Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 314: Revenge, the grievances from a few years ago

The ability used by the bald man of the Red Blood Gang not only made the coachman and the girls in the carriage fall asleep, but even the horses pulling the cart fell asleep.

Lin Li came to the carriage, stretched out his hand and patted the horse's head, which immediately woke up the sleeping horse.


The awakened horse barked a few times and looked around blankly.

Lin Li boarded the carriage, and before getting into the carriage, he shook the driver a few times who was lying soundly asleep on the carriage.

"Huh?" The coachman who woke up sat up, like the horses pulling the cart, looked left and right with a blank expression, and then the blank look on his face was quickly washed away by the heavier rain up.

He took out the coir raincoat prepared on the cart and put it on, then waved the rein in his hand, signaling the horse to start.


The horse who received the order barked a few times, and immediately moved forward, pulling the carriage forward.

It also seemed to know that the rain would get heavier and heavier, and it had to go home quickly to avoid the rain, so the horse ran a lot faster.

The sound of the pattering rain became more and more dense, and the raindrops as big as beads formed a line, and along with the howling wind, they crackled and smashed on the windows of the carriage.

Strips of rain streaks appeared on the transparent glass, flowing along the window sill to the ground.

The wheels rolled and drove past small puddles, splashing water flowers one after another.

This heavy rain came very quickly, but it gave people enough preparation time to meet it.

When the carriage left the land under development and entered the lush neighborhood, there were almost no pedestrians on the road. Everyone knew that a heavy rainstorm was coming, and they all hid in shelters from the rain.

Lin Li sat on the bench, listened to the sound of the rain outside the car window, closed his eyes and rested his mind, thinking about who he should contact for information on the Red Blood Gang.

The girl who brought Lin Li to see the house this time was still sleeping soundly on the small table. Lin Li who entered the carriage did not wake the girl up, but let her continue to sleep.


A huge thunder sounded, and the bright silver-white lightning flashed, and then quickly opened branches and leaves, illuminating a large area of ​​the dark sky.

The girl who was sleeping soundly on the small table was awakened by the thunder. She raised her head, as if she didn't realize where she was.

It wasn't until the girl saw Lin Li with her eyes closed and rested that she realized that she was taking the client to see the house on the spot, and then returned to the place where she worked to sign the house purchase contract.


! ”

"Why did I suddenly fall asleep? It's really inappropriate. Mr. Lin won't be angry, right?" The girl who woke up couldn't help but think in her heart.

If Lin Li knew what she was thinking at this moment, he would definitely feel that this girl is really a very emotional person.

However, it is easy to be seen through the mind of a person who expresses all his happiness and worries on his face. Lin Li doesn't hate this kind of person.

Unlike a certain cunning woman on Blue Star, sometimes her emotions and anger are invisible, and she can't guess her mind at all, so don't deal with it very much.

"King Kong Is Not Bad Dazhai Master"

Lin Li noticed that the sleeping girl woke up, and opened his eyes to look at her.

At this moment, the girl had cleaned up the drowsiness on her face and sat upright.

Looking at the other party's appearance, it was obvious that he was the same as the driver who was driving the carriage outside. He didn't think too much about himself falling asleep suddenly, and he didn't know that he was used by a practitioner not long ago.

That's fine, the two of them don't know anything, but it's safe.

Seeing Lin Li looking at her, the girl said with a little embarrassment.

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry! I accidentally fell asleep just now..."

Lin Li said indifferently, "It's okay, it's human nature to feel sleepy after being too tired from work..."

He said this intentionally, and if the girl thought about why she fell asleep suddenly, she would follow Lin Li's guidance and think that she fell asleep because she was too tired from work.

Lin Li's guidance was very successful, the girl nodded in agreement when she heard what he said.

As a newcomer girl, during the two days she joined this real estate agency, she was learning from old employees while reading a lot of information. It was really tiring...

After a brief chat, Lin Li asked a question casually.

"Miss Wang, do you know anything about the Red Blood Gang?"

