Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 27 Unspoken Thoughts

"It's really not good to sit and eat, but I don't have a clear direction right now. Let's see again! Maybe there will be a turnaround after a while." Lin Li said casually, and then stretched out his chopsticks to pick up a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs.

Su Yue reached out to serve Lin Li a bowl of fish soup, "One of my students' parents owns a hotel, which is located on Desheng Road in the East District, not far from us.

Yesterday I saw that she posted a recruiting post in Moments, if you want to go, I will help you to ask her. "

What can I do in a hotel?Be a waiter?Be a security guard?Or help out in the kitchen?

How much do these jobs cost a month?Just the beasts I killed today are enough for me to work in a hotel for three or four months.

Su Yue wanted to help Lin Li feel his heart, and he was very grateful to this kind-hearted friend.

If Su Yue told herself that before she got the golden finger, she would definitely agree.

"Go to work in a hotel? No, it's too hard." Lin Li shook his head and said.

"It's hard work to make money now! If you go to work in a hotel and work hard for a year, you should be able to be a small manager in the future, and then you won't have to work so hard." Su Yue persuaded Lin Li helplessly.

"You can be a small manager after working for a year? I don't think I have the ability... You, it's better not to trouble the other party because of me. The debt of favor is the hardest to repay." Lin Li picked up Su Yue's gift for himself. Fish soup, said after taking a sip.

"You..." Su Yue wanted to persuade Lin Li again, but Lin Li interrupted her again as soon as she reached her mouth.

"Su Yue, I appreciate your kindness. I have my own thoughts in my heart."

"..." Seeing Lin Li's resolute attitude, Su Yue sighed softly in her heart.

Afterwards, a charming smile appeared on her face, "Okay, you can do it according to your own ideas! Come on, eat more stir-fried kidneys and buns."

I don't have a girlfriend, so what are you doing to make money?Really... Lin Li watched Su Yue keep adding stir-fried kidneys to his bowl, and he couldn't help but give Su Yue a supercilious look.

"Hmph... If you don't listen to my advice, then I'll make you make it up, and it will make you feel so bad." With such careful thoughts, Su Yue gave Lin Li a half bowl of stir-fried kidneys.

"Okay, okay, it's almost overflowing." Lin Li quickly stretched out his hand, and took another chopstick from Su Yue to stir-fry the kidneys.

"Hurry up! The dishes won't taste good after overnight. If you don't finish the dishes I fried today, I won't let you go home." Su Yue said to Lin Li with a smile.

If I don’t go back, I won’t go back. The power at home is cut off. If I go back to Heibu Longdong now, I wish I could stay with you... Lin Li murmured in his heart, and then started to eat big pieces.

To be honest, Su Yue's stir-fried kidney is really delicious, moderately salty, and the heat is well controlled, even some chefs outside are not as delicious as Su Yue's.

Seeing Lin Li gulping down the dishes she cooked, Su Yue narrowed her eyes happily.



After eating the last bite of food in the bowl, Lin Li let out a breath of relief slowly.

All the dishes on the table were wiped out, and most of them went into Lin Li's stomach, which made Lin Li full.

"There is still half a bowl of fish soup left, let's drink it together!" Su Yue picked up the spoon and scooped the last two spoonfuls of fish soup into Lin Li's bowl.

"..." Lin Li turned his head to look at the smiling Su Yue, hoping that the elder sister would let him go... What a pity!Su Yue ignored it.

"Gudong, gudong..."

Pick up the bowl containing the fish soup, and drink up the small half bowl of fish soup.

"Hi~" Lin Li burped after drinking the fish soup, and said repeatedly, "No, I can't eat any more."

"There's nothing else! I've finished eating...well, go to the living room to rest and digest!" Su Yue said with a smile, and then she got up and began to pack the dishes.

Lin Li glanced at Su Yue who was wearing an apron and was about to wash the dishes. He stood up from the chair and slowly moved into the living room.


Sitting on the sofa with a full belly, Lin Li scratched his head when he heard the sound of washing dishes coming from the kitchen, thinking secretly.

"Just now Su Yue kept picking up vegetables for me, with that posture, she just wanted to feed me!

Well, she would do this, probably because I just declined her recommendation for me to work in a hotel, so she used this method to make me feel uncomfortable... Hey, pain and happiness. "

Regarding Su Yue's approach, Lin Li had no way to evade it. Whoever made the food she cooked so delicious, it is impossible for her to be afraid of being full and not come to eat!

Pick up the TV remote control, turn on the TV, and tune to a channel that broadcasts news about practitioners. It happens that the beautiful news host is telling a very interesting crime committed by practitioners.

"At 35:[-] noon today, in a certain square in the Central District, a man in scanty clothes suddenly appeared in the middle of the square out of thin air, startling the passers-by.

Just at that time, an investigator from the Ability Management Bureau patrolled here and captured the man in scanty clothes on the spot.

According to subsequent investigations, the man, surnamed Li, is 28 years old and is a practitioner with a first-stage cultivation. He has awakened the ability of invisibility, but his awakened invisibility ability can only hide his own body, and cannot Clothing is concealed at the same time.

Since I have not awakened this ability for a long time, I usually entertain myself at home. I drank a lot of wine when I had dinner with my friends at noon today. After getting drunk, I made a bet with my friends, saying that I dared to walk around the square with my body .

The friends who had dinner with the client naturally didn't believe it, saying that the client was bragging.

The drunken party was provoked by the words of his friends, and immediately took off his clothes, then activated his ability to hide his body, and ran towards the square.

After that, because the spiritual energy of the person involved was exhausted, the ability was released immediately, and the scene that happened after that happened.

According to the relevant penalty regulations, this practitioner was sentenced to three days of administrative detention for being naked in public.

The spokesperson of the Ability Management Bureau warned all practitioners who have just awakened their abilities not to mess around with this man surnamed Li..."

This person is really weird, his guts should be green with regret now... Lin Li shook his head inwardly while watching the report on TV.

"Tread, step, step..."

A sound of light footsteps came from behind, followed by a gust of fragrant wind.

After washing the dishes, Su Yue came out of the kitchen and came to the living room with a plate of washed fruits in her hand.

Bending down, put the fruit plate in front of Lin Li, and then sat down next to Lin Li.


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