Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 321: It's over, the sky is falling

Fang Jingtang, who is in his 30s, of medium build, with a square face and a bookish aura, was lying on the bed sleeping when he heard a loud explosion in the distance and was awakened immediately.

After getting up and getting out of bed, he quickly put on his clothes and left the house in a hurry.

Looking up, he saw a black column of smoke appearing in the distance.

Looking at the black smoke column wafting from the home of the most important figure of the Red Blood Gang, Fang Jingtang's originally calm face changed drastically.

Some little bosses living around heard the movement, and ran out of their homes one after another. Seeing the same scene, these little bosses called their younger brothers to gather, and then rushed to Hong Jiu's mansion without stopping.

On the way, these little bosses met Fang Jingtang who was also rushing to the gang leader's house. Everyone didn't say anything, they just exchanged glances, and then continued to the scene of the incident.

The Red Blood Gang has been able to develop so far without being defeated by other gangs. All the members know that this is mainly due to Hong Jiu who is the backbone, and he is the one who supports everyone.

If Hong Jiu was killed by the assassin, then members of the Scarlet Blood Gang would face a dangerous situation in the future, and those enemies who wished for their death would definitely retaliate wildly.

More than 100 members of the Red Blood Gang rushed into Hong Jiu's house. Their destination was very clear, which was the place where the black smoke column rose.


! ”

When more than 100 members of the Red Blood Gang came to the messy battle scene, they saw a nine-ring knife pierced through the heart, nailed to the ground, and there was no familiar figure alive. call.

Some little bosses who usually do evil things all over the world, when they saw the appearance of their big backer, their eyes suddenly went dark. If it wasn't for the help of the younger brother beside them in time, they might have collapsed to the ground.

It's over, the sky is falling, the sky of the Red Blood Gang is falling!



The night was hazy and the surroundings were quiet.

In the area where the members of the Qingshi Gang lived, although it was past ten o'clock at night, and everyone should be going to bed at this time, there were several rooms brightly lit, and there were still chattering and laughing voices coming from the rooms.

Drinking and drinking until midnight is a very common situation in the daily life of these gang members.

In one of the rooms, a group of former Porcelain Car Drivers gathered, a bearded man sitting on a chair with his back against a pillar, drinking and eating meat with his younger brother, in a very good mood.

Suddenly, the bald boy who personally wrote the informant letter to the Red Blood Gang said triumphantly.

"Brother, today we used tricks to let the people from the Red Blood Gang go to find that guy's trouble for us. If that guy was found by the Red Blood Gang, there is basically no possibility of him surviving."

The bearded man nodded, "Although that guy is dead, we'd better make sure.

Wait until tomorrow morning, go find a friend who has a good relationship with the Red Blood Gang, and find out about that guy. "

"Yes." Although the bald boy felt that there was no need to ask and it would be a waste of time to do so, since his elder brother had already spoken, as a younger brother, he could only follow suit.

"Tread, step, step..."

While the group of people in the room were happily drinking wine, eating meat, and bragging, outside the door, a figure quickly came from a distance, came to the room, stretched out his hand and pushed the room open. door, walked in.

When everyone in the room saw the man who pushed the door, they stopped their joking and joking. The bearded man stood up and warmly invited the man who pushed the door.

"Xiao Wang, why are you here? Come on, sit down, drink and eat meat together."

This young man, only in his early 20s, called Xiao Wang, is the herald next to the leader of the Qingshi Gang.

Because he still had to inform the other little leaders of the Qingshi Gang, he didn't waste any time in exchanging pleasantries, and directly explained his purpose of coming.

"Drink the wine when you are free. The leader ordered me to inform everyone and go to the meeting hall to discuss matters. You go there quickly."

"Ah?" The bearded man was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then he asked in confusion, "It's so late at night, why did the leader suddenly call everyone to the conference hall? Did something happen?"

"I don't know about this. I don't want to talk anymore. I have to inform other people." After speaking, the messenger of the leader of the Qingshi Gang immediately turned around and walked out of the house, heading for the home of the next little boss.

The bearded man who didn't get an answer raised his hand and scratched his head, then took the coat he had taken off earlier from his younger brother, and quickly put on his own clothes.

You can be shirtless and unkempt at home, but now you have to go to the conference hall for a meeting, you have to tidy up your appearance.

"In the middle of the night, the guild leader summoned the eldest brother and the others to the conference hall for a meeting. Something must have happened."

