Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 304: Hooligans are not scary, but they are educated

The group of bearded men are members of a gang called Qingshi Gang in Dongwu City.

If they were angry just now, in order to teach the young man who ruined their good deeds, they clashed with those passers-by who watched the excitement, and beat them up on the spot, then this time the matter would become a big mess, and later Get out of hand.

As soon as the yamen spoke, they beat passers-by violently in the street, which was tantamount to fighting against the wind and slapping the yamen in the face.

At that time, the yamen will definitely not be lenient, and the Qingshi gang will also be implicated.

When the police from the yamen come to the door to ask the teacher about the crime, the leader of the Qingshi gang must spend a lot of money on some management to calm this matter.

Moreover, even if the matter is settled with money, if the Yamen arresters are about to take away the perpetrators, the leader of the Qingshi Gang will not protect them.

For the guys who are against the wind, the Yamen has always taken good care of them.

The group of them inevitably had to go to the cell to enjoy some special care.

The bearded man saw his stupid younger brothers with a look of fear on his face. He nodded in satisfaction, thinking, these idiots finally knew that they almost caused a very serious disaster just now.

Although the bald boy figured it out, he still felt unwilling. After all, he had joined the Qingshi Gang for several years, but he had never been angered like this.

So, he asked his elder brother in a low voice.

"Brother, just now... that kid was so arrogant that he didn't take us seriously at all, so let's just forget about it?"

"Of course we can't just leave it like this. We, the Qingshi gang, have always been the only ones who bully others. How can we let others bully?" the bearded man said in a gloomy tone.

"But now the yamen is paying close attention to gangs like ours..." someone said.

"The yamen said that we are not allowed to fight in the street, which caused a huge impact.

We can find a place off the beaten track and teach that kid a lesson. "A younger brother had an idea and suggested.

"That's right, you're right." The bearded man praised the younger brother who had an idea, and the latter scratched his head a little embarrassedly when he saw his elder brother complimenting him.

"The two of you will follow the carriage later and see where the bastard who ruined our good deeds lives? After we find out where he lives, we will find a chance to teach him a lesson in the future."

The bearded man pointed at the bald boy and another boy, and gave the order to follow.

"Okay, big brother." The two younger brothers nodded, and they walked out of the alley, just as the carriage that Lin Li was riding passed in front of them, and the two immediately chased after them.

When the bearded man saw the two younger brothers following the carriage, he turned his head and said to the rest of the younger brothers, "Let's take the unconscious Sixth back to settle down first..."

"Okay, big brother."


"Master, just stop here for a while." Sitting in the carriage, Lin Li saw the restaurant not far away through the window, and then shouted to the driver driving the carriage.


Hearing Lin Li's shout, the coachman driving the carriage pulled the reins in his hand to stop the carriage.

After the carriage stopped, Lin Li got out of the carriage. When he was about to pay the fare, the driver quickly waved his hand and refused.

"Sir, you did me a great favor just now, I can't accept this money."

Lin Li nodded when he heard the words, then said goodbye to the coachman, turned around and walked to the restaurant not far away.

Because it was not time for dinner, there were not many customers in the restaurant.

When Lin Li walked into the restaurant, a waitress came up immediately.

"Mr. Lin, you are here! Long time no see." This person was the waitress who was with the restaurant owner Wang Gui during the previous transaction, so when she saw Lin Li walking into the restaurant, she recognized him at a glance.

What long time no see?In fact, it hasn't been long since the last transaction... Lin Li murmured to himself.

He knew that this was a polite remark from the other party, and nodded to the waitress with a smile, then cut to the point and explained his purpose of coming.

"I'm here this time to buy a batch of pearls. Is shopkeeper Wang here?"

The lady waiter was taken aback when she heard the words, and thought to herself, the last pearl transaction was only a few days ago, and she came to buy pearls again so soon. Are those worthless things so popular?

