Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 319: Who hired you to assassinate me?

"This place is really dirty, and now I have another reason to communicate with you kindly."

Under the black hood, Lin Li had no expression on his face. He stood in the shadows and watched the two Red Blood Gang walking towards his position, smelling of alcohol all over their bodies, with their shoulders crossed and their backs crossed, and they were talking obscenities. member.

"Today, my boss and I went to Liu Laoshi's house to collect debts. He kept begging us not to take his daughter away. It was really funny."

"Haha, this kind of guy is really funny, when I made the written statement, it was agreed.

When the time comes, if we can't pay back the money, we will use our daughter to repay the debt. When we go to collect the debt, we will look like this. "

Two members of the Red Blood Gang, who smelled of alcohol, walked into the alley happily. Not long after, the sound of heavy objects falling came from the alley.

Lin Li stared coldly at the two members of the Red Blood Gang who were lying in a pool of blood without making a sound.

It is understood that one of the prerequisites for joining the Red Blood Gang is to have at least one life on hand.

He doesn't have any psychological burden to get rid of this kind of scum.

He flicked the blood-stained spirit weapon dagger in his hand, then continued to grope forward, looking for his target.


At the core of the residential area of ​​the members of the Red Blood Gang, there is a mansion with an area of ​​more than ten acres and a magnificent interior decoration.

Although this mansion is far inferior to the residences of some wealthy businessmen and powerful officials, but compared with the residences of the leaders of various gangs, the mansion of the leader of the Scarlet Blood Gang can be regarded as thriving.

Because it was late at night, all the servants in the mansion had gone back to sleep in their own rooms, so this large mansion seemed a little quiet.

When people walk in the corridor, the sound of footsteps can be heard far away.

A figure climbed over the wall and entered, looking for something in this magnificent mansion lightly.

There is a saying that when shooting people, shoot horses first, and when catching thieves, first capture the king. Since Lin Li decided to deal with the Red Blood Gang, his actions this time must be with the mentality of destroying the Red Blood Gang.

However, when he arrived at the final destination, he found that the mansion where the leader of the Red Blood Gang lived was too big, and it was quite difficult to find the target, which was somewhat different from what he had imagined at the beginning.

However, this did not discourage Lin Li. For him, it was just a matter of spending more time, searching patiently, and eventually he would be able to find the target.

In the mansion covering an area of ​​more than ten acres, there are five steps on the first floor and ten steps and one pavilion. Most of the rooms are dark and unlit. In some places with lights in the corridor, you can occasionally see some members of the Red Blood Gang with weapons patrolling. And pass.

As the residence of the leader of the Red Blood Sect, it is very reasonable for the family to have subordinates responsible for patrolling at night.

After all, there are many open and secret fights between gangs. It can be said that it is common for one side to send assassins to assassinate the leaders of rival gangs.

Lin Li, who was hiding in the dark, looked at the two patrolling personnel walking away in the distance. He didn't come out from the dark until their figures disappeared, and continued to search for the target deep in the mansion.


The study room was brightly lit.

There is a huge crystal chandelier hanging on the roof, and there are weak spiritual energy fluctuations emanating from the crystal chandelier.

This lighting device that exudes weak spiritual energy fluctuations is obviously a convenient spiritual tool that uses spiritual energy as energy.

"Recently, the income of the gang has been very good! Most of the loans released have not been repaid, which is very good..."

With a kind face, 1.9 meters tall, slightly fat, with a protruding lower abdomen, Hong Jiu, the leader of the Red Blood Gang in a loose suit, sat on the Taishi chair, looking at the accounts in his hand, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Tomorrow, someone will find a buyer to dispose of all those girls, and then there will be a large sum of money..."

Hong Jiu talked to himself in a flat tone, and the content made people feel a chill in their hearts.

This kind of thing of selling other people's daughter, in his opinion, is very common, it is just a business.

"Dong Dongdong..."

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door of the study. Hong Jiu, who was looking at the account in his hand, raised his head and looked at the door suspiciously.

At this point in time, it was extremely rare for someone to knock on the door of his study, but Hong Jiu didn't think too much about other aspects, thinking that his subordinates had something urgent to report to him.

"Come in."

"..." The people outside the door didn't speak.

"Dong Dongdong..."

The knock on the door sounded again.

