Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 318: Black Heart Wharf, Infiltrate

In the evening, Su Yue, who was wearing a suspender silk nightgown, lay lazily on the sofa, staring at the current hit drama on TV, fascinated by it.

After the TV series finished, she sat up, put the slipped shoulder straps back on her shoulders, then picked up the mobile phone that was set aside, and sent Lin Li a message.

The messages sent fell like stones and seas, and there was no response for six or seven minutes.

"What is Lin Li up to? I haven't responded to any news after so long."

Su Yue, who couldn't wait, dialed Lin Li's phone number. As a result, a voice came from the phone saying that the number you dialed could not be connected temporarily.


! ”

"The phone is turned off?"

Su Yue couldn't get in touch with Lin Li, so she tousled her hair a few times in annoyance.

"Drip ring..."

At this time, the mobile phone in his hand rang suddenly, and it was Wang Ling who called.


"Su Yue, you haven't cooked dinner yet, have you?"

"Well, why ask this, are you asking me to go out for dinner?"

"Hee hee, you guessed it right away. My sister called me just now and said that she would leave work early today. We will have dinner together tonight. Will you come?"

Su Yue originally wanted to call Lin Li and find a place to have dinner together in the evening, but now she couldn't get in touch with Lin Li, so when her friend called, she naturally agreed.

"Come on! Tell me the address of the meeting, and I'm ready to go out now."

After talking on the phone with Wang Ling, Su Yue immediately stepped on her slippers and went back to her bedroom.

This naturally beautiful woman didn't need to put a lot of thought into makeup at all. She simply combed her hair, changed her clothes, and went out to the place for dinner.


The spiritual world, Dongwu City.

Rising in the east and setting in the west, the trajectory of the sun in this world is the same as the sun on the blue star.

Blue Star is a ball, so is the spirit world also a ball like Blue Star?

The sun was setting, and after the last rays of the setting sun on the horizon disappeared, the land was completely plunged into darkness.

During the day, although there are strange beasts that come out to move in the field, compared to the night, the number of strange beasts that come out to move is still much less.

Therefore, after the sun goes down and the night falls, basically no one will choose to drive in the wild at night, unless it is desperate, otherwise, no one will be so stupid at night, risking being caught by a strange beast that may appear at any time To attack, but also to move forward in the dark.


Under the night, figures walked through the dense grass. Their green eyes were particularly conspicuous in such a low-light environment.


A strange beast yelled in the east, and the strange beast moving in the west responded immediately after hearing it. This scene gave people the impression that humans were singing a folk song duet.

One after another, the howling of beasts resounded in the perilous wilderness, accompanied by occasional gusts of wind blowing the trees. This kind of environment makes people feel a little scary.

The wilderness where the beasts roared constantly was pitch black, and the inside and outside of the city, separated by a tall city wall, were like two worlds.

Before the sun had completely set, the street lights in the city were lit up one after another.

These street lamps powered by psionic energy, as long as they are not damaged, can always provide illumination for passers-by in the city.

In the bustling street market, small vendors were shouting vigorously. The crowded scene was in stark contrast to the dangerous environment outside the city.

Not far from the pier run by the Red Blood Gang, there was a figure standing in the woods.

This figure is a young man, holding an ice cream in his hand, eating while looking at the busy pier in the distance.

"The Red Blood Gang really deserves to be a gang formed by a group of villains, it's already dark, and the pier is still busy.

Moreover, the working hours are not short, and the supervisor beats and scolds the workers who are working at every turn. "

Lin Li looked at the members of the Red Blood Gang who were in charge of supervision on the pier in the distance, and the porters who barely had a rest, and said to himself in his heart.

He left home in the afternoon and took a carriage to the pier run by the Red Blood Gang.

After arriving at the destination, looking for a suitable observation place, they began to observe the situation of the Red Blood Gang from a distance.

Until now, Lin Li has been looking for an opportunity to sneak into the Red Blood Gang.

