When Lin Li bought this TV, he checked the experience of many people on the Internet, and said that the quality of this brand of TV is very good, and there will be no problems after ten or eight years of use.

But now, after using it for less than a year, he still can't open it?Others use it well, but it's my turn to become like this, my luck can't be really like this!

Fortunately, the TV was still under warranty. Just when Lin Li was about to contact the after-sales service of the TV, his eyes suddenly fixed on a spot on the TV.

Under normal circumstances, there is a small light spot at that position. When the light is on, it means that the TV is in a power-on state.

Now that the little spot of light is dimmed, it means... no!There is a power outage at home!

In order to verify his conjecture, Lin Li immediately got up and pressed the light switch at home.

"Click, click, click..."

Tried several switches, none of the lights are on.

"I'm really afraid of what's coming."

Lin Li muttered something, then picked up his mobile phone and opened the software for paying electricity bills. It showed that the user was in arrears for two months, a total of 370 yuan, and was currently in a power outage.

"The power was cut off because of arrears!" Lin Li, who confirmed his speculation, scratched his head, and then he immediately opened another software on the phone.

The background system of "Usu Recycling" prompts: Your goods are being processed, please wait patiently.

This is the end of the game, the rabbit beast and the wild boar beast are still being processed, and they can't receive the money for the time being. Now they are penniless, and it will be dark after a while, and the house will be dark in winter.

What's more deadly is that the phone's power is only 15.00% left at this time.

Today, mobile phones are shut down due to lack of power, and the blow caused by them is undoubtedly very huge for people today.

How important mobile phones are to people nowadays, for example, is like a news that I saw not long ago.

A person went to the operating table for an operation. After the operation, the anesthesia had not dissipated. The delirious patient raised his right hand and played with his mobile phone in emptiness.

Seeing that there was only 15.00% battery left on the phone, Lin Li immediately had the idea of ​​reducing power consumption.

Then, he opened the settings option in the phone, dimmed the brightness of the phone screen, and then locked the phone screen.

Next, as long as you don't touch it yourself, the mobile phone in standby mode can last for seven or eight hours.

It is impossible to pay the electricity bill when you are penniless, and the only way to break the situation is to wait.

After "Usu Recycling" sells the prey for him and receives the money, all problems will be solved.

"Damn... I didn't expect that I would be reduced to a situation where I couldn't even pay the electricity bill." Lin Li sat on the sofa and said to himself with a depressed face.

"Drip ring..."

Just as I was thinking about saving battery and making my phone last as long as possible until the money from "Usu Recycling" arrives in my account, a call came in.

"Who is it? Don't you know that answering the phone is very expensive?" Lin Li muttered, reached out to pick up the phone and looked at it, and found that it was Su Yue. He answered the phone and asked.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

"Lin Li, an old man in my community went to the river to catch a lot of fish. I happened to meet him when I came back just now. He gave me several mullet fish. I'm going to stew mullet fish soup for dinner. Do you want to come over? Try it?"

"Okay! I'll go right away." Lin Li immediately agreed upon hearing this.

As for the injury on his hand... the bruised right arm recovered earlier than Lin Li expected.

The wound on his left hand was wrapped in gauze, and he couldn't see what it looked like, so he just found a reason to fool around.

After the phone call with Su Yue, the battery of the phone was only 14.00% left, but at this moment Lin Li was no longer worried that the phone would shut down due to lack of battery.

Because he will go to Su Yue's house for dinner later, he can charge his mobile phone while eating.

Do you need to bring a charger or something...or not, Su Yue has a charger at home.

Nowadays, mobile phone chargers are universal. If you take a charger with you to eat, it would be a little strange to think about it.


"Dong dong dong..."

"I'm coming."

With a click, the door opened!

With a hot figure, Su Yue, who looks like a blooming rose, appeared in front of Lin Li.

She is wearing a blue suspender dress today. This dress is simple and clean without too many accessories.

Although this dress is very simple, it is better than that it is close-fitting and tight. The fabric fits Su Yue's body perfectly, showing her breasts, waist and long legs perfectly.

Under the light, it looks even more concave and convex, hot and moving.

Lin Li was dumbfounded, and Su Yue herself knew how beautiful she was in this outfit.

Before Lin Li came, she was in her bedroom, but she looked in the mirror several times, and now seeing the other person's stupid look, she felt extremely happy, as if she had been smeared with honey.

"Eh...? Lin Li, what's wrong with your left hand?" Su Yue suddenly saw that Lin Li's left hand was covered with a layer of white medical gauze, and asked with concern.

Lin Li, who came back to his senses, raised his injured left hand, shook it easily, and said with a smile the remarks he had prepared in advance.

"I accidentally hurt it while cutting vegetables at noon. It's nothing serious. I've applied ointment and it will be fine in a few days."

"Hey, why are you so stupid! Cutting a vegetable can hurt your hand..."

"Accidentally cut your hand while cooking, isn't it normal?"

"Who told you that? I have learned to cook for so many years, but I have never been cut."

"..." Lin Fei fell silent for a moment, complaining secretly in his heart... You are so talented, how can I compare with you!

"Okay, the fish soup is almost ready, come in quickly!" Su Yue didn't doubt Lin Li's rhetoric, she muttered something in her mouth, then turned around and bent down, and took out the pair of Lin Li's exclusive indoor shoes from the shoe cabinet. slippers.

Wearing clothes that were already close-fitting, Su Yue's inadvertent bending over body was full of temptation.

"Prosperity, civilization, freedom, equality, justice, integrity... Hmph, such a small scene can never defeat me."

Lin Li whispered the heart-purifying mantra from another world, while turning his head to the side so as not to look at Su Yue.

"Lin Li, what are you muttering about?" Su Yue put the slippers in front of Lin Li, and looked at him suspiciously.

"Nothing?" Lin Li quickly put on his slippers and walked quickly towards the kitchen.

Seeing Lin Li's flustered appearance, Su Yue's pretty face finally couldn't help showing a sly smile like a little fox.


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