Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 322: If you take too big a step, it's easy to get caught, so it's better to be saf

Blue Star, Banyan City.

In the dim living room of Ping An Garden Community, only the dim light from the window brought some light to the living room.

Suddenly, a figure appeared out of nowhere in the dim living room.


After Lin Li returned home, he immediately turned on the lights in the living room, and then activated the cooling device placed on top of the air conditioner.


The cool air quickly flooded the living room, making Lin Li, who had experienced a fierce battle not long ago and sweated a lot, feel refreshed.

Sit down on the sofa, pick up the kettle on the coffee table, and pour yourself a glass of water.

While drinking water, Lin Li was thinking about killing the leader of the Red Blood Sect tonight.

"I made a big fuss in the Red Blood Gang tonight and killed the leader of the Red Blood Gang. This should be a huge blow to the Red Blood Gang.

According to the information collected before, the leader of the Red Blood Gang is the biggest reliance of those evil members of the Red Blood Gang. Now that I kill the leader of the Red Blood Gang, the Red Blood Gang is likely to be wiped out by other gangs in the future.

After a while, I will inquire about the news of the Red Blood Gang and see if it is as I thought, the Red Blood Gang was killed because of the gang leader, and then wiped out by other gangs.

If this is the result, then it is very good, if not, then I will go to the Red Blood Gang a few more times and visit them kindly and friendly. "

Now that the two sides have formed a deadly feud, Lin Li will naturally not leave room for his enemy. He has already decided that as long as the Red Blood Gang still exists, he will not let the other party have a good life.

"The Age of Rebirth"

Putting down the water glass in his hand, Lin Li took out his mobile phone from the mysterious island.

"Ding Dong."

As soon as the mobile phone came out of the mysterious island, the message notification sounded.

I unlocked the screen and looked at it. It was a message from Su Yue.

It was evening, and she sent a message asking if she wanted to go out together and find a restaurant for dinner.

Lin Li, who was still observing the every move of the Red Blood Gang members in the spiritual world at that time, naturally couldn't receive the message from Su Yue, after all, the mobile phone signal on the Blue Star couldn't be sent to another world.

After reading the message Su Yue sent to him, Lin Li thought for a while, replied briefly, then put his phone aside, got up and went to the bedroom to get his pajamas and take a shower.

Although Lin Li didn't feel that defeating that enemy was very difficult in the fierce battle with the leader of the Scarlet Blood Sect earlier, he exhausted a lot of energy, sweated all over, and felt a little tired.

Now he just wants to go to the bathroom to take a shower, eat an iced watermelon, and take a good rest.


In the steamy bathroom, the sound of dripping water stopped.

After the bathroom door opened, a slim figure came out of the steamy bathroom.

Wearing a white towel around her body, Su Yue, who was stepping on slippers, came out of the bathroom and walked slowly to the living room.

After sitting on the sofa, she felt a little hot, picked up the remote control of the air conditioner on the coffee table, and lowered the temperature of the air conditioner by a few degrees.

Suddenly, the mobile phone next to him made a slight ringing.

Su Yue unlocked the screen, glanced at it, and found that it was a message from Lin Li. After reading the content of the message, she muttered.


"I didn't reply to my message before, because the phone was out of battery, and I saw the message just after charging it. This explanation feels very perfunctory."

Pull up the drooping hair, revealing the delicate ears, and down the swan-like neck, there is a deep groove.

Su Yue clasped her arms around her chest, her legs were close together, and she could see her slender figure at a glance.

She thought for a while, then clicked on the chat window, and her slender fingers, like green onions, quickly jumped on the screen.

Quickly edited a paragraph of text, clicked send, but the sent message did not get a quick reply. With previous experience, Su Yue was not in a hurry at the moment, and waited quietly.

About 7 or [-] minutes later, when Su Yue's patience was gradually worn out, she finally got a reply.

"Okay, as for the ingredients, I'll prepare them here."

"Why are you replying so slowly? The flowers I've been waiting for are almost withering."

"Sister, I was taking a shower just now!"

