, they immediately turned around and evacuated.


Although these armed helicopters are equipped with anti-aircraft machine guns, if they want to break through the defenses of rough-skinned and thick-skinned beasts, they cannot be broken by anti-aircraft machine guns. They must return to the supply point to replenish more lethal rockets.

Lin Li had only seen such scenes of armed helicopters attacking on TV before, but now he saw dozens of armed helicopters firing a salvo at the target with his own eyes, and was deeply shocked.

"With my current cultivation base, if I encounter such an attack, there is a high probability that I will be seriously injured and near death. If I break through to the second-order peak, I should be able to avoid such an attack."

Lin Li thought about what would happen if he was the target of the rocket attack, and hurried towards the scene where the battle broke out.


In the wilderness, a group of unknown number of beasts, about [-] by visual inspection, were huge, exuded a fierce aura, and their eyes flashed red light frequently. They headed towards the human city in the distance with a clear goal.

Although the defensive wall made of barbed wire covered with sharp blades separated the safe zone from the wilderness, such a defensive wall could not stop the herd of alien beasts that were approaching the city at all.

Three hundred investigators who received the order came to the designated location. They held standard weapons and formed combat teams one by one. They stood in front of the barbed wire defensive wall to form a line of defense, ready to stop the herd of alien beasts that were constantly approaching the city.

A little farther away, there are hundreds of men and women wearing various styles of clothes, but most of them are camouflage uniforms, quietly hiding in the bushes, waiting for the command to attack.

There was a roar in the sky, and the last batch of armed helicopters arrived at the scene.

The attack formation of the armed helicopters was completed, and following the order of the supreme commander in the combat command room, the fleet of armed helicopters that had just formed the attack formation immediately flew towards the herd of alien beasts that were constantly approaching the safe zone in the wilderness.

Pre-emptively, the armed helicopter attack formation carried out a round of rocket coverage.

Hundreds of rockets fell from the sky and rushed towards them, turning a large area into a sea of ​​flames.

Some of the weaker alien beasts were wiped out by the armed helicopter attack formation on the spot. However, only a small number of alien beasts were wiped out, and more alien beasts were only slightly injured.


A series of angry animal roars came from the sea of ​​smoke and dust, and immediately after that, a cold air appeared in the burning sea of ​​fire.

The cold air spread rapidly to the surroundings, because the flames caused by the rockets were all extinguished in an instant, and the ground was covered with a thin layer of ice.

Carefully observe the injured beast, and you will find that the wounds injured by the rocket bombs are healing themselves visible to the naked eye.

"There is a strange beast that has awakened healing abilities in the group of strange beasts. After discovering it, immediately concentrate on killing it..."

Standing in front of the investigators was a middle-aged man who was not tall.

When he saw the wounds on the injured beasts in the herd begin to heal quickly, he immediately gave instructions to all the investigators who participated in the battle through the tiny earphones worn in his ears.


The strange beasts exuding a violent aura, did not wait for the wounds on their bodies to heal completely, and felt that the wounds were almost healed, and began to charge the human defense line in the distance.

Hundreds of huge beasts at least three meters long ran in groups, feeling that the ground was shaken by their trampling.

Facing the charge launched by hordes of giant alien beasts, this kind of overwhelming aura is not something ordinary people can bear.

Even the beast hunters who came to assist in the battle could not help but feel timid in the face of such a battle, and then dispersed to avoid the sharp edge temporarily.

Only investigators who have received unified training can stand still and watch the charge of the approaching herd of alien beasts with determination.

300 meters, 200 meters, 100 meters...

The distance between the two sides kept shrinking. When the group of alien beasts launched a charge and entered within 100 meters, the investigator who was not tall earlier flew into the air and flew towards the approaching group of alien beasts.

Tier three!

!This short investigator is a practitioner with a third-stage initial cultivation.

After he flew out first, in an instant, he came to more than 30 meters in front of the charging alien beast group, and then fell from the sky and landed on the ground.

The moment this investigator landed, a pale golden aura bloomed under his feet.

"Earth wall."

As the short investigator yelled, a change appeared sixteen or seven meters in front of him.


The earth trembled, and an earth wall about 50 meters long, two meters wide, and ten meters high rose from the ground.



The group of alien beasts that launched the charge was very fast. The tall earthen wall that appeared in front of them in an instant blocked their charge. He hit the dirt wall directly.

These strange beasts exuding a ferocious aura could not be killed even by hundreds of rockets, and it was even more impossible for them to be killed on the spot when they hit the two-meter-wide earth wall.

And the short investigator who used his ability to create this huge earthen wall hadn't thought of relying on the earthen wall to kill the strange beasts. He did so just to disrupt the charge of the group of strange beasts.

