Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 313: Don't regret the original choice, you should take the initiative

Originally he was seriously injured by Lin Li's flying kick, and he was only able to breathe his last breath. Now he was shot in the neck by a sharp ice pick exuding cold air. Naturally, there was no possibility of him surviving.

"Tick, tick, tick..."

The blood flowed out along the crystal-clear ice cone, and then dripped on the grass, splashing tiny blood-colored water splashes.

The little brother with a scar on his forehead twitched a few times, and then fell silent.

His eyes widened, and he stared straight at where the bald man was. It was possible that at the moment before he died, he was blaming his elder brother for not being able to save himself.

"You... how dare you kill my brother again and again, you bastard."

The bald man looked at the little brother who had been shot by the ice pick and had no hope of surviving. He yelled at Lin Li with a distorted face, as if he wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood.

These younger brothers who followed him to seek revenge on Lin Li were all his confidantes who had been with him for four or five years, and now they were all killed in just a few minutes, which was not a big blow to the bald man.

Lin Li, who casually killed an enemy with an ice pick, looked at the distorted, angry bald man, and said calmly.

"Hey, don't do this, make me look like a villain, do you have a brain problem?

A group of you came to the door, you are going to kill me, why should I show mercy to you, do I look like an idiot? "

"..." The bald man with distorted face was not an eloquent person at all, he was speechless by Lin Li, he was silent for a while, just staring at Lin Li viciously with his red eyes.

At the same time, he was also very surprised. He didn't expect that the enemy, like himself, was a practitioner who had awakened supernatural powers.



"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The thunder exploded, the wind was strong, and the river, which was originally flowing slowly, suddenly became a little turbulent.

"It's going to rain, if you don't do it, I will do it."

The worsening weather reminded Lin Li to hurry up, otherwise he would be covered in muddy water when he started to rain heavily.

"Made." The bald man cursed loudly, and kicked a stone in front of him away.

The kicked stone quickly hit Lin Li. Facing the flying stone, Lin Li simply turned his head and avoided it. Then he saw the bald man turn around and run away.

Obviously, the bald man knew that he wanted to kill Lin Li, and he couldn't do it alone.

Instead of wasting time fighting the opponent and not getting the desired result in the end, it is better to retreat temporarily and go back to move reinforcements.

After regrouping the good people, come back to avenge the shame, and then make this arrogant enemy look good.

"He chose to retreat, this guy is not as brainless as he looks." Lin Li looked at the bald man who turned and ran away, and said to himself.

"Tread, step, step..."

The sound of hurried running seemed inaudible under the rumbling thunder.

The bald man who chose to retreat ran with all his strength, facing the howling wind, and in a short while, he ran hundreds of meters.

Just when he thought that the very difficult enemy didn't come to chase him, he subconsciously turned his head and glanced behind him. As a result, his turning back scared him into a cold sweat.

"You can't run away..."

Lin Li's calm and calm voice came from behind, and the bald man who was running was so frightened that he staggered and almost fell.

And because of his unexpected mistake, his running speed slowed down, and Lin Li, who was already faster than him, overtook him in an instant.

"..." The bald man looked at the enemy blocking his way and remained silent. He clenched the dagger in his hand tightly.

"You guys really think I'm afraid you won't succeed. Although I can't take you down, it's impossible for you to take me down." The bald man said.

As soon as his words fell, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him and punched him in the chest.

"It's so fast, this guy's speed is a little faster than before, what's going on?"

Facing the enemy who suddenly rushed to him and punched him, the bald man flashed a thought in his mind, and then immediately raised his hands, crossed them in front of his chest to block.


A powerful punch hit the bald man's right arm, knocking him flying.

However, the bald man was a practitioner with a second-stage cultivation at any rate, and even though he was punched by Lin Li, he was not fatally injured.


After landing, the bald-headed man took six or seven steps back before coming to a stop. At the same time, there was a lot of sweat on his forehead, and he sucked in cold air.

Looking down at his arm that was hit by the enemy just now, the hit position was already swollen.

The bald man endured the pain of his right hand injury, and looked at the calm-looking enemy. At this moment, he sensed that the spiritual fluctuations of the first-order peak in the opponent's body were further strengthened.

"At the beginning of the second stage? You are indeed a second-order cultivator, but why are your speed and strength so much higher than mine? This is unreasonable..."

