Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 306: The Black Broker in Another World

The blood-stained area on the woman's body seemed to be spreading, and it seemed that the wound on her body was still bleeding.

Lin Li didn't want to waste any more time with this woman. He stood up, walked quickly to the woman with disheveled hair, and with a cry of surprise, stretched out his arms and hugged her horizontally.

The woman instinctively wanted to struggle, but when she saw Lin Li's expressionless face, he quickly ran out of the alley, and immediately fell silent.

Outside the alley, the bald man and his companion saw Lin Li walking into a dark alley. They waited for a while, and when they were about to follow up, they saw Lin Li running out of the alley holding a woman with disheveled hair.

"What's the situation? Why didn't you go in for a while, and came out with a woman in your arms?"

The bald man and his companion saw Lin Li running away with the woman in his arms, they discussed it, one continued to follow Lin Li, and the other went to check the alley.

The two split up, and the bald man went to the alley to check the situation.

"Tread, step, step..."

There was a sound of footsteps in the inaccessible alley, and the bald man walked cautiously into the depths of the alley.

When he came to the corner deep in the alley, he saw two masked men lying on the ground not far away, with two small knives falling beside them.

The bald man looked at the scene in front of him. As a member of the Qingshi Gang, he immediately guessed what happened here not long ago.

He went forward and checked the two masked men who were lying motionless on the ground, and found that they were all silent, one with a collapsed chest and the other with a collapsed back, completely dead.

"There are no unnecessary injuries on the body, all of them were killed by one blow, did that guy do it?"

The bald man looked at the two dead masked gangsters and muttered to himself, and then he found that the two masked gangsters had a conspicuous tattoo on the back of their hands.

"These two are members of the Red Blood Gang, good guys, they dare to kill the Red Blood Gang like this, they are really brave enough."

The relationship between the Bluestone Gang and the Red Blood Gang was good. As a member of the Bluestone Gang, the bald man recognized the tattoo on the back of the masked gangster's hand at a glance, and knew their identities.


Inside a medical clinic in Dongwu City.

"Sir, this lady has several stab wounds on her body. Fortunately, the wounds are quite shallow and did not hurt her vital parts. I have stopped the bleeding from her wounds.

I will prescribe some healing ointment, apply it in the morning and evening, and it will be cured in half a month..."

After the gray-haired female doctor examined the woman with disheveled hair, she told Lin Li about the results of the examination, and at the same time wrote down the name of the ointment to be prescribed on the paper in front of her.

It takes half a month to heal. It seems like an ordinary ointment... Lin Li turned to look at the woman lying on the hospital bed after listening to the doctor's explanation.

Afterwards, Lin Li paid 500 copper for medical expenses, and took the woman out of the hospital.

After resting on the hospital bed in the hospital for a while, the woman has recovered a lot of strength and can walk on the ground.

The two were in front of each other, and the woman was holding a backpack in her hand, keeping a distance of three or four steps from Lin Li.

Suddenly, Lin Li stopped and turned to look at the woman.

The woman seemed to be thinking about something in her heart. When Lin Li stopped, she almost bumped her head on Lin Li's body. Fortunately, she stopped in time.

"It's getting late, let's just get on with it!" said Lin Li who was about to return to Blue Star.

"I..." The woman opened her mouth. She was about to say something, but hesitated for a while, but she didn't say anything. Then she nodded, turned around and was about to leave.

Lin Li pondered for a while, and then called to stop the woman who was leaving, "Wait a minute."


"You... are you going home next?"

The woman was silent and did not answer Lin Li's inquiry.

Seeing the other party's reaction, Lin Li thought to himself, he guessed right, this penniless woman should have no home in Dongwu City.

"Tell me about your situation! Of course, if you find it inconvenient to tell, that's okay too." Lin Li said.

The woman thought for ten seconds, and then said to Lin Li, "I heard that you can earn a lot of money by working here in Dongwu City, and then left the village. I just arrived here with the caravan today..."

"Since you come here to work, why don't you have any money?" Lin Li asked puzzled.