"Bastard, I let you in, are you deaf? If you dare to knock on the door again, I will break your hand..."

As soon as Hong Jiu finished speaking, the people outside the door didn't seem to hear what he said at all, and they still knocked on the door of his study.

"Dong Dongdong..."

And after the knocks on the door disappeared, the person standing outside the door turned and left, which can be judged from the sound of footsteps going away.

"..." Hong Jiu in the study was suddenly widened by the operation of the guy outside the door who knocked on his study door, and the anger in his heart couldn't help rising.

It's really unreasonable, knowing that there are people in the study room, but you have nothing to do at night, come to knock on the door, and after knocking several times in a row, turn around and leave, isn't this playing people like monkeys?

"You're so brave, I want to see who dares to make fun of me..."

Hong Jiu stood up with a face full of anger, and then walked quickly to the door of the study.

When this kind of thing happened, he thought that some drunk subordinate might have done it.

Because a similar thing happened a few years ago, when Hong Jiu was sleeping in the bedroom at night, a drunken subordinate knocked on the door of his bedroom to wake up Hong Jiu who was sleeping soundly.

He disturbed others' rest, and the one who disturbed was the leader of the Red Blood Sect, who had always had a bad temper.

The result can be imagined, the drunken subordinate was naturally killed by the ruthless Hong Jiu, and then buried in the garden as nourishment.

After many years, such a similar thing happened again. In Hong Jiu's view, someone had forgotten what happened back then.

This kind of thing that damages the guild leader's face must be severely punished. Let's use the life of the person who did this kind of thing as a warning!


Listening to the direction where the footsteps left just now, it was to the right.

With an angry face, Hong Jiu opened the door of the study and stepped forward.

His body had just left the study, and he wanted to chase the guy who left to the right side of the corridor.

As a result, as soon as he turned to the right, he saw a figure rushing out from the shadows, and came to him in the blink of an eye.


When this happened, Hong Jiu, who had been fighting for many years, didn't know that he had met an assassin.

He leaned back, kicked his feet on the ground, and quickly jumped back to avoid the assassin's attack.

The pale golden aura pulled out a golden thread in the air. Because of Hong Jiu's quick reaction, the assassin's spiritual weapon dagger did not attack his body, but only cut a hole in his loose clothes.

"In the middle of the second stage, heh, it costs a lot of money to hire an assassin with such strength! Can you tell me who hired you to assassinate me?"

Hong Jiu, who escaped the attack, touched the place where his clothes were cut, and calmly asked the assassin in front of him who was wearing a black hood and couldn't see his face clearly.

"..." Lin Li looked at the kind-faced, but actually extremely vicious leader of the Red Blood Clan in front of him, and did not answer the other party's question.

Since this guy misunderstood and thought that he was an assassin sent by others to assassinate him, there was no need for him to explain too much.

"Although I didn't use all my strength in the sneak attack just now, ordinary practitioners in the middle of the second stage should not be able to avoid it, but the leader of the Scarlet Blood Gang avoided it.

This vicious guy should not be just what he is showing now, but only a middle-level second-level cultivation..." Lin Li felt the fluctuation of the middle-level second-level psionic energy emanating from Hong Jiu, and analyzed it in his heart.

Seeing that Lin Li didn't speak, Hong Jiu took it for granted that the assassin was unwilling to reveal his employer's information, and he didn't care about it.

After all, he has experienced many times over the years to assassinate himself.

It's just that in the previous assassinations, the strength of those assassins was at the beginning of the second stage at most, and it was the first time that an assassin with a middle-level second stage cultivation had assassinated him.

"Since you don't want to talk about the employer behind you, then I can only take you down, and then I will torture you to make you speak..." Hong Jiu said in a sinister tone with malice on his face.

As soon as he finished speaking, he strode towards Lin Li in big strides, his speed getting faster and faster, and in the blink of an eye, he rushed to Lin Li.

Mobilizing the spiritual energy in the dantian, the sandbag-sized fist was immediately covered with pale golden spiritual energy, and when he punched out, there was a sound of tearing the air.

Seeing the opponent's fist hit, Lin Li immediately counterattacked, and the spirit weapon dagger stabbed Hong Jiu's fist with a backhand.