Originally, he was still thinking that the people on this busy dock had a lot of miscellaneous eyes, and after dark, the workers at work would all get off work, and then they would sneak into the Red Blood Gang.

Unexpectedly, the hearts of the Red Blood Gang were too dark. After dark, let the workers have dinner and continue to carry the goods.

In such a situation, Lin Li could only continue to wait for the opportunity. If these people were going to be busy all night, then he could only choose to leave for the time being and come back here at another time later.

But thinking about it, it is unlikely that they will be busy all night. After all, these workers are just ordinary people, and their bodies simply cannot bear it.

Standing under the tree, Lin Li silently ate ice cream, quietly waiting for the opportunity to come.

Time passed quickly, and at 08:30 at night, when the patience of waiting was about to be exhausted, Lin Li finally saw the supervisors on the dock announcing that everyone could get off work and rest.

The faces of the workers who had worked hard all day were full of tiredness, and they wiped the sweat from their faces with wet towels hanging around their necks.

Then, they walked together in twos and threes, those with families went directly to their homes, and those without families went to rest in the dormitory arranged for them by the Red Blood Gang.

After more than 20 minutes, with the pier as the center, a large area under the jurisdiction of the Red Blood Gang fell into silence.

"Finally, I have waited for an opportunity." Standing in the woods, Lin Li whispered to himself, and then walked out of the woods.

At this time, he was wearing a black hood that concealed his face. This hood was exactly the one he wore when he taught Zhou Tianci a lesson.

After coming out of the woods, Lin Li immediately groped for the place where members of the Red Blood Gang lived.


The dormitory area where the workers slept was dark and quiet, while the place where the members of the Red Blood Gang lived was brightly lit, and there was lively noise from time to time.

If you listen carefully, you will find that these noises are the laughing and joking sounds of the members of the Red Blood Gang when they drink and eat meat.

In a courtyard full of scholarly atmosphere, Fang Jingtang, dressed in white, sat on the grand teacher's chair in the study, listening to the report of his subordinates, his eyebrows frowned involuntarily.

"You said they haven't come back since they left in the morning?" Fang Jingtang put down the teacup in his hand and said.

"Yes, Mr. Fang." The younger brother of the Red Blood Gang nodded.

Fang Jingtang frowned, thought for a moment, then waved his hand to let the other party back down.

After the little brother from the Scarlet Blood Gang left, Fang Jingtang stood up, paced back and forth in the study, and muttered to himself.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Probably not, the skills of the people he brought are not bad."

"Even if the target is difficult to deal with, and the target cannot completely destroy them, someone will definitely escape and report back."

The place where the members of the Red Blood Gang lived was brightly lit. A figure wearing a black hood came to the wall, jumped on the spot, grabbed the edge of the wall, and then turned over and entered the wall with a little force on his arm.

"what sound?"

Lin Li, who had just climbed over the wall and landed, suddenly heard a strange sound coming from a distance.

After listening carefully, it was judged that the sound was crying.

So, he began to fumble in the direction of the sound, and after two or three minutes, he came to a dark courtyard.

The courtyard was small, giving Lin Li a gloomy feeling. The sound of constant crying came from a room in the courtyard.

There was no one guarding the gate of the courtyard, so Lin Li opened the door and walked in.

When he came to the room emitting dim candlelight, through the cloudy glass window, Lin Li saw many girls sitting on the wooden bed inside, and they kept crying.

The crying that Lin Li heard before was from these girls.

"Could it be that these girls were kidnapped here by members of the Scarlet Blood Gang?"

Lin Li looked at the crying girl in the room, and this idea came to his mind.

It's not surprising that he has this idea. After all, according to his understanding, it's not surprising that the members of the Red Blood Gang are so bad that they would do such a thing.


The girls in the room were crying. Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and a figure wearing a black hood came in.

The girls who heard the movement raised their heads, and when they saw this figure wearing a black hood, they immediately stopped crying.