"What's the big deal?"

"How do I know this?"

"I have joined the Qingshi Gang for several years, and this is the first time I have encountered such a thing."

All the younger brothers in the room were talking about it, and everyone was full of curiosity.

However, their status in the Qingshi Gang is not high enough, and they are not qualified to attend the meeting in the meeting hall.

"Don't make wild guesses. When I go to the conference hall to attend the meeting and come back, you will know what's going on. That's it for today. You all go home and rest first!"

The bearded man in his clothes straightened his hair and beard, said something to the boys at the wine table, and then he quickly left his home and rushed to the meeting hall of the gang.


In the meeting hall of the Qingshi Gang, the burly leader of the Qingshi Gang sat on the main seat.

He looked at the group of subordinates who rushed to the meeting hall one after another, and calmly took a sip of tea from the teacup beside him.

These little bosses who received the notice hurried to the meeting hall, met each other on the road, and talked about why their leader called them to come to the meeting hall at night.

The little bosses discussed a lot, but did not wait for a clear answer. After entering the meeting hall, everyone shut their mouths, sat down in their seats, and quietly waited for the start of the meeting.

The bearded man walked into the conference hall and sat down at a very corner seat.

The seat arrangement in the meeting hall is particular. The closer the seat is to the gang leader, the higher the status of this person in the Qingshi gang.

The seat of the bearded man was in the corner of the meeting hall, which was very far from the leader of the Qingshi Gang.

It can be seen from this that although he is a small leader in the Qingshi Gang, his status is far inferior to that of other small leaders.

"Guild leader, everyone is here." The younger brother who poured tea for the Qingshi Gang leader saw that the seats in the meeting hall were full, then bent down and reminded the Qingshi Gang leader in his ear.

"En." The leader of the Qingshi Gang responded, then put down the teacup in his hand, and glanced at the audience indifferently, so all the small leaders of the Qingshi Gang present sat upright, waiting for him to speak.

Regarding the correct posture of the little bosses, he nodded in satisfaction, and then said.

"I received a message that more than half an hour ago, Hong Jiu of the Scarlet Blood Gang died at home."

Hearing this, the little bosses who were sitting upright had expressions of disbelief on their faces, and couldn't help but let out exclamations.

"What? Hong Jiu from the Scarlet Blood Gang died at home."

"how is this possible?"

"Although Hong Jiu's body is not as strong as before, it is impossible to die suddenly at home! This must be fake news, right?"

"Five days ago, I was drinking flower wine with my friends in the Hualou in the south of the city. I met Hong Jiu at that time. I saw his face was flushed, and he didn't look like he was terminally ill and dying soon."

When the leader of the Qingshi Gang saw his subordinates and heard the news he said, all of them showed expressions of shock, and couldn't help but let out exclamations. The reaction of his subordinates was beyond his expectations.

After all, when he first received the news, he was also shocked.

Because he had lunch with Hong Jiu at noon yesterday, and discussed the two gangs joining forces to take benefits from other gangs. As a result, Hong Jiu died only a day later. The impact is still quite large.

In the conference hall, the little bosses were all shocked when they heard the shocking news, and everyone chattered loudly.

Soon, they all shut their mouths and looked at the leader of the Qingshi Gang. Now they really want to know, how did Hong Jiu of the Red Blood Gang die?

"I received news that a big battle broke out at Hong Jiu's house, and the scene was in a mess. In addition to Hong Jiu, there were more than 20 guards who guarded his house, and they were also killed.

Judging from this situation, there should be many powerful assassins who sneaked into Hong Jiu's house, and then assassinated Hong Jiu..." The leader of the Qingshi Gang explained the news he had received to him in detail. His subordinates talked about it.

"It turned out to be an assassin. Hong Jiu's skills are quite good, and there are many guards at home, so he can still be assassinated by assassins. Then the assassin group that assassinated Hong Jiu this time is not ordinary!" Said.

Including the leader of the Qingshi Gang, everyone in the conference hall took it for granted that Hong Jiu was assassinated by many assassins.

"That Hong Jiu from the Scarlet Blood Gang is notoriously arrogant in his actions, and now that he is assassinated by an assassin, he must have offended some powerful personage.

Tsk... it's better to keep a low profile!Like me, I don't seek any high positions in the gang, just be a little transparent.

