Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 312: Ineffective ability, weeds need to be rooted out




The earth-shattering thunder, the whistling of the wind, and the collision of the branches and leaves of the trees blown by the wind, all kinds of sounds are intertwined to form a wonderful piece of music.

"Tread, step, step..."

Four strong men exuding psychic fluctuations drew short knives from their waists while rushing towards Lin Li.

"Two mid-level first-level players, one high-level first-level player, and one peak first-level player..."

There was no expression on Lin Li's face, he calmly sensed the spiritual energy fluctuations emanating from the four fierce and strong men rushing towards him, judging the level of their cultivation.

"The two scumbags yesterday were just ordinary people, I didn't expect that if I killed them casually, it would attract the revenge of these cultivated practitioners.

Although the guy who hasn't done anything yet is only exuding the first-stage spiritual energy fluctuations, but as the leader, his strength should be more than that. "

"Boy, suffer..."

The burly man rushing to the front shouted ferociously, and slashed at Lin Li with the short knife in his hand. Although he made an appearance that he wanted to kill Lin Li with one knife, in fact, the knife he swung was only aimed at Lin Li's arm. .

After all, their elder brother has already ordered to save this extremely arrogant guy with his life, and take him back to torture him with torture tools. They are younger brothers, of course they have to follow suit.



Two muffled sounds sounded suddenly, and two of the four strong men rushing towards Lin Li suddenly flew up and flew out backwards.

These two figures flying upside down were the two younger brothers with a mid-stage cultivation of the first stage rushing forward.

The sudden change made the remaining two enemies rushing towards Lin Li unprepared. They stopped subconsciously and looked back at the two companions who were instantly knocked into the air.



The two knocked-off enemies, who were only at the middle of the first level, fell heavily on the ground, with blood gushing out of their mouths. The chests where they were hit were all sunken.

Suffering such a serious injury, it is obvious that they will not survive, and within a few seconds, the two younger brothers with a mid-level first-level cultivation are dead.

"Peak of the first order?"

"No, if it's just the first-order peak cultivation base, it's impossible to have such a fast speed, and the strength he showed just now has obviously exceeded the strength limit of some peak practitioners."

The bald man with a big arm and a round waist who didn't make a move has a cultivation base of the first stage of the second stage. The moment he made a move on Lin Li just now, he sensed the spiritual energy fluctuations emanating from Lin Li's body.

However, he only sensed the fluctuating intensity of psionic energy at the peak of the first order, but the strength that Lin Li showed just now is obviously not the strength that a peak practitioner of the first order can have.

"Could it be because of the ability, this guy has awakened some kind of ability, so that he is obviously only a first-order peak practitioner, but he has a speed and strength far beyond what a first-order peak practitioner should have?"

Just when the bald man was wondering why Lin Li had the speed and strength that a peak practitioner of the first order should have.

His two younger brothers who hesitated for a moment continued to attack Lin Li.

"Bastard, you actually killed our two brothers again, die for me."

The younger brother with earrings on his ears had a good relationship with the two companions who were killed by Lin Li.

Facing the death of his two friends, his anger swelled to the extreme, and he swung the dagger in his hand, and slashed at Lin Li's neck.

Now because of his anger, he didn't care about his elder brother's order to save Lin Li's life.

Facing the attack of this enemy with a high level of cultivation, with Lin Li's current strength, naturally he would not be slashed in the neck by him.

He moved his feet and turned his body slightly, Lin Li easily dodged the fatal blow.


Lin Li, who easily escaped the enemy's attack, launched a counterattack, quickly stretched out his left hand, grabbed the opponent's wrist with the knife, then raised his right hand, clenching his fingers into a fist, and punched the enemy's chest.


A simple punch hit the chest of the younger brother who was wearing an earring, directly breaking his sternum.

The sound of bones breaking was clearly audible by everyone present.


The younger brother, who was wearing earrings on his ears whose sternum had been broken off, couldn't help but let out a shrill scream.

Before he could utter another scream, Lin Li's fists landed on him again.

"Bang, bang, bang."

With three punches in a row, the little brother who was wearing earrings was foaming at the mouth, rolled his eyes, and passed out on the spot.

"Bastard, let me go." The younger brother with a scar on his forehead saw his companion passed out from being beaten by Lin Li, and immediately rushed forward. This was to rescue his companion.