"That's it!" Seeing that Lin Li said that it was because of taking a bath, Su Yue returned so slowly, nodded slightly, and then typed, "I will teach you cooking tomorrow, the first class, what do you want?" What kind of food do you want to cook?"

"Potato beef stew!" Lin Li thought about the large pile of yellow cattle meat left in the refrigerator, and sent the name of the dish he had decided to learn a long time ago.

"Potato beef stew? This dish is easy to learn, do you want to change it to a more difficult one?" Su Yue looked at the name of the dish sent by Lin Li, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised, evoking a charming smile.

"Let's start with the easy ones first! I'm afraid I won't be able to grasp the difficult ones at the beginning."

Lin Li is self-aware of his cooking talent, but he doesn't want to make great strides in learning for the first time. After all, it's easy to mess up, so it's better to work steadily and gradually improve his cooking skills.

"Okay, then I'll teach you how to cook beef stew with potatoes! Are you going to buy the ingredients at the vegetable market tomorrow morning?"

Lin Li had planted some potatoes on the mysterious island before, and it was time to harvest them.

Tomorrow morning, he will go to the mysterious island to harvest a wave, and then bring the cattle and animal meat in the refrigerator, and then he can go to Su Yue's house, there is no need to go to the vegetable market to buy ingredients.

Looking at the message sent by Su Yue, Lin Li thought for a while before replying.

"I have already prepared the potatoes and beef I need, so I don't need to go to the vegetable market to buy ingredients tomorrow morning."

Su Yue felt that typing was a bit cumbersome, so she switched the voice and sent to, "Okay, since you have prepared all the ingredients, come here early tomorrow."

Lin Li clicked on the voice message sent by Su Yue, and a pleasant voice came out of the microphone, and he replied "OK."

Then, he thought that the day after tomorrow would be September [-]st, and added.

"Students will start school the day after tomorrow, so you should go back to school and get busy with work!"

"Yes! Today I was chatting with some of my colleagues in the group about the start of school the day after tomorrow.

But I'm a music teacher, I've just started school, I don't have much to do, I'm preparing lessons in the office, I'm too busy to..."

The two chatted for a while, and then it was getting late, so they stopped chatting.

Lin Li put his phone aside, then went to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and took out half of a watermelon that had been chilled all day.

Returning to the living room, he turned on the TV. While watching today's news, Lin Li held half a frozen watermelon, dug it with a spoon in his hand, and enjoyed it leisurely.


The night sky, like a black curtain, is filled with countless stars.

Surrounded by stretches of farmland, some cabins are scattered among these farmlands.

In a small wooden house close to the roadside road, a young man with flat hair stood in front of the window.

Li Ying, an elite member of the Canglan Society's intelligence department, escaped from the investigators with his wounded body, and hid in this safe house he arranged a long time ago to recuperate.

After these days of recuperation, Li Ying's injuries are almost completely healed.

Before, his superior asked him to investigate the young man named Lin Li, and his specific strength. At that time, he was unable to carry out the investigation because of serious injuries, but now he can start.

However, before starting the investigation, he had to go to the guy he suspected first, to confirm whether it was because of that guy's betrayal that he was approached by the investigator last time.

It was already twelve o'clock at night. Even after nightfall, the city was still noisy, but after twelve o'clock in the morning, the streets in the city would still become a little deserted because it was too late.

On the spacious street, there are only twos and threes of vehicles coming and going, unlike the continuous stream during the day, as if there will be a traffic jam at any time.


The door of the cabin was opened, and Li Ying walked out of the cabin.

Looking up at the stars in the sky, occasionally there will be shooting stars across the night sky, fleeting.

"I hope this investigation goes well, and I don't have to be as unlucky as before."

Before the shooting star in the night sky disappeared, Li Ying made a wish on the shooting star.

Afterwards, he walked quickly to the road in the distance, and the cabin behind him that he had stayed for a while, from now on, would no longer be his safe house.

Once used for hiding, the safe house will not be used again. This is the rule that Li Ying, who is cautious, has set for himself.


After nightfall, the bar that was unusually deserted during the day ushered in his most exciting time. Although it was already past twelve o'clock at night, the bar was extremely lively.