Lin Li didn't answer the other party's doubts. He didn't bother to tell the other party that he didn't try his best at all. Now he can suppress him with only the strength of the early stage of the second stage.

"It doesn't make sense! He is also a practitioner at the beginning of the second stage, and also a practitioner who has awakened supernatural powers. Why is he so much better than me?" The bald man murmured to himself in confusion.

In the Scarlet Blood Gang, like the bald man, there are small bosses who are also at the beginning of the second stage and have awakened their abilities.

The two have often exchanged ideas, and the exchanges between the two sides can be said to be evenly matched, and no one can do anything to the other. It is not like the enemy they are facing now, and they are beaten by the other side without any power to fight back.


In the pitch-black clouds, bright silver-white thunder and lightning flashed frequently, like dragons swimming through the clouds.

The deafening thunder rang out one after another, as if to remind people that it was going to rain heavily, so hurry up and find a place to shelter from the rain.

And Lin Li heard the thunder from the sky, which made him hurry up to kill the enemy in front of him, and then leave here.


! ”

The bald man was wondering why the enemy in front of him had the same level of cultivation as himself, but was so much stronger than himself.

"Gene Era"

Suddenly, he saw a pale golden aura appearing on the opponent's hand, and then a cyan wind blade appeared in his hand. The bald man screamed out when he saw this scene.

"The second ability? This guy has awakened two abilities, how is it possible?!!!"

Lin Li heard the other party's exclamation, and replied to the other party, "There are only two kinds of supernatural powers. They are rare and strange. You can go on the road with peace of mind!"

Before he finished speaking, the semi-curved cyan wind blade condensed in his hand was launched instantly.


The aggressive half-curved cyan wind blade pierced the air, and with an ear-piercing sound, it attacked the bald man with a shocked face.

"It's too fast, I can't dodge it." The bald man saw the cyan wind blade that was shooting towards him quickly, and made a decisive decision. He immediately raised the spiritual weapon dagger in his hand and slashed forward.


The spiritual weapon dagger with a faint golden aura slashed on the sharp blue wind blade, causing a big explosion in an instant.


After the cyan wind blade exploded, the strong wind it produced spread around like a small knife.

The bald man who was the first to bear the brunt was immediately torn off by the scattered strong winds, and countless wounds as fine as cow hair spread all over his body in the blink of an eye.

Accompanied by a scream, the bald man's injured right hand could no longer hold the spiritual weapon dagger, and let go of it directly.


The spiritual weapon dagger fell on the street paved with bluestone bricks, making a crisp sound.

Without the user continuing to pour psychic energy into the spirit weapon dagger, the pale golden aura that appeared on the surface of the spirit weapon dagger gradually dimmed until it disappeared.

His whole body was covered with wounds as thin as a cow's hair, and blood continued to ooze out from the wounds, soaking the clothes of the bald man in a few seconds.

The smell of blood filled the tip of his nose, coupled with the constant pain in his body hitting his brain, the fear in the heart of the bald man who had not been injured for many years was rapidly spreading.

"I will die, I will die in the hands of this person..."

The bald man originally thought that with his cultivation at the beginning of the second stage, the other party was at the same level as himself.

Even if the enemy was stronger than him, he couldn't kill him, but when he saw the enemy using the second ability, and the blow made his injuries worse, he completely panicked.


The wind on the river bank was getting stronger and stronger, and the clothes on my body were rattling.

Lin Li didn't want to wait for the rain to continue to entangle with the enemy in front of him.

Realizing that he had crushed the opponent's confidence with the wind blade, he immediately took advantage of the victory to pursue and rushed over, preparing to kill the opponent with a wave of continuous attacks.

Seeing the extremely powerful enemy rushing towards him, the bald man was in a state of panic, and couldn't think of a way to deal with it for a while.

In this situation, it is impossible to escape, because the opponent's speed is faster than his own, and if he continues to fight, this kind of practitioner who has awakened two supernatural abilities is simply not something he can deal with.

The shadow of death shrouded the bald man at this moment, and now there was no extra time for him to think about it, that terrible enemy had already come in front of him.

Lin Li's fist was punched with great force, and the panicked bald man subconsciously raised his hand to block it, but the huge force directly broke his hand.

The pain of breaking a hand is heart-wrenching.

Before the bald man had time to scream, the attack that followed fell on him.

He thought about resisting it, but he simply couldn't keep up with the enemy's attack speed.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

In the blink of an eye, fists as dense as raindrops hit the bald man.


