Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 303: Bad guys are not fools, the reality is not acting in TV dramas

After Lin Li comforted the coachman, under the sympathetic eyes of the passers-by around him, he went straight to the passer-by who was knocked away by the horse.

As a result, just as he took a few steps forward, he was blocked by the younger brother of the bearded man.

"What do you mean? Didn't you tell me to check it casually? Why are you still blocking the way?" Lin Li said with a smile.

"Get out of the way and let him check." The bearded man raised his hand as a gesture.

Seeing this, his younger brothers immediately moved away, but their eyes were fixed on Lin Li, and the malice in their eyes was unreservedly revealed.

At this moment, everyone's attention was on Lin Li, wanting to see what the result of his inspection was, whether it was as he said?

"Tread, step, step..."

Lin Li walked unhurriedly towards the 'old six' who was face down and lay motionless on the ground.

When he came to Lao Liu's side, everyone found that Lin Li didn't squat down to do any inspection, but stood beside Lao Liu, motionless.

Everyone was very puzzled by Lin Li's behavior. They didn't know what he was trying to do. Didn't he agree to check it?

"Hey, what are you doing standing still, kid? Check it out quickly!"

"Our brother is seriously injured and comatose now. If you delay the time like this, it will delay us sending him to the hospital for treatment, and you will kill him..."

"Damn it, I knew this kid's self-confidence just now was just a fake, and now he's stuck on a tiger, and wants to delay time."

The four younger brothers of the bearded man saw that Lin Li didn't make a move to check, but stood motionless next to his companion. They took it for granted that Lin Li regretted it, and immediately sneered at him.

As the leader, the bearded man did not have a relaxed expression on his face at this moment, but a dignified expression on his face. His eyes flickering coldly fell on Lin Li's right foot.

Lin Li stood next to Lao Liu, ignoring the cynicism of those younger brothers. His right foot exerted a slight force, and the things he stepped on under his feet, from being motionless at the beginning, gradually reacted a little.

The palm of Lin Li's foot was a palm, and the owner of this palm was the left hand of Lao Liu who was lying face down on the ground in an 'unconscious' state.

This guy is quite tolerant!It seems that I'm going to scare him... Lin Li said to himself in his heart, and then he spoke to the sixth child in front of him in a very indifferent tone.

"I'm using less than a tenth of my strength now, and I'm going to use my full strength next.

If you don't wake up again, I will definitely smash your hand bones to pieces. "


! "The younger brothers who were originally arrogant and the passers-by who were eating melons around them were stunned for a moment when they heard what Lin Li said to the sixth child.

Then, their eyes all turned to the place where Lin Li stepped on his right foot.

"Trough, what the hell are you doing? Hurry up and loosen my feet."

When the younger brother of the bearded man saw Lin Li stepping on his brother's left hand, the arrogance on his face dissipated in an instant, and then the veins on his forehead popped up, and he rushed towards Lin Li immediately.

"Five Dynasties Rivers, Mountains, Wind and Moon"

They knew that their brother was pretending to be seriously injured, as the saying goes, ten fingers connect to a heart.

Being trampled so hard by someone's feet, Lao Liu can bear the pain like this and maintain a motionless posture, which is already considered very powerful.

But patience also has a limit, if he doesn't quickly move the foot that is on his hand, he will soon let out a scream in pain.

The younger brothers of the bearded man felt sorry for their brothers who were trampled on, and also wanted to avoid being exposed to the scam of touching porcelain this time. Without even thinking about it, they rushed to push Lin Li away, and then beat up this troublemaker a meal.

It's a pity that as soon as the younger brothers of the bearded man ran a few steps forward, their good brother Liu had already reached the limit of patience.

The trampled palm felt stronger instantly, and the pain doubled. In addition to Lin Li's intimidation without any emotional color just now, Lao Liu didn't wait for his good brothers to rescue him, so he let out a cry. scream.


The sudden shrill scream made all the melon-eaters around jump.

