Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 305: What time is it, and I still care about whether a man and a woman will kiss or not

"Hi, may I ask how much is your grilled fish?" Lin Li asked looking at the strange grilled fish being turned over on the grill.

"The big one is five copper coins, and the small one is three copper coins." The girl replied with a smile on her face when she saw a customer coming to the door.

Lin Li looked at the grilled fish on the grill, pointed to a grilled fish that was bigger than the others, and said, "I want this one."

"Okay, please wait a moment... Do you want to add some spice?" The girl picked up the grilled fish Lin Li had chosen with a tong, put it on a place where the charcoal fire was relatively strong, and then asked.

It turns out that there are peppers in this world too... Lin Li nodded, and glanced at the two jars at the girl's hand, thinking that one of them was used to hold peppers.

"If you want it, just a little spicy."


Under the girl's skillful grilling skills, the golden saury soon began to emit a tempting aroma. Before it was about to be cooked, the girl picked up a ceramic jar at her hand.

After opening the lid, use a small brush to stick the chili sauce inside the sticky jar and brush it on the grilled fish.

"So it's not chili powder, this chili sauce should be made by this girl herself." Lin Li smelled the smell of grilled fish brushed with chili sauce after being grilled over charcoal fire, and couldn't help but move his throat.

After the golden saury is brushed with chili sauce, the grilled taste is so tempting that people can't help but salivate and want to taste it immediately.

"Okay." The girl picked up a bamboo stick, inserted it into the grilled fish's mouth, penetrated the whole body, and then handed it to Lin Li.

"Thank you." When Lin Li took the golden grilled fish, he also handed over the five copper coins he had prepared to the other party.

The enthusiastic smile on the face of the girl who received the money became brighter and brighter. This is the first business she has set up a stall today. She thought to herself that if this business is completed, the subsequent business should be smoother.

After paying the money, Lin Li took a look at the grilled golden saury unique to the spirit world.

"This guest is really strange. Why doesn't he eat, but keeps staring at the fish? Is there anything interesting about this fish?"

The girl stuffed the money into her pocket, and seeing that Lin Li didn't start immediately after getting the grilled fish, but carefully observed the grilled fish in her hand, she couldn't help feeling a little puzzled.

Lin Li noticed the girl's suspicious gaze, he stopped observing the grilled fish unique to the spiritual world in his hand, leaned forward, and took a bite of the delicious golden grilled fish.


After taking a bite of grilled fish, Lin Li was immediately gasped for breath by the heat.

He didn't expect the girl's homemade chili sauce to be so spicy, and he just saw that the girl didn't smear much chili sauce on the grilled fish. Could it be because the chili sauce in the spirit world is far hotter than the chili pepper on the blue star.

The girl who sold the grilled fish turned red when she saw Lin Li's face being spicy, and thought to herself, "It's so spicy even if it's slightly spicy, this customer doesn't seem to be very good at spicy food!"

Lin Li, who was so hot, turned and left. After walking a certain distance, a bottle of pure milk appeared in his hand.

After taking out the pure milk from the mysterious island, Lin Li immediately inserted a straw and took a few sips, which greatly relieved the feeling of being hot.

"Spicy is a bit spicy, but the taste of this grilled fish is really delicious..."

Afterwards, Lin Li stood at the corner of the street, slowly eating this spicy grilled fish that made people sweat profusely.

And a little farther away, there were two strong men watching him from afar.

"This guy is still eating." The bald man said with an unwavering expression.

"This man has been wandering aimlessly in the street since he came out of that restaurant. It may take a few more hours for us to find his place." Han said.

The sun is about to set, and the time for dinner is getting closer and closer. The two members of the Qingshi gang who were secretly following Lin Li were also a little hungry. Now they watched Lin Li eating the delicious grilled fish, and they swallowed subconsciously. saliva.


Standing on the side of the street after eating the grilled fish, Lin Li drank the milk that he said was not much in his hand. It seemed that the time was almost up, and then he was ready to go home.

