Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 28 Hey, It's Hard To Guess A Woman's Mind

"Who is this? He did such a thing after being drunk. I don't know how he will feel in his heart after he sobers up after being seen by his friends and family."

When Su Yue was washing dishes in the kitchen just now, she heard the news and couldn't help shaking her head.

It's too close, too close... Being so close to Su Yue, Lin Li's pressure was doubled by the scent lingering at the tip of his nose. He carefully moved to the side to create a certain distance.

"Lin Li, why don't you eat fruit! Don't you like peaches? This peach has just been released and is very delicious. Eat one quickly and see if it tastes good."

Su Yue noticed Lin Li quietly moving aside, smiled inwardly, then reached out and took a huge bright red peach and handed it to Lin Li.

"Yeah." Lin Li, who moved more than ten centimeters to the side, felt that the distance was almost the same. He nodded, reached out to take the huge bright red peach that Su Yue handed over, and then took a big bite.

This peach is juicy and juicy, sweet and juicy. Once you taste it, you can tell that it is a specially bred variety, and the price is definitely not cheap... Lin Li, who is already penniless, immediately has a judgment in his heart after taking a bite of the peach.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Su Yue saw that Lin Li's food was delicious, and she already had an answer in her heart, but she still asked.

"It's delicious, you can eat it too!" Seeing that Su Yue kept watching him eat, Lin Li felt embarrassed to be looked at by her like this, so he said quickly.

"I'm still full now! I'll eat later..." Su Yue said with a smile like a flower.

A fist-sized peach was eaten up by Lin Li in a short while. He had just thrown the peach pit into the trash can when Su Yue, who was sitting beside him, picked up another peach from the fruit plate and handed it over.

"Crack." Lin Li, who hadn't eaten any fruit for several days, and didn't see Su Yue, took another bite of the peach handed over by the other party, and after he swallowed the pulp in his mouth, he asked casually.

"Su Yue, now the school is on summer vacation, when do you plan to go back to your hometown?"

Su Yue's hometown is in Yuwan Town under the jurisdiction of Rongcheng. This town has a small population of just over 20.

However, Yuwan Town is located by the sea, and the town is rich in various seafood, so the economic development level of Yuwan Town is very high. Among the dozen or so small towns under the jurisdiction of Rongcheng, the per capita annual income of Yuwan Town is considered to be among the best. .

In previous years, every summer vacation, Su Yue would go back to Yuwan Town to travel with her family, so Lin Li took it for granted that this summer, Su Yue would go back to her hometown just like in previous years.

"Lin Li, I talked with my parents on the phone yesterday. I won't be going back to my hometown this summer vacation." Su Yue's answer was beyond Lin Li's expectation.

"If you don't go back to your hometown, what are you going to do in Rongcheng for the next two months of summer vacation?" Lin Li asked suspiciously, and then took a bite of the tender and juicy peach in his hand.

"Next Monday, I'm going to my aunt's summer interest training class to teach the children there." Su Yue laughed.

"This..." Lin Li, who was nibbling on a peach, froze for a moment when he heard Su Yue's words.

Then, with a worried expression on his face, he said with concern.

"Su Yue, you are a well-established teacher! The government clearly stipulates that established teachers are not allowed to run extra-curricular tutoring classes privately, or work part-time in some education and training institutions.

You go to the summer interest training class held by your aunt next Monday to teach children. If someone reports it, you, a music teacher, may be revoked and fired. "

Su Yue saw Lin Li looking at her with concern, worrying that she would be expelled from school, the corners of her mouth could not help but rise slightly.

"Hey, I'm talking to you about something serious! Why are you suddenly so happy?" Lin Li was puzzled when he saw Su Yue's mouth curled up, evoking a charming smile.

"Oh, I was distracted just now and thought of other happy things." Su Yue said with a slight smile.

"I'm really speechless to you." Lin Li said helplessly, "Speaking of business, you are not short of money? Why would you think of going to a part-time job in an extracurricular interest training class? What will you do if someone reports you?"

"It's okay... I went to the extra-curricular interest training class run by my aunt. I only teach children for a few days, and I don't charge money." Su Yue picked up the kettle on the tea table and poured herself a cup Water, and then explained to Lin Li.

"Just a few days ago?"

"En." Su Yue picked up the water glass, took a sip of water, and said to Lin Li with a smile.

"That's right! I used to do it as a favor... One of my aunt's employees has something to do at home, so he went back to his hometown, and he won't be back until a few days later.

So she called me and asked me to come over and help her and teach the kids for a few days.

Of course I know what you said just now. The government expressly stipulates that regular teachers cannot work part-time in training institutions or run cram schools privately. This is something every teacher with regular staff knows.

I'm not a fool, how could I make such a mistake? "

"Huh..." After hearing Su Yue's explanation, Lin Li heaved a sigh of relief, then he looked at Su Yue suspiciously and asked.

"Then you go to help your aunt with a few days of free lessons, and the rest of the time, how are you going to spend it?"

"How's it going? I'm going to stay at home and watch TV and play games." Su Yue said with a smile.

" might as well go back to your hometown and travel with your family if you are like this."

"I don't really want to go out to play this summer vacation, I just want to stay at home... I learned this from you! Didn't you always stay at home watching TV and playing games during summer vacation?"

"Why are you learning this from me? I am in a special situation, so I stay at home as a salted fish. You are different from me." Lin Li heard Su Yue say that she learned it from herself, which made him feel a little strange He scratched his head embarrassingly.

"Hehehe..." Seeing that Lin Li was a little embarrassed by what she said, Su Yue immediately laughed.

Seeing Su Yue suddenly looking at him and laughing, Lin Li was at a loss again... Hey, it's hard to guess what a woman's mind is, especially a beautiful woman.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, let me tell you the truth!" Su Yue took a sip of water, licked her rosy lips, and said to Lin Li, "A college classmate of mine opened a flower shop. The day is about to open for business.

She called me last week and asked if I would like to find a part-time job during the summer vacation. If I want to, I can work part-time in her newly opened flower shop.

I have already agreed with her that after I finish helping my aunt, I will work part-time in her flower shop. "


PS: Thanks to "08a" for the 200-point reward.

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