"Among the people who followed the caravan to Dongwu City, there was a person like me who came here to work.

He told me that he knew a friend who could introduce me to work in a rich family, and the salary was very high.

But I need some money to take care of the housekeeper of the big family, so I gave him all the money I have on me, and then..."

The woman told Lin Li why she was penniless.

After listening to the woman's narration, Lin Li thought, what happened to this woman in Dongwu City was not the same as what happened to some migrant workers who were cheated out of their money by black intermediaries on Blue Star?

"I never thought there would be such a liar in the spirit world." Lin Li whispered.

Then he looked at the woman who was in a very depressed mood and asked, "You are really brave enough, girls, you dare to come to Dongwu City with a caravan to work alone."

"..." The woman remained silent.

Seeing her reaction, Lin Li immediately remembered that when he was shopping on the street, he saw many young children who were obviously underage working intensively.

This world is not Blue Star, but there is no law that prohibits the employment of minors.

Even children have to work like this, and the woman in front of her is alone, following the caravan to look for a job in Dongwu City, it is quite normal to think about it.

"Engong, do you have anything else to do? If not, I want to find a place to stay before it's dark?" the woman said.

"Are you penniless now? Food is a problem. Find a place to stay. Are you going to sleep on the street?" Lin Li asked bluntly.

"..." The woman fell silent again.

Fine!I guessed again, this woman is really planning to sleep on the street... Lin Li looked at the woman he had saved, thought for a while, then took out a two silver coin bill from his pocket, and handed it to her.


"Take it!"

The woman shook her head, but did not reach out to accept the money that Lin Li handed over. Lin Li paid for the treatment at the clinic just now, so she would have the nerve to accept Lin Li's money now.

"You are penniless now, and you can't live in Dongwu City. I will lend you these two silver coins. If you earn money in the future, just return it to me." Lin Li said in a tactful way, hoping that the other party can Accept your own help.

The woman looked up at Lin Li, her eyes fell on the face of her savior through the gap between the hair on her forehead, and she said gratefully.

"Engong, thank you for your help. You have already paid for my treatment just now. I can't accept this money any more."

"Why are you so brainless? I've already said that this money is not given to you for nothing." Lin Li said helplessly, thinking to himself, why is it so hard for him to help the other party.

"My mother taught me not to take other people's things for nothing." The woman said, and then she made a proposal that made Lin Li stunned for a moment.

"Engong, I'm good at washing clothes and cooking, can you let me work in your house? I don't want much money, just 800 coppers a month."



This woman is really strange, she doesn't want the free money, but wants to ask me for a job as my nanny, but unfortunately I don't have a home in this spiritual world, so I don't need a nanny at all.

However, what she said really reminded me that it's almost time for me to arrange a permanent residence in Dongwu City.

After all, I will come to Dongwu City often in the future. If I have a fixed residence here, I can better integrate into the local area. a statement.

The woman saw that Lin Li didn't speak, but looked at herself in a daze, and thought that her proposal displeased the savior. She was about to withdraw her proposal, but she heard Lin Li say.

"I have just come to Dongwu City for a few days, and I have been living in an inn before, and I am planning to buy a house and settle down in Dongwu City recently.

At that time, there will be no one in my family to help me with housework. If you want, you can come to my house to be a nanny... In terms of salary, I will definitely not only give you 800 coppers a month. "

"What is a nanny?" The woman was puzzled for a while, but based on the content of what Lin Li said, she probably also understood what the nanny meant as a servant who was in charge of housework.

The woman is penniless now, and it can be said that she has nowhere to go. Compared with the level of wages, she doesn't really care much. She is very satisfied with a job and a place to live.

After hearing Lin Li say that he wanted to hire himself, he immediately nodded, "I am willing."

"Okay, then I'll find you an inn to live in, and you can start working after I buy a house in the next few days."


After many twists and turns, the woman who came to Dongwu City experienced the robbery incident that almost killed her just now, and now she heard that the kind-hearted savior in front of her was willing to give her a job and take her in. She felt the burden on her heart disappear. gone.

