Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 308: Psychic energy enters the body, mutation


The little black cat and the little white cat tilted their heads, looked at Zhou Tongtong whose face turned pale with fright, and let out a suspicious cry.

They didn't know why this human cub showed such a frightened expression. This big rat is delicious food!

In order to thank Zhou Tongtong, the two little wild cats gave them such delicious beef yesterday.

Early in the morning, they began to look around, catching this delicious food before Zhou Tongtong came to look for them, and gave it to each other as a gift.

"Hurry up and take this big mouse away." Zhou Tongtong shouted, his face turned pale from fright.

"Meow..." The little black cat and the little white cat looked at each other. Then, the little black cat picked up the big mouse, ran into the green belt, put the big mouse under the big tree, and then returned to the original place.

Zhou Tongtong saw the little black cat take the big mouse away and put it in a place where he couldn't see clearly. His little face, which was so frightened, gradually returned to its original ruddy complexion.

"Meow...why are you so scared? That food is delicious." The two little wild cats asked Zhou Tongtong in confusion.

"Huh..." Zhou Tongtong, who took a long breath, was patting her chest with her small hands, and when she heard the two kittens questioning, she held the small basin in one hand and put one hand on her hips, and said in a breathless voice.

"I'm not a cat, and I don't eat big mice. Don't catch big mice for me in the future, otherwise, I will ignore you."

"Meow...we just want to give you a gift! I don't know you don't like big mice." The two little wild cats said aggrievedly.

Seeing the two little wild cats looking at her with aggrieved eyes, Zhou Tongtong raised her hand and scratched her head.

Then, she came to the two little wild cats, put the small pot of beef in her hand on the ground, stretched out her two white and tender hands, and stroked their little heads.

"I'm sorry, I spoke too harshly just now, thank you for your kindness, remember, I'm different from you, I don't eat big rats, don't give me big rats in the future."

"Meow..." The two little wild cats nodded, thinking to themselves, since Zhou Tongtong doesn't like big mice, what gift should I give her?

Obviously the big mouse is a very good gift, but unfortunately she doesn't like it, it's so difficult!

Just when the two little wild cats were struggling with what gift to give Zhou Tongtong, there was a tempting fragrance in the air.

"Meow... that delicious beef again."

"Hee hee, you must be hungry, this time I brought you your favorite beef, eat it quickly!" Seeing the two little wild cats looking like they were about to drool, Zhou Tongtong greeted them for dinner .

"Meow...thank you, then we won't be polite." The two little wild cats thanked Zhou Tongtong politely, then stuck their heads into the small pot and began to eat the fragrant food diced beef.

The beef was cut into cubes by Xia Qing. At first, considering that the two little wild cats were still young, she wanted to mash it into beef mash!However, Zhou Tongtong objected, she said that the beef mash was not as chewy as diced beef.

Compared with pureed beef, the little wild cat prefers to chew and eat diced beef, so Xia Qing followed her daughter's instructions and cut the beef into diced beef.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Zhou Tongtong looked at the two little wild cats eating deliciously, and asked with a smile while stroking their bodies.

While stroking the cat, a pale golden aura appeared in Zhou Tongtong's eyes. Compared with before, the intensity of the psychic energy fluctuations emanating from her body has actually increased a lot.

"Meow... delicious." The two little wild cats Hanhu responded.

As Zhou Tongtong's two hands stroked them back and forth, the faintly visible golden spiritual energy penetrated into the bodies of the two little wild cats through Zhou Tongtong's two white and tender hands.

The two little wild cats, who were eating the diced beef in the small pot with relish, didn't notice it.

Indistinctly, the childlike holes in their round eyes seemed to flash a faint golden light.


After having breakfast, Lin Li went out. After walking out of the corridor, he saw Zhou Tongtong playing with two kittens on the grass in the distance.


Two little wild cats, one black and one white, were easily pressed to the ground by Zhou Tongtong's two white and tender hands, and they were stroked repeatedly, making a very pleasant cry.

"Are these two little wild cats so good-tempered?" Lin Li said to himself when he saw Zhou Tongtong stroking the cat.

