Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 307: Borrowing a knife to kill someone, the pleasure of revenge

Qin Muqing, whose appearance had undergone an astonishing change, came to the dressing table in the guest room, looked at himself in the mirror, stretched out his hand to touch his pretty rosy face, and said to himself.

"I have escaped to such a remote place now, those people should not find here!"

Just as Qin Muqing was looking at himself in the mirror and muttering to himself, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

"Winter Dongdong."

"Guest officer, I brought you the food you asked for..."

Qin Muqing in front of the dressing table heard the voice of the waiter delivering food from outside the door, she raised her hand, put the jade bead the size of a pigeon egg in front of her, looked at it, and whispered .

"Disguise Orb."

As Qin Muqing's words fell, the jade bead in her hand suddenly glowed with a golden light, and then Qin Muqing's appearance changed drastically.

Standing at the door of the guest room with food in the small second-hand shop, after waiting for a while, when the door opened, an ordinary-looking woman appeared in front of his eyes.

The shop waiter glanced at the woman in front of him, then looked away, then walked into the room, put the food on the table, said to call him if necessary, and then left.

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Qin Muqing looked at the three dishes and one soup on the table, and his stomach growled.

From noon to now, she really hasn't had a bite of food.

I was the only one left in the room, so I didn't need to hide it anymore, I quickly picked up the bowl, and devoured the delicious food without any image.


In the next room, after Lin Li came out of Qin Muqing's room, he returned to his own room.

After locking the door, a thought moved in his mind and he disappeared in place.

Blue Star, Banyan City.

In the dark living room, on the top of the cabinet air conditioner in the corner, there is a spiritual device that continuously produces chilly air, keeping the living room at a comfortable temperature.


The doorbell rang suddenly, and at this moment, a figure appeared in the living room out of thin air.

Lin Li, who had just returned to Lan Xing's home from Dongwu City in the spiritual world, heard the doorbell ringing, and hurried to the door.


Reaching out to open the door, Xia Qing was wearing a white dress, her hair was coiled up, and she had a gentle smile on her face. She was standing at the door with a steaming pot of potato beef stew in her hand.

"Lin Li, thank you for the beef you sent, I made this beef stew with the beef you sent.

Take it and try it, and then give me feedback on whether the potato goulash I made is good or not. "

While Xia Qing was speaking, the tempting aroma of beef stew wafted through his nostrils, which made people move their index fingers.

"It needs feedback! You can tell it's delicious just by smelling it." Lin Li said with a smile, and took a pot of beef stew with potatoes from the other party.

The two chatted for a while, Lin Li was going to return the basin to the other party, Xia Qing said that there was no need to dump the basin, and that it would be fine to return the basin to her after eating.

After closing the door, Lin Li walked into the dining room with the steaming beef and potato stew just out of the pot, and put it on the table.

He went to the kitchen to get a second bowl, and he took a bite of Xia Qing's local beef stew and tasted it.

The yellow beef meat and potatoes were stewed together. It tasted mellow and delicious. Lin Li had tried cooking beef stew with potatoes before, but the taste was far inferior to Xia Qing's stew.

Lin Li thought about it, didn't Su Yue say that she wanted to teach herself to cook?Then I can suggest to her that in the first cooking class, I will teach the beef stew with potatoes. It just so happens that there is still a lot of yellow cattle meat left in the refrigerator, and there are enough materials for practicing.

Afterwards, Lin Li ordered a big bowl of noodles for himself, and he had a full meal with the delicious beef stew with potatoes.

After dinner, put the remaining unfinished goulash in the refrigerator.

After washing the dishes, he took an ice cream from the refrigerator and sat down on the sofa in the living room.

Turning on the TV, Lin Li watched today's news and ate ice cream while thinking in his heart that he would go to Dongwu City in the spiritual world to buy real estate tomorrow.

"Now I only have 267 silver and 104 copper. In Dongwu City, this amount of money should not be able to buy a decent property. It seems that I can only use Lingshi.

However, there are only 66 spirit stones in his hand, and one spirit stone can be exchanged for 5 gold coins or 50 silver coins. If converted, 66 spirit stones can only be exchanged for 3300 silver coins, which is not a lot.