"The shopkeeper went out for a long trip, and he won't be back in a few days." The waitress didn't last long in a daze, and when she recovered, she immediately explained to Lin Li with a smile.

"That's it! It's really not the right time for me to come. I'll come to shopkeeper Wang again in a few days." Lin Li heard that Wang Gui had gone far away, and thought that he had come at the wrong time. He was a little disappointed, said that, and turned around. I want to leave.

"Mr. Lin, wait a minute." Seeing that Lin Li was about to leave, the waitress immediately stopped him.

Lin Li turned his head to look at the other party, at this moment, he heard the waitress say to himself, "The shopkeeper told me before he went out.

Said Mr. Lin, if you come to buy pearls when he is out, let me be in charge of the transaction. "

This shopkeeper Wang is really considerate in doing things, I don’t need to run away this time, but he actually let such a waiter take charge of the transaction, it seems that the relationship between the two is unusual... Lin Li smiled and said to the waitress, "That's troublesome." is you."

"Mr. Lin, you are being polite. Excuse me, how many pearls do you need this time?"

"Give me one hundred thousand!"

"It takes so much...?!

! "The waitress exclaimed.

"Don't you have so much stock? That's okay, I want as much as you have on hand now!" Lin Li said, looking at the waitress who looked at him with a surprised face.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lin, you want this amount of pearls, we have them, please come with me..."

The waitress put away the surprised expression on her face, stretched her hand forward, and then walked towards the backyard of the restaurant first, leading Lin Li to a newly built warehouse in the backyard.

"The backyard of your restaurant, I remember it wasn't that big before?" Lin Li looked around and felt that the backyard was much bigger than before, he asked suspiciously.

"Because the shopkeeper bought the yard next door and opened it up, Mr. Lin, you will feel that the yard is much bigger than before." The waitress explained with a smile.

The reason why Wang Gui expanded the size of the yard was to build a new warehouse to store the pearls that Lin Li needed.

Of course, in addition to the newly built warehouse in front of him, he also left a larger warehouse in other places for hoarding pearls.

After several transactions, he knew that this kind of pearl transaction with Lin Li could become a fixed and long-term business, otherwise, he would not have made such an expansion.

Lin Li nodded after listening to the waiter's explanation, and then he watched the other party open the newly built warehouse in front of him.

This newly built warehouse has an area of ​​more than 150 square meters. When the door of the warehouse was pushed open, it was dark inside. The waitress walked in first, and then reached out and pressed a button on the wall.


A crisp sound resounded in the dark environment, and then, a bright light lit up on the roof, instantly illuminating the entire warehouse.

"Spiritual fluctuations?!

! ”

Lin Li looked up at the spherical crystal luminous objects hanging on the roof, and then he looked at the switch that the waitress had just pressed and was embedded on the wall.

He immediately understood that the objects used for lighting in the warehouse, which were similar to the electric lights on Blue Star, were a set of convenient tools.

After all, this waitress is just an ordinary person, and she only has a handy artifact, so she can use it without awakening her own spirituality.

The waitress was used to using these handy artifacts for lighting, so she naturally didn't notice Lin Li's curious eyes.

After she turned on the light, she came to a big bamboo basket covered with a black cloth, bent down, and stretched out her hand to remove the black cloth.

Lin Li noticed the opponent's movements, and turned his gaze away from the convenience artifacts above his head to those big bamboo baskets.

After uncovering the black cloth, a large basket of round and flawless large pearls greeted the eyes. Under the bright light, they seemed to be shining bright white.

After the waitress removed the black cloth from a large bamboo basket in front of her, she removed several pieces of black cloth one after another. Then, she turned around and said to Lin Li with a smile.

"Mr. Lin, there are exactly [-] pearls in this warehouse, you can count them."

I haven't awakened Zhang Yuxi's financial awakening ability, which makes me count, when will I count... Lin Li looked at the fifty big bamboo baskets in front of him, smiled and shook his head.

