Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 317: Unlucky

The rain falling outside the house would stop sooner than Lin Li thought.

At noon, the weather cleared up, and all the dark clouds covering the sky disappeared. If the ground was not still wet, it seemed that there had never been a heavy rainstorm.

The food in the inn can't be said to be delicious, it can only be said that the taste is so-so.

Lin Li and Qin Muqing had lunch together. After the meal, he asked Qin Muqing to pack up his things and followed him to the house he just bought.

In fact, Qin Muqing didn't have anything to clean up. Her only property was her backpack.

After returning the guest room, Lin Li and Qin Muqing walked out of the inn.

The bright sun shone on the two of them, making them slightly hot, but because of the rain that had just rained, the street was quite cool.

Lin Li looked up at the huge sun hanging in the sky.

Looking directly at the scorching sun, he subconsciously squinted his eyes and wanted to take out his sunglasses and put them on, but considering that if he walked on the street wearing sunglasses, the rate of turning his head back would increase rapidly, so he dismissed the idea.

He stopped a carriage on the side of the road, and after getting in the carriage, Lin Li didn't go directly to the newly bought house, but asked the driver to take them to the store where they bought daily necessities.

The reason for this is that although the newly bought house has been decorated and furnished, there are no sheets, quilt covers, pillows, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.

Since we are going to live in a new house next, these essential items must be purchased.

According to Lin Li's needs, the coachman sent the two of them to a bustling shop with an area of ​​over a thousand square meters and a height of three floors.

"I never thought there would be a place like a department store in this world!" Standing at the door of the store, Lin Li saw the rows of shelves with many products inside, and couldn't help but think of the department store on Blue Star.

Qin Muqing stood beside Lin Li quietly, noticing the surprised expression on Lin Li's face, she was a little puzzled, "Isn't it just a department store? Why is Mr. Lin so surprised?"

"Let's go in!" Lin Li said to Qin Muqing who was beside him, and then took the lead and walked towards the different world department store in front of him.

The first floor of this department store sells all kinds of food, including oil, salt, sauce and vinegar that Lin Li needs.

After asking the staff in the store, he learned that the bedding he wanted to buy was on the second floor, so Lin Li decided to go to the second floor to buy the bedding first, and then go to the first floor to buy oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.

"Sir, miss, our bedding is made of high-quality materials, and the quality is absolutely guaranteed.

You can use it with confidence, if there is any quality problem within half a year, you can ask us to refund the money. "

The experienced staff could tell that the two customers in front of them really wanted to buy something, so she sold it enthusiastically.

Although Lin Li didn't know much about the quality of these beddings, he thought that you get what you pay for, the price on the sign is not low, and the quality should not be bad, so he nodded and decided to place an order.

At this time, Lin Li felt someone tugging on his sleeve.

Turning his head to look, he found that Qin Muqing who was standing beside him was pulling his sleeve.

"What's the matter?" Lin Li looked at the other party suspiciously and asked.

"Mr. Lin, you don't need to buy me such a good pillow and quilt, I'll just use that kind." Qin Muqing whispered, then she pointed to a pile of specials on the bed not far away. supplies.

Those specials should be the clearance stock in the store. Although the quality is not bad, Lin Li obviously doesn't like it.

The staff member who was enthusiastically selling to Lin Li felt his heart skip a beat when he heard what Qin Muqing said, and secretly thought something was wrong.

In order not to let the sales that she was about to get fly away, she was going to ruthlessly belittle the specials that were on sale, so that Lin Li would not change his mind.

As a result, before she could say a word, the worry in her heart disappeared, because Lin Li did not change her purchase intention because of Qin Muqing's words.

"Those products with special prices on them don't look very good. I'd better buy the ones I like..." Lin Li said to Qin Muqing, and then he signaled the staff in front of him to prepare the products for him.

"Sir, miss, please come with me here." The staff quickly prepared the products that Li Li wanted to buy, and then called them to the place to pay for the checkout.

