Destiny Physician

Chapter 299 Ye Shuer's News

After the fat man finished speaking, he turned his head and walked away. I froze in place immediately. I didn't know what the hell this guy was doing, but he left just like that halfway through his words.

"I said, do you want to finish talking? What's going on?"

With my current state, even if I want to chase, I can't do it.

Before finishing a few words, that guy actually left without looking back. I was really depressed all of a sudden.

But he came to look for me without thinking at this time, I really had a bad feeling in my heart, could it be that something happened to Ye Shu'er?

Just when I think of this name, I always feel a dull pain in my heart.

Maybe some people are going to call him a scumbag again, but it's really hard to talk about things like feelings.

Especially for Ye Shu'er, in fact, I always feel a little sorry for her in my heart.

I should have kept my distance from the beginning, because of my selfishness, this has put the two of us in an awkward situation.

"Boss, are you feeling better? If you want to do something, just tell me directly!"

When I was depressed, Wang Ruoxi hurried up with an insulated box.

"Did you see that fat man who went down just now?"

I frowned, then looked at Wang Ruoxi and asked.

"I just went to a nearby restaurant to pack a chicken soup for you, and I saw someone coming in..."

Wang Ruoxi looked at me suspiciously while talking.

"Forget it, how about this, you can go back directly after eating in a while, there is nothing to do here anyway!"

"It's okay, anyway, Guoguo is still in kindergarten, I don't have anything to do when I go back now, I'm still here..."

"No, you'd better go back early, I can do it by myself, don't worry!"

Of course I understand what she means, but it's really inconvenient for me to stay here.

The movement may be a bit loud for a while, and I don't want to be disturbed halfway.

"But you look like this now..."

Wang Ruoxi looked at me worriedly while talking.

"It's okay, I naturally have my way, just help me close the door when you leave!"

Although Wang Ruoxi is still a little worried, after working here for so long, she more or less understands what I do.

After hesitating for a while, she nodded obediently.

With her help, I finally finished drinking this bowl of chicken soup, and with the pill that I ate just now, I felt much more comfortable all over my body.

After two o'clock at noon, I heard that Wang Ruoxi had locked the door downstairs, and I was relieved.

Although it is daytime now, my room on the second floor does not have a ray of sunlight coming in.

I let Lin Xiaorong out directly, as a warning.

After everything was ready, I slowly closed my eyes again, and then began to breathe out the true energy in my body.

Ever since I practiced Yinshan Secret Record, the true energy in my body is growing every day.

This exercise seems to be tailor-made for me. Although it only took a few months, it is already comparable to my ten years of hard work.

It is really a long process to use true energy to reset the broken bones.

And the pain in this process is really unforgettable for a lifetime.

But I also understand in my heart that in my current state, if I don't hurry up and reset these broken bones, I'm afraid I won't be able to walk normally in the future, let alone do it with others.

Pain is something that often becomes numb when it hurts.

After the longest two hours, I immediately felt that my pain tolerance seemed to have increased a lot.

The speed of recovery was also much faster. It was not until after eight o'clock in the evening that I managed to reset all the misplaced bones in my whole body, but the plaster all over my body was completely gone. Drenched in cold sweat from his body.

That sticky feeling was really uncomfortable, and after a short breath, I cheered up again and managed to remove most of the cumbersome plaster casts on my body.

I have to say that the pills brought out by the little Taoist priest are indeed very useful. After I took another Guyuan pill, the broken bones all over my body felt warm for a while.

Although I still can't use my strength in many places, I can finally move around.

After changing clothes indiscriminately, I didn't care so much anymore. It took a lot of effort to let myself sit cross-legged, and slowly entered the state of cultivation.

Only this state of nothingness and selflessness can make me forget the pain in my body.

It is difficult to say things like exercises. A technique that is not suitable for you, even if you put in ten times the effort, the final result may be somewhat unsatisfactory.

But a practice that suits you, many times in the process of cultivation, it even seems like a kind of enjoyment.

After a while, I was slowly lost in the feeling that my body was getting stronger.

The predatory cultivation method of Yinshan Secret Record is very suitable in this day and age.

Especially at this time, most of the bones in my body are broken, and the true energy from cultivation is constantly wrapping the broken bones, together with the help of that elixir.

When I opened my eyes the next morning, I could already feel that my physical condition seemed to have been greatly improved all of a sudden.

Especially the badly damaged right arm, I don't feel any discomfort at this time.

This really surprised me a little. Based on the principle of not thinking about it until I understand it, I didn't go any further.

"Boss, are you feeling better?"

Just when I was about to get up and take a shower, Wang Ruoxi's voice came from downstairs.

After hearing her footsteps, Lin Xiaorong returned to the phalanx with just a flash of her figure.

"It's okay, I'm much better now, and I can barely move now!"

I tried to stand up while talking. Although the bones all over my body were still sore for a while, they were much stronger than yesterday.

"Boss, boss, you, you are recovering too quickly..."

Wang Ruoxi's eyes widened all of a sudden, and now she understood why I insisted on leaving the hospital.

"I went to the hospital yesterday mainly to deal with trauma. Who knew they insisted on wrapping me up so tightly. In our line of work, if I don't have this ability, why should I eat this bowl of rice?"

While talking, I walked towards the bathroom on the second floor.

"By the way, boss, I checked the surveillance last night. It seems that there is indeed a fat man who stood at the door for a long time before walking in!"

"You said he stood at the door for a long time?"

Hearing what she said, I couldn't help but frown. Did something really happen to Ye Shu'er?

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