The colorful lights hanging from the ceiling are shining with colorful brilliance.

Deafening music filled the entire bar, and on the dance floor, men and women in cool clothes danced enthusiastically.

Li Ying pushed open the door of the bar and walked in. His goal was very clear. He walked directly across the crowded dance floor to the corridor in the distance.

"Sir, this place is not open to non-staff personnel..." The security personnel in black uniforms stopped Li Ying who was about to enter the corridor, and then politely explained the situation.

"I have something to discuss with you, Manager Liu." Li Ying explained her reason for coming.

The tall security personnel heard that Li Ying said that he wanted to talk to Manager Liu, he was taken aback for a moment, and then said to Li Ying with a strange expression.

"Sir, the Manager Liu you are looking for has left for several days."

"..." Li Ying fell silent after hearing the words, his eyes narrowed, and then he asked the security personnel in front of him again when Manager Liu left.

"That guy left the job the morning after I was approached by investigators from the Ability Management Bureau.

Presumably he got the news of my escape from the investigator, and was afraid of being retaliated by me, so he immediately packed his bags and fled. "

Li Ying compared the time he developed when he went offline and resigned with the time when he encountered investigators from the Ability Management Bureau and came to his door, and he probably had some calculations in his heart.

Then, he stopped asking the security personnel in front of him, turned around and left this noisy bar!


"Hi, it's Li Ying, number [-]."

"I need you guys to help me find someone."

"Gender male, 35 years old, unmarried, surnamed Liu, first name..."

"Trouble you, please help me find his current location as soon as possible."

After Li Ying came out of the hustle and bustle of the bar, he came under the roadside tree. With his back against the big tree, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket, dialed a special contact number, and then told the operator what he wanted.

After finishing the call, Li Ying touched his pocket, ready to smoke a cigarette.

Only then did he remember that he had been hiding in the cabin since he was injured.

After recuperating from his injury, he came directly to find the downline who betrayed him. He didn't buy cigarettes on the way, so he wanted to smoke now, but naturally he didn't.

"Made bastard, you took my money, turned around and exposed me to the Ability Management Bureau, and took money from both sides, but you really have it..."

"Don't think that if you betray me, you will be safe and sound by finding a place to hide. Just wait for me."

Li Ying, who hadn't smoked, cursed and walked towards the convenience store by the roadside.


At 01:30 in the morning, in the dark bedroom filled with air-conditioning, Lin Li was covered with a thin blanket, sleeping very peacefully.

At the gate of Ping'an Garden Community, under the big tree across the street, Li Ying had a cigarette dangling from his mouth.

He looked at the neighborhood across the street, took a deep breath, raised his hand, took off the cigarette in his mouth, and then slowly exhaled a stream of white smoke.

The target lives in this community called Ping'an Garden Community. As an elite member of the Canglan Society's intelligence department, he has always been cautious, and it is his habit to come to check in in the middle of the night.

"Next, it's time to implement the plan I conceived in the cabin during this period of time."

Li Ying glanced at several residential buildings in Ping'an Garden Community, and finally settled on Building No. [-], because the young man named Lin Li lived in Room [-] of Building No. [-].

While Li Ying was observing the building where the target lived, there were two petite figures walking slowly on the wall of the Ping An Garden Community.

These two petite figures, one black and one white, walked on the narrow wall with all four feet on the ground, as if walking on flat ground, walking forward steadily, not at all worried that they would fall off the wall.

"Meow... look at that." The little black cat walking in front suddenly stopped and turned to look at the figure standing under a big tree across the street.

"Meow... isn't it just a human smoking a cigarette? What's there to see?" The little white cat following the little black cat followed the other's gaze and said indifferently.

"Meow... I feel that the human being is a bit strange. It's so late, and he doesn't go home to sleep." The little black cat said.

"Meow...don't worry about him, I saw a big mouse." The little white cat didn't find it strange, and glanced at the human standing under a tree by the roadside smoking a cigarette, then looked away.

Then, it began to patrol around, and soon, it found a sewer entrance in the community, and a big gray mouse crawled out of it.


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