Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 309: This is a matter of face and must be taken seriously

The spiritual world, Dongwu City.

Early in the morning, on the pier beside a river that runs through Dongwu City, many people were already busy.

Workers in linen blouses and wet towels dangling around their necks unloaded goods from a cargo ship docked at the pier.

Although the sun had just risen from the sky, the temperature in the morning was not very hot, but the workers who carried the goods back and forth from the cargo ship were already sweating profusely.

"Don't be lazy, give me quick hands and feet. After a while, another cargo ship will arrive. Hurry up and unload this cargo."

Although the sweaty workers were not lazy, the supervisors who were in charge of monitoring them still felt that the working efficiency of the workers had not reached their limit, so they kept urging them.

If you look at the dozen or so supervisors on the pier who are urging the workers to work, you will find that each of these people has a tattoo on the back of their hand.

These supervisors are members of the Red Blood Gang, and this dock is the property of the Red Blood Gang.

Not far from the pier, there are warehouses built, which are used to temporarily store the goods unloaded from the ship.

And a little behind these large and small warehouses, there is an open space on which many brand new houses are built. These houses are the residences of members of the Red Blood Gang.

Compared with the residences of the members of the Bluestone Gang, the residences of the members of the Red Blood Gang are obviously much better.

It is precisely because the Red Blood Gang has a dock that earns a lot of money every day, so it is richer than the Bluestone Gang, and it spends more money on welfare for its members.

At this moment, many people gathered in the meeting hall of the Scarlet Blood Gang.

Sitting on the main seat is a kind-faced middle-aged man in his 40s, 1.9 meters tall, slightly fat, with a protruding lower abdomen, wearing loose clothes,

This fat, tall, middle-aged man is the leader of the Scarlet Blood Gang, named Hong Jiu. Despite his kind face and good-natured appearance, he is actually a ruthless character.

"Do you know who did it?" Hong Jiu, who was sitting on the grand teacher's chair, looked at the two corpses of you lying on the ground without moving, and their faces were covered with cloth, and asked in a tone without any emotion.

All the small leaders of the Red Blood Gang in the meeting hall glanced at each other, but none of them answered their leader's question.

The two members died in an alley, and they were discovered by passers-by.

After a passer-by reported to the official, the yamen knew that they were members of the Red Blood Gang, and they only regarded it as a fight between the gangs. Seeing that no innocent civilian casualties were caused, they were not very willing to pay attention to it, and directly asked the Red Blood Gang to lead it. go back.

"Ask you guys! Are you all dumb?" Seeing that no one answered his question, Hong Jiu's tone became a little more serious, and he emitted stressful spiritual energy fluctuations.

The little leader in the conference hall heard Hong Jiu's tone getting worse, and knew that his boss's anger was rising rapidly, and if he didn't speak up again, he would definitely be scolded.

Early in the morning, everyone didn't want to be scolded, so the little bosses turned their attention to the man sitting on the chair on Hong Jiu's right.

This man is in his 30s, with a medium build, a square face, and a bookish aura on his body, which seems out of place with other people in the meeting hall.

This person's name is Fang Jingtang, and he was a scholar before joining the Red Blood Gang.

Although he is not as good as anyone present in terms of force, but his management ability and accounting ability are very strong. He manages the Scarlet Blood Gang in an orderly manner and calculates the daily accounts clearly. He is a rare talent.

As the leader of the Scarlet Blood Gang, Hong Jiu has no shortage of thugs, so he attaches great importance to talents like Fang Jingtang, and will ask Fang Jingtang for his views and opinions on many issues.

Moreover, when Hong Jiu was about to get angry, Fang Tangjing also became the little bosses of the Scarlet Blood Gang who were going to be scolded, and the only person who needed help. Only he could calm down the angry gang leaders.


Just as Hong Jiu's anger kept rising, Fang Jingtang coughed lightly after receiving the look of asking for help.

Then, he turned his head to look at Hong Jiu, who was about to lose his temper, and said, "Master, calm down first, as there are no witnesses, it will take some time to investigate before we can find the murderer.

You give them a little time, they will be able to find the murderer. "

When the little bosses heard Fang Jingtang's words, they immediately echoed, "Guangzhu, please give us a little time, even if we dig three feet, we will find the guy who killed our brother."

