"So that's the case." Lin Li nodded, pondered for a while, and then asked curiously, "Is your classmate from the flower shop male or female?"

Su Yue was about to put down the water glass in her hand, but when she heard Lin Li's question, her movements paused.

I saw the brilliance in her big watery eyes, and the corners of her mouth were raised again, and she thought to herself, "Could this wood be enlightened?"

"Girl, she's quite pretty! She doesn't have a boyfriend yet! Shall I introduce you?" Su Yue said with a smile.

I don't have time to talk about my girlfriend right now, I've just taken the first step on the journey of becoming a powerful practitioner, so I can't be held back by these love affairs...

What's more, now that you are so poor, it costs money to talk about a girlfriend. If you have that spare money, you might as well pay yourself the electricity bill, or buy spirit stones to improve your cultivation.

"No, I appreciate your kindness. Talking about a girlfriend is out of my consideration right now." Lin Li shook his head and said.

"She is very beautiful! She has a good figure, don't you really think about it?" Su Yue persuaded with a smile.

"..." Lin Li remained silent, but shook his head, expressing his firm attitude.

Seeing Lin Li's statement, Su Yue was very satisfied. Seeing that he had finished eating the second peach, she immediately reached out and picked up a peach from the fruit plate and handed it over.

"Enough, I can't eat anymore."

Lin Li quickly waved his hands. He was already full from dinner just now, and now he has two fresh and juicy peaches in his stomach. He really doesn't have any extra space in his stomach now.

"I bought too many peaches. When you leave later, I'll pack some for you, and you can take them home to eat."

Su Yue also saw that Lin Li really couldn't eat anymore, so she put the peach in her hand back into the fruit plate, and said something.

That's really great... Lin Li heard Su Yue say that he was going to bring some peaches back later. Lin Li, who was penniless and out of ammunition, immediately lit up his eyes, full of emotion. Looking at Su Yue.




At nine o'clock in the night, Lin Li opened the door of his house and walked into the pitch-black room.

Take off the shoes on your feet, put them in the shoe cabinet, put on your indoor slippers and walk into the living room.

Turn on the fully charged mobile phone, and with the help of the light of the mobile phone, take out the bag of peaches in your hand and put them into the empty fruit plate.

"That's not right! What am I using my mobile phone for lighting? Such a waste of electricity is so stupid!!!"

Lin Li reviewed himself in his heart, then locked the screen of the phone, and then raised his left hand, with a golden aura blooming from the fingertips.


A small orange fireball the size of an egg appeared on Lin Li's fingertips.

With the help of the orange flame of the small fireball, Lin Li put all the peaches that Su Yue gave him into the fruit plate, then he extinguished the small fireball, sat on the sofa, and looked around.

Without the orange light of the small fireball, there is only a little light coming in from the window in the room, and the dim light of the street lamp provides some light for the area near the corner of the balcony.

"Hey... a practitioner like me who can't even pay the electricity bill may be the only one in this world."

Originally, Lin Li was still thinking about getting up tomorrow and going to the car rental company to rent a second-hand car for transportation.

It's all right now, the two beasts that were handed over to the "Usu Recycling" company for sale have not been sold yet, and now there is no penny in the account, and even eating has become a problem, so don't even think about renting a car.

In the dark living room, Lin Li sighed and looked distressed, thinking in his heart, why not go to Su Yue to borrow a few hundred dollars for emergency.

However, as soon as he thought of asking Su Yue to borrow money, he immediately rejected it.

It's not that Lin Li can't save face and is embarrassed to ask Su Yue to borrow money, but if Lin Li asks Su Yue to borrow money, based on his relationship with Su Yue, the other party will definitely lend him money.

However, there is a problem, that is, when Lin Li asked Su Yue to borrow money, Su Yue must have asked Lin Li why he was short of money.

After all, Su Yue knew that Lin Li had a deposit of 100 million. Logically speaking, there was no need to ask her for a loan.

At that time, under Su Yue's repeated questioning, how should Lin Li explain to her?

Lin Li must not let anyone know about his golden finger.

"Hey... Fortunately, Su Yue gave me a bag of juicy peaches just now. These juicy peaches can last me a day or two."

Lin Li, who collapsed on the sofa, sighed, and had already decided in his heart that he would eat peaches for the next two days.

In this predicament, the plan to hunt wild animals in the wild can only be temporarily shelved.

Only when you are full can you have the strength to hunt wild animals in the wild. Now that you only eat peaches, how can you have the strength to hunt wild beasts in the wild.

Moreover, now that he is penniless and can't even afford to take a bus, should he go to the wild to hunt wild animals, or run from the community to the wild with his legs?


"Ding dong."

The lights in the room were dark, and he couldn't do anything. Just when Lin Li was about to get up and go back to sleep in the bedroom, the phone in his pocket vibrated and made a noise.

Lying on the sofa, the listless Lin Li reached out his hand and took out his mobile phone from his pocket.


Lin Li, who was originally listless and lacking in interest, took out his phone from his pocket, unlocked the screen, and saw that the pop-up message from the "Usu Recycle" software was displayed on the phone, and he was immediately refreshed.

After clicking on the "Excellent Recycling" software, Lin Li immediately saw that the order he was still processing had now been completed.

Click on the details of the list, browse it quickly, and then, Lin Li laughed loudly, "Haha, I am rich, and I am finally no longer a penniless pauper."

The "Usu Recycling" company sold the two beasts hunted by Lin Li to a hotel, and the two beasts were sold for a total of [-] yuan.

If you do the calculation, you will find that the two alien beasts weigh more than 300 catties in total, and the average price per catty is much cheaper than the alien meat that Lin Li bought at the vegetable market before.

However, such a price was within Lin Li's expectations. Shops selling exotic meat in other vegetable markets sold at retail prices.

After the "Usu Recycling" company took over the two beasts from Lin Li, they sold them to customers at wholesale prices.

This price excludes the slaughtering fee, logistics fee and other expenses, and the overall calculation is still very reasonable.

Click on Withdraw, and within ten seconds, 5000 yuan was withdrawn to Lin Li's bank card.

The change of 300 yuan was automatically deducted when the cash was withdrawn, because Lin Li didn't pay when he called the unmanned transport plane before.


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