"Bastard, move your foot away quickly." Lao Liu scolded angrily, while stretching out his right hand to pat the foot that was stepping on his left hand.

"Hehe, I'm finally willing to wake up." Lin Li retracted his right foot, and taunted Lao Liu who was awakened by the pain.

The sixth child sat up and blew air on his swollen left hand with his mouth. The severe pain made him sweat profusely.

"It's really touching porcelain!"

"These people are really shameless..."

"Looking at their performance just now, they must be repeat offenders. We can't let them go."

"Report to the officer, let the police come and arrest these bastards who touch porcelain."

The people around eating melons who were watching the excitement, saw that the sixth child had woken up and was in good spirits, and confirmed the behavior of the bearded man and his group of touching porcelain. Everyone immediately became excited and denounced.

Facing the scolding of passers-by, the bearded man and his little brothers first showed embarrassment, and then turned into full of anger. They watched Lin Li who ruined their good deeds, wishing to drink his blood and eat his flesh.

"Grass mud horse..."

If a group of bearded men made a ranking based on the anger in their hearts at this moment, the number one must be the swollen sixth child whose left hand was stepped on.

He stood up and sweared at Lin Li, then rushed up, swung his fist the size of a sandbag, and hit Lin Li in the face.

"Be careful." Seeing that the weak young man was about to be beaten up, the Chigua Lu people yelled, but what happened next made them open their mouths in surprise.


Facing the furious sixth child who wanted to smash his nose bone with a punch, Lin Li raised his left hand and grabbed the fist that was hitting him.

The sixth child with a strong physique, whose arms were thicker than Lin Li's thighs, punched out angrily, and the strength was so amazing that ordinary people couldn't resist it even if they wanted to.

At this moment, in the eyes of passers-by, the young man, whose stature has nothing to do with being strong, blocked the opponent's punch with ease, which was beyond their expectations.

What surprised them even more was that after Lin Li blocked the attack of the sixth child, he launched a counterattack.


Lin Li firmly grasped Lao Liu's right fist with his left hand, raised his right hand, clenching his fingers into a fist, and punched Lao Liu in the opposite direction.

This fist hit Lao Liu's stomach firmly, because Lin Li didn't want to kill him, so he withdrew his strength.

But with his current cultivation base of the second stage, even if he withdrew his strength, it was not something an ordinary sixth child could handle.


! ”

The sixth child who had been punched by Lin Li immediately uttered a cry that was far more tragic than when his left hand was trampled on just now.



! ”

After Lin Li punched the opponent, he didn't stop, and sent another punch.

The second punch directly rolled the eyes of Lao Liu, foaming from his mouth.

This guy looks strong, but his body is weak... Lin Li looked at the sixth son who had been punched twice by him, and had lost his fighting strength. He grunted in disgust, and then waved his left arm, He directly threw the sixth child out.


The sixth child who was thrown away hit the ground and rolled a few times, face down, motionless, this time he really responded to the injury at the beginning.

"Tao, I didn't expect to be a hard stubble, brothers, follow avenge the sixth."

The burly bald boy saw his companion being crippled by Lin Li with two punches, and the anger in his heart surged up again, then he called his companion and went forward to teach Lin Li a lesson.


As soon as the bald boy called his companions to go up and teach Lin Li a lesson, he heard their elder brother, the bearded man, yelling for them to stop.

"Brother, this guy..." After the younger brothers were stopped by the shout, they turned their heads and looked at the bearded man. As soon as the bald boy opened his mouth, they were interrupted by their elder brother before he finished speaking.

"shut up."

The bearded man scolded sullenly. After all, he was the leader of a group, and his words were still very effective. The bald boy who was scolded immediately shut his mouth.

"Today, we accept that..." the bearded man looked at Lin Li with a calm expression, and said calmly.

Then, he shouted to his younger brothers, "Take Lao Liu and let's go."

After finishing speaking, the bearded man turned around and left.

The bald boy glared at Lin Li viciously, then walked forward with his companions, set up the old Liu who had been hit by Lin Li's two punches and was already fascinated by him, and quickly followed the bearded man who had already left one step ahead .