"I don't know your name yet? Let me introduce myself!"

Lin Li, who has already decided to buy a real estate in Dongwu City as his future base in this world, smiled and said to the woman who will be his nanny soon.

"My name is Lin Li."

"My name is Qin Muqing."

The two sides reported their names to each other, and then Lin Li took this woman named Qin Muqing to find an inn. After opening two rooms, he called the waiter and delivered a meal to Qin Muqing's room.

According to Qin Muqing's narration, she hasn't eaten anything since noon today!Lin Li felt that she must be very hungry now.

"The waiter in the store will send you a meal later. If it's not enough, you can continue to ask him to deliver it to you. The money will be recorded on the account, and I will pay for it later..."

In Qin Muqing's room, Lin Li saw the waiter leaving the guest room to prepare meals, and turned to Qin Muqing who was sitting by the bed.

"En." Qin Muqing nodded honestly. At this moment, Lin Li's eyes fell on the backpack beside her, and he asked casually.

"Is there anything important in this backpack of yours? The situation just now was so dangerous, and you didn't let it go without saying anything?"

"Clothes." Qin Muqing said.

"Uh..." Lin Li was speechless for a while when he heard this answer. He didn't expect that Qin Muqing even gave up his life for a few clothes.

But considering that she came all the way from a rural village to Dongwu City to work, it was fine if she couldn't find a job, and she was cheated into being penniless.

The clothes in the backpack were the last property of this woman, and one could imagine why she was unwilling to let go of them in such a dangerous situation for these few clothes that Lin Li thought were worthless.

The sun had already set, and the time was almost up. Lin Li was going back to Blue Star.

He stood up and said to Qin Muqing, "Okay, let's stop here first! I'm a little tired, I have to go back to my room to rest, see you tomorrow."

"Engong, don't you want dinner?" Qin Muqing asked.

"I've already eaten, uh... You should tidy up your hair, it's not good if it's disheveled like this."

Upon hearing this, Qin Muqing straightened her loose hair and tied it into a ponytail.

The face that was invisible because of the disheveled hair suddenly appeared.

This woman named Qin Muqing should be around 25 or [-] years old, with an ordinary appearance, the kind of ordinary public face that can't be seen at a glance when thrown in the crowd.

"Very well, it's fine if it's not a little girl, otherwise, after I buy the house, I'm afraid I'll feel a little sorry if I ask a minor to help me with the housework..."

Seeing Qin Muqing's appearance, Lin Li said to himself.

Afterwards, he took out a healing ointment from his pocket and put it on the table.

In the medical clinic just now, the ointment prescribed by the doctor was just an ordinary ointment, so Lin Li didn't buy it.

After all, the healing effect of ordinary ointment is not as good as the healing ointment specially used by the beast hunter.

"After dinner, apply this ointment to the injured area." After Lin Li explained, he walked towards the door.

Qin Muqing got up quickly and sent Lin Li to the door. She watched Lin Li walk into the next room before closing the door.

When Qin Muqing was left alone in the guest room, this woman who had dull eyes and an honest appearance suddenly became agile, and her dull eyes became clear, bright and radiant.

Qin Muqing, whose temperament has changed drastically, came to the bed where the backpack was placed, sat down on the edge of the bed, picked up the backpack that she was unwilling to let go of before, and put it on her shapely thigh.

Unzip the backpack, and there are a few ordinary linen clothes inside.

Qin Muqing rummaged through the linen clothes, and found a round jade bead the size of a pigeon egg.

"The time is almost up. Fortunately, he left on his own initiative. Otherwise, I still have some difficulties!"

Holding a round jade bead the size of a pigeon egg in her hand, Qin Muqing muttered to herself.

A few seconds after her words fell, she saw her ordinary face, like a small stone thrown into a calm lake, rippling with waves.

After the waves of water disappeared, a beautiful woman with rosy cheeks, creamy skin, and charming appearance appeared in the guest room.


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