After paying the bill, the staff was all smiles and wanted to help Lin Li move the things he bought downstairs, but Lin Li directly took the things he bought into the mysterious island on the spot. His operation shocked everyone present His eyes widened.

Everyone who saw this scene knew that Lin Li was a practitioner at this time, and he was also a practitioner who had awakened the storage space ability.

Lin Li was already accustomed to the reactions of the people around him, and this was all within his expectation.

After all, he has seen this kind of situation many times, but he didn't notice that Qin Muqing, who was standing behind him, had a strange expression on his face when he saw him put away his things, but he didn't look like everyone else. Face of shock.


At around two o'clock in the afternoon, the carriage that Lin Li and Qin Muqing were riding in drove into a sparsely populated street.

The carriage drove slowly on the paved street of Qingshizhuan.

Lin Li, who was sitting in the carriage, passed by the place where he had fought with members of the Red Blood Gang before.

Through the window glass, he found the traces of the previous battle and the remaining blood, because of the heavy rain before, everything that had been washed away by the rain had disappeared.


The coachman pulled the rein in his hand, and the horse stopped immediately.

"Sir, miss, it's time to arrive."

He turned his head and shouted to the two passengers in the carriage, and then the two got out of the car.

After Lin Li paid the fare, he walked forward with a curious Qin Muqing.

Through the big iron gate outside, stepping onto the flat path paved with blue bricks, the two of them walked forward all the way to the front of the villa.

The solid wooden door of the villa in front of him was closed tightly. With a thought in Lin Li's mind, he took out the key of the villa from the mysterious island.


Using the key to open the door, Qin Muqing followed Lin Li into the villa.

Seeing the decoration of the hall on the first floor, she thought to herself, the original owner who built this villa was quite willing to spend money on decoration.

Lin Li took Qin Muqing around the villa for a while, and then said to him.

"I live on the third floor, and you live on the second floor. There are many rooms on the second floor. You can live in any one you want."

"En." Qin Muqing nodded, and then Lin Li took out the things he bought in the department store from the mysterious island.

Looking at the pile of things in front of him, without Lin Li asking to remind him, Qin Muqing immediately entered his work status and began to put the things Lin Li took out where they should be put.

Lin Li was sitting on the sofa in the living room on the first floor. Yes, there are sofas in this world. Looking around the property he bought in another world, he had the illusion that he was on a blue star.

It's not surprising that there is such an illusion, after all, the design style and interior decoration of this villa are not much different from the villas on Blue Star.

If it weren't for the lack of TV, refrigerator, air conditioner and other electrical appliances at home, as well as the most important network, it would really give people a sense of sight of buying a big villa on Blue Star.

Just when Lin Li felt that there were so many things similar to those on Blue Star in this different world, in the kitchen on the first floor, after arranging the ingredients such as oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, Qin Muqing showed distress on his ordinary face look.

Before, in order to let Lin Li take her in, she boasted that she was good at washing and cooking, but in reality she was not.

Washing clothes and doing other housework, even if you are not skilled, can still be done with a little more time, but cooking is not enough.

Cooking is not something that can be achieved overnight, it needs a lot of practice. Of course, if you are very talented, the time for this practice will be greatly shortened.

For example, a woman named Su on Blue Star, in Lin Li's opinion, she is the kind of person who is extremely talented in cooking.

As for Qin Muqing, who lived a life of rich clothes and fine food since he was a child, he had never cooked before.

Now that she has lived in this villa and is working for the master's family, all the ingredients such as oil, salt, sauce and vinegar are ready, so cooking and so on must be taken care of.

"What should we do now? Looking at the current situation, Mr. Lin is going to have dinner at home in the evening, and I will cook a table of unpalatable meals. Isn't that revealing?"

At this moment, Qin Muqing's vivid eyes were full of worry, and he frowned at the oil, salt, sauce and vinegar in front of him.

Suddenly, a voice came from the direction of the living room, "Qin Muqing, come here."

Qin Muqing, who was thinking about how to get past the level of cooking, heard Lin Li calling her, she quickly responded, and then ran towards the living room in a panic.

