Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 310: Holographic Projection in Another World

Today, the weather in Dongwu City in the spiritual world is not very good, it is gloomy.

"Tsk, depending on the weather, it might be raining!" Lin Li walked out of the inn, looked up at the gloomy sky, and said to himself.

In the distance, there were five strong men with tattoos on the back of their hands standing on the side of the street, watching Lin Li coming out of the inn, they were talking in low voices.

"Aged in his twenties, with short hair, thin skin and tender flesh, scholarly temperament, wearing gray clothes, which is still an uncommon style..."

"Brother, the description of the murderer's appearance in the letter is very consistent with this person, and it should be that person."

"He's in the carriage, let's catch up quickly, don't let him run away."

The bald man with big arms and round waist glanced at the letter in his hand, and then turned his gaze to the young man who boarded the carriage in the distance.


After finishing speaking, he stuffed the letter in his pocket, and then took his four younger brothers to board the carriage beside him, and followed the departing carriage in the distance.

Lin Li stopped a carriage at the entrance of the inn, and asked the driver where to find an intermediary if he wanted to buy a house.

"Sir, are you looking for a real estate agent?"

"Well, master, do you know a reliable real estate agent? If you know one, can you introduce it to me?"

"Okay, I'll take you to a real estate agency with a good reputation, get in the car!"

Lin Li boarded the carriage, chatted with the coachman, and let him take him to the location of a real estate agency with a very good reputation that he said.

When the carriage traveled a certain distance, a carriage followed. The carriage did not speed up and approach the carriage that Lin Li was riding in, but followed at a distance.

Lin Li, who was chatting with the coachman, did not realize that he was being followed. After all, there were many carriages coming and going on the street, so even if he was being followed, it would not be easy to spot.



Pulling the rein in his hand, the horses pulling the cart stopped. The coachman parked the car on the side of the road and said to the passengers in the car.

"Sir, the place is here."

Lin Li got off the carriage, and after paying the fare, he walked to the real estate agency ahead.

The real estate agency that the driver introduced was bigger than Lin Li imagined, which can be seen from the area of ​​the whole real estate agency.

The building covers an area of ​​more than [-] square meters, which is at least twice the size of some surrounding shops. In addition, there are guards standing guard at the door, giving people a feeling that this real estate agency is quite powerful after just one glance. .

The fact is exactly the same. According to the previous coachman, this real estate agency is owned by a certain adult and has a lot of very good houses in hand.

Maybe it's because of the early morning!There are no customers in the real estate agency.

The employees at work sit idly at their workstations, or flip through the materials in their hands, or chat quietly.

When Lin Li walked into the lobby of this real estate agency, all the employees present immediately cast their eyes on Lin Li.

These staff members just looked Lin Li up and down a few times, and then turned their eyes away.

However, because Lin Li was wearing plain gray linen clothes and his young age, these experienced staff, through simple observation, concluded that this was a passerby looking casually, not a potential customer.

It feels like the real estate agents in this world, except that they don't make calls to clients, in other respects, give people a feeling similar to the real estate agents on Blue Star... Lin Li looked at these real estate agents in another world, and muttered in his heart.

"Hello, sir, what do you need?" A young girl, maybe only seventeen or eighteen years old, came to Lin Li and asked in a low voice.

This young girl is a newcomer, she saw Lin Li looking around for a few minutes, but no one came forward to greet her, so she took the initiative to come forward to say hello.

Lin Li was comparing real estate agencies in two different worlds, when he suddenly heard someone greet him, he turned his head to look at him.

"I want to buy a house, can you please introduce it to me?"


! "When the old employee in the distance heard Lin Li telling the girl that he wanted to buy a house, he was stunned for a moment, thinking, shouldn't this guest say that he just took a look and called you again if necessary?

When the girl heard Lin Li say that she was going to buy a house, as a newcomer, she had an obviously excited expression on her face, which made it obvious at a glance.

"Sir, please come with me." The girl, who couldn't hide her excitement, hurriedly beckoned Lin Li to follow her.