Go forward for a short distance and turn into a small alley.

This small alley is relatively remote, and few people will come here.

Lin Li originally thought that after walking into this alley, he would go directly to the mysterious island and return to Blue Star.

But when he just walked into this remote alley, before he could think of entering the mysterious island, he heard a scream coming from the depths of the alley.

This sound was the scream of a woman. It must not be a good thing to suddenly have such a sound in this dark alley.

Lin Li frowned, then ran forward quickly.

Running to the depths of the alley, he turned a corner and saw two masked men, one tall and one short holding a knife, robbing a woman of unknown age with disheveled hair.

At this moment, the woman fell to the ground, covered in blood, and the masked tall man kept yelling and cursing.

Another masked short man was pulling the woman's backpack vigorously.

Although the woman was injured, she still held onto her backpack tightly, not relaxing at all.

The two masked gangsters didn't expect the woman to be so tenacious, and they were obviously a little annoyed by the other party, and they immediately shouted, "You fucking let me go, otherwise, we won't show mercy..."


Although the two masked gangsters spoke harshly like this, the woman refused to let go.

The two masked gangsters were afraid that it would take a long time. The movement here attracted the attention of others. When someone came later, things would be difficult to handle.

So, the masked tall gangster became ruthless, and stabbed fiercely towards the woman's heart with the knife in his hand.

When he used the knife before, he just slashed the woman lightly a few times. He wanted to scare her into letting go, but didn't think about causing her to die. Now it's different when he strikes.

"Stop!" Lin Li shouted immediately when he saw this scene.

The two masked gangsters who were attacking heard Lin Li's loud shout, and immediately paused the movement of their hands. They looked towards the place where the sound came from, and saw a young man with an angry face, watch them.

"Where is the idiot? Don't meddle in other people's business, and get out of here, otherwise, we will kill you as well." The short masked gangster who was pulling the woman's backpack threatened Lin Li viciously.

" me." The woman, who was about to run out of strength after fighting with the two masked gangsters, shouted to Lin Li for help as if she had grasped her last hope.

"Call for help from the mud horse, die for me..."

The masked tall gangster was already irritable. When he heard the difficult woman shouting for help, he wanted to stab her in the heart. Then he swung the knife in his hand again and stabbed the woman in the heart.


A figure rushed over with lightning speed, and in the blink of an eye came to two masked gangsters.

Then he flew up and kicked the masked gangster who was about to stab the woman's heart with a knife several meters away.

Lin Li didn't expect these two masked gangsters to be so cruel, they would not run away after being seen, and would continue to attack in front of him.

So he attacked with anger, because this kick was a blow with anger, so he didn't hold back his strength.

The tall masked gangster who was kicked in the chest slammed heavily on the wall, and after landing, he lay on the ground, motionless.

If someone turned him over at this time, he would see that his chest had been dented from being kicked, the broken bone pierced his internal organs, and blood quickly overflowed from his mouth and nose.

After all, he is just an ordinary person. No matter how strong his physical fitness is, if he is furious, a practitioner with a second-level high-level cultivation base will still be instantly killed on the spot if he does not restrain his strength and strike with anger.


! ”

The short masked gangster saw his companion lying face down after being kicked away, laying motionless on the ground, and yelled in panic.

Seeing that there was no response from his companion, the short masked gangster felt timid, and the original fierce aura dissipated in an instant.

He let go of the hand holding the woman's backpack, looked at the expressionless Lin Li, and slowly stepped back.

Because he was too scared, he staggered and fell directly on the ground, because there were some sharp pebbles on the ground, and when he fell, his butt hurt to death.

Normally, he would yell in pain, but there was a ferocious young man staring at him in front of him, so he didn't dare to yell.

This kind of vicious masked gangster will show their malice unreservedly when facing the weak, but when they encounter an enemy stronger than themselves, their weakness will be immediately revealed.

"It's really bullying garbage. You scumbags don't deserve to live in this world." Lin Li witnessed the scene of these two masked gangsters committing crimes just now, so naturally he would not show mercy to these two murderers.