After Lin Li walked into the room, he saw the girls in the room looking at him in fear. These girls obviously regarded Lin Li as a member of the Red Blood Gang, so they were too frightened to cry.

"That... I'm not from the Red Blood Gang." Lin Li said to the girls.

"..." The terrified girls remained silent, not quite believing what Lin Li said.

In order to prevent the members of the Red Blood Gang from discovering that a stranger had sneaked in, Lin Li thought that it would not be good to stay in this place for too long.

So, without wasting time, he chatted with these pale girls about some irrelevant matters, and asked directly.

"Are you captured by the Red Blood Gang?"

These pale girls still did not speak.

However, when they heard Lin Li asking them whether they were captured by the Red Blood Gang, several girls couldn't help crying, but immediately covered their mouths with their own hands.

Although these girls did not answer Lin Li's question directly, their reaction has already given a clear answer.

"Come with me! I'll take you out..." Lin Lifang said softly to the girls in the room.

When the pale-faced girls heard Lin Li saying that he would take them out of this place, they immediately shook their heads, expressing that they would not leave here.

Lin Li was stunned when he saw the girls shaking their heads. He really couldn't figure it out. Since these girls were captured by the Red Blood Gang, why didn't they want to escape this place with him?

There are more than 20 girls in this room, generally aged 15 to [-] years old.

At this time, a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old stood up and said something, which solved Lin Li's doubts.

"We can't leave here with you. Our family owes money to the Scarlet Blood Gang. If we, who have signed the deed of sale, leave here with you, they will find our family... woo woo woo..."

After the girl finished speaking, she couldn't help crying again.


After hearing what the girl said, it was Lin Li's turn to remain silent this time.

The previously collected information about the Red Blood Gang included members of the Red Blood Gang who lent money to the outside world.

When the borrower fails to repay the money, the borrower will ask the borrower to offset the debt with the children of the family.

When he heard about this kind of thing on the first day of junior high school, Lin Li only felt that this kind of bad thing that had disappeared on Blue Star for more than 100 years actually existed in this different world, and it was still in accordance with the law. The people are so bad.

But when he saw the girl who was used to repay the debt with his own eyes, the sensory impact was huge.

Without saying anything more, Lin Li turned around and left, no longer staying in the room, he quickly left the gloomy small courtyard where crying could be heard from time to time.

It was a bit strange, even though Lin Li was far away from the gloomy little courtyard where crying sounds could be heard from time to time, the crying sounds of girls whom he had only met once lingered in his ears.

"Who? Who's your subordinate? How did you come here? You are not allowed to come here casually, don't you know?"

A member of the Red Blood Gang who came out of the toilet saw a figure running towards him in the distance. Because the light was not enough, he couldn't see the figure clearly, so he yelled immediately .

Lin Li saw members of the Red Blood Gang appearing in front of him, and also found himself.

He speeded up his running in an instant, and he rushed to the other party in the blink of an eye.

The spirit weapon dagger captured today appeared in his hand in an instant with the thought in his mind.

Mobilizing the spiritual energy in the dantian, a golden aura emerged in the darkness, and then a golden thread was pulled out in the air.


Lin Li ran past the members of the Red Blood Gang, and the dagger, a spiritual weapon with a faint golden aura in his hand, brushed against his neck.

Afterwards, Lin Li, holding the spiritual weapon dagger, continued to move forward without looking back.


The member of the Red Blood Gang who shouted at Lin Li only felt a little pain in his neck.

Then, something gushed out of the painful place, and he reached out to touch it, and it was wet.

The familiar smell of blood filled the tip of his nose, and the member of the Scarlet Blood Gang wanted to shout but couldn't.

Difficulty breathing, no, it should be impossible to breathe, and the injured place was covered with both hands, blood kept gushing out, and it was impossible to cover it at all.

He fell to the ground with a plop, his body twitched a few times, and then fell silent.

After Lin Li killed a member of the Red Blood Gang who was blocking the way, the lingering crying of the girls miraculously disappeared.


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