"Okay, I'll give you three days. Regardless of life or death, you must find out the bastard who humiliated our Red Blood Gang." Hong Jiu said, suppressing the anger in his heart.

He hadn't been this angry for more than ten years. Ever since he defeated a rival gang that was fighting for this pier with him ten years ago, no one dared to mess with them again.

Now, someone dared to break ground on Tai Sui's head and killed two members of the Red Blood Gang at once. This was like slapping Hong Jiu in the face.

In fact, Hong Jiu didn't care about the life and death of the two young men.

What he cares more about is that people from other gangs will laugh at him after this matter spreads.

It is a joke to say that the members of the dignified Red Blood Gang were murdered for no apparent reason, and even the murderer did not know who it was.

"Yes, within three days, we will definitely find the murderer..." The little leaders of the Scarlet Blood Gang nodded and agreed in unison.

They are all thinking in their hearts at this moment, after this meeting is over, they will immediately send out their younger brothers to investigate with all their strength who killed the members of their gang.

After Hong Jiu explained the matter, he waved his hand and said, "The meeting is over."

And just as the small leaders of the Scarlet Blood Gang were about to leave the conference hall, a gang boy approached the conference hall to report.

"To the leader of the gang, on the way to go to the bathroom, I found a letter, which said that this letter was written to the leader of the gang..."

While speaking, the younger brother showed a letter in his hand to everyone present, and it was indeed written "Accepted by Gang Leader Hong" on the envelope.

But the writing on the envelope is too ugly, crooked, and the person who wrote the writing is an uneducated person.

Of course, Hong Jiu and Fang Jingtang were the only educated people present, and the others were uneducated, so apart from the two of them, the other little bosses didn't feel ugly when they saw the crooked words on the envelope.

Generally, Hong Jiu would not take the initiative to contact such letters from unknown sources.

"Bring it to me and have a look." Without Hong Jiu's signal, Fang Jingtang took the initiative to greet the little brother.

After Fang Jingtang got the letter, he opened it in front of everyone, took out the letter paper inside, and quickly browsed through it.


! ”

There was not much content on the letter paper, and Fang Jingtang read it all in a short while. After reading the content of the letter, he couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise.

"What's wrong?" Hong Jiu asked, "What's written on it?"

"Master, the person who wrote the letter claimed that he accidentally witnessed the whole process of the murderer killing our people. He knows where the murderer lives now, and wrote the murderer's address on the letter." Fang Jingtang said.

"What? There's still such a thing?" The little bosses originally thought that after the meeting was over, they would send their younger brothers to find the murderer. Unexpectedly, someone came to the door to inform them, which surprised them very much.

"Bring it to me." Hong Jiu stretched out his hand to take the letter paper handed over by Fang Jingtang, and looked at the writing on it. It was crooked and ugly.

After he finished reading, he passed the letter in his hand to others for circulation.

"What a meddlesome guy, I'm going to screw his head off." A short-tempered little leader of the Red Blood Gang cursed after reading the contents of the letter.

The other little bosses immediately followed suit, and for a while, the quiet meeting hall was filled with obscenities.

Hong Jiu frowned, raised his right hand, and signaled his subordinates to be quieter.

Seeing the movement of their leader's hand, the little bosses immediately shut their mouths, but the anger on their faces did not subside.

In their view, didn't their two brothers just rob a woman?What's the big deal? How dare you beat them to death?

"Mr. Fang, what do you think of the contents of this letter?" Hong Jiu asked Fang Jingtang.

He didn't immediately believe a letter from an unknown source. After all, he had been on the road for so many years and finally survived. With his current achievements, he is not a reckless person.

"Boss, the authenticity of this letter cannot be judged. However, since the murderer's address has been specified in this letter, we can send someone to check it. It won't take much time anyway," Fang Jingtang said.

"En." Hong Jiu nodded, and that was exactly what he meant, so he glanced at his subordinates, without him needing to speak, those little bosses with angry faces rushed to recommend themselves one by one.

"Master, leave this matter to me! Let me go to that guy to check."

"Let me do it, I haven't moved my hands and feet for a while, and my hands are very itchy."

"Let me do it! I haven't moved my hands and feet for a longer time than you."