Although the fist is covered with spiritual energy to enhance the defense of the fist, but under the circumstances that the strength is not too different, it is impossible to use the fist wrapped with spiritual energy to head-to-head with the spiritual weapon dagger attached with spiritual energy, and it is impossible to get benefits .

Hong Jiu, who was experienced in fighting, immediately withdrew his fist and raised his foot to kick Lin Li between his legs.

Although many people scoffed at this attacking move of the next three lanes, the effect was very good. No one wanted to fight by themselves.

Lin Li immediately withdrew the spiritual weapon dagger he stabbed, and then dodged.

There was a wave of probing each other, but no one got any benefits. After the two sides separated, Hong Jiu rushed into his study immediately. Seeing this, Lin Li immediately chased after him.

"Clang, clang, clang..."


The sound of metal colliding came from the study, and then a figure flew out of the study.

"Tread, step, step..."

Lin Li, who was kicked and flew upside down from the study, landed on the ground, backed up a few steps, and stopped after stabilizing his body.

He looked at Hong Jiu who walked out of the study slowly, exuding second-order high-level psionic energy fluctuations, holding a nine-ring knife with a faint golden aura, and murmured to himself.

"Sure enough, as I thought, the leader of the Scarlet Blood Gang had previously hidden his strength."

Hong Jiu, holding the Nine Ring Knife, came out of the study and looked at the assassin in the yard with a black hood, with a smug smile on his face.

"How is it? Didn't expect it! I have the strength of the second-level high-level."

"Heh... If it was a month ago, before I broke through, if your employer hired you to assassinate me, I would have a headache. As for now! You surrender!

Take off the headgear, kneel down to me, and honestly explain who hired you to assassinate me, and I can consider sparing your life. "

Hong Jiu looked down at Lin Li with an attitude of winning, and ordered Lin Li to surrender in an unquestionable tone.

"You're so confident!" Lin Li said calmly, looking down at his enemy with contempt.

Then, he began to mobilize the spirits in his dantian, showing his true strength.


"Second-level high-level? You actually have a second-level high-level cultivation?!

! ”

Hong Jiu, who ordered Lin Li to surrender, suddenly froze the smile on his face. He didn't expect that the assassin wearing a black hood in front of him would hide his strength just like himself.

Powerful psychic fluctuations emanated from Lin Li. According to the intensity of the perceived psychic fluctuations, although they were both at the second level, the intensity of the psychic fluctuations on Lin Li was obviously stronger than that of Hong Jiu.

"What a big deal, to hire an assassin with a second-level high-level cultivation to assassinate me. You are the assassin invited by the leader of the Flying Dragon Gang!"

The advantage was gone. Facing the assassin who also had a second-level high-level cultivation, Hong Jiu's face was gloomy as if it was about to seep water, and he revealed a person he suspected.

The Feilong Gang and the Scarlet Blood Gang are deadly rivals. The enemy who competed with Hong Jiu for the ownership of the pier was the leader of the Feilong Gang.

In that battle, the Feilong Gang not only lost the ownership of the pier, but the brother of the gang leader also died in the hands of Hong Jiu.

Since then, it can be said that there has been a blood feud between the two gangs.

The leader of the Feilong Gang has threatened to kill Hong Jiu more than once in public.

Hiring an assassin with a second-level high-level cultivation would cost a lot of money.

If it weren't for the bloody feud, no one would be willing to spend a lot of money to hire such an assassin. Therefore, Hong Jiu came to the conclusion that the assassin in front of him was hired by the leader of the Feilong Gang.

"You talk a lot of nonsense." Lin Li taunted Hong Jiu with a serious face, and then rushed towards him quickly.

"Bastard." It has been many years since someone humiliated her face to face like this. Hong Jiu, who has always taken her own face very seriously, immediately flew into a rage, and rushed forward like an assassin rushing towards her. .

"Clang, clang, clang..."

The Nine Rings Saber with a faint golden aura collided with the spiritual weapon dagger with a faint golden aura, making a resounding sound.

The destructive power of two practitioners with second-level high-level cultivation bases is astonishing when they fight seriously.

The thick pillars were broken, the roof collapsed, and the tiles fell to the ground.

The sound of the battle spread to the surroundings, and the sleeping servants in the mansion were awakened. The members of the Red Blood Gang who were on patrol immediately rushed towards the place where the sound came from.


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