Lin Li looked at the girl's clumsy appearance, just smiled silently, and then silently followed behind her.

In the room dedicated to entertaining guests, the girl invited Lin Li to sit down and poured him a cup of tea.

After seeing Lin Li drinking tea, the girl handed Lin Li a picture album and asked, "What's your name, sir?"

"My surname is Lin."

"Mr. Lin, my surname is Wang. You can just call me Xiao Wang. The houses in this album are all recently collected by us. You can take a look and see if you like..."

"En." Lin Li nodded, and then opened the album in his hand.

nice!The houses in the picture album are all very delicately drawn, obviously drawn by a special artist, but...

The girl who had been paying attention to the expression on Lin Li's face saw Lin Li's frown suddenly, and her joyful mood suddenly sank.

Lin Li flipped through the picture album in his hand quickly, without saying a word the whole time. After he finished reading the picture book, the girl immediately asked in a low voice.

"Mr. Lin, don't you like any of these houses?"

Lin Li nodded, a look of disappointment flashed in the girl's eyes, and she thought to herself, this deal is dead.

But just when the girl thought that Lin Li was about to get up and leave, she heard Lin Li asking herself.

"Miss Wang, the houses in your picture album only cover an area of ​​more than 100 square meters, and they are all the ones without yards.

Do you have a house with a larger area and a yard? "

When the girl heard Lin Li's inquiry, her disappointment rekindled hope. She didn't expect that the guest in front of her thought the house was too small. You know, every house in this album is not cheap.

Now the client said that he needs a bigger house, but he still wants the one with a yard, and the price must be more expensive.

In the end, if the transaction can be completed, as a newcomer who has just joined the company not long ago, she will not only get a generous commission, but also be appreciated by her boss.

"Yes, Mr. Lin, please wait a moment, I will go back as soon as I go."

After the girl finished speaking, she immediately stood up and left the room.

After a while, the girl who went back and forth came back with another picture album in her hand.

The exquisite workmanship of this album is much better than the one Lin Li read before.

"Lin Xian, this album is full of houses with yards, please take a look."

Lin Li was about to reach out to take the album, but he found that the girl was holding the album, and she didn't intend to give it to him.

What's the meaning?Didn't you tell me to take a look?If you don't give me the picture album, how can I see it?

Just when Lin Li was puzzled, the girl's next operation caused a surprised expression on his face.

I saw the girl caressing the exquisitely crafted album with her right hand, and a golden aura flashed across the girl's fingertips.

Afterwards, the entire picture album glowed with a pale golden aura, which lasted for about two or three seconds before the aura dissipated.

At this time, the girl stretched out her hand to open the picture book, and the pages showed a house with a yard, projected in mid-air like a holographic projection, clearly displayed in front of Lin Li's eyes.

"Mr. Lin, this house covers an area of ​​23 square meters and has a yard. The house is [-] years old..."

The girl who had just joined the job as an intermediary did not notice the surprised expression on Lin Li's face, but introduced the image of the house projected in mid-air with a serious face.

Lin Li looked at the projection of the house in front of him, and said to himself.

"It's still possible. The real estate agents in another world use this method to introduce houses to guests, which is much more interesting than those real estate agents on Blue Star who introduce them through photos or videos."

The girl who devoted herself to introducing Lin Li, every time she flipped through the picture book in her hand to a new page, a new house projection would be projected in mid-air.

The further back the houses included in this picture album, the larger the area. When the girl turned to the last page, the projected house projection covers an area of ​​hundreds of acres, with pavilions, towers and pavilions. It can be said to be Very luxurious.

Although Lin Li thinks that the last house in this album covers an area of ​​more than [-] acres is very beautiful, and he likes it very much.

However, such a magnificent house is obviously not something he can afford with his current financial resources.

The girl introduced all the houses in the album to Lin Li without stopping, and her mouth was dry.

However, she didn't care about drinking water anymore. After introducing all the houses, she seemed very inexperienced, and couldn't wait to ask Lin Li after listening to her introduction.

"Mr. Lin, is there any house you like in this album?"