"Stop arguing, let me handle this matter, after all, these two dead brothers are under my command."

All eyes were on the big bald man sitting in the corner of the conference hall.

This bald-headed man is stout, with big arms and a round waist, and his eyes are bloodshot. He obviously didn't sleep well last night.

At this moment, with a gloomy expression on his face, he looked at the two dead men lying on the floor of the conference hall.

The little bosses originally wanted to compete to show off in front of the gang leader, but now they are all quiet.

After all, people have said that the deceased belonged to him, so it is obviously the most reasonable to entrust this matter to him. It would be embarrassing for other people to fight for something.

"Okay, I will leave this matter to you, remember, you have to confirm that the other party is indeed the murderer before doing it.

Also, judging from the injuries on their bodies, the murderer is a cultivator with a certain level of cultivation, take some good hands with you..." Hong Jiu said.

"Yes, leader." The bald man with a big waist and round waist nodded, showing some spiritual energy fluctuations on his body.

Hong Jiu saw that Fang Jingtang seemed to have something to say, so he said, "Mr. Fang, do you have anything to explain?"

"After confirming that the other party is the murderer, don't do it in a crowded place. After all, Zhou Tianci, the son of the Zhou family, was beaten up in the street before, and the thug has not been found until now, causing a big disturbance.

Now the yamen has sent us a message to keep ourselves safe for a month, so if you do something in public, it will be very disadvantageous to us. "Fang Jingtang reminded.

"Did you hear? Mr. Fang's reminder to keep in mind, don't act impulsively in front of passers-by." Hong Jiu said to the bald man with big arms and round waist.

"Clan leader, Mr. Fang, please don't worry, I will keep this matter in mind, and I won't cause trouble for the gang, and let people from the yamen come to the door." The bald man with a big waist and round waist replied seriously.

Afterwards, everyone who attended the meeting left the meeting hall.

After the bald man with big shoulders and round waist came out of the conference hall, he immediately summoned several younger brothers with cultivation, and then headed towards the inn where the suspected murderer was staying.

Behind a big tree with luxuriant branches on the street, a tall bald man came out from behind the big tree.

He looked at the bald-headed man with a big waist and round waist, leading his little brother in the direction of departure, with an expression on his face that he was enjoying the show.

Then, after thinking about it, he decided to go back first and tell his elder brother about it.


In an inn in the east of the city, a figure appeared in the guest room out of thin air.

Lin Li, who was wearing a gray exercise suit, took off the sunglasses on his face and put them into the mysterious island.

Walking out of the guest room, Lin Li came to the door of the next room and knocked on the door.

"Winter Dongdong."

Not long after the knock on the door, there was a sound of footsteps coming from the guest room.

"Who is it!"

When the woman in the guest room came to the door, she didn't open the door right away, but asked cautiously.

Lin Li could understand Qin Muqing's cautiousness. After all, he had encountered such a dangerous robbery before, and normal people would have such a reaction.

"it's me."

Hearing the familiar voice, Qin Muqing quickly pulled the latch and opened the door.


After opening the door, Qin Muqing hurriedly stepped aside and invited Lin Li into the room.

"I won't go in. I came to you to tell you something. I'm going out to find a house." Lin Li said.

"En." Qin Muqing nodded.

Lin Li looked at this ordinary-looking, honest woman, and asked, "Have you had breakfast?"

"Not yet!" Qin Muqing said in a low voice.

"It's already ordered, haven't you eaten yet? You must have been up for a while, right?"


"..." Lin Li was silent for a few seconds, thinking that this woman must be embarrassed to ask the waiter to order food.


Lin Li sighed in his heart, "Didn't I tell you yesterday? For dinner or something, you can just call the waiter.

Remember, you can work hard only when you are full. After I found a house, there are a lot of housework for you to do at home, so you have to eat well.

Moreover, it's time to eat, don't save me, I'm not short of that little money. "

"En." Qin Muqing nodded.

Lin Li saw that this honest and dull woman seemed to have listened to his words, so he stopped nagging, and left a sentence that he would ask the waiter to bring her a breakfast later, and then left.

The honest and dull woman looked back at the departing Lin Li who disappeared at the top of the stairs.

After closing the door, the woman's honest and dull appearance disappeared in an instant, and her eyes were filled with vivid colors.


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