Don't have a fancy house at that time, but you don't have enough money, it will be embarrassing.

Just to be on the safe side, before I go to the spiritual world of East Wucheng tomorrow, I will first find a shop that sells spirit stones, and exchange the money I earned from selling pearls for spirit stones. "

After thinking about his plans for tomorrow, Lin Li got up and left the living room, went back to his room to get his pajamas, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.


The spiritual world, Dongwu City.

The sun had already set, and night had enveloped Dongwu City.

There is a large old residential area in the south of the city, where the base camp of the Qingshi Gang is located.

If someone joins the Qingshi Gang and becomes a formal member, they will all be allocated an old small house as a shelter.

At this moment, two tall men returned to the base camp of the Qingshi Gang, and they walked towards their residence.

"Brother, we are back." The bald boy and his companions pushed open the door of a renovated small house and walked in.

The room is very cool, and the cooling spirit device hanging in the corner is working.

The bearded man who led people to touch porcelain before was now shirtless, sitting at the table with his little brother, drinking and eating meat.

Seeing the return of the two younger brothers whom he had sent out to follow Lin Li, he immediately invited them to sit down and eat meat.

"I'm starving to death." The bald boy directly picked up a piece of sauced beef and ate it, then drank a sip of wine, satiated his stomach, looked at his elder brother, and complained.

"Brother, don't you know that the guy who ruined our good deeds is very strong, we followed him all the way, and we didn't see him stop.

And that guy was walking around on the street, looking around, looking like a countryman who had never seen the world. "

The bearded man pressed, "Have you found out where he lives?"

"I found it. He stayed in an inn with a woman." The bald boy said.

"What? What kind of woman?" The bearded man asked suspiciously. The only person he asked his younger brother to follow was a man. What happened to the extra woman?

"Brother, he carried that woman out of an alley when he was shopping." The bald boy explained.

"..." The bearded man was silent for a few seconds, and then he said dissatisfiedly, "Can you tell me carefully from the beginning to the end? I'm getting dizzy when you talk about it piece by piece."

Seeing the unhappy expression on his elder brother's face, the bald boy immediately put down the fast chip in his hand, and then explained the whole process of following Lin Li in detail.

"What? You said that the guy who ruined our good business beat the members of the Red Blood Gang to death." The bearded man said in surprise after hearing the bald boy's narration.

"Yes, according to what Lao Wu went to check the situation in the alley, and I saw him carrying the woman to the hospital for treatment.

It should be someone from the Scarlet Blood Gang who robbed the woman, just happened to be met by that nosy guy, and was beaten to death on the spot by that guy. "The bald boy speculated based on his years of hard work.

Don't look at him as being irritable, explosive, and low in IQ, but after all, he has been in the Qingshi gang for many years. Based on the clues he got, he can still speculate about the situation at that time.

After finishing speaking, he looked at the younger brother who followed Lin Li with him. The latter was gnawing on a ox bone at the moment. It was delicious!

The younger brother, who was called the fifth, noticed that his elder brother, the bearded man, was also looking at him. He raised his head and said while holding the cow bone that was not cleaned.

"Brother, I have carefully inspected the bodies of those two people, and they have tattoos from the Scarlet Blood Gang on their hands."

"Good boy, you are so willing to help others that you kill all the members of the Red Blood Gang. You are really audacious." After hearing what the younger brother who was called the fifth brother said, the bearded man sighed with emotion.

"Brother, according to Lao Wu's inspection, the two members of the Scarlet Blood Gang were all killed by one blow, which is impossible for ordinary people. Therefore, there is a high probability that the young man is a practitioner." The bald boy said.

"Cultivator?" The bearded man said with a smile, "So what?"

After finishing speaking, a pale golden aura appeared on the hands of the bearded man, and spiritual fluctuations radiated from his body.

"If it wasn't for the yamen's words, let all the gangs behave in peace for a month, and don't make trouble in the public.

Otherwise, just because he ruined our good deed today and injured the sixth child, I would have already disabled his hands and feet. "

All the boys nodded in agreement, at this moment, the bearded man said again.