"There's no need to count them. We've already traded several times before, so we still need some trust. I believe Boss Wang won't falsify the quantity."

The waiter just said that she asked Lin Li to count the pearls, but she just mentioned it casually. She knew that Lin Li couldn't count the pearls, but she still had to say something like this.

"Remember, Mr. Lin doesn't need to count the number of pearls, but as a seller, we must mention it." Wang Gui deliberately told the waitress to go through this process before leaving for a long journey.

Although this waiter has seen it before, this mysterious Mr. Lin has awakened the ability of storage space.

But once again watching him disappearing dozens of large bamboo baskets full of pearls in the warehouse in front of her, one by one, he still couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

The whole transaction process went very smoothly. After putting fifty large bamboo baskets full of pearls into the mysterious island, Lin Li took out the cash he had prepared for payment from his pocket.

[-] pearls total [-] copper coins, just pay [-] silver coins.

After handing over ten banknotes with a denomination of ten silver coins to the waitress, the other party did not verify the authenticity of the cash in front of Lin Li, but put it in his pocket directly. This is what Wang Gui taught her to do.

"It's a happy cooperation, then I'll go first." After Lin Li paid the money, he was about to leave.

"Mr. Lin, stay and have dinner before leaving!" The waitress warmly invited.

It was still early for dinner, Lin Li shook his head, and declined the other party's invitation, and the waitress didn't force her, she personally sent Lin Li to the door of the store.

When Lin Li was about to leave, he thought for a while and asked the waitress, "I don't know your name yet, can you tell me your name?"

"My name is Liu Yun."


After leaving the restaurant, Lin Li's main purpose of coming to Dongwu City this time was also fulfilled. Next, he wandered aimlessly in Dongwu City

The sky gradually darkened, and the sun, which was covered by dark clouds, showed its face at this time, and the bright red Huoshaoyun burned most of the sky red.

There are more and more small vendors coming out to set up stalls on the street, one by one pushing their homemade trolleys to the place where they usually set up stalls.

After stopping the trolley, the small vendors sorted out the things on the trolley a little bit, and then began to yell and sell their products.

Some sell handicrafts, some sell small snacks, and some sell steaming snacks...

There are so many small stalls on both sides of this street, making Lin Li feel like he is shopping at the night market on Blue Star.

"Fairy Wood"

At this time, the lighting street lamps on both sides of the street showed spiritual energy fluctuations, and then lit up one after another. The bright lights provided light for the street that was about to be shrouded in night.

With the further improvement of Lin Li's strength, he will conduct an investigation based on his perception based on his current second-level high-level cultivation base.

He found that these street lamps, while illuminating, were still vaguely absorbing the free spiritual energy in the air.

"These street lamps, powered by psionic energy, did not expect to be able to absorb the free psionic energy in the air to recharge themselves.

From the looks of it, as long as they are not damaged, they can be used without artificially adding energy..."

Lin Li looked at the street lamps in front of him that were exuding psychic energy fluctuations and absorbing the free psychic energy in the air, and thought, if all the street lamps on the streets of Rongcheng were replaced with this kind of street lamps, a lot of electricity could be saved that year.

"Golden grilled fish, fragrant golden grilled fish, pass by, don't miss it..."

Suddenly, Lin Li heard a burst of hawking, and looked for it, and immediately saw a young girl, maybe fifteen or sixteen years old.

This girl is not tall, about 1.6 meters two, and in front of her is a barbecue grill, on which there are small golden fishes all over the body.

The shape of these small golden fish is similar to the saury on the blue star, but their color is golden, like gold.

This is the natural color of these fish and is not marinated.

While yelling hard, the girl flipped the golden saury on the grill.

There were many passers-by coming and going, but no one stopped to buy the golden saury baked by the girl.

"Hey, why is the business so bad today? It's been half an hour since I set up the stall, and I haven't sold a single grilled fish yet."

Just as the girl was muttering softly, a figure came to her grilled fish stand.


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