Afterwards, he walked towards Zhou Tongtong and shouted at him.

"Zhou Tongtong."

Zhou Tongtong was stroking two little wild cats, and didn't even notice that someone was walking towards her behind her. She didn't turn her head until she heard someone calling her.

"Brother Lin Li."

Lin Li couldn't help but smile when he heard the cute little girl calling him happily.

The two little wild cats who had been enjoying themselves with Zhou Tongtong were lying on the grass. When they saw Lin Li approaching, they immediately stood up, took a few steps back, and looked at Lin Li warily.

Why are these two little things so guarded against me?Do I look like a bad guy?

Lin Li saw Zhou Tongtong pawing two little wild cats so happily just now, and originally thought about coming up and rubbing them together, but now seeing the two little cats guarding him like this, he also gave up the idea.

"Xiao Hei, Xiao Bai, the beef you eat is given by brother Lin Li, you can't do this." Zhou Tongtong looked down at the two little wild cats with alert expressions, and criticized them.

"Meow..." The two little wild cats responded, but they still looked alert.

"You're still like this after you know it! You really..." Zhou Tongtong said angrily.

Lin Li watched the conversation between Zhou Tongtong and the two little wild cats, smiled, and then asked Zhou Tongtong, "Do these two little things like my beef?"

Zhou Tongtong, who was criticizing and educating the two little wild cats, looked up at Lin Li, nodded and said, "I like it, not only Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai like it, but I also like it."

"As long as you like to eat." Lin Li said with a smile, "I have to go out to do some errands, so let's go first."

"Brother Lin Li, goodbye." The little girl said politely.


Afterwards, Lin Li walked to the gate of the community. He scanned the QR code to unlock a shared bicycle outside the community where the shared bicycles were parked, and rode it to a nearby store that sold Lingshi.

After Lin Li left, Zhou Tongtong played with the two little wild cats on the grass for a while.

It has been more than half an hour since I came out of the house, it is time to go home, otherwise my mother will come downstairs to find her later.

So Zhou Tongtong said goodbye to the two little wild cats, picked up the little basin that had been licked by the two little things, and went home.

Two little wild cats squatted on the grass, watched Zhou Tongtong walk into the corridor, and did not look away until she was out of sight.

"Meow... what about that big mouse?" The little black cat turned to look at the little white cat and asked.

"Meow... what else can I do? She doesn't like that big mouse, so we can only eat it, we can't waste it!" the little white cat replied.

"Meow...but I ate so much diced beef just now, my stomach is very full now!" said the little black cat.

"Meow...stupid, we can hide it in a tree and save it for lunch." The little white cat said.

The two little wild cats discussed it, and then they came under the big tree.

The little black cat picked up the fat big mouse under the shade of the tree, jumped towards the big tree in front of it, and climbed to the canopy of the big tree with luxuriant branches.

" can put it away, don't fall to the ground, or someone will pick it up." The little white cat standing under the tree reminded the little black cat on the tree.

"Meow... Don't worry! I'll find a good place to hide it." The little black cat put the big mouse in its mouth on the tree trunk, and responded to the little white cat under the tree.

Then, it observed carefully on the tree, and then it picked up the big mouse and walked forward quickly.

There is an abandoned bird's nest in the tree of this large leafy tree.

Although the bird's nest has been abandoned, the original owner did not cut corners when building this small nest. The bird's nest is very strong and will not easily fall to the ground when the wind blows.

The little black cat decided to put the fat and thin mouse in the bird's nest.

After hiding the delicious food, the little black cat stretched out its small paws and fiddled with the abandoned bird's nest to check whether it was really strong. After confirming, it jumped down from the tree.

"Meow... Alright, next, we should seek revenge on that big orange cat next door." The little white cat said.

The little white cat was talking about the big orange cat next door, referring to a wild cat in the neighborhood next door.

The orange wild cat has grown up and is much larger than the young white and black cats.

Before, these two little wild cats strayed into the next-door community. It was a coincidence that they ran into the cat king of the next-door community, that is, the big orange cat. They were pushed to the ground by the opponent and taught a lesson.

