Destiny Physician

Chapter 298 Healing

I was a little surprised to hear the little Taoist's voice again. I never thought that this guy would come so quickly.

However, I really don't have the ability to protect myself at all now, so it's really a good thing for him to rush over at this time.

"your friend?"

Hu Jinsong looked at me suspiciously.

"Yes, a friend I met when I went out this time."

I hurriedly responded as I spoke.

"This is? You guy, what's wrong with you?"

The little Taoist was originally looking at Hu Jinsong, but when he saw my current appearance from the corner of his eyes, he was immediately stunned.

"Don't mention it, bad luck happened last night and something happened, but fortunately, I saved my life."

Hu Jinsong is here, I still don't want to tell him about ghosts and other things.

After all, he is still an ordinary person after all, and it is not a good thing for him to know more about such things.

"Well, how about this? I have something else to do. You guys talk about it first. I'll find you a nurse later!"

Seeing my hesitant to speak, Hu Jinsong understood that I should have something to say to the little Taoist priest, so he said it directly to me.

"No need, Brother Hu, I can do it here! After all, there is Xiao Wang downstairs!"

I escaped from the hospital with great difficulty in order to be quiet. If I find another nurse to come, it will be even more inconvenient.

"That's fine, then you can figure it out, then I'll go first, if you need it, call me back!"

Hu Jinsong was stunned for a moment but didn't say much, just took a deep look at me, then turned his head and left.

"I said what's going on with you, kid. There's something wrong with your injuries!"

As soon as Hu Jinsong left, the little Taoist priest looked at me with doubts on his back foot. It seemed that he must have seen the evil spirit in me.

Although ghost messengers can be regarded as a kind of yin god, if they are hurt by them, there will indeed be a layer of yin and evil spirit left on their body.

I smiled wryly, and told the little Taoist what happened last night. After the little Taoist finished listening, he was stunned.

"I said you kid, do you want to be so kind? That's a ghost at the level of a god! Do you know what a god is?"

The corner of the little Taoist's mouth twitched, and he looked at me with a foolish expression.

"Did I say you came here to ridicule me on purpose? I'm in this state now, and you still have the mind to joke here. I don't care if he is a god or not. Anyway, this beam has already been formed, so you better not Tell me!"

I glared at him with a depressed face. It's already at this time. Is there any use for this guy to say these things?

"All right, all right, I'm too lazy to talk about you, but let me tell you, when will your injury heal?"

The little Taoist rolled his eyes and said with a wry smile.

"It's going to take a month or so, but this time you come here, maybe you can hurry up, don't tell me, you really don't have any ability to heal your wounds!"

It would be a disease of the mind to let the ready-made labor force not be used. The little Taoist priests have already arrived here, so of course I will not let him go.

The two of us had a fatal friendship this time, so I didn't mean to be polite to him.

"If I had known that your kid is in this state now, Master Dao should have come back later!"

Although the little Taoist said so, he still took out a white porcelain bottle from his pocket.

"This is Guyuan Pill, which can speed up the healing of bone injuries. You take one pill in the morning and evening. If it's not particularly serious, it should take at most half a month!"

"I said, look at me now, do I look like I can eat it by myself?"

Seeing the hand he stretched out, I glared at him angrily.

"Hey! I said you're still kicking your nose, right? Believe it or not, I'll just turn around and leave!"

The little Taoist immediately rolled his eyes.

"If you want to leave early, where will you be waiting for me here?"

"I should do what you want, sir!"

While talking, the little Taoist poured a glass of water from the table next to him, then took out a pill from the porcelain bottle, and put it in the palm of my only movable left hand.

A small elixir entered my stomach, and I immediately felt a burst of hot air rising up along the dantian.

All of a sudden, the whole body felt a lot more relaxed, and the effect of this thing is really unreal.

Sure enough, all of our old bull noses have the ability to press the bottom of the box.

"I said you came here in such a hurry, did you find a solution?"

Feeling that the inner bone heat began to flow up and down my body along my extraordinary meridians, I let out a long breath of foul air, then looked at the little Taoist and asked.

"I did find a solution, but now that you are in such a state, I have to wait for you to recover before I can find any solution!"

While talking, the little Taoist dragged a chair on his own, and then sat on the edge of the bed.

"Then what exactly is following me these days?"

I looked at the little Taoist with some doubts.

"Is the spell I gave you still there?"

The little Taoist didn't answer my question, but asked instead.

"Of course it's there, it's on my chest now!"

As I spoke, I gestured to the little Taoist priest with my eyes.

"As long as this spell is still there, you'd better hurry up and heal your wounds. I'll go out for a few days to do some preparations. When you're almost ready, call me!"

"I said you don't care about me?"

I glared at him angrily, and asked for a long time, this guy really didn't utter a word.

"What do you mean, a lot of things won't work after you talk about them, understand?"

The little Taoist gave me a blank look, stretched his waist after leaving a word, turned his head and walked outside.

Seeing this heartless guy leave just like that, I was also depressed for a while.

However, at this moment, there was another sound of footsteps on the stairs on the second floor.

I didn't pay much attention to it at the time. After all, it's broad daylight now, and it should be Wang Ruoxi who came up at this time.

"Brother Zhong, you..."

It's just that when the man came close, I was stunned.

"why you?"

Looking at that tall and thick figure, the corners of my mouth twitched suddenly. How could this fat man come to me?

Isn't this guy Ye Shu'er's cousin?

"I, I have something to tell you this time..."

The fat man looked at me with some embarrassment.

"If you have anything to say, just talk about it directly, but if you want to ask someone for help, I think it's better to forget it. You see, I don't look like I can help you now!"

For this guy, I really don't have any good feelings for him. When I think of this guy being possessed, I still feel a headache.

"That, or forget it, you should recover from your injuries first, I, I will go first..."

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