Although he felt that the girl in front of her with all her thoughts on her face might not know much about the Red Blood Gang, but Lin Li wanted to collect information about the Red Blood Gang earlier, so he tried to ask casually.

"The Red Blood Gang? I know! Mr. Lin, why are you asking this?"

The girl's answer was beyond Lin Li's expectation. He didn't expect the girl in front of him to know about the Red Blood Gang, and he thought differently.

"When I was drinking tea in the teahouse, I heard someone mention the Red Blood Gang, and I was a little curious." Lin Li made up a random reason.

"Mr. Lin, let me tell you! There are a lot of bad guys in the Scarlet Blood Gang, uh, it should be said that they are all bad guys. If we ordinary people meet them on the street, we'd better stay away from them immediately.

By the way, since you ask this question, you must not know how to identify members of the Red Blood Gang. Let me teach you how to identify their members! "The girl said very enthusiastically.

"The members of the Red Blood Gang will have a weird tattoo on the back of their hands, the pattern looks like a caterpillar, and their behavior is very rude, and they will swear at every turn.

So if you meet someone on the street who is very rude and has caterpillar tattoos on the back of his hand, you can basically be sure that he is a member of the Red Blood Gang. "


What is not a good choice for a tattoo pattern? Why choose a caterpillar?The members of the Red Blood Gang are really weird... Lin Li thought about it for a while.

The five members of the Red Blood Gang who were thrown into the river by him just now did have tattoos of caterpillar patterns on the backs of their hands.

Lin Li really couldn't understand why the Red Blood Gang chose such an ugly pattern as a symbol of membership.

Is it possible that the leader of the Red Blood Gang has a unique aesthetic?Very different. Think caterpillars are handsome and domineering?

The girl is a person who is not easy to hide what is in her heart. In other words, she may have been bullied by members of the Red Blood Gang before.

So when Lin Li asked about the Red Blood Gang, she immediately told all the things she knew about the Red Blood Gang.

"This gang formed by the gathering of bad guys is fine if it hasn't been sanctioned. Its behavior is still very arrogant. It can only be said that it is a feudal society." Listening to the girl's story about the Red Blood Gang, Lin Li thought in his heart I feel it.

"Mr. Lin, you must not have too much contact with the Red Blood Gang just because of curiosity!

I heard that there was a businessman who wanted to do business with the Red Blood Gang, but in the end, not only his money was swallowed by the Red Blood Gang, but he even lost his life. "The girl reminded.

"Thank you for your reminder. I was just curious and wanted to know about the Red Blood Gang. I never thought about contacting them or talking about business."

Lin Li thanked the girl for her kind reminder with a smile, and then asked with some doubts.

"Since the Red Blood Gang you mentioned has done a lot of bad things, doesn't the yamen have any idea of ​​eradicating them?"

The girl shook her head helplessly and said with a sigh.


"It's not that the yamen didn't think about eradicating the Red Blood Gang, but because there is no evidence, they can't do it, and ah! I heard..."

The girl paused for a moment, and then whispered to Lin Li, "I heard people say that there is someone behind the Red Blood Gang, and they are even big shots.

It is said that the people at the yamen once had the evidence of the Red Blood Gang's crimes and wanted to take action against the Red Blood Gang. As a result, the evidence that could prove the Red Blood Gang's crimes disappeared. "

Lin Li looked at the girl with a serious face and cautiously told the gossip he had heard, and suddenly came up with the idea of ​​making a little joke with the girl.

"Miss Wang, I didn't expect our Red Blood Gang to be so bad in your eyes."


! "When the girl heard Lin Li claiming to be a member of the Scarlet Blood Gang, she immediately let out an exclamation, covered her mouth with her hands, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

Seeing the flustered look on the girl's face, Lin Li knew that the joke was not good to continue, and immediately explained to the other party, "Sorry, I was joking with you, don't take it seriously..."

"Huh..." The girl let out a long breath, and immediately let go of her hanging heart. Lin Li's joke just now scared her quite badly.

After all, she told the story of the Red Blood Gang so vividly, so she naturally understood the small-bellied personality of the Red Blood Gang.