But when he had just uttered the words and before his body moved to catch up, he saw Lin Li kick the little brother who was wearing earrings to the side of the road.

The psychic energy fluctuations dissipated, and the breath of life on his body also disappeared. Obviously, Lin Li's last kick directly killed the younger brother with the earring on his ear.


He glanced at the kicked companion and fell to the ground without making any sound.

The younger brother with a first-order peak cultivation and a scar on his forehead turned his head and looked at Lin Li with a look of horror. At this moment, his body couldn't help shaking.

Fear filled his heart, and it was no wonder he had such a reaction.

Thinking about swapping identities, if he were to deal with the three dead companions alone, even if he could win with his peak strength at the first level, it would not be so easy.

It was impossible for Lin Lina to easily kill his three companions in less than half a minute.

Therefore, this young enemy with no expression on his face is definitely far superior to himself in strength.

"Second order?"

"Brother, is this guy a practitioner at the beginning of the second stage?"

Because there is no breakthrough to the second level, the mental power has not changed qualitatively, and it is impossible to perceive.

So the younger brother with a scar on his forehead could only seek out the older brother behind him who hadn't done anything yet to determine Lin Li's strength.

"At the peak of the first order, the fluctuation of spiritual energy emitted from him is only at the level of the peak of the first order." The gloomy bald man replied.

"How is it possible? If it is only the strength of the peak of the first order, it is impossible to breathe so easily..."

The little brother with a scar on his forehead couldn't help but shut his mouth before he finished speaking, because the young man who looked a little scary to him rushed towards him at this moment.

Looking at the current weather conditions, it was going to rain soon, Lin Li didn't want to get his clothes wet, so he decided to quickly get rid of these scumbags who came to him for revenge.

"It's so fast." The little brother with a scar on his forehead exclaimed in his heart, and then, having lost his fighting courage, he turned and ran away in a panic, and shouted to his bald man, "Brother, save me. "

"Bastard, stop me." Hearing the younger brother's call for help, the bald man immediately set out to rescue him, but his speed was obviously not as fast as Lin Li, so he could only activate his own awakening ability.

Ability 'sleep', activated immediately.

The ability to awaken the bald man can make targets within a 20-meter radius fall into a coma.

The weaker the person is, the easier it is to fall asleep immediately.

Practitioners who are at the same level of strength as him will be dizzy due to the effect of the supernatural power, resulting in a great reduction in speed and strength.

And if the target affected by the ability is stronger than him, it will not have any effect.

In the eyes of the bald man, although the strength Lin Li showed just now was stronger than the peak of the first level, no matter how strong he was, it was at most the early stage of the second level.

After all, at such a young age, it is absolutely impossible to cultivate to the middle of the second stage.

Since the upper limit of strength is the early stage of the second stage, which is the same level as myself, then using the awakened ability by myself will definitely weaken the opponent's speed and strength, and prevent the opponent from attacking my little brother.



A figure flew up into the air and hit a big tree by the side of the road. If the big tree wasn't old enough and its trunk was thick enough, it would have been smashed in half by such a fierce impact.


! ”

"what happened?!

! ”

"Why doesn't my ability have any effect on him?!

! ”

Mobilizing the spiritual energy in his dantian and using the awakened ability, the bald man looked at his younger brother who was knocked into the air by Lin Li, with a surprised expression on his face.

He originally thought that he could affect Lin Li by using his abilities, weakening his speed and strength, and then saving the fleeing brother.

But the reality was completely different from what he had imagined. The fleeing brother was still caught up by Lin Li, and then he was kicked by Fei.

As imagined, the situation where I used my ability to weaken the speed and strength of the opponent did not appear at all.


After being kicked away, the little brother with a scar on his forehead hit the big tree fiercely. After landing, a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, directly dyeing the delicate yellow flower in front of him red.

"Gene Era"

He didn't die, the guy who was kicked by Lin Li didn't die on the spot.

It's normal to think about it, after all, this guy is a cultivator with a first-order peak cultivation base, and his body's ability to resist attacks is much stronger than those three companions who have been killed by Lin Li.

Of course, he was kicked by Lin Li. Although he was not kicked to death on the spot, his internal organs were also seriously injured, and he had to receive treatment as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"It's not dead. I should have increased my strength just now." Seeing that the enemy who was hit by him did not die on the spot, Lin Li reflected on himself.

