Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 320: The Inhuman Body in the State of Ability

"Tread, step, step..."

There were dense footsteps in the distance, and Hong Jiu's face showed joy when he heard it.

Lin Li, who was fighting fiercely with Hong Jiu, also heard the sound of dense footsteps coming from a distance, but there was no panic expression on his face.

More than [-] members of the Red Blood Gang who rushed to the scene immediately shouted when they saw the two people who were fighting fiercely in the courtyard.

"Help Master..."

Hong Jiu looked at the subordinates who rushed to the scene, but didn't let them immediately step forward with their knives to help him take down the assassin.

After the fight, he knew that the assassin in front of him was very powerful, and letting his subordinates step forward recklessly would only lead to death in vain. In this case, using long-range attacks is the best strategy.

"Go get me a bow and arrow and shoot this guy."

Hearing this, the younger brothers of the Red Blood Gang immediately turned around and went to get the long-range weapons.


When Hong Jiu was shouting to his subordinates, the speed of Lin Li's hand suddenly increased, and the spiritual dagger with a faint golden aura appeared in his hand, leaving a gash on his face.

Blood flowed from the wound, and the pain stimulated Hong Jiu's nerves.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough just now, otherwise, Lin Li's spiritual weapon dagger would not just leave a shallow wound on his face.

"You can't leave today. After a while, all my people will come. At that time, you won't be able to fly..." Hong Jiu spoke while waving the nine-ring knife with a faint golden aura, and slammed it at the enemy. cut off his neck.


Lin Li used the dagger in his hand to block the Jiuhuan Dao that was slashing at him, turned around and kicked Hong Jiu's abdomen with force.


After being kicked, Hong Jiu, who couldn't dodge in time, quickly retreated about ten meters. Lin Li didn't give the opponent time to breathe, and immediately bullied him, launching continuous violent attacks.

As the fighting time continued to lengthen, Hong Jiu began to pant violently due to the continuous consumption. At this time, he also found that the assassin's condition was much better than himself.

Although the assassin's breathing rhythm is not as steady as it was at the beginning, compared with his panting state, the assassin's state is simply not very good, which seems very unreasonable to him.

"Tread, step, step..."

Just when Hong Jiu felt bad, and his physical strength was exhausted faster than the assassin's, the sound of dense footsteps came again.

Hearing the footsteps, he knew that those subordinates who had left had returned, and he was overjoyed, feeling that the opportunity to reverse the situation had come.

Following Hong Jiu's order, the members of the Red Blood Gang who went to get long-range attack weapons returned to the periphery of the battlefield.

More than 20 members of the Scarlet Blood Gang, armed with spiritual weapons and longbows, raised their long-range weapons, bent their bows and set arrows, aiming at the target.

Always ready to deal a violent blow to that daring assassin who dared to assassinate his clan leader.

Hong Jiu noticed that his subordinates were about to shoot a rain of arrows. He swung his knife to force the assassin back, and then retreated.

After distanced himself from the assassin, he wanted to see that nasty assassin, but was shot into a hedgehog by the rain of arrows shot by his subordinates, but at this moment, something unexpected happened to him.


After the assassin was forced back with a single blow, a flaming orange fireball appeared in the hands of the assassin, and in an instant, the fireball expanded rapidly, becoming the size of a watermelon.


After Lin Li quickly created a fireball using his ability, he immediately launched an attack.

A blazing orange fireball burst out from his hand, at an astonishingly fast speed, and flew straight to the place where the younger brothers of the Scarlet Blood Gang who were about to launch the rain of arrows gathered.

"This assassin has awakened a supernatural power!

! "Hong Jiu was startled when he saw this, and immediately reminded his subordinates, "Get out of the way..."

It's a pity that his subordinates are not strong in themselves, they only have a first-level cultivation base, and they have no ability to dodge the fireball shot by Lin Li.


The extremely fast fireball hit a member of the Scarlet Blood Gang. After hitting, the flaming fireball exploded on the spot.


Limbs flew across, and several members of the Scarlet Blood Gang were killed, and the heat wave generated by the explosion of the fireball spread to the surroundings, and many people were also burned by the heat wave.


After the first fireball exploded, the members of the Crimson Blood Gang who had been thrown off their feet by the explosion hadn't recovered yet, and another fireball followed.

"Scatter, scatter, don't get together." Hong Jiu anxiously shouted to his subordinates when he saw Lin Li quickly shoot the second fireball.

Although Hong Jiu was very anxious, shouting desperately to urge his subordinates to disperse quickly and not to gather together, but it didn't help.

The members of the Red Blood Gang who were bombarded by the explosion of the first fireball still had a buzzing in their heads, and they couldn't hear Hong Jiu's words at all. Now the second fireball flew in and exploded in the crowd again.


The second fireball made by Lin Li was obviously much more powerful than the first one, and the casualties caused by the explosion of the fireball were also many more than those caused by the first explosion.