There was a scream, and the last uppercut punched firmly on the bald man's chin, smashing his chin into pieces.

It can be vaguely seen that there are teeth flying out of his mouth, and the huge force hits the body of the bald man into the sky.


After falling to the ground, he rolled a few times, with blood continuously oozing from his mouth and nose, looking extremely miserable.

"Tread, step, step..."

With the sound of footsteps, the bald man who was seriously injured by Lin Li's series of violent attacks was already very unconscious.

He looked at the enemy who was slowly walking towards him, and regretted that he had brought someone to seek revenge on this evil star, and begged for mercy to this terrible enemy with tears in his eyes.

It may be because I have never begged for mercy from others!The words of the bald man begging for mercy made people feel more like threats.

"Don't kill me, I'm a member of the Red Blood Gang, if you kill me, our leader will not let you go."

Lin Li, who came in front of the bald man, looked down at the enemy who had been beaten to the point where he had no power to fight back, and said to the dying man with a disdainful expression on his face.

"Others are afraid of your Scarlet Blood Gang, but I am not afraid, just let the horse come here!"

As soon as the words fell, a cold air emerged from Lin Li's hands, and short but very sharp ice picks quickly condensed into shape.

"Do not……"


"Puff, puff, puff..."

Several condensed and sharp ice picks shot into the neck and heart of the bald man.

The bald man, who was already seriously injured, was killed instantly when he was attacked by such a ferocious ice pick, and his terrified expression froze on his blood-stained face.

"It's over. Let's talk about seeing injustice, drawing swords to help, and eventually being approached to seek revenge. In this different world that still maintains the feudal system, isn't it a very common thing?"

After Lin Li killed the last enemy, he glanced at the enemies he had killed before, and couldn't help but think this way in his mind.

Thinking about it in his heart, Lin Li didn't regret the fact that these people from the Scarlet Blood Gang came to seek revenge this time.

No matter on the earth or on the blue star, it is impossible for a person who has received a civilized education to do nothing to help the weak under the circumstances within their capabilities.

Even if he met Qin Muqing in the alley before, and knew in advance that after saving her, the Red Blood Gang would seek revenge, Lin Li would still act without hesitation and get rid of those two scumbags.


Dark clouds pressed down on the city, and the thunder that resounded through the sky and the earth became more and more frequent. At this time, the sky was almost completely dark.

"Plop, plop, plop..."

Five splashes of water splashed one after the other, Lin Li patted the ashes on his hands after throwing the last member of the Red Blood Gang into the river.

Then put the dozen or so silver coins collected from those guys and the weapons that fell on the ground into the mysterious island.

Seeing the members of the Red Blood Gang who were thrown into the river, drifting away with the river, Lin Li thought to himself.

When it rains heavily later, these dead guys should be washed out of the city along with the surging river.

The rest of the Red Blood Gang, without hearing from them, should stop making trouble within a day or two.

As for what to say to avoid trouble, escape from Dongwu City, and change cities, Lin Li never thought about it.

He thought that he was not wrong at all, if he wanted to escape, it should be those members of the Scarlet Blood Gang who escaped.

There will indeed be a little trouble now, but it's only a little bit.

In the future, if those members of the Scarlet Blood Gang continue to make trouble for him, he will be happy to play with each other to see who can't hold on first.

"Ugh, I shouldn't have waited for the other party to come to me! The right way is to take the initiative.

It should be like the last time we dealt with that guy named Zhou Tianci, cover your face, go to the door, and kill them, so as to avoid future troubles, is the correct and optimal solution. "

Lin Li looked at the five members of the Red Blood Gang drifting away with the water in the river, and suddenly a flash of inspiration came to his mind.

"That's the decision, find someone to collect information on this gang called the Red Blood Gang, and then go to the door and ask them to get rid of it, so as to prevent future troubles.

Gangs with members who rob people like this, and gangs who send people to revenge after the event, are definitely not good things. If I take action to get rid of them, it can be regarded as doing justice for the heavens. "

Lin Li muttered, suddenly, something fell on his head.

"Tick, tick, tick..."

It's raindrops, it's raining, Lin Li raised his head and looked up to the sky, and saw many raindrops falling from the sky.

This rain was obviously going to be a very heavy rainstorm. He continued to stand on the bank of the river, and his whole body would get wet after a while. Lin Li turned around and ran towards where the carriage was.


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