At this moment, the younger brother, whose spine was broken by a kick, and his internal organs were severely injured, with a scar on his forehead, blood was continuously gushing from his mouth, his body was completely paralyzed, and he couldn't move.

The severe pain stimulated his nerves, and he wanted to scream loudly, but because of the heavy trauma, his consciousness began to blur quickly, so he couldn't scream loudly.

"Big, big brother, save, save me..."

Only the younger brother with a scar on his forehead left Mohu conscious, muttering in his mouth, calling for his elder brother to save him.

The bald man looked at his younger brother's miserable condition, the veins on his forehead were bulging, and his face was flushed red.

Originally, what he exuded was the first stage of psionic energy fluctuations, but now because of the anger in his heart, he chose not to hide it anymore, and directly revealed his true strength.

The spiritual energy fluctuations increased rapidly, and in an instant, the spiritual energy fluctuations at the beginning of the second stage emanated from the bald man.


! ”

The furious bald man had just shown his true strength, but he saw that Lin Li didn't let his little brother who had only breath left go by.

"Bastard, you stop for me."

While drinking violently, he drew out the weapon at his waist and rushed up quickly.

Compared with the other four younger brothers, the weapons used by the bald man are much more advanced.

The four younger brothers only used weapons forged from ordinary materials. The bald man with the beginning of the second stage of cultivation used a spiritual weapon dagger forged from psionic materials.

Mobilize the spiritual energy in the dantian and inject it into the spiritual weapon dagger in his hand.

The dagger, which was already extremely sharp, immediately glowed with a golden aura after being infused with spiritual energy, and its sharpness increased by a notch.

There is a saying that if you cut the grass without eradicating the roots, it will regenerate when the spring breeze blows. Lin Li naturally has no idea of ​​being merciful when facing this kind of enemy who comes to kill him, and these guys are not good people in nature.

Seeing that the enemy who was kicked away by him was not killed on the spot, Lin Li reflected on the lack of strength he had just used, and immediately took action, wanting to go forward to make up the knife.

At this time, the last enemy who had been completely enraged came up to stop him. Facing such a situation, Lin Li chose to avoid it temporarily.

With both feet on the ground, he jumped backwards, lightly dodging the ferocious attack on his chest by the bald man wielding the spirit weapon dagger.

"Made, this guy is too fast, he can't catch up..."

The big bald man who swung the spirit weapon dagger continuously and launched more than a dozen attacks, but didn't even touch Lin Li's clothes, cursed angrily.

"You bastard, don't hide and hide all the time, and you don't hide it. Hurry up and show your true strength."

Cursing and swearing, the bald man slowly approached Lin Li. He wanted to shift the battlefield so that his little brother, who was on his last breath, would not be affected by the ensuing battle.

Lin Li knew that the bald man wanted to shift the battlefield away from his little brother.

He chuckled, moved to the side in coordination with the other party, and said something that made the bald man gnash his teeth, "You alone are not worthy of my full strength..."

"Made." Being ridiculed by the enemy face to face, this is the first time a bald man has joined the Red Blood Gang for more than ten years, and it is a great shame.

"I don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, I admit that I can't do anything about you, but our Red Blood Gang is not easy to mess with.

As long as I go back and tell our leader about you, you will surely die in the end, hahaha... eh? "

The big bald man who had just finished his harsh words, before he had time to be complacent, showed a startled expression on his face again, and then shouted at Lin Li.

"Do not……"

"You bastard, stop for me..."

Facing the threat from the bald man, Lin Li frowned slightly, then he raised his right hand, and a pale golden aura bloomed on his hand.

The cold air appeared out of thin air on the hand that was blooming with pale golden aura.

There was a creaking sound, and a half-meter-long sharp ice pick condensed into shape in the blink of an eye.

It's a pity that the current sun is blocked by dark clouds like ink, otherwise, this crystal clear and sharp ice cone will definitely reflect dazzling light under the golden sunlight.


After the ice cone condensed and formed, Lin Li immediately waved his hand.

A sharp ice pick exuding a cold air exploded out, and in the bald man's expression of wanting to crack his eyes but helpless, he precisely plunged into the ground lying on the ground, leaving only his last breath, with a scar on his forehead in the neck of my younger brother.


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