Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 316: Effective deterrence, a woman with superb acting skills

"Master Commander, those damned beasts have already descended from the sky. Should we take advantage of the victory and pursue them now to kill them all?"

A soldier in black armor looked at the man standing in front of a silver-white cannon with a knife on his waist and asked.


A gust of wind blew head-on, blowing the hair of the dozen or so people who carried out this special operation backwards.

The man with the knife looked at the sky in the distance, shook his head, and said to his subordinates.

"No, the Lord City Master ordered us to reciprocate those strange beasts and let them understand that we already know that the last two heavy rainstorms that have befallen the city are the fault of them.

This mission has been successfully completed. Next, let's pack up the spiritual weapon electric light cannon and go back to the city. "

Although all the armored soldiers really wanted to rush to the place where the strange beasts were now, and wipe out all the strange beasts.

But since the boss has given the order to retreat, they must obey it carefully.

Afterwards, these armored soldiers began to clean up the silver-white spiritual weapon electro-optical cannon.

Their execution was very strong. In less than a minute, they loaded the 1-ton spirit weapon cannon onto the carriage, and then returned to Dongwu City.


The gray-brown owl beast leader and his little brother waited on the grass for a long time, but they didn't find any subsequent attacks falling on them. At this moment, they also knew that the danger was over.

With the very sudden attack just now, the leader of the gray-brown owl beast did not choose to let his little brother fly to the sky to make rain clouds, but took his little brothers and flew towards the forest.

After entering the forest, the leader of the gray-brown owl beast sent his little brothers back to their respective homes, and then it continued to fly deep into the forest alone.

The lush forest can't be seen at a glance, the more you fly into the depths of the forest, the more towering trees you see.

Flying hundreds of kilometers away, the gray-brown owl leader finally arrived at its destination.

There is a valley in front of you, a waterfall falls from the sky hundreds of meters high, forming a huge pool at the bottom of the valley.

When the weather is good, a rainbow will appear and hang in the middle of the valley for a long time because of the water vapor brought by this waterfall falling from the sky.

On both sides of the valley, there are many flowers of different colors, colorful, and many butterflies are flying among the flowers.

Unexpectedly, in the depths of such a dangerous forest, there is such a beautiful place.

The leader of the gray-brown owl beast descended from the sky and landed by the pool in the valley.

I don't know the exact depth of the gloomy pool. After the taupe owl leader arrived, not long after, the calm pool suddenly began to surge.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The water in the pool gushes up, splashes splash, and a huge figure emerges from the pool.

It was a 35-meter-long boa constrictor with a sharp single horn on its forehead, scarlet eyes, and dense black scales covering its body.

"Cuckoo... Lord One-horned Blackscaled Python." The leader of the gray-brown owl beast, after seeing this huge beast that emerged from the water pool and exuding powerful spiritual fluctuations, immediately greeted him respectfully. road.

"Hiss... Didn't I ask you to lead your men to create a rain cloud, so that Dongwu City will be covered by a torrential rain? Why are you here now?" The one-horned black-scaled python strange beast asked suspiciously.

It was dozing off at the bottom of the pool, but it suddenly sensed spiritual energy fluctuations outside the pool, so it floated up to check, but it didn't expect that it was the little brother he ordered to do something.

"Googoo...Master One-horned Blackscaled Python, I will follow your instructions and lead my subordinates to create clouds and rain.

Everything was fine at first, but not long ago, we were suddenly attacked by a silver-white electric light from a distance, and dozens of companions were lost at once, and now we come here to report this matter to you. "

The leader of the gray-brown owl beast heard his boss's inquiry, and quickly explained why he came here.

"Attacked by a silver-white electric light? Could it be..." Hearing the words, the one-horned black-scaled python monster pondered for a moment.

Then, many not-so-good memories instantly appeared in its mind, and it said in an unusually cold tone, "The lightning that attacked you should have come from the spiritual weapon lightning cannon."

"Spirit weapon electric light cannon?" The taupe owl obviously didn't recognize this thing, its eyes were full of doubts.

"Well, more than ten years ago, the humans in Dongwu City, relying on the spiritual weapon electric light cannon, caused us to lose many companions.

Now that you are being attacked by the spiritual weapon electro-optical cannon, there is a high probability that it was ordered by the city lord of Dongwu City. "The one-horned black-scaled python said.


