Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 311: Sudden lethargy, incoming malice

The carriage arrived at the destination, and Lin Li wandered around the villa he had fancy.

This three-story villa facing south has a lot of rooms, and the area of ​​the villa's open-air balcony is indeed quite large as shown in the projection.

Because it was the first time for the girl to bring a customer to see a real house on site, when she introduced this house, she was a little stuttering.

After the girl introduced all the advantages of the house, her face did not show joy, but rather depression.

I thought to myself, the introduction I just made was really a failure, the customer in front of me will not buy this house because he is dissatisfied with his blunt introduction!

Because of the worries in her heart, the girl became a little worried.

Lin Li, who was looking at the house on the spot, didn't care about the girl's blunt introduction. After all, the most important thing is that he likes it. It doesn't matter whether other people's introduction is good or bad.

"This house is fine. I am more satisfied than the projected images." Standing on the third floor of the villa, Lin Li said with great satisfaction as he looked around on the open-air balcony with an area of ​​tens of square meters.

The girl's worried expression instantly became elated because of Lin Li's words.

"Miss Wang, I don't have much cash on me, can I pay with Lingshi?" Lin Li asked.

"Ah?" The girl didn't expect the customer in front of her to want to pay with Lingshi. She didn't realize it for a while, and was taken aback for a while.

"It's okay if you can't pay with Lingshi. I'll take some time and exchange some cash."

"Mr. Lin, we don't have a rule that we must accept cash, and it is also acceptable to pay with Lingshi." The girl said quickly, fearing that there would be trouble.

But the actual situation is just like what she said, it is indeed possible to directly use Lingshi as payment for buying a house to the housing agency. Of course, the premise is that the quality of Lingshi must be guaranteed, the spiritual energy contained in it is sufficient, and it has not been used before. .

Lin Li got the reply that he could use Lingshi to pay, and nodded with a smile. Next, she followed the girl back to the housing agency, signed the contract for buying the house, and got the title deed of the house. The house belonged to him.

The two came out of the villa and got into the carriage parked at the door.

The coachman then shook the reins in his hand and drove the carriage back to the housing agency.


In the guest room, Qin Muqing was lying on the bed, looking at the roof without focus, as if thinking about something.


A sudden thunderclap outside the window startled Qin Muqing.

Qin Muqing, who was lying on the bed, sat up, got out of bed, put on embroidered shoes, came to the window, and looked at the sky in the distance.

Outside the window, the already gloomy sky has now become pitch black.

From time to time, a flash of bright silver-white electric light flashed in the pitch-black clouds, like silver-white dragons walking through the clouds.



The wind was strong, and the trees on both sides of the street were shaken by the blown branches and leaves, making bursts of noise.

The refreshing cool wind blows head-on one after another, as if the hot summer is about to pass.

However, as the sudden cool wind became more and more fierce, the small vendors who set up stalls on the street suffered. This violent gust of wind seemed to overturn their stalls.

"It is going to rain."

"Hurry up and pack your things!"

"Looking at the situation, this shower will be very heavy, we have to hurry up."

"Oh, I still have clothes drying at home that have not been collected!"

"When is it, and you still think about the clothes at home? Hurry up and tidy up the things on the stall, don't wait for the rain to rain, and we will all get wet, and the loss will be great."

Amidst the noise of small vendors tidying up their stalls in a hurry, passers-by on the street also started to run fast, either to run home, or to find a nearby place where they could shelter from the rain.

"It's going to rain!" Qin Muqing muttered softly while leaning on the window sill with both hands, while watching the crowds constantly running on the street.


There was another series of huge thunderclaps, and the sky in the distance became more and more gloomy.

The pitch-black clouds continued to spread, covering a large area of ​​the city.

The rain hadn't come down yet, and the momentum at the front was really amazing, as if the whole sky was about to collapse.

"Tick, tick, tick..."