The two fireball attacks directly wiped out the twenty-odd members of the Red Blood Gang who gathered together, and the remaining few members of the Red Blood Gang who were missing arms and legs had no fighting power, and lay on the ground crying continuously. It looked very miserable.

"Bastard." Hong Jiu roared angrily when he saw how miserable his twenty or so subordinates were.

He was able to take care of his family and nursing home in his mansion, but they were all his confidantes, and now he was almost taken over by the assassin, how could he not be angry.

Holding the Nine Ring Knife in his hand, he rushed forward quickly. He didn't want Lin Li to continue to create a third fireball and blow up the rest of his men to death.

"The killing effect of the fireball explosion is good..." Lin Li looked at the fruitful results and murmured to himself with satisfaction.

When he was fighting Hong Jiu before, he hadn't used his ability. He just wanted to attract all the patrolling members of the Red Blood Gang in the manor through the movement of the battle, and then use his ability to kill them all.

Now the battle plan is very successful, more than half of the more than [-] members of the Red Blood Gang were killed by the fireball, and the rest are missing arms and legs, and it is impossible to do evil again in the future.


Lin Li waved the spiritual weapon dagger with a faint golden aura in his hand, and blocked the nine-ring knife that was slashed by the furious Hong Jiupi.

The two psychic weapons collided, and sparks flew out from the collision, splashing around.


The spiritual weapon dagger held in the right hand blocked the enemy's powerful and ferocious attack, and the free left hand immediately slapped forward.

The fist-sized fireball instantly condensed into shape, and quickly shot out from the palm of the left hand.

Due to the short distance and the fast speed of Lin Li's shots, Hong Jiu could only use spiritual energy to attach to the body surface for defense, and resisted the fireball's attack.


Because there is no energy storage, the fireballs fired are slightly insufficient in terms of lethality.

The fireball hit Hong Jiu's chest, but did not cause him any serious injuries.

"Damn it." Hong Jiu, who resisted a fireball attack, felt a little pain from the high temperature, cursed loudly, and then quickly opened the distance to adjust his state.

Hong Jiu, who has rich combat experience, naturally knows that this kind of assassin who has awakened long-range attack methods is very difficult to deal with.

Combat close to the body is the correct combat strategy. Keeping the distance apart will give the opponent room to attack at will.

But he has to do this now, because the current battle rhythm is in the hands of the opponent, and he must quickly adjust his state to cope with the next fierce battle.


Hong Jiu, panting continuously, looked at the assassin more than ten meters away.

As he expected, a fireball appeared again in the hands of that nasty assassin, and as time passed, the fireball was slowly getting bigger.

Although the growth rate is not fast, it is obvious that the opponent is injecting spiritual energy into the fireball to increase the lethality of the fireball.

Lin Li methodically injected spiritual energy into the fireball in his hand, and next, he was going to give the opponent a big blow.

Just as Lin Li was preparing his big move, he saw Hong Jiu, who was out of breath and solemn, suddenly threw the Nine Ring Knife in his hand on the ground, and then showed a desperate look on his face.

Lin Li was very puzzled by Hong Jiu's strange behavior.

When the battle is fierce, it is obviously not wise to throw away the weapon in your hand. It is absolutely impossible for this person to surrender to himself, so why would he do this?

Hong Jiu, who threw away his weapon, did not make Lin Li's doubts last for long, and the reason why he did so was soon revealed.

"Bastard, you are ready to die next!"

As soon as Hong Jiugang finished speaking harshly, a golden light appeared on the surface of his body.

With a height of 1.9 meters and a slightly fat body, Hong Jiu's body began to undergo drastic changes. His skin quickly turned green, and his hands and feet began to shorten...

"This is?"

"It turns out that the leader of the Scarlet Blood Gang is a practitioner who has awakened supernatural powers!"

"Eh... this person's awakened ability is too disgusting!"

Lin Li watched as Hong Jiu lost his human form in just a few seconds and turned into a giant green caterpillar.

He looked at Hong Jiu, who had turned into a giant caterpillar, with disgust on his face. At the same time, he also figured out why members of the Red Blood Gang had tattoos of caterpillar patterns on the back of their hands.

"Roar." Hong Jiu seemed to lose his mind after using his power to turn into a giant caterpillar. He roared at Lin Li, then compressed his body and shot it out like a compressed spring.

The giant caterpillar with a body length of three meters and a body as thick as a bucket pounced towards him. If a girl who is afraid of bugs encounters this kind of situation, she will definitely be so frightened that her feet will go limp and she will scream.

Although Lin Li was not afraid of caterpillars, he still felt a little disgusted when he was hit head-on by such a disgusting thing.

Knees bent, legs pushed hard on the ground, the whole person jumped up on the spot, and jumped directly onto the roof.

Using the power of awakening, Hong Jiu, who transformed into a giant caterpillar, jumped straight into the air.