! "The leader of the gray-brown owl beast was shocked when he heard that the enemy who ordered to attack them was probably the lord of Dongwu City.

Don't look at it flying happily in the sky with its own men before, using its abilities to create clouds and rain, causing Dongwu City to be hit by heavy rain.

To tell the truth, in fact, it is particularly afraid of the city lord of Dongwu City, for fear of being known by the other party.

After all, more than ten years ago, it was the city lord of Dongwu City who personally led the army to wipe out the alien beasts that were active around Dongwu City, and finally forced the alien beasts back into the forest.

Even after so many years, the ominous name of the Lord of Dongwu City has been circulating among the strange beasts in the forest.

And to this day, because Li Dingtian sits in Dongwu City, the strange beasts dare not get too close to Dongwu City.

"Now it seems that our plan to create clouds and rain to cover Dongwu City with heavy rain has been exposed."

After the one-horned black-scaled python beast knew that its subordinates were attacked by the spiritual weapon electric light cannon, it immediately knew that the enemy was repaying its previous act of creating a torrential rain, and warned itself that the plan had been revealed, so don't do the same thing again thing.

"Master One-horned Blackscale Python, since our plan has been exposed, what should we do next?" the gray-brown owl leader asked for advice.

"..." Asked by the younger brother, the one-horned black-scaled python fell silent for an instant, because it didn't know what to do next.

After all, the plan to create clouds and rain and let the heavy rain hit Dongwu City was not thought up by it, but another guy encouraged it to do it.

"What to do next, I need to plan carefully. It's been hard work for you during this time, so go back and have a rest." The one-horned black-scaled python said.


The gray-brown owl leader led his men to carry out the plan to create a heavy rainstorm to attack Dongwu City during this time, and it was really hard work.

And after experiencing the terrible attack just now, he was also very frightened.

Now it can be said that he is physically and mentally exhausted. Hearing that his immediate boss asked him to go home and have a good rest, the leader of the taupe owl beast was actually very happy in his heart.

Afterwards, it flapped its wings and took off, quickly heading towards its old nest.

The one-horned black-scaled python beast looked at the little brother who had left, and its eyes were full of anger. It took other people's suggestion to take revenge on Dongwu City before, it was carried out on impulse.

After all, more than ten years ago, it led a group of younger brothers to fight Li Dingtian, the lord of Dongwu City, and was defeated in the end, and he was also seriously injured.

It wasn't until the last few years that the body fully recovered. If this revenge could be avenged, it would naturally be very happy.

It's a pity that Li Dingtian is too strong. He was no match for the opponent more than ten years ago, let alone now more than ten years later.

You don't need to think about it, but Li Dingtian must be stronger than before, and his hope of revenge is getting slimmer.

This time the plan was revealed, and the other party's warning was so obvious, the one-horned black-scaled python beast that was very afraid of Li Dingtian was actually panicked in his heart, for fear that Li Dingtian would come to him personally to deal with him.

"No, it's not good to stay here any longer, I have to find another place to avoid the limelight."

The one-horned black-scaled python saw the gray-brown owl leader disappearing into the sky, and because it was worried that Li Dingtian would come to him, it immediately decided to leave the pool where it had lived for many years.

A pale golden aura emerged from the scarlet eyes of the one-horned black-scaled python, and the water vapor floating in the air was controlled by an invisible force, quickly gathering around the one-horned black-scaled python.

The light water vapor gathered more and more, turning into a large white cloud.


A splash of water sounded, and a white cloud suddenly floated in the valley.

If you look carefully, you will find that on top of this white cloud, there is a huge black beast lying on its stomach.

The one-horned black-scaled python beast that was dragged up by the white clouds quickly flew into the sky thousands of meters above, and then its huge body was covered by the white clouds, making it almost invisible to the naked eye.

The scarlet eyes discerned the direction through the clouds, and then quickly flew forward holding the white cloud of the one-horned black-scaled python beast.

The one-horned black-scaled python chose to leave its lair, in addition to guarding against being approached by the enemy, it also wanted to find the guy who suggested to it to create a torrential rain and attack Dongwu City, ask, next What should I do.


In Dongwu City, a carriage stopped at the door of the inn. The passengers on the carriage thanked the driver, got out of the carriage, and then walked towards the inn with an umbrella that the driver had never seen before.