Lin Li, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room, saw Qin Muqing walk into the living room in a panic, he raised his finger to the sofa next door, and signaled him to sit down.

"Mr. Lin, what are your orders?" Qin Muqing, who looked like an honest man, asked.

"This is the key to the house." Lin Li took out a bunch of spare keys from his pocket and put them on the table, then said, "I usually have a lot of things to do, so I rarely stay at home overnight.

And sometimes you have to travel far away to do errands, and you don’t come back until several days later. From now on, you will be in charge of taking care of the family affairs. "

"En." Qin Muqing, who listened carefully, nodded.

Now that the house has been bought and moved in, and Qin Muqing's nanny job has officially started, it's time to talk about the salary. Lin Li offered a price that he thought was reasonable.

"In terms of salary, I will count you 5000 coppers a month, is it acceptable?"

As soon as the matter of wages was said, Qin Muqing immediately shook his head and objected.

"Mr. Lin, I stay at your house for food and lodging. The salary you pay is too much, it's not suitable."

If Qin Muqing was still living the life of rich clothes and good food, 5000 coppers a month's wages would not be enough for her to pay for a piece of jewelry!

Today is different. Qin Muqing, who escaped from home and wandered for nearly a month, has suffered a lot, but does he know what the income and consumption level of ordinary people are?

Lin Li's salary of 5000 copper per month can be said to be nearly double the salary of many people.

"There's nothing inappropriate, the wages are set just like that." Lin Li's attitude was very firm. When he saw what Qin Muqing wanted to say, he deliberately darkened and said, "If you don't want to accept it, then you can change jobs. !"

"..." Qin Muqing fell silent when he heard Lin Li say this, and couldn't help muttering in his heart, "Who is like this? He didn't want to accept such a high salary, so he threatened to drive him away."

Seeing that Qin Muqing no longer objected, Lin Li smiled. He stretched out his hand, and a small money bag appeared in his hand.

"There is some money in it. If you need money at home, you can just take it from here."

With that said, Lin Li put the money bag in his hand next to the keys on the table.

"Yes." Qin Muqing nodded, and then said seriously, "Mr. Lin, I will clearly record the expenditure of each sum of money."

Lin Li looked at this ordinary-looking woman with an honest personality in front of him, and thought to himself, "From now on, it should be easy to hand over my real estate to this honest woman."

"I'm going out to do some errands now. I won't be at home for dinner tonight, and I won't be back at night. You should lock the door and rest early." There is nothing else to explain. Lin Li stood up and said to Qin Muqing, and then went outside the villa go.

After Qin Muqing settled down, next, Lin Li had to personally go to the Red Blood Gang to have a 'friendly' exchange.

After all, the people on the other side have come to greet me. As a polite and civilized person, if I don't respond, it's a bit unreasonable.

Qin Muqing, who was still troubled about how to get through the cooking task before, was relieved when she heard Lin Li say that she would not be eating at home tonight, then she stood up and sent Lin Li to the door.

"Okay, you don't need to send him off." Lin Li, who came out of the villa, signaled to Qin Muqing that there was no need to send him off anymore, and then walked towards the gate in the distance.

Qin Muqing stood at the door of the villa, watched Lin Li walk out of the door until he disappeared, and then turned back to the room.


After closing the door, the demeanor of this honest and dull woman in Lin Li's eyes immediately changed.

Came to the sofa in the living room and sat down, looking around the surrounding environment with agile eyes.

Comparing it with his own home, although it is far inferior, thinking that he finally has a stable foothold, Qin Muqing couldn't help showing a happy smile on his face.

"After I escaped from home, I was cheated on the way, lost my wallet, and met bad guys who robbed me. I didn't have any good luck. Now it can be said that the times are turning! Mr. Lin is really a good man... "

Lin Li, who had received a good person card, was riding in a carriage, thinking about his next move.

It was obviously not a good time for a 'friendly visit' in broad daylight, so he decided to visit the Red Blood Gang after dark.


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