He squirmed his body, raised his head to look at Lin Li who jumped onto the roof, and roared.

"Aren't you going to assassinate me? I'm right here, so don't run away."

Listening to the sound of the giant caterpillar in front of him, Lin Li responded calmly.

"It turns out that your sanity is still there! I thought you would lose your human sanity after using your powers and turning into a disgusting bug?"

In fact, after Hong Jiu used the awakened transformation ability and turned into a giant caterpillar, he was indeed not as rational as he was in his human state.

When he heard the hateful assassin say that he looked disgusting, although he himself felt that he looked unattractive after transformation, but this kind of thing, only he thought so, and no one was allowed to say that in front of him.

Hong Jiu, who was already on fire, was fueled by Lin Li's ridicule, and his anger was completely aroused.

"Go to hell."

With a roar, a green liquid spewed out from Hong Jiu's mouth, hitting Lin Li on the roof.

"Damn, you're disgusting enough to spit..." Seeing this, Lin Li continued to attack Hong Jiu with words while dodging.

The sprayed green liquid was easily dodged by Lin Li, some of the liquid fell on the roof and some on the grass.


After the liquid fell to the ground, green smoke would be produced, and the green smoke that appeared on the roof was blown by the wind and dissipated.

And the green smoke on the grass, after touching some flowers and plants, actually caused those bright flowers and plants to wither instantly.

Seeing the green smoke wilting the flowers and plants, Lin Li immediately knew that the green liquid spit out by Hong Jiu, who had transformed into a giant caterpillar using his power, was poisonous.

"You guy, after transforming, you not only look ugly, but also poisonous, it's really disgusting..."

Lin Li withdrew his eyes from the flowers and plants that were withered by the green smoke, and after mocking Hong Jiu who was about to spit out the poison again, he threw the huge fireball condensed in his hand towards him.


A fireball with a diameter of half a meter fell towards the courtyard. Facing this huge fireball burning with raging flames, a strong sense of crisis spread in Hong Jiu's heart. out of the fireball.


The moment Hong Jiu was ejected, the fireball had already arrived in front of him and exploded.

The heat wave spread to the surroundings, and the shock wave from the explosion destroyed the courtyard, and those members of the Scarlet Blood Gang who were still alive were directly shocked to death by the violent explosion.

The huge roar spread far away, and almost everyone in the area under the jurisdiction of the Red Blood Gang heard this huge noise.

And not only that, many people also heard the movement of the fireball explosion in a farther place.

Some city guards who were patrolling the street heard a loud noise in the distance and immediately looked away.

They saw a black column of smoke appearing in their line of sight. Seeing this scene, they didn't know that there were practitioners fighting in the city!

Afterwards, several teams of city guards patrolling the street rushed towards the location where the black smoke column appeared.

At the scene of a messy battle, Lin Li looked at the tiles that had fallen from the collapsed building, covering the position of Hong Jiu, who was covering his body, and said coldly.

"Don't pretend to be dead, I know that the explosion just now couldn't kill you on the spot."

"..." There was no response from the rubble, and the scene was silent. All this seemed to imply that Lin Li had guessed wrong.

"Since you are willing to continue pretending to be dead, then I will grant you..." Lin Li said, raising his left hand, and a fireball appeared in his hand again.

And the moment he used his ability to create a fireball, the pile of rubble that didn't make any sound shook immediately, and then a huge green figure rushed towards him.


Seeing this, Lin Li, who had been on guard all along, calmly turned his body to the left side, kicked his right foot on the ground, and dodged.

After avoiding Hong Jiu's pounce, Lin Li put the spiritual weapon dagger back on the mysterious island, and picked up the spiritual weapon Jiuhuan Dao that Hong Jiu had thrown on the ground earlier.

Hong Jiu, who was in the form of a giant caterpillar, was blown up by the fireball that Lin Li had charged up earlier, his body surface was covered with scorched black marks, and the fluctuations in his spiritual energy also declined a lot.

But after all, he is a genuine practitioner with a second-level advanced stage.

Even in this serious injury state, he still has a strong combat power. As long as he has not swallowed his last breath, he will not sit still.

"The outcome is still uncertain! As long as I get a chance, I can still come back."

After a fierce battle, a lot of physical strength and spiritual energy were consumed. Hong Jiu, who was already at a disadvantage, stared at the assassin who picked up his weapon in the distance, and the fighting spirit in his heart was still not extinguished.

After so many years of hard work, becoming the leader of the Scarlet Blood Gang and having his current status, Hong Jiu deeply understands how to face this kind of assassin who insists on taking his own life.

As long as timidity arises in your heart and you think about begging for mercy or running away, you will truly be doomed, not far from death.

The more it is in this critical moment of life and death, the more the fighting spirit in the heart cannot be extinguished. As long as the person is still alive, there is a chance to turn things around.


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