In the guest room, the ordinary-looking Qin Muqing lay flat on the bed, looking at the unfamiliar roof, his eyes were out of focus, his thoughts scattered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door of the guest room.

"Dong Dongdong..."

"Who is it?" Qin Muqing, who was lying on the bed and lost her thoughts, immediately came to her senses when she heard the knock on the door. She sat up and asked the person who knocked on the door.

"it's me."

Hearing the familiar voice from outside the door, Qin Muqing got out of bed immediately, put on the embroidered shoes neatly placed in front of the bed, and then walked towards the door.

"Engong, you're back!" After opening the door, Qin Muqing greeted Lin Li who was standing at the door.

"I'm back... Well, stop calling me benevolent, just call me by my name." Lin Li walked into Qin Muqing's room while talking.

"How can this be done? Mr. Benedict saved my life, and he is willing to take me in and give me a job. I can't call you by your first name." Qin Muqing said.

Lin Li came to the table in the guest room and sat down, poured himself a glass of water, took a sip, looked at the honest woman in front of him, shook his head with a smile, and said.

"You keep calling me benefactor. It sounds weird to me. Otherwise, let's take a step back. I don't force you to call me by my name, and you are not allowed to call me benefactor anymore."

"Eh...then what should I call you?" Qin Muqing asked.

"Call me Mr. Lin!" Lin Li said after thinking about it.

Qin Muqing thought about it seriously, then nodded reluctantly.

The matter of address was finally settled... Seeing Qin Muqing nodding his head in agreement to change his address, Lin Li felt a lot more relaxed.

He used to only see the title Engong in those costume TV dramas.

Now that he has come to this different world that is somewhat similar to ancient society, Lin Li always feels weird and embarrassed to be called by people in this world.

Occasionally he would think this way, if Su Yue knew that he was being called benevolent by others, he would laugh out loud, teasing him how embarrassed he was to be called that.

After solving the embarrassing address, Lin Li immediately changed the subject.

"I just went out, and I have already settled the house."

When Qin Muqing heard Lin Li say that he had settled the matter of the house, he couldn't help showing a surprised expression on his face.

Originally, she thought that it would take a few days to deal with the matter of the house, but she didn't expect that Lin Li's efficiency was so high, and the matter of the house was settled in just one morning.

"The house I bought, Director Yuan, has been decorated and fully furnished. After the rain stops, we can move in directly from the inn..."

Lin Li told Qin Muqing about the situation of the house he bought, and mentioned about moving out from the inn after the rainstorm stopped.

The reason why he made the decision to move to a new home as soon as possible was mainly because there were too many people in the inn, which made it inconvenient for him to move forward.

"Yes." Qin Muqing nodded slightly when she heard that she was going to move to her new home.

After chatting briefly for a few days, the thunder outside stopped, and the rain also decreased a lot.

It's strange that this heavy rainstorm is so strong, logically speaking, it will take a long time, why did it die down so quickly?

Lin Li got up and went to the window, looked outside through the glass, and found that the dark clouds covering most of the city of Dongwu had dissipated a lot, and the downpour turned into light rain.

The torrential rain that engulfed half of Dongwu City was not natural in the first place.

Since the instigators of this heavy rain were scared away, this abnormal heavy rain would naturally not be able to continue without the supplement of follow-up forces.

Lin Li withdrew his gaze from a distance, turned his head to look at Qin Muqing who was sitting quietly at the table, and said.

"I thought the heavy rain would stop until tomorrow. Looking at the current situation, it might stop in the afternoon."

Qin Muqing just nodded and didn't say anything else. Her reaction was normal in Lin Li's opinion.

This woman, whom I have not known for a long time, is honest and dull, and under normal circumstances, she is the kind of character who can not speak without speaking.

"Okay, I don't have anything else to say. I'll go back to my room to rest." Lin Li said, then left Qin Muqing's room and went back to his own room.

When Qin Muqing was alone in the room, this honest-looking woman with a dull personality naturally didn't need to pretend anymore.

When I came to the dressing table, I regained my agile eyes, looked at myself in the mirror, and recalled my performance just now.

If the full score is 99 points, she would give herself [-] points, and the less point was deliberately withheld for fear of complacency.

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry, I had to lie to you..."

Qin Muqing looked at himself in the mirror with an ordinary appearance, and muttered in a voice that only he could hear.


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