"I offended us, how could I let him go so easily, I originally wanted to find his residence, and then look for an opportunity to come to seek revenge.

Well now, according to the results of your follow-up, he beat two members of the Red Blood Gang to death in order to save an unrelated woman.

Now we only need to disclose this news to the people of the Red Blood Gang, and then we don’t need to find revenge on that guy, and the people from the Red Blood Gang will kill him for us. "

The bald boy's eyes lit up when he heard what his elder brother said, and he blurted out, "This is a murder with a borrowed knife! As expected of the elder brother, he is resourceful."

"Big Brother 666"

"Big brother mighty."

"Brother is extremely smart."

At the wine table, the younger brothers flattered the bearded man one after another.

Although the bearded man was quite dissatisfied with the IQ of his younger brothers, he was still very satisfied with their flattering skills, and was immediately relieved by the endless compliments, making him feel ecstatic.

"Okay, be quiet."

The bearded man felt that it was almost done, and raised his hand to signal the younger brothers to stop flattering.

The younger brothers were all a little dry mouthed, and now they heard their elder brother signal that they could stop, they were relieved, thinking about it was so tiring!

"Those two members of the Scarlet Blood Gang robbed others masked in the alley and were beaten to death. The bodies should have been found by now.

The yamen knew the virtues of the members of the Red Blood Gang, so it was impossible to help them find the murderer. At most, they would be notified and someone would come to collect the corpse.

If no one provides clues, those members of the Red Blood Gang will definitely not be able to find the murderer. Second child, you will disclose the location of the inn where the young man is currently staying to the Red Blood Gang tomorrow morning. "The bearded man gave the order.

"Okay, big brother." The bald boy nodded, his eyes filled with excitement.

After all, in the afternoon, they almost succeeded in touching porcelain, but in the end they watched the ducks they got fly away.

And the people who spoiled their good deeds were arrogant enough to yell at them in front of everyone and let them leave with their tails between their legs.

This feeling of aggrieved really drove him crazy. Now that he had the opportunity to borrow a knife to kill someone, this feeling of revenge was so wonderful that it made all the depression in his heart go away.


In the early morning of the next day, Lin Li stood on the balcony, watching the rising sun in the distance, letting the golden sun shine on his body.

It was another clear sky. Yesterday, because of artificial rainfall, it was cool all day afterwards. Today, the impact of artificial rainfall has completely passed, and the weather has returned to hot weather.

Early in the morning, many people in the community have already gone out to exercise.

Lin Li looked downstairs through the anti-theft fence on the balcony, and he could see many men, women and children in sportswear running in the morning, running out of the community.

"Wash up and have breakfast. I'm going to start today's plan."

Lin Li withdrew his gaze and returned to the room. Outside the door, a little girl who had just had breakfast came out of the house with a small pot of beef in her hand.

"Tongtong, be careful when feeding those two little wild cats, don't get too close to them." Xia Qing looked at her daughter who was going out, and instructed.

"Mom, I see. I have a good memory! I will remember it once you say it." Zhou Tongtong nodded in agreement, then closed the door and went downstairs in the elevator.

Zhou Tongtong, who came out of the corridor, walked quickly to a green belt in the community with a small basin in his hand.

"Xiao Hei, Xiao Bai, come out quickly, I'll bring you breakfast." Zhou Tongtong looked at a huge bush in the green belt and called out loudly.

Although Zhou Tongtong couldn't see the two little wild cats, her feeling told herself that the two kittens were hiding behind the huge bush.

It turned out that it was true, after Zhou Tongtong yelled at the bush, there was a yell immediately.


Two meows came out, as if they were responding to Zhou Tongtong's call.

Immediately afterwards, two black and white figures quickly jumped out of the bushes, and one of the black figures seemed to be holding something in its mouth.

Holding a small basin in his hand, Zhou Tongtong watched two little wild cats quickly approaching him, among which the little black cat put the thing in its mouth on the ground.

When she saw the appearance of the thing clearly, she was stunned.


! ”

"Meow... This is a gift from us." The little black cat and the little white cat said.


! "Zhou Tongtong looked at the big mouse on the ground, screamed in fright, and subconsciously took a few steps back.


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