The result was very good, the charge launched by the alien beast group was indeed disrupted by his move.

Except for a few beasts that reacted quickly enough to cross the earth wall directly, the other beasts that rushed in front stopped because they hit the earth wall directly.

The strange beasts that were following them couldn't stop the car, and crashed into their companions together.

For a moment, most of the alien beasts in this herd of alien beasts fell to the ground, and now there is chaos.


The short investigator's voice came from the earphones. This simple 'kill' was the battle cry of the investigator team.

"Kill..." The investigators, who had been silent for a long time, uttered a neat cry in unison, and then launched an attack on the group of alien beasts that stopped in the distance and made a mess.

Responding in a timely manner, none of the strange beasts that hit the dirt wall looked back at their companions who were in a mess, and then looked at the instigator who caused this scene.

"Hey..." They let out a roar, and flew towards the short investigator together.

"Hmph..." The short investigator with a cultivation level at the beginning of the third stage showed disdain for the five strange beasts rushing towards him. After a cold snort, he stepped on the ground with his feet like Cannonballs shot out like a burst, and they took the initiative to meet them.




The short investigator looks like a phantom, and the speed is beyond the reach of the five strange beasts.

He easily avoided the attacks of the five alien beasts, and then counterattacked with fists and legs raised.

Within half a minute of the confrontation between the two sides, five strange beasts with mid-level second-level cultivation had their heads exploded, and they all fell to the ground and died.

After killing the five strange beasts, this short investigator didn't even look at them.

His eyes fell on a three-meter-tall black gorilla alien standing on two feet in the group of alien beasts.


The black gorilla beast looked at the enemy who was looking at him. The fighting spirit on both sides was strong, and then it stopped hiding and let out a violent roar.

He bent his knees and jumped, and instead of landing on the ground after jumping, he stood in mid-air.

Tier [-], this black gorilla beast has the cultivation base of the initial stage of Tier [-].

Seeing that the scourge of this incident was no longer hidden, the short investigator stepped forward. He also had no ink marks, jumped up, flew into the sky, and attacked the opponent.


The fist of the three-meter-tall black gorilla Alien Beast was as big as a sandbag. Although the size of the fist of the short investigator was far smaller than that of the opponent, he was not at a disadvantage in the confrontation of this punch.

Terrible air waves exploded from the place where the fists of a man and a beast collided, and spread in all directions, blowing the hair and clothes on their bodies and flying backwards, clinging to their bodies.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Alternating fists and kicks, these two humans and beasts with the initial cultivation of the third stage fought fiercely in the sky.

They fought more and more fiercely, flying directly into the air at a height of [-] meters from a height of more than ten meters.

It seems that both the man and the beast have the same intention, that is to separate each other's battlefield from the battlefield of their subordinates.

It's quite normal to think about it. After all, the aftermath of the battle between these two people is not something ordinary people can withstand. If it affects their own personnel, it will lose their combat power in vain.

In the sky at a height of [-] meters, two Tier [-] fighters were fighting fiercely, and the strange beasts on the ground and the team of investigators who launched the attack also began to make direct contact.

At the same time, more than a hundred beast hunters who were hiding in the bushes in the distance and came to assist the investigators in the battle also received orders to attack.

They rushed out of the bushes and quickly outflanked the group of alien beasts.

This is to prepare to attack back and forth with the investigator's team, so that this group of alien beasts who dare to offend the human city will be attacked from both sides.


The alien beasts who found themselves surrounded by the enemy did not show a timid expression, but roared excitedly, and then fought on their own, rushing towards the enemy ferociously.




The roar of the wilderness, the roar of beasts, and the shouts of killing can be heard endlessly. All kinds of sounds are intertwined and spread to all directions.

When the investigators and the beast hunters were fighting fiercely with the group of beasts, there was a figure in camouflage uniform running quickly from a distance in the safe zone.

Lin Li, who hurried to the battle scene, first looked up at the sky in the distance, and looked at the two people and beasts fighting fiercely in the sky at a height of [-] meters.

Then, he immediately looked back, and looked through the barbed wire fence at the grassland in the distance, where the team of investigators and the team of hunters were working together to strangle the beast.

"I'm not too late. Judging from the situation, the battle should have just erupted not long ago..." Lin Li muttered.

Then, with a thought in his mind, he took out his spiritual weapon long sword from the mysterious island.

Lin Li, who held a spiritual weapon and a long sword, came to the barbed wire fence in two or three steps, bent his knees, stepped on the ground with both feet, jumped up, and easily climbed over the several meters high barbed wire fence.

After stepping into the wilderness, quickly approach the fierce battlefield and participate in it.


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