"Yes." Lin Li didn't mince words with the girl, nodded with a smile, and said bluntly that he had a fancy house, "I really like the house numbered 25..."

The girl smiled when she received Lin Li's accurate answer.

She quickly flipped through the album in her hand, and found out the house Lin Li was talking about.

The house that Lin Li had his eyes on was located in the east of the city. Its architectural style was not a traditional quadrangle, but a three-story villa built of red bricks with a large open-air balcony.

This rare architectural style was passed down from the imperial capital, and now many people in Dongwu City have begun to build houses of this style.

Whether it is Blue Star or Spirit World, there is this trend of catching up with the trend.

The imperial capital is the fashion vane of the country, and when it is popular to build houses of this style in the imperial capital, this style will gradually emerge in other cities.

The reason why Lin Li chose this kind of house, which is similar to the small villas on Blue Star, is not that he doesn't like the style of courtyard houses.

It's just that the ancient courtyards he saw occupied a very large area, and there were many winding corridors.

Since he doesn't want to hire too many nannies at home, he thinks it's better to buy a small villa that can be seen at a glance.

However, the villa Lin Li chose covers an area that is not too small. Not to mention the yard, there are also gardens, ponds and stables. The total area is more than 3000 square meters, about 5 mu of land.

"How much is this house?" Lin Li looked at his favorite house and asked the girl.

"This house was just repaired in the new year, and the owner's family has not yet moved in. Because of the urgent need for money, the house was entrusted to us for sale.

He didn't want to sell the house cheap because it was well decorated and furnished, and the listing price was 500 million copper coins. "

The location of the house is not bad, with gardens, ponds and stables, covering an area of ​​5 acres, only 500 million copper coins, cheaper than I imagined...

Lin Li did some calculations, but he didn't expect that the house he was looking at could be won with only a hundred spirit stones, and he thought it was cheap.

"First Evolution"

"Mr. Lin, this price is actually quite good. If the owner didn't need money urgently, the house would cost at least 600 million copper coins." Seeing that Lin Li didn't speak after listening to his offer, the girl said nervously.

Lin Li said with a smile, "The price is really not bad. Can you please take me to see the actual condition of the house? If it looks similar to the projection, I will buy it."

"Okay, I'll take you to see the house." The girl thought that the transaction was almost half successful, and she was very happy. She nodded, then got up and took Lin Li to the house to check it out.

Coming out of the room, a group of old employees in the hall immediately cast their eyes on the two of them.

The girl with a smile on her face took Lin Li to meet her boss, and applied to see the house on site.

The girl's boss was a middle-aged man in his 40s. Hearing that the girl said that Lin Li had taken a fancy to the house worth 500 million copper coins, he gave Lin Li a slightly surprised look.

After all, he was an experienced old fritter. The surprised expression on his face flashed, and then he was full of smiles. He enthusiastically sent Lin Li and the girl to the gate, and watched the two get into the carriage arranged by the real estate agency.

When Lin Li and the girls left the housing agency in a carriage and headed for the house, the housing agency immediately became noisy.

"I didn't expect that! That young man turned out to be a big client."

"Where is this going? There is still a long way to go before success!"

"That's right, that young man is wearing such cheap clothes, and he doesn't bring a few servants with him. He doesn't look like a young master from a rich family. He is just a joker."

"No way? If it's someone who makes fun of you, then you deserve a beating."

There were more and more unfriendly voices, until the middle-aged man who sent Lin Li and the girl away just now coughed, and these people who were a little unstable due to jealousy closed their mouths.

Then, they absent-mindedly went about their work.

In this situation, if the girl's business is successfully completed.

As a newcomer who completed a deal within two days after joining, the girl broke the record of selling a house the fastest when a newcomer entered the job.

And because of breaking the record, in addition to the commission the girl got from selling the house, she also had an extra reward, which was a personal reward from the shopkeeper who managed the real estate agency.

Being rewarded by the shopkeeper will make it easier to be promoted in the future. This is what the old employees are most envious of.


ps: Thanks to "book friend 161207235030183" for the 100-point reward.

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