"Don't, don't come here..." The short masked gangster saw Lin Li walking towards him step by step. He shouted in horror while struggling to stand up and was about to run away.

Lin Li, who was already murderous, couldn't let him escape.


It was another flying kick that did not hold back its strength. The short masked gangster who was kicked away by Lin Li spat out a mouthful of blood, flew more than ten meters away, and fell dead after landing.

With two simple kicks, the two vicious scumbags were eliminated, and the anger in Lin Li's heart slowly subsided.

Afterwards, he quickly came to the woman covered in blood, and asked with concern, "Miss, are you alright?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Li looked at the woman covered in blood, and thought to himself that he had said something nonsense, everyone looked like this, no matter how they looked at it, they didn't seem to be all right.

"Persist, I'll send you to the hospital right now..."

Lin Li was about to reach out to help the blood-soaked woman, and send him to the hospital he saw when he was shopping just now.

Just when his hand was about to touch the opponent's body, the blood-covered woman said something that stunned Lin Lidai.

"Thank you benefactor, you don't need to send me to the hospital for medical treatment. I'm fine. I'll be fine after a while of recuperation."

Lin Li looked at the woman in front of her with several bloody gashes on her shoulders, arms, and thighs. No matter how she looked at it, she didn't look like he said there was no serious problem.

"Miss, you'd better go to the clinic for treatment! Now that it's like this, it's better to let a professional doctor check it for you.

Don't have some vital parts injured and not found, which will eventually cause life-threatening. "

When the woman heard Lin Li's persuasion again, she fell silent immediately, and then said in a low voice, "I don't have money to go to the hospital to see a doctor."

"..." Lin Li heard the other party say that he had no money to see a doctor, and now he understood why she refused to go to the hospital for medical treatment just now.

Looking at the other party's rough and faded linen clothes, one can probably guess that her financial situation is indeed not very good.

However, he didn't even have the money to go to the hospital, which was beyond Lin Li's imagination.

After all, the level of medical care and the medical system on Blue Star are quite advanced. Patients are reimbursed when they go to the hospital, and they only need to pay a small amount. No one will say that they look down on the doctor.

"Hey, the living standards of human beings in this world still need to be improved!" Lin Li murmured to himself, and then he said to the woman sitting on the ground with disheveled hair and couldn't see her face clearly.

"I'll take you to the hospital for treatment. You don't have to worry about the money, I'll take care of it for you."

"Grandpa, there is no repayment for saving my life. How dare I ask you to pay for my medical treatment. I am really fine. Don't look at the many stab wounds on my body. In fact, these are all skin trauma."

The woman seemed to want to prove that she was fine. She got up from the ground and wanted to take a few steps to prove that she was fine. As a result, she just took a step, her head became dizzy, her body went limp, and she threw herself face down on the ground fall.

Seeing that the woman was about to fall with a bruised nose and a swollen face, at this moment, a pair of arms stretched out, pressed her uninjured shoulders, and supported her.

"Don't tell me that you can't repay your life-saving grace. I want you to repay your life-saving grace now..."

"Huh???" The woman who was supported by Lin Li had just recovered, and when she heard Lin Li's words, there were question marks all over her head.

"I saved your life, you have to listen to me and follow me to the clinic." Lin Li said.

"I..." Lin Li interrupted the woman as soon as she opened her mouth, "You must repay your kindness with gratitude, and don't oppose me anymore."

"En." Seeing Lin Li's resolute attitude, the woman responded softly.

Lin Li squatted down.

"Engong, what are you?" The woman asked in confusion.

"You are like this, how can you go? The medical center is some distance away from here. I will carry you there." Lin Li turned his head and signaled the woman to move faster.

"Men and women, whether men and women can give or take each other..." the woman whispered.


Is this woman out of her mind?What time is it, and you still care about whether a man and a woman can kiss or not... Lin Li heard the woman say whether a man and a woman can kiss or not, and several black lines suddenly appeared on his forehead.


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