But for a moment, the rain that had been brewing for a long time fell from the sky. From the small raindrops at the beginning, it quickly turned into a torrential rain in the blink of an eye.

Soon, water accumulated on the street, and as time went by, the rain became heavier and heavier, as if someone filled a basin of water and poured it directly from the sky.

Qin Muqing stood in front of the window, looking at the small vendors on the street. Luckily, they packed up their stalls before the heavy rain fell. She looked away.

With strong wind and heavy rain, if the windows are not closed, the rain will continue to be brought into the guest room by the wind.

Qin Muqing closed the window, sat down at the table, picked up the kettle, and poured himself a cup of tea.

"Ah! He went out to buy a house, and he didn't bring a rain gear with him. If there is no place to hide from the sudden downpour, he will get completely soaked."

Qin Muqing suddenly thought of Lin Li who was going out, and felt a little worried and anxious.

Although she wanted to find Lin Li with her rain gear, she had just arrived in Dongwu City after all, and she was unfamiliar with the place, and she didn't know exactly where Lin Li went.

The only thing I can do now is to pray for Lin Li in my heart, hoping that he can find a place to hide from the rain before the heavy rain falls.


Lin Li's fancy house is located in a plot that is still under development in the east of the city. Apart from being backed by a hill, this plot also has a small river flowing in front of the plot.

Surrounded by mountains and rivers, the scenery is beautiful, and it is a treasure land of geomantic omen. Those who can buy a piece of land and build a house here are those with a little money.

Therefore, it is conceivable that after all houses are built on this land, the price of houses here will increase a little.

But Lin Li is not a speculator, he doesn't care how much the price of the house will increase in the future.


There was a sound of thunder, and the carriage driving on the street paved with bluestone slabs and bricks by the river, because of the sudden thunder, the horses pulling the carriage were startled, and the speed of the carriage suddenly slowed down.

The driver of the carriage was obviously an old driver. When encountering such a situation, he unhurriedly pulled the rein in his hand and shouted some words of comfort to the horse.

The horse, who was frightened by the thunder, quickly calmed down when he heard the coachman's words of comfort.

This deal is about to be concluded, the girl with a joyful smile on her face was shocked when she heard the thunder outside, just like the horse that was frightened by the thunder, but she soon Calm down.

"There's a lot of thunder. It looks like it's going to rain soon." The girl said while raising her hand to pat her chest.

Lin Li looked out through the glass windows of the carriage, and watched the weather outside, feeling as though black clouds were overwhelming the city.

"Yeah! It's going to rain. Look at the weather changes. It will rain a lot later."

"There was just a heavy rainstorm the day before yesterday. I didn't expect it to fall again a day later. In previous years, there would not be such a heavy rainstorm this month. It's really strange..."

Lin Li was not an aborigine of Dongwu City, so he naturally didn't know how it rained in Dongwu City at this time of year, so he just quietly listened to what the girl said, nodded with a smile, and didn't interrupt.

The place where the house that Lin Li is about to buy is located is some distance away from the real estate agency. It will take more than half an hour to reach the destination by carriage.

Just when he was about to close his eyes and meditate, the girl in front of him, who was in good spirits, suddenly yawned, then looked sleepy, shook her body a few times, leaned forward, and lay on her stomach. He fell asleep on the small table in front of him.

"Uh, what's going on, why did you suddenly fall asleep?

Isn't it good to just sleep on the table in front of customers? "

Lin Li looked at the sleeping girl, thinking that the girl was too tired, so she couldn't help but sleep on the table in front of her.

And his thoughts were quickly shattered, because the carriage he was riding in stopped, and then there was a sound of an object falling and falling on the wooden board outside.


"This is... psionic fluctuations..."

Lin Li heard the sound of someone falling outside the curtain, and the girl suddenly fell asleep on the table, and immediately felt that something was wrong.

He unfolded his perception and found that spiritual energy fluctuations appeared not far from him.

Moreover, there is not only one spiritual wave that appears, there are five in total.