"The reality is really different from the TV series. These guys who touch porcelain, knowing that the situation is not good for them, did not choose to break the can, but left immediately.

The guy in the lead also knew that if he really started to fight, the indignant passers-by would definitely rush up to help and drown them. "Looking at the group of bearded men leaving, Lin Li thought to himself.

Of course, with his current strength, he doesn't need the help of those who eat melons around him, and he can easily solve these guys who set up tricks.

"Sir, thank you so much. If you hadn't exposed their scam of touching porcelain just now, I would have lost everything." The coachman stepped forward and thanked Lin Li with a grateful face.

"You're welcome, it's just a matter of raising your hands. Anyone else, seeing what happened to you, would do what I did to break the deception of those guys." Lin Li said with a smile.

"I can't say for sure about this. Those guys are not easy to mess with at first glance. If it were someone else, they might walk away silently." The coachman said seriously.

Lin Li smiled, but didn't answer, then he walked to the carriage and entered the carriage.

When the coachman saw Lin Li get into the carriage, he immediately returned to his driver's seat.

Seeing that the matter was resolved, the people around Chigua passers-by dispersed immediately, the blocked street became unobstructed, and the driver flicked the reins in his hand.


The horse let out a cry, then pulled the carriage and continued to the destination.

In a small alley in the distance, a group of bearded men who had been exposed to the scam were standing in the alley discussing something.

"Brother, why did you stop us from teaching that bastard just now?

Originally, we were about to succeed, and it was all because of that guy that the ducks in our mouths flew away. If you teach him a lesson, it will be hard to get rid of the hatred in your heart. "The bald boy asked puzzled.

The bearded man glanced at his not-so-intelligent younger brother and cursed angrily.

"Idiot, there were so many people at the scene just now, if you attack him, those people will definitely swarm up to help that young man. At that time, do you want to teach those passers-by a lesson together?"

"Then let's teach them a lesson together! It's no big deal, they're all a bunch of native chickens and dogs.

We hit a few people hard, and they will disperse. "The bald boy who is not very smart replied, and the other boys followed suit, supporting the bald boy's remarks.

"..." Seeing the reactions of these younger brothers, the bearded man raised his hand and patted his forehead, feeling very regretful, why did he accept these idiots as his younger brothers.

"Brother, what are you doing?" A group of younger brothers asked quickly when they saw the bearded man with a crazy face and patted their foreheads with their hands.

"Huh..." the bearded man took a deep breath, suppressed the anger surging in his heart, and then patiently explained to these less intelligent boys.

"Some time ago, the son of the Zhou family, Zhou Tianci, was beaten up by mysterious masked gangsters in broad daylight in front of many passers-by, and suffered serious injuries. Do you know about this?"

"Well, I know, the Zhou family was also a wealthy family with considerable influence, and Mr. Zhou was beaten up in the street, which severely slapped the Zhou family in the face.

It is said that the yamen later sent police officers to investigate, but they did not find any clues about the gangster who committed the crime in the street.

The criminal who committed the murder seemed to have evaporated from the world, and what is strange is that the Zhou family did not react violently to this incident, but deliberately downplayed the impact of this incident..." Little brother They nodded and said.

"That's right, the Zhou family deliberately downplayed the impact of this incident afterwards, but the impact of this kind of murder in the street is very bad, and it's not easy to downplay it.

After this incident, because the murderer was not found, the yamen sent people to send a message to the leaders of the various gangs in the city.

The yamen hopes that such bad things will not happen again in Dongwu City in the next month.

All the gangs should behave themselves, if anyone dares not to show face, if there is a large number of fights in broad daylight, the yamen will not forgive them lightly. "The bearded man said.

"..." After hearing what his elder brother said, the younger brothers immediately looked at each other and fell silent.

After hearing the bearded man's explanation, no matter how stupid they were, they knew at this moment that it was the right choice for their elder brother to tell them not to do anything.


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