Although they are indeed bad, and they all admit it, if they know that there is a woman who speaks bad things about the Red Blood Gang behind their backs, there is a high probability that they will come to their door and have a 'kind' exchange.

"Miss Wang, just now I heard some things about the Red Blood Gang from you, and I have a better understanding of them.

They are so bad, if they know that you speak ill of them behind their backs, they will most likely cause trouble for you. In the future, you should not casually tell others about the Red Blood Gang, so as not to spread it to their ears. " Lin Li suggested.

"En." The girl nodded seriously, and then said bluntly.

"I know Mr. Lin, you are not a bad person, so you asked about the Red Blood Gang just now, so I told you everything I know about the Red Blood Gang."

Lin Li, who got a good person card by accident, smiled, and started chatting with the girl again, but this time he didn't talk about the Red Blood Gang, but talked about some light topics.

For example, what are the interesting places in Dongwu City that you can go to, or which restaurants are relatively famous and you can go there.


"Boom, boom, boom..."

Layer upon layer of dark clouds enveloped most of Dongwu City, and brilliant silver-white lightning flashed frequently in the pitch-black clouds.

Whenever there is such a downpour, the residents of Dongwu City will be very grateful. For more than ten years, the city owner has continuously renovated or newly built the drainage facilities of Dongwu City.

In the memory of many residents of Dongwu City, more than ten years ago, when the city lord did not come to Dongwu City to be the city lord.

Once there is a heavy rainstorm in Dongwu City, many places in the city will accumulate water due to the old and backward drainage facilities, and then flood a large area.

At the gate of the City Lord's Mansion in Dongwu City, there are two huge stone lions.

Inside the City Lord's Mansion, a tall, upright middle-aged man stood with his hands behind his back, standing in front of the window, looking up at the lightning and thunderous sky in the distance, frowning and thinking about something.

"Tread, step, step..."

A sound of hurried footsteps came from the corridor outside the door.

After a while, a man with a knife hanging from his waist came to the door of the study, clasped his fists in both hands, and shouted at the middle-aged man standing in front of the window in the study.

"Lord City Lord."

Li Dingtian, who was thinking about something, heard the voice from the door and turned around to look at the other party.

"Come in."

The man with the saber was allowed to enter the study.

"What happened to the matter that you were asked to investigate?" Li Dingtian came to his desk and sat down, asking.

"As the city lord guessed, there shouldn't be heavy rain this month, but the sudden rain the day before yesterday is indeed strange.

According to your instructions, Lord City Master, I took people to investigate and found that this unusual heavy rain was related to that strange beast. "The man with the knife looked at Li Dingtian with admiration and reported.

"Heh..." Li Dingtian chuckled, took a sip of tea from the teacup on the table, and then said with disdain.

"Since I defeated that strange beast more than ten years ago, I have been unwilling to accept it, but after it healed its wounds, it has been slow to move.

It has been dragged on for so many years, and it is only now that I have taken action. I want to see it. How do you want to get revenge this time?

If you just want to use the heavy rain to take revenge, that's really a joke. "

The man with the knife nodded and said with a smile, "The strange beast probably thought that our Dongwu City would be flooded due to heavy rain just like it was ten years ago. It's really ridiculous."

After his subordinates finished speaking, Li Dingtian thought for a while and said, "The heavy rain just ended the day before yesterday, and another one came the next day.

Although we have continued to renovate or build new drainage facilities for more than ten years, which has greatly improved the ability to withstand heavy rain, but if the strange beast continues to be unbridled, there will be problems if it is not maintained properly. "

"What does the city lord mean?" the man with the knife asked.

"It's not rude to come and go. Since that strange beast has endured it for so many years, and now it comes to take revenge on us, then we have to show it back." Li Dingtian said.

"Yes, this subordinate will arrange it."

"You don't need to act too hard, just let it understand that we already know that the torrential rain in Dongwu City was created by it."


The man with the saber nodded, then left the study and began to implement the strike plan.


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