By the river, on a street paved with bluestone bricks, lined with green trees, there were five tall, menacing men, wearing linen shorts and exuding psychic fluctuations, looking at them with malicious intent. carriage.

The curtain is lifted.

A young man, only in his early 21s and early [-]s, with thin skin and tender flesh, walked out of the carriage.

He first glanced at the fallen coachman, and then at the tall men exuding spiritual energy fluctuations.

"Brother, that kid is out."

"He's not afraid of us, this kid is quite courageous!"

"Let's hurry up!"

"Yes, we have to hurry up. Although this place has not been developed yet, except for some workers who build houses, there are very few ordinary people who come here, but if we don't make sure, someone will just pass by and see us."

When several strong men saw Lin Li coming out of the carriage, they didn't hide anything and said to their leading brother directly in front of Lin Li.

The stout, big-armed, bald-headed man took his four younger brothers and spent a lot of time tracking him down. He finally found a suitable place to attack, but he kept in mind his leader's instructions, and did not immediately order to attack Lin Li.

"Yesterday evening, in the alley of Yangquan Street, two masked robbers were robbed. In the end, the two masked robbers were beaten to death. You did it, right?"

The bald man with big shoulders and round waist fixed his eyes on Lin Li, noticed the change of expression on his face, and asked.

Lin Li came out of the carriage, and saw the same situation with the comatose driver and the sleeping girl in the carriage.

It was known that these two people should have been given some kind of supernatural power by the five malicious practitioners in front of them, which caused them to appear in such a drowsy state.

As long as people are fine, this kind of drowsy ability should be time-sensitive, and they will wake up after a while.

If these two innocent strangers were injured or injured because of these few practitioners who were clearly looking for trouble for him, Lin Li would blame himself very much.

Lin Li breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that the two of them had just passed out and that their lives were not in danger. At this moment, he heard the bald man with a big waist asking himself again.

He immediately understood why these five practitioners came to find him.

"Tsk, it turns out that these guys came to seek revenge on me because of those two dead scumbags yesterday..."

Lin Li clicked his tongue, and didn't deny what he did yesterday, and said straightforwardly to the bald man who asked the question.

"That's right, I did it. I was going home yesterday evening, but I ran into those two scumbags who robbed a woman who had no power to restrain her, and used a knife to kill her. I can't see it. , and disposed of them."

The bald man with big arms and round waist and his four younger brothers all showed shocked and angry expressions when they heard Lin Li admit the fact of killing their brother so lightly.

Originally, when encountering such a question, shouldn't normal people deny it first?Then under their siege, they captured the person in front of them, tortured them severely, and finally admitted what they had done.

The script should be like this, but the young man in front of him didn't follow the script.

Lin Li jumped out of the carriage and asked in a flat tone as he walked slowly towards the five malicious enemies.

"Are you here to avenge those two scumbags? Judging by the expressions on your faces now, I think so.

Can you tell me, how on earth did you know that I killed those two scumbags?I'm curious, there should be no other witnesses at the scene yesterday? "

"It's so arrogant, big brother, this guy has already admitted it, let's do it!" A younger brother with earrings on his ears had never met such an arrogant guy after joining the Red Blood Gang, and he was so angry with a few words Blood welling up, he shouted angrily.

"Yeah, brother, let's do it quickly! I can't help but want to break this guy's hands and feet, and I can hear his wailing and begging for mercy before he dies..." Another younger brother with a scar on his forehead Said fiercely.


Thunder exploded in the pitch-black clouds, covering up the vicious words of the younger brothers.

This time seeking revenge, as the leader, the bald man with big arms and round waist, he couldn't help but want to do something to this extremely arrogant young man in front of him without his little brother reminding him.

"Give it to me, don't beat him to death, I want to take him back and let him enjoy my latest torture device."

Following the order from the bald man, the four younger brothers who couldn't bear it any longer rushed towards the expressionless Lin Li together.


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