I usually take my brothers out to touch porcelain, and the targets are ordinary people. I earn a little money, enough to drink and eat meat every day, and I will be satisfied. I will never encounter assassins. "

The bearded man sitting in the corner, because his status in the Red Blood Gang is not high, so he was just shocked that the leader of the Red Blood Gang was assassinated by an assassin, and then began to divert his thoughts and think about his own affairs.

At this moment, if the bearded man knew that it was all because he borrowed a knife to kill people and let his younger brother write the informant letter to the Red Blood Gang, which caused such a disaster to the Red Blood Gang, I don't know how he would feel in his heart.

"Now that Hong Jiu is dead, the Scarlet Blood Gang will fall apart in a short time. At that time, the pier they are in charge of will become ownerless. We can fight for it." The leader of the Qingshi Gang expressed his thoughts .

This person just had lunch with Hong Jiu yesterday, and they had a good chat at the table, looking like a good brother.

Not long after Hong Jiu's death and his body was still cold, the leader of the Qingshi Gang started planning the most important property of his gang.

"Guangzhu, I don't think we need to rush to act for the time being.

What happened to the Scarlet Blood Gang, their deadly rival Feilong Gang, after knowing that Hong Jiu was killed by the assassin, would definitely rush to gather people to liquidate the Red Blood Gang.

Let's sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and then fight for it at the end. "A small leader suggested.

In the meeting hall of the Qingshi Gang, everyone discussed for a while, and finally decided to stand still for the time being, to see the development of the situation first, and then make plans.

In Dongwu City, although it was late at night, the leaders of the various gangs in the city did not sleep.

Because the leader of the Red Blood Gang was assassinated by an assassin, everyone convened a meeting overnight with the backbone of his subordinates.

The contents discussed by the various gangs are not different from those discussed by the Qingshi Gang, and they all want to get a share of the sudden change from the Red Blood Gang.




The wind blows the flowers, plants and trees in the courtyard and shakes them gently. The branches and leaves collide, making small noises. The sparse chirping of insects is mixed in, and they float into the distance with the sudden wind blowing.

The bright and clean full moon hanging high in the sky, and the silvery white moonlight splashed down, covered the earth with a layer of silver gauze.

On the open-air balcony on the second floor of the villa, Qin Muqing, who looked ordinary, looked up at the bright full moon in the sky.

A sudden gust of wind brought a large cloud from the sky.

After a while, the dark clouds brought by the strong wind covered the bright full moon in the sky.

The moon disappeared, Qin Muqing looked away, looked around, and muttered.

"It's already so late now, it seems that Mr. Lin really doesn't plan to come back for the night."

Qin Muqing turned and left the spacious open-air balcony and returned indoors.

She walked into the bedroom she had chosen, sat on the bed with a mat, reached for her backpack, opened it and took out a pajamas from it.

Immediately afterwards, she put her pajamas aside, rummaged through her backpack, and took out a round jade bead the size of a pigeon egg.

Looking at the round jade bead in his hand, Qin Muqing muttered, "Release."

As her words fell, the round jade bead the size of a pigeon egg lying quietly in Qin Muqing's hand began to bloom with a pale golden aura.

The ordinary-looking Qin Muqing, the moment the jade bead bloomed with a faint golden aura, his appearance changed drastically.

When he came to the dressing table, Qin Muqing looked at himself in the mirror, whose skin was as smooth as fat, exuding a charming charm, raised his hand to touch his cheek, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

It is everyone's nature to love beauty. Qin Muqing uses an ordinary face to pretend every day. In fact, she doesn't like it very much, but she has to do it.

When she is the only one left at home, she will secretly change back to her original appearance with the spiritual tool 'Disguise Orb'.

"It still looks comfortable as before."

Qin Muqing looked at herself in the mirror, with a beautiful smile on her face, then she picked up her pajamas and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Deceiving Kangxi"

The bathroom on the second floor is quite large with a huge bathtub.

There is no need to install a water heater in the bathroom, because there are two faucets with different colors on the bathtub.

Qin Muqing turned on the hot water faucet, steaming hot water immediately flowed out of the faucet, and began to pour water into the bathtub.

"I escaped from home and haven't taken a bath for nearly a month. While Mr. Lin is not at home tonight, I want to take a good bath."

Qin Muqing watched more and more hot water in the bathtub, humming a nursery rhyme in her melodious voice while reaching out to unbutton her clothes.


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