Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 26 Terrible, who can stand such a test?

In the kitchen, a small fire was burning on the stove, and there was a pleasant sound of gurgling in the iron pot, and the rich and fragrant fish soup smell wafted from the kitchen to the outside, it smelled very good...

There are four stir-fried dishes on the table, namely hot and sour potato shreds, sweet and sour pork ribs, stir-fried kidneys, and pan-fried octopus. They are all Lin Li's favorite dishes!

Uh... No, it should be that as long as it is Su Yue's cooking, Lin Li will not refuse anyone, and he likes to eat it.


In the past two days, it's either egg noodles or self-heating rice. Lin Li is very eager to eat a normal home-cooked meal. Seeing the dishes on this table, he can't help talking and swallowing.

"What are you doing standing up? Sit down! I'm going to serve the fish soup." Su Yue came behind Lin Li and patted Lin Li on the shoulder.

"Oh." Lin Li nodded, and quickly pulled out his chair and sat down. Looking at Su Yue, who was swaying and walking slowly into the kitchen to fill the fish soup, he couldn't help but have an idea in his heart.

"Oh, Su Yue is beautiful and good at cooking. If she is my girlfriend... Uh, don't be delusional. There are a lot of people chasing Su Yue, who will get me?"

Lin Li shook his head, dispelling his unrealistic delusion, and then he remembered that he had forgotten to do a very important thing.

"Su Yue, my phone is almost out of battery, please borrow your charger to charge it."

"The charger is on the bedside of my bedroom, you can get it yourself!" said Su Yue, who was filling fish soup in the kitchen.

Lin Li got up and left the restaurant, walking towards Su Yue's bedroom.


Pushing away from Su Yue's bedroom and walking in, there was a scent of orchids rushing towards her face immediately, such a nice scent is definitely not the smell of perfume.

Lin Li subconsciously moved his nose a few times, and reached out to turn on the light in the room.

As the lights came on, the darkness in the room was immediately dispelled.

Looking at the bedside table, he immediately saw the charger Su Yue was talking about. Lin Li walked towards the bedside table, bent down and reached out, and picked up the charger.

When he was about to turn around and leave, he glanced at Su Yue's bed out of the corner of his eye, and with just such a casual glance, his footsteps about to leave stopped immediately.

On the white bed sheet, several purple lace underwear are so conspicuous.

"Tread, step, step..."

Just when Lin Li was stunned, footsteps came from outside the door.

Because the footsteps were a little hurried, it could be seen that the owner of the footsteps was a little anxious.

There was no one else at home except myself and Su Yue, so it was self-evident who the footsteps outside the door belonged to.

Lin Li, who was awakened by the sound of hurried footsteps, quickly looked away, and walked out the door pretending to be nonchalant.

As soon as he reached the door of the bedroom, he bumped into Su Yue who walked into the room quickly.

"Ah!" Su Yue, who bumped into Lin Li with her arms full, let out an exclamation, her body seemed to fall to one side.

Seeing that he was about to fall to the ground, Lin Li quickly stretched out his right hand and grabbed Su Yue's white and delicate wrist which was swinging wildly.

Pulling back with a little force, Su Yue immediately threw herself into Lin Li's arms.

The first collision was very sudden, and Lin Li didn't feel anything, but the close contact now made him feel Su Yue's broad mind very clearly.

Even experienced veteran cadres couldn't stand this kind of battle, let alone a rookie like Lin Li who had never had a girlfriend.

In order not to make a fool of himself in front of Su Yue, Lin Li hastily put his hand on Su Yue's shoulder and pushed Su Yue away from his arms.

"It scared me to death." Su Yue patted her broad chest, and Lin Li dared not look directly at the magnificent scene of turbulent waves... It was too fierce.

"I'm so hungry, I'm going to eat." He replied in a panic, and then Lin Li hurried towards the restaurant.

Su Yue who stood there looked at Lin Li who left in a panic, and then looked at her own bed.

The purple underwear is very conspicuously placed on the bed.

Thinking of the few pieces of underwear that Lin Li saw her just now, Su Yue, who had always been carefree in front of Lin Li, instantly had a blush of rouge on her snow-white cheeks.


At the dining table, Lin Li and Su Yue were eating quietly, which was completely different from their usual situation when they sat and ate together.

"Hey, how embarrassing! Why did I leave in such a hurry just now?" Lin Li stared intently at the dish in front of him, not daring to look at Su Yue's expression now.

"It's so embarrassing, I should put the clothes to dry in the closet..." Although Su Yue was a little shy, her reaction seemed calmer. While she was eating, she was also quietly observing Lin Li.

When she saw Lin Li concentrating on eating, the shyness in her heart gradually disappeared...Why am I shy, does this coward still dare to tease me?

The quiet atmosphere of eating didn't last long. When all the shyness in Su Yue's heart disappeared, she took the initiative to break the atmosphere.

"Lin Li, now that you have graduated from university, what are your plans for the future?"

What are your plans for the future?I plan to hunt exotic animals in the wild, feed the magical little tree on the mysterious island, and make it grow one magical little fruit after another.

Then I ate those magical little fruits, became a powerful practitioner, and then made a lot of money, and finally married Bai Fumei, and reached the pinnacle of life...

Hey, it's a pity that I can't tell anyone about such a grand plan... Maybe this is the stage of forbearance that the strong must go through before they become famous!

Lin Li, who was concentrating on eating, heard Su Yue's question, and a large paragraph of passionate words flashed through his mind.

Swallowing the food in his mouth, Lin Li turned his head to look at the beautiful and charming Su Yue, and responded with a look of no ambition, "I didn't think about it, let's just stay like this for now! Anyway, I won't die of hunger."

Su Yue rented Lin Li's house after she graduated from university. It has been almost three years now. Various things happened during this period, making the two of them become very good friends besides the relationship between the landlord and the tenant.

Su Yue knew about Lin Li's idea of ​​staying at home and being a carefree salted fish.

However, Su Yue didn't want Lin Li to stay at home like a salted fish at such a good age.

"Although you have some savings, it's not good to sit and eat like this!"

Miss!But don’t talk about sitting and eating, I don’t even have a dime on me now, I can be said to be penniless...

Lin Li was really suffering in his heart at the moment and couldn't express it. If Su Yue hadn't called him just now to come to her house for dinner, he wouldn't even have a place to charge his phone.


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