Since then, the two little wild cats have formed a bond with the big orange cat, and from time to time they will go to the next door to fight with each other.

What a pity!The strength gap between the two sides is too large. Although the two little wild cats often bully the few, they have never won.

"Meow... We are full, which hinders our movement. If we go to fight with that big orange cat now, we will definitely not be able to fight.

I think we should rest for a while, wait for the beef in our stomach to digest, and then go to find that big orange cat. "The little black cat suggested.

Hearing the words, the little white cat thought about it seriously, and then nodded.

Just like that, the two little wild cats were lying in the shade of the big tree, resting comfortably, their long tails flicking back and forth unconsciously.

At this moment, the two little wild cats did not realize that the psionic energy they had released from the cattle and beast meat they ate could not be absorbed by their bodies.

But today there were some changes. Some faint spiritual energy was absorbed by their bodies. Although the amount was very small, it was indeed absorbed by their bodies.


"Welcome." The shopping guide lady in cheongsam stepped on high heels and greeted the customers who entered the store with a smile.

"I want to buy spirit stones."

Lin Li is going to buy a house in Dongwu City of the spiritual world today, so he has to hurry up and settle the matter of the spirit stones, so as soon as he walked into the shop selling the spirit stones, he explained himself directly to the lady shopping guide who came up to greet him in the store. intention of coming.

"Sir, please follow me here." The shopping guide lady in a cheongsam brought Lin Li to her counter and asked Lin Li how many spirit stones he wanted to buy.

"Give me 400."

"Huh?" Miss the shopping guide thought she heard it wrong, and asked, "Sir, you mean you want to buy 400 spirit stones?"


"..." The shopping guide made sure that she heard correctly. The young man in her early 20s in front of her really wanted to buy 400 spirit stones, and she fell silent for a moment in shock.

"What's the matter? Don't you have so many products in the store?" Lin Li asked the shopping guide when he saw the shocked expression on his face.


The shocked expression on the face of the shopping guide turned into embarrassment because of Lin Li's question, and she said to Lin Li apologetically.

"Sir, I'm really sorry. We only have more than 200 spirit stones in our store. Please wait for a few minutes. I will contact the main store and ask them to send the spirit stones over immediately."

Lin Li looked around this Lingshi store with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters, and thought to himself, his luck is really not very good!I found a store with insufficient supply.

"How long do I have to wait?" Lin Li, who wanted to go to Dongwu City in the spiritual world early to settle the house, asked the shopping guide.

"Sir, it will be very soon, no more than 15 minutes at most." The beautiful shopping guide lady also saw that Lin Li was in a hurry, so she told a not-so-long waiting time.

"15 minutes? Okay, then hurry up and get in touch with me." Lin Li nodded and said.

Then, another shopping guide lady in the store brought a chair and asked Lin Li to sit down and wait.

15 minutes, playing with the phone for a while, passed quickly.

After watching the short video for a while, Lin Li waited for the Lingshi he needed.

"Don't put it in a box for me, just put it in a plastic bag." Lin Li saw that the shopping guide lady was about to put crystal clear spirit stones into the brocade box, so he stopped him immediately.

The first time he went to a store selling spirit stones to buy spirit stones, the spirit stones he bought were also packed in a brocade box, and that box is still at home.

Now that I buy 400 spirit stones, I have to put many brocade boxes, and I still have to pour out these spirit stones in the end.

If the empty box is not lost by then, it will take up space at home, and it will take time to lose it. It is better to put it in a plastic bag now.

The shopping guide lady who was about to put Lingshi in the brocade box was stunned when she heard Lin Li's request. This was the first time she met a customer who made such a request.

But seeing Lin Li's serious face, he knew that this request he made was not a joke. Since the guests have already made such a request, then just do it.

So, 400 spirit stones were packed into an ordinary plastic bag.

Mobile phone transfer, one-handed payment and one-handed delivery, the whole process is without any muddy water.

"Sir, go slowly, welcome to come again next time..." A group of beautiful shopping guide ladies in cheongsams in the store warmly sent away this generous customer who bought 